
Gojo Satoru: Reborn as an Uchiha

Within the intricate tapestry of the hidden leaf, Uchiha Satoru ascended not only to the revered title but also took on the roles of Uchiha Itachi's sibling and the mysterious twin to Sasuke. Unfazed by setbacks, Uchiha Satoru dismissed them as mere hiccups in the grand narrative he was destined to unveil. Armed with a unique system that promised to reshape the entire ninja world, he remained steadfast in his pursuit of an epic saga, brushing aside minor obstacles along the way. Konoha bore witness to the arrival of an enigmatic Uchiha, stirring curiosity among allies and adversaries alike. hey guys so my updating schedule will be like this: Monday - 2 chap Tuesday - 2 chap Wednesday - 2 chap Thursday - 2 chap Friday - 2 chap Saturday 2 chap Sunday - 2 chap And sometimes i may upload more chapters but never less than 2 chapters per day!!! please show me your support!!!!

ricardo_yammouni · Movies
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21 Chs

Chapter 15: his eyes are probably injured

Everyone stared at Satoru who had a bright smile and no hint of remorse.

Fugaku even let out a light sigh.

Hmm, this boy always causes me trouble.

Then suddenly there was laughter "Hahaha, if I hadn't come here today, I would have missed such a wonderful show today?"

The Third Hokage said with a smile, adding some more fuel to the fire.

"Haha." The smile on Satoru's face stiffened.

He just had to mention that at such a bad time.

Old man, you really are ruthless!

Satoru twitched the corners of his mouth against the increasingly furious eyes of the crowd.

"I did all this for the old man Teuchi ." Satoru hits while the iron is hot and makes up a story to escape this troublesome moment.

"So when I was a kid I used to eat ramen at old Man Teuchi's ramen shop, but usually there were little to no customers at his store, so I promised him that I would hold an event to publicize his ramen shop". Satoru lied dramatically.

there was silence until...

"woo woo woo woo....."Naruto was moved to tears after listening to Satoru's story.

He didn't expect old man Teuchi to have such a past.

"Humph." Sasuke hummed softly also having fallen into believing Satoru's lie.

Kakashi's mouth twitched, and he looked at Satoru in front of him speechlessly.

He dares to say this bullshit in front of the Third Hokage, really…?

Third Hokage didn't react much, he just shook his head secretly.

Originally, he thought that this child might become some kind of opportunity, Some sort of reconciliation between Konoha and the Uchiha, or an opportunity to change this internal turmoil.

However, it seems that the personality of this child is too unpredictable, he doesn't seem like a person who would get rid of selfish desires and focus on the wellbeing of the village.

I'll Just keep watching for now, after all, he is still young. As he and Akimichi got up to leave.

"Satoru's near the age to enroll in the academy, right?" The third Hokage looked at Fugaku and asked.

"Indeed, Lord Hokage." Fugaku's face stiffened, as he instantly understood Hokage's thoughts.

"In that case, have him enroll in a few days. In a few days, it's time for the children of Konoha to enroll in the academy."

After Third Hokage finished talking with a smile, he walked out of the gate with Akimichi and Kakashi and left the place.

Fugaku let out a long sigh after the third Hokage left, because of the trouble his got him into.

Under the current situation, he didn't want Satoru to attend the Konoha Academy.

The academy taught Itachi to be too kind and gentle.

This isn't good for the current situation of the clan

So He didn't want Satoru, whom he had just begun being optimistic about, to become like Itachi.

Fugaku recovered from deep thought and looked at Satoru.

This troublesome son of mine caused this trouble himself!

"Let's go." Fugaku glanced at Satoru and said coldly.

Looking at Fugaku's cold eyes, everyone closed their mouths in tacit understanding and followed him away quietly.

Satoru, stop bringing me into your trouble! Muttered Sasuke angrilly

Satoru replied with enthusiasm" Oh my dear brother, this is so can make some heartwarming family bonding memories". 

Everyone wanted to smack Satoru, for spouting this bullshit.

"Big brother, are you leaving?" asked Naruto who was oblivious this entire time to what was going on.

seeing that the place that the place that was crowded just now was empty, and that his big brother was going home with his parents, Naruto couldn't help but ask this question.

"Ah, yes, I have to go home now, 'cause they'll be sad if they don't see me for a moment," he whispered to Naruto while pointing at his brothers and father who were ahead of them.

"However, you can visit me at any time you want. This short-term separation is for a longer-term companionship."

"So See you tomorrow, kid," he said half-jokingly.

"See you tomorrow, big brother," Naruto replied earnestly while waving enthusiastically at Satoru who caught up with his family.


In the Hokage's office building.

"As far as I can see, the encounter between the Uchiha and Uzumaki Naruto was an accident."

"Uchiha Satoru helped Uzumaki Naruto on the road a few days ago, and that's how they started to communicate."

"After that, they met on the road and went to the competition together."

Kakashi reported his findings to the Third Hokage.

"What do you think of Uchiha Satoru?" The third Hokage asked suddenly.

" Uchiha Satoru?"Kakashi Questioned

Kakashi thought for a moment.

"He's a strange child, he's not like the other Uchiha ."

"He prefers to interact with people, unlike other uchiha."

"However, his talent may not take him very far."

The third Hokage was confused about that statement.

So Kakashi explained, "The Uchiha are famous because of their special eyes, the Sharingan, but he always wears an eye patch, probably because his eyes are injured and he can't see."

"Though he should have an outstanding perception because he can navigate around the places as though he can see."

"His eyes are injured?" The third Hokage pondered deeply.


Hey, guys thank you for your support, I know that some of what I write may have grammar mistakes or mistakes in general. guys I appreciate your comments and plz tell me where I can improve to make this story more enjoyable for you.

And please give me more power stones.

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