
Gods Slayer

Damin_Typie · Fantasy
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31 Chs


Dakiro created energy balls in his hand, throwing them at the opponent, who was forced to cancel his technique, the teenager took advantage of this moment and moved towards him, Snowers created a dozen or so icicles in front of him, which he threw towards the boy, when they hit him, Dakiro's body disappeared.


The real one appeared behind Snowers, punching him in the face and sending the demon crashing into the wall of the warehouse.

"This was one of my first techniques, now it's time for something more advanced"

Dakiro stuck out his hand towards the opponent, grabbed his wrist with his other hand and accumulated a golden ball of energy in his hand "Kazenori!" a beam shot out

When Dakiro's attack hit its target, it caused a large explosion, and after a few moments the smoke cleared, revealing Snowers covered in a shield of ice.

"Pretty good, but not enough to defeat me" Snowers put his hands on the ground, causing the entire area to be covered with ice, Dakiro lost control and fell

"I wonder how you will move on a slippery surface" he said with a sinister smile, moving to attack

Dakiro tried to get up, but unfortunately he slipped and fell again "Damn, that's annoying, wait a minute, there's still this left"

Snowers, creating an ice blade in his hand, approached the teenager, Dakiro suddenly smiled and kicked the demon in the face, sending him back several meters.

"Wh...whatever possible, you shouldn't move on the ice"

"You idiot, I don't walk, I float" he said, levitating

"This complicates matters more, I didn't consider that he could fly, so be it"

Two damonic white wings sprouted from the snow demon's back, without waiting for anything, he immediately rushed towards the God Slayer, an exchange of blows began "For your information, I can also fly"

Snowers tried to attack Dakiro with his ice blade, who dodged his attack, then placed his hand on Dakiro's chest, releasing a beam of energy and throwing the demon back several meters.

"Damn, my body is freezing, in a moment I won't be able to move freely, I have to finish him off quickly" he thought

Dakiro created energy balls in both hands and threw them towards his opponent, Snowers easily deflected them, when he turned towards Dakiro there was no trace of him

"Where did he disappear to?"

Dakiro appeared above the snow demon with his attack "Kazenori!" a beam shot out

However, before the attack reached him, it turned into ice and broke.

"Even your technique cannot resist this wonderful element"

"Damn it"

Snowers appeared in front of Dakiro in a split second, grabbing him by the neck and slamming him into the wall of the warehouse, the teenager's body began to be covered with ice "It's over"

This time at the hotel

Arika tried to get into Dakiro's room, a moment later Kris came out from the next room

"What's up Arika?"

"Have you seen Dakiro?"

"The last time I saw him he was taking his cat for a walk, and he hasn't come back yet?"

"Not good, thanks for telling me anyway" she said as she left the hotel

"Man, what's going on here?" Kris said before returning to the room

"Please stay safe"