
Gojo Uchiha Twin Brother Of Itachi Uchiha

One with hair as dark as night yet is one of the kindest people in this world. One with hair as pure as white yet is one of the most selfish people in this world. Itachi and Gojo Uchiha, are the twin prodigies of the Hidden Leaf Village. They were outstanding genius, prodigies amongst prodigies, but complete opposites

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36 Chs

Another Broken Shinobi

"Why me?" Crying in pain, I sighed while walking towards the Kage Summit. Minato ignored my cries, while Kakashi simply looked at Obito who was walking ahead, he was now blind, as his eyes were removed.

"Stop crying," Itachi said calmly. I was forced to go to the Kage summit, why? because the whole capturing tail beast thing was my plan. Honestly, this was a risky move that could land in an all-out war with the other villages, but the gains did outweigh the benefits. But Minato didn't know that the tail beast had a mental space where they could speak with each other, otherwise he would have been against this. Since Killer B and the 8 tails were friends, it held the risk of the 8 tails joining hands with the other villages to stop the hidden leaf. 

I of course knew this plan would fail, my whole goal in doing this was to alert Black Zetsu and force him to make his move. As for the other villages... I alone was more than enough to defeat them all. It's one of the benefits of having pretty much an endless amount of chakra,

"I'm not crying... it was my day off," I said to which Itachi joined everyone, also ignoring me. There was one simple reason I was going, Minato wanted the Twins of the Uchiha clan to show their might, while at the same time, Obito would spill the beans on Madara's plan.

Minato wanted us to paint the picture of trying to capture the tail beast, keeping them as far away from Madara, while also searching for the other Rinnegan Madara had left behind.

"GrandFather-in-law!" I called out to Onoki when we arrived, Onoki's eye twitched hearing my words. if someone were to go back in time and tell his younger self that a Uchiha would call him such things, he would laugh to death on the spot at how funny that sounded.

"So, grandFather-In-Law. It's been so long since we met, I was starting to think you might have been avoiding me." I said while wrapping my hands around Onoki's shoulders. Since Onoki was floating in the air, this was easy.

"You brat! Get off me." Onoki after a moment of shock at how fast I was. He quickly had me get off him. I laughed at his actions, not bothered in the least, this only fueled Onoki's annoyance,

"Gojo?!" Kurotsuchi said in shock while looking at how tall I had gotten. it's been a few months since we last met, but the fact I have grown by so much in such a short amount of time left her shocked... no, the speed was also shocking. That was no normal Kage-level speed, as I should be as fast as someone like A.

"Who are you?" I asked in confusion, causing Kurotsuchi to pause at my words. Onoki's face turned dark upon hearing my words.

"It should be impossible for anyone to get this beautiful in such a short amount of time, clearly you're a goddess from the heavens. It's a pleasure to meet you." I said with a charming smile, which made Kurotsuchi's face turn all red while Onoki almost threw up. With gritted teeth, Onoki went up ahead towards the Kage summit.

"Stoooop, it's only been a few months," Kurotsuchi said shily,

"Yet your beauty has no equals. I can't wait to wake up every morning next to you, just seeing you grow more beautiful by the day." I said softly, making her face turn red. She looked around, and seeing how so many eyes were on us, she lowered her head with a huge blush.

Minato sighed while rubbing his head, he looked towards Itachi and back at me. How could twins be so different?

We headed towards the summit location, where Minato went on to sit before a table along with the other Kage. We stood behind Minato, just watching the other Kages.

"Why have you summoned a Kage meeting?" Yagura asked calmly, she was the jinchūriki of the 3 tails. The 3 tails long ago were inside Rin, who was part of the Minato, Kakashi, and Obito team. her death was the driving force behind Obito becoming who he was today.

"Those bastards of the Hidden Leaf, I demand you hand over Yugito!" A screamed angrily while slamming his fist on the table. He was super easy to read, with his actions, one could tell he was angry.

"... Is that true?" Onoki asked with a raised eyebrow, to which Minato sighed while nodding his head lightly. This was shocking to all who didn't know, as this wasn't simple. Long ago tail beasts were sold off as a way to balance out the powers between each village, the act of taking a tail beast was trying to break that balance. 

