
Gods Slayer

Damin_Typie · Fantasy
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31 Chs


When Snowers was about to end the slayer's life, suddenly Dakiro disappeared in flames

"What is it, where has he gone?"

Dakiro appeared in another part of the warehouse, when he opened his eyes he saw Sayura "Sayura what are you doing here?"

"I sensed something bad coming from this place so I decided to check it out, luckily I managed to save you at the last minute"

The girl placed her hands on the teenager's chest, warming him with her power "You had to freeze in the fight against this demon, so thanks to my power I can warm you"

"Thanks, now I can go back to the fight and kick his ass"

"Be careful, he's dangerous"

"You don't have to tell me"

While Snowers was looking for Dakiro, he appeared in front of him and kicked him in the face, knocking him back several meters.

"How can you move in such low temperature, you should freeze?"

"You'd better underestimate me because it might end badly for you"

Snowers extended his hands towards Dakiro and fired a dozen or so icicles, Dakiro easily avoided them by appearing behind the demon, who noticed him and tried to cut off his head with his ice blade, Dakiro dodged the attack and kicked Snowers in the stomach with his knee, Snowers did not give up and tried to punch him, when he succeeded, the teenager's body turned into a hologram, the real one appeared next to him a second later and punched the ice demon's neck with an open hand.

"Damn you, I have to think of a way to deal with him"

When the demon was thinking about how to defeat the God slayer, out of the corner of his eye he noticed Sayura hiding behind one of the boxes "I've already said it, disappearing"

"Where did he disappear to, he doesn't look like the type who would give up like that" he thought, looking around the room

After a while, Dakiro heard a scream, he immediately ran in that direction, when he reached he saw Snowers holding Sayura by the neck


"Ho, so it was your friend who helped you get back to normal, I wonder what you would do if I killed her in front of you"

"Do not do this!"

"You better take a closer look, Tamer, or you'll soon meet the same fate" he said, creating an ice blade in his hand


When the demon was about to plunge the blade into the girl's body, a shield made of crystals suddenly appeared in front of her

"This power... it's impossible"

Dakiro took advantage of the demon's surprise and quickly grabbed Sayura, taking her to a safe place

"Everything's all right?"

"Yes thank you"

Dakiro smiled and then turned to Snowers with a serious expression "You wanted to kill one of my friends, I won't forgive you for that"

The teenager's body was surrounded by a white aura, his hair rose up and his eyes were shining, Dakiro's energy was so powerful that it caused an earthquake, destroying the warehouse even more, before Snowers could do something, Dakiro appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye, punching him in the face, then kicked him him in the chin, throwing the demon into the air, a second later he appeared behind Snowers, hitting his knee on his back, jumping him even higher, finally he appeared in front of him and concentrating all his power in his fist, he punched him in the stomach, Snowers spat blood and fell to the ground, unable to get move longer.

"Damn... so this is the true power of the God Slayer?"

After the last blow, the aura surrounding the teenager's body disappeared and Dakiro returned to normal, when he wanted to approach the demon, suddenly someone threw spears at him, hitting his life energy point, after being hit by the spear, the demon's body disintegrated, Dakiro looked at the place from the attack came and he saw a boy the same age, he had spiky black hair, wearing a silver sweatshirt and pants.

"I didn't think I'd meet another God slayer here"

"You mean different...?"

"Yes, my name is Varito and I am also a God slayer, who would have thought that in the village that my Lord destroyed, someone like me was born and survived"

Dakiro's eyes widened upon hearing about the attack on the village he was probably from "What the fuck are you talking about, what village?"

"The village in which you were born, along with your family and the rest of the inhabitants, was destroyed by the Tsunako Empire"

"You bastard!" Dakiro bit his jaw and lunged at Varito, the brunette just smiled and a blast of energy was enough to knock Dakiro to the ground

"If you want to fight me, become stronger because in your current state you can't do anything to me" he said disappearing

Dakiro just stared as he disappeared before losing consciousness.