

Adam Parker was playing video games.

To be more specific, he was playing a little-known game called "Mortal Kombat". It was one of those fighting games, similar to Street Fighter or Fatal Fury.

"Come on, Mileena! Bite off Sonya's head! Or tits." He screamed at his monitor.

He was about to do the final move when the power had shut off.

"Oh, come on! I nearly had that bitch!"

He was clearly angry about it.

Suddenly, a knock had come to his bedroom door.


He opened the door, only to be greeted by an older man.

"Oh. What do you want now, Dad?"

The man, apparently his father, just sighed at his son's incredulity.

"I need you to go to the basement and check the switch."

"Can't you do that yourself?"

"Can't you go to college like a normal human being?"

Adam just glared at his father before going downstairs. His father then tapped his shoulder with a flashlight.

"You weren't thinking of going down there without it, were you?"

"Do I look that stupid?"

He then snatched the flashlight from his father's grasp before heading to the basement. He walked down to the first floor. A female voice then called out.


"Yeah, Mom. I'm just heading down to the basement."

"Is your father with you?"

"No." He answered honestly.

He then opened the door to the basement. It was a dark room about as dark as space without stars. If he didn't have his flashlight, Adam would be running around in the dark.

"Now where is that switchboard?" Adam asked nobody.

He felt around the room, touching the walls that lined it. They felt rough, coarse.

He then found the switchboard. It was in a black box attached to the wall via some wires.

"Here it is. God, I hope this works."

He then flipped some of the switches, eventually turning the power back on.

"Whew. Now I can go back to killing Sonya." Adam muttered.


Adam had heard the noise, prompting him to turn back around. It was then that he saw it.

It was a portal. A light blue one. Like something from a sci-fi movie featuring Adam Sandler. Or Christan Bale. Or the guy who played Anakin Skywalker from the prequels.

But that didn't matter. All that did was that there was a portal in his basement.

"WHAT? THE? FUCK!!!!!????"

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Felix_Astromcreators' thoughts