"Obito," Minato said calmly, to which Obito stepped forward and went on to hesitate on if he should speak. But when Itachi glared at him, Obito's body shook in fear. The genjutsu he was put under, forced him to relive Rins death, forced to hear her words of disgust for the person he had become. he had to live through such things for days, Rin's death playing over and over again, each death more ruthless than the last... he was broken.

He wanted to escape reality and run into a dream world, and now that dream world had become torture. Itachi was ruthless, as at times Obito would find himself back in time, everything looking good and peaceful. Just When Obito relaxed, thinking this was truly the past, Rin would suffer a death that would leave anyone traumatized. Obito didn't want to relive that, not again.

As for the genjutsu Itachi was using, it was a newly created jutsu, I was the one to create the Jutsu. A genjutsu that allows one to create a world in which they have complete control over the space-time. Yes, this was a weakened version of Tsukuyomi.

To say the least, Obito stayed years in that genjutsu, having zero ways to break out with his chakra all sealed up. Obito tried to kill himself in many ways, but with his brain programmed to paralyze itself with every attempt of his to kill himself, what could Obito do?

So, Obito spoke. He started with the history of the Uchiha, Senju, and Uzumaki clans, before going on to tell everyone just why that was so important, and what Madara's plan was.

"So, this was the reason for you to act?" After a moment of shock, the first person to speak on this matter was A, who wanted to suck some benefits out of the Hidden Leaf.

"Tell them what Madara did in the hidden mist," Minato said causing Obito to turn towards Yagura, who grew unease.

"For many years now, you have been under my genjutsu, and I have forced you to do many things to push for Madara's goals. It's my fault that you have turned the hidden mist village into the village hidden in the bloody mist." Obito said, causing Yagura to pause. He was a perfect jinchuriki, that should be impossible.

"Before the 3 tails were sealed inside you, it was under my genjutsu. You became a perfect jinchuriki so easily thanks to me." Obito said leading to the illusion that Yagura has been under for years began to start cracking before it shattered.

He sat there for some time, years worth of sins he committed hitting him like waves. Yagura opened her mouth, but nothing came out, slowly her eyes turned bloodshot, rage like nothing he had ever felt filling his whole being.

"There is more to Madara's plans, so please let him speak," Minato said with a sigh, Yagura's mind was currently not In a stable state, but she magically sat down, his head down, his body shaking.

"Madara will have taken form, becoming something called Black Zetsu. It currently had the last Rinnegan. Black Zetsu could currently be listening to us, scheming in the shadows on ways to bring back Madara since I have failed. I wouldn't be shocked if Madara was already back as a reanimated shinobi." Obito said calmly, leaving the air just quiet at this information. 

"This is all the hidden leaf fault, so your plan to stop Madara was to do what? Kidnap all of the tail beasts?" A said in annoyance, even he had to fear the might of someone like Madara,

"We planned to take the 1 tail, forcing them to attack the Hidden leaf first to get the 1 tail. We thought that they needed to seal each tail beast in order, 1 to the 9 tails, but we found that the order didn't matter until it reached the 9 tails." Minato said calmly,

"The 9 tails being the strongest of all of the tail beasts, Obito had made his move to capture it first, wanting to have the strongest force on his side. But he failed, forcing Obito to take the long-road approach of capturing the tail beast." Minato said calmly

"Plus, we didn't capture Yagito by force, she is in the hidden leaf of her free will. She and the 2 tails willingly came to the hidden leaf, and from what I heard, all of the tail beasts have been against the 8 tails for telling you." Minato said, causing Killer B to frown as he looked towards the 8 tails who was downcast.

The 8 tails were in a tight spot, having to pick between his kind and his friend. In the end, he picked this friend, sure there was a better way around this. but this ended up in all of the tail beasts who were looking forward towards freedom to lash out at him. The 8 tails might have gotten used to being sealed, but it didn't mean the others wanted to stay that way.

"Why didn't you pick the 1 tails?" Rasa, the son of the current host of the 1 tails asked calmly.

"Because he is just a kid. We wanted to leave him out of this," Minato said calmly, causing Rasa's eyes to narrow as he felt like Minato was hinting at something.

"I demand you hand over Yugito, you have no right to act on such a matter without informing all of us." A said to which everyone had to agree,

"So annoying." I couldn't help but mumble, the guy had to yell everything he said, and that was a bit annoying.

"What!" A asked with narrowed eyes, to which Minato sighed while rubbing his head.

