
Godslayer In the Comic World

Ang suddenly finds himself transported to the "Simple and Honest Gotham City," making a cameo as the "Money-Controlling Abilities Holder." If his petty cash has nothing to do with Batman, Bruce Wayne, this would be quite wonderful. Unfortunately, this is the crisis center of the Marvel and DC universes, a terrifying world where there's no such thing as a free lunch. Ang never expected that after bringing home a magical Wonder Woman, he would gain the power template of the "Godslayer." My goodness! In this world where true gods are everywhere, system, what are you even thinking? https://www.patreon.com/Godslayer_7210

Godslayer_7210 · Movies
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35 Chs

Chapter 18: Stitched Universe

This is an abandoned warehouse located to the east of Upper East Side, near Miller Bay.

The warehouse is situated in an industrial high-tech zone, although it seems like a desolate place. Such areas are quite common in the city of Gotham, which is half paradise and half hell.

Due to its distance from the sea, even the underground forces don't bother with this place.

The dilapidated warehouse is filled with open containers, each containing a variety of items, from old and decaying wooden furniture to expired medical supplies and discarded electronics.

By chance, the two sisters discovered this abandoned warehouse and turned it into their secret base.

After running for so long, Sara has more or less estimated the strength of this female zombie.

Compared to her, the zombie's agility has decreased significantly, its strength has increased explosively, and its endurance seems almost limitless.

The most nauseating thing is that the female zombie keeps calling her name, like a soul-reaping demon escaped from hell.

Taking advantage of her familiarity with the terrain, Sara has thrown various heavy weapons that could easily cause severe injuries to an ordinary person.

Can you guess what happened when a natural gas stove was thrown at it?


As easy as tearing a piece of toilet paper, the female zombie effortlessly ripped the thin metal casing of the gas stove in half.

Admittedly, Sara possesses the qualities of a third-rate hero, but with a severe lack of combat experience, she doesn't dare to charge at this monster.

If she were to get caught by its sharp claws or bitten, she would be done for.

Her only advantage is her knowledge of the surroundings.

She knows this place well and perfectly remembers the location of every item in the warehouse.

She hurls various items at the zombie with force, and they rain down on the undead creature like drops of rain.

The abandoned warehouse, spanning over five thousand square meters, becomes incredibly lively.

Just as Sara struggles to hold her ground, she finally hears the long-awaited sound of helicopter rotor blades.

They've arrived!

Her older sister has really come.

If she wasn't being pursued by the female zombie to the point of breathlessness, Sara would want to shout at the top of her lungs.

"Sara! Come out!" Dana's voice comes from above.

"I can't! It's too close." Sara had just finished speaking when she heard a whooshing sound. Instinctively, she lowered her head, and an electric kettle flew past her forehead.

This zombie definitely possesses remarkable intelligence.

Due to repeated obstructions, it has started grabbing objects nearby and using them to strike Sara, hindering her escape.

A kettle makes Sara veer to the left, deviating from her path to escape.

If this were a game, someone might exclaim, "Anticipated attack to block movement!?"

That doesn't matter.

A helicopter flies by, and a figure in black tightens its limbs, facing downward. Falling from a height of seven stories, the figure is as agile as ever, making almost no sound during the descent.

He opens up just as he approaches the ground, his black eyes widening to their maximum, sharp brilliance bursting forth.

In this world, Ang has experienced confusion and a great deal of incomprehension, but his will to survive keeps him on constant alert.

This time, he isn't here just to help the Canary sisters; he's seeking an answer.

A flash of cold light!

This Damascus steel sword, crafted from the legendary Uzmine and purchased from a Middle Eastern tycoon, displays an abnormal ferocity that surpasses its own quality.

If someone had extraordinary vision, they would see a flickering red light flowing within the intricate wave patterns on the blade.

This is the result of Ang infusing a large amount of red soul energy, upgrading the sword to a "[Enchanted Damascus Steel Sword +3]."

Below, the zombie that looks like Sara finally notices Ang's presence just before the blade descends.

Its head suddenly rotates 180 degrees, violating human neck limits, and turns towards the sky.

A hint of astonishment seems to flash in its cloudy, wooden eyes. The next second, its body jerks violently.

Yes, it jerks!

That's not a movement characteristic of a human.

Its entire body seems like a puppet being pulled by invisible strings, forcefully moving horizontally more than two meters to the left.

It's attempting to evade this lethal blow in this manner.

However, above it, Ang demonstrates extraordinary agility as well. His left leg gently taps the side wall, propelling his body like a starting sprinter. He also flies sideways.

Instead of closing the gap, they're getting closer at an astonishing speed.

In the blink of an eye, the battle is decided.

The elongated steel blade pierces through the female zombie's head, grinding the moldy brain matter inside into a pulp.

What's even more incredible is that after successfully striking, Ang even has the leisure to pull the sword back.

In a final effort, the female zombie's arms grab at empty air.

Then, it notices two red iron canisters in its decayed and perforated chest cavity.

Before it can react, its body is met with a fierce kick, and it goes flying like a cloud in the sky.


The zombie smashes through the already half-broken window with great force, and its distorted form appears in the empty space outside the warehouse for the first time.

Assisted by the moonlight, the Canary sisters finally get a clear look at its true appearance.

With just a glance, Dana confirms that it's another Sara! It's Sara Lance turned into a zombie!

As fear rushes over the Canary sisters, the twisted and eerie creature suddenly bursts into flames.

"Wow ——"

Amid its inhuman roar, it frantically beats its body, rolling on the ground, trying to extinguish the flames.

But so what?

This is an ANM14 military incendiary grenade.

Unless its body has mutated to the point of being fire-resistant, this level of flames is enough to completely incinerate it.

This scene leaves the two sisters trembling, unable to speak for a long while.

Ang's sturdy figure emerges from the dark warehouse and stands about ten meters away from the "familiar face." His mind is even more chaotic than that of the Canary sisters.

What the hell!

This is actually something from the zombie universe!

Although he knew from the beginning that a world created by combining the DC and Marvel universes wouldn't be a good place, Ang never imagined that this stitched world would be so nightmarish.

Good news: The heroes and villains of this world are integrated from historical events.

Bad news: This broken world has stitched together all the parallel universes of Marvel and DC.

The zombie Marvel and DC universes are infamous for their universally destroyed endings.

In the zombie Marvel universe, the origin of the virus isn't the result of the first Wasp bringing it back from a quantum dimension, but rather Magneto's doing. In an attempt to have mutants control the entire world, Magneto once spanned dimensions and brought back a special virus from another universe. Originally intended to target only humans, the virus unexpectedly caused indiscriminate attacks. Not only did it infect ordinary people, but even the Avengers and other heroes were not spared.

Clearly, this virus spreads rapidly. Even Captain America, who had the super soldier serum, eventually succumbs to zombification. Unlike regular zombie scenarios, the zombified heroes in this universe retain their consciousness and combat abilities, but after infection, their main focus becomes "eating."

On the other hand, in the zombie DC universe, one scene features Wonder Woman sacrificing herself with a self-made sword from Krypton to stop the apocalypse. However, after severing the arm of the zombified Superman, she herself falls prey.

Ang doesn't know how many zombie universe elements have been stitched into this world. He only feels a chilling sensation engulf his body, until...

He sees the light screen on his retina.

"[Unique hero zombie mutant eliminated at this time point... Earth suppression initiated, spatial cleansing in progress... Space infection level reduced to zero.]"

Ang: ????

What's this about?

As long as the hero zombie is taken care of, the virus infection can temporarily be eliminated?

This peculiar world instantly boosts Ang's confidence.

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