"I said you're annoying. We are in the same room, use your inside voice." I said with a sigh, causing A forehead to be covered in veins.

"Say that again." A said with narrowed eye, such disrespect was something he couldn't ignore, even Minato would have to take the blame for that.

"Hell, I would say it to your face," I said with a shrug,

"Try it." A said to which I shrugged, before walking over to him. I got close to his face and spoke.

"Just so you understand, I will speak slowly... You... Are... Annoying." I said with a smirk, A looked at my blindfold for a second, before his hand shot forward, wanting to grab my neck, just to find his hand just stopped.

"What? Want to touch me?" I asked while slapping his cheek lightly, a show of complete disrespect. Something which A couldn't take. His chair exploded as he got to his feet, followed by lightning swallowing his whole body as he entered the lightning chakra mode.

His fist shot towards me, wanting to hit my stomach, but his fist stopped as soon as it neared me. All of the Kages and other guards were stunned at such a sight,

"First, let me take that title of the second fastest man alive... you're 5th now," I said as I used the lightning chakra mode along with Wind Chakra mode, with the body flicker jutsu, I appeared behind A at such shocking speed, that everyone thought I had teleported.

He quickly turned, just in time to block my kick with his arms, but he was sent flying across the room, where he hit the wall hard.

"The name is Gojo Uchiha, when standing before the strongest shinobi alive, know to lower that tone of yours," I said while lowering my blindfold, showing off my beautiful blue eyes to everyone.

"You brat!" A was enraged, he shot forward at full speed, punching me with all his might. but I smoothly dodged. With a smirk, I used Blue to pull him up lightly, knocking him off balance. What followed next was me stepping forward, my fist slamming through the lightning armor and into his face. My fist rained down upon his face, with zero rest. With Wind release, breaking through Lightning was easy.

A tried to counter while stumbling backward, but all his attempts were proven pointless as he got the right and left hook over and over. A in the end had to start falling back, trying to flee and buy some space, but I appeared in his path, my fist shooting forward.

"Bro!" Killer B of course wouldn't just let the ass-whooping continue, he was about to shoot forward to help but paused as he looked towards Itachi, who had at some point appeared next to him.

"Gojo will not kill him, he would just force A to admit defeat," Itachi said calmly, knowing damn that Killer B wouldn't just say okay and sit back. But Itachi wanted this fight, knowing what he was about to do to Killer B and the 8 tails would be another step towards world peace.

Killer B's fist turned into that of the 8-tailed fist. He punched towards Itachi, just for Itachi to smoothly dodge while taking that arm and throwing Killer B forward using Killer B's body weight. Killer B was sent shooting through the many layers of walls, before appearing outside. Seeing that the battles were being taken outside, many of the Kages followed.

What happened next was Itachi shooting forward, his fist aiming towards Killer B's stomach, he aimed to punch Killer B so hard, that even the 8 tails would feel it.


Killer B was sent shooting down at extreme speed, but all who saw that fist connect saw that Killer B had turned into the 8 tails at the last moment, saving himself from the deadly blow.

When the dust disappeared, the 8 tails stood there, roaring at the sky. But the 8 tails paused as soon as it looked into Itachi sharingan.

Why was it that putting perfect jinchuriki under genjutsu was nearly impossible? It was because the tail beast would break the jinchuriki out as soon as it sensed something off with the jinchuriki chakra.

What was the way around this? Itachi had come up with 3 ways around this. The first genjutsu would be so faint, that even the tail beast wouldn't sense a thing. the second was to cast such a powerful genjutsu that affected the target's sense of time, making it so that once the tail beast sensed something was off, it was pointless as the target had been in the genjutsu for months or years.

The last was to cast a genjutsu that would act as a virus. This genjutsu was super complex, and Itachi could only cast it by sacrificing one of his eyes, but thanks to the Hashirama cells he had gained, he could cast this genjutsu once a day.

Step one of this genjutsu was to trap a target in it, from there, if someone sends chakra into the target, trying to break the genjutsu, that chakra would act as a link for the genjutsu to spread. 

This genjutsu was a sage art, as it needed natural energy... and Itachi had already entered Sage Mode before the fight had even started.

(Killer B's point of view.)

I let out a roar while punching towards Itachi. Normally I wouldn't have jumped into this form so quickly, but that punch Itachi had thrown wasn't simple, it reminded me of that blonde chick with the huge melons. No, it was more dangerous as Itachi wasn't aiming at having it spread out, but to have it shot straight out, giving it a piercing effect.

I had already begun to take the fight seriously when Itachi suddenly appeared next to me without me sensing a single thing. And now I was forced to enter the 8-tails mode... but that didn't match, as in this state, not even my brother was my might.

I opened my mouth, shooting a tail beast bomb at Itachi, who was swallowed whole by the tail ball. As Itachi was in mid-air, he had no way to dodge, leading to Itachi's death. I wasted no time, shooting towards my brother where he jumped Gojo. He was troublesome to deal with thanks to his strange defense, but he used up his energy and we killed him as well.

From there, the Kage summit turned in favor of the Cloud Village, and the hidden leaf was forced to take a huge loss. We returned to the cloud village, all smiles as this was huge for the cloud village.

"B, the Geto statue is near." The 8 tails said, stunning Me. The sudden change caught A attention, but we quickly looked into the sky where a huge statue came falling, with a man on top of it. 

"Are you Madara?" A asked with narrowed eyes seeing the man with the Rinnegan. madara smirked as he went on to easily kill A before my eyes. My eyes widened in shock and horror. I looked at the headless body of my brother, with his blood just shooting into the sky, raining down upon my face.

I slowly turned to look at Madara, who was holding Ahead, which he crushed. I wanted to kill him, wanted to see that bastard pay, yet my body wasn't listening to me. Slowly, my body transformed into the 8 tails, and I was forced to go to the village hidden in the cloud, where I went on the bloodbath, slaughtering everyone.

"Stop!" I cried out, I was forced to watch such a sight from within my mind, yet I had zero control. So many people I knew, friends and all, fans, children, the old, they were all killed in such a brutal way I was left to tears.

In the end, I was killed as the 8 tails were sucked into the geto statue... but as I breathed my last, my eyes locked on Madara, filled with hatred... I blinked, just to find myself back at the Kage summit, where I saw Gojo beating up A.

I was stunned, but I moved quickly to hug my brother, But Itachi moved, stopping me from getting in the way.

"B! What just happened?" The 8 tails asked in shock and confusion, how did they end up back in the past?

"Is this a genjutsu?" the 8 tails asked, causing me to pause at those words. but when the 8 tails shook my chakra, the world began to start falling apart, as I appeared in the 8 tails form, looking at Itachi who was in the sky.

"That was all a Genjutsu! You bastard!" I screamed in rage while I killed Itachi, not even bothering to rap like how I would in the past...

And so the endless realistic loops began to start playing out. I kill Itachi and Gojo, before going to have my world shatter apart. My whole village suffering a fate worse than the last, its villagers are forced to go through hell before death, always at my hands.

at the 5th loop, I couldn't take this anymore, I didn't even know if this was an illusion or something else. The death only came every time I let my guard down, and started thinking I was out of the hell. My world would only start falling apart then, each hell being worse than the last, and each being so realistic I didn't even know what was going on.

But the 6th loop was worse, as the village's hidden cloud betrayed me, seeing how I was broken, they were the ones to kill me, taking the 8 tails out of me, and putting them in someone else. The pain of your brother ordering for your death... that pain went deep.

But that wasn't the last loop as I found myself back in time to when I was a baby, this time with a family. A family I never had. it took years, but I soon began to worm up to this family... my parents. Just for them to be tortured before my eyes before I was killed.

Each death was more painful than the last. it gave me parents just to make me watch as they were so cruelly taken away from me. it gave me kids, just for them to be so cruelly taken away from me. It gave me love, just for it to be taken away... in the end, even as I found myself as the 8 tails, Itachi in the air falling towards me, my eyes were lifeless as I had just returned to my human form.

"Stop, stop doing this to me!" I screamed while looking at Itachi who just landed before me, only to ignore me and walk away.

"Please, no more," I said falling to my knees, tears raining down my face. I was broken, 12 loops, and I was broken... no, I was broken long before then, the extra loops were to ensure I was crippled as a shinobi for life.

"..." Everyone's eyes were currently on me, even my brother had stopped fighting with Gojo, as they both watched me break down. Everyone looked toward Itachi, flashbacks to the chunin exam coming to them, another shinobi was crippled.