

Chapter 2 Investment and preparation of the first batch of bugs

Ming, who obtained the Zerg gene hatching technology through the strongest evolutionary system, now has more motivation and a clearer ideal goal.

"Actually, my goal is not very demanding. I just hope to create a powerful insect kingdom in a short time, well… and then bring the invincible insects to destroy this world, and then that world will be fine."

But in general, Ming currently wants to rewrite the history of the Zerg in this world, and lead the Zerg to a higher civilization, so that his name will be heard among hundreds of millions of galaxies.

So, Ming spent a few days to expand the cave nest where he stayed several times, and added a cave to store food and resources." He also set up a larvae mother nest and an independent nest for himself!

Then he was busy going out to search for food and mineral resources every day, and began to feed and take care of the three larvae mothers in the hole.

"Hmph! I don't care. When you three little female bugs grow up, you will lay eggs and make bugs for me like crazy. Well… at least you will hatch a hundred, no, a thousand, of course, for me a day. Ten thousand a day is best."

Every time Ming wants to think about this, he feels that everything he is doing now is worth it, and one day he will enjoy happiness.

Because after the female worms lay eggs and produce the first batch of worms, and then the eggs hatch into worms, he will have enough labor, and he can naturally divide the labor among them and let some worms stay at home to continue to expand the current small house. At the base, some bugs venture out to search for food and resources. Slowly…slowly, there will be more and more bugs, and they can even invade endless territories for him.

Three months later, the three female larvae fully grew up. Now they are more than three times larger than Ming Cai. Ming Cai is only about one meter high and two meters long, but among the Zerg tribe, they can be as big as him. The female worms have all met the conditions for being "pregnant" and laying eggs.

The female bugs that have grown up now have changed a lot from when they were young. Their tentacles have begun to gradually shed, and the ant-like hard armor on their bodies has also transformed into a white soft skin tissue. If it continues like this , Ming believes that these three mothers will metamorphose into three old female insects sooner or later.

Hmm… They are the kind of bugs whose whole body is fleshy. They don't have any legs or feet to walk. They rely on their bodies to crawl on the ground to move.

"Haha, just wait for me to get pregnant!"

Then Ming took out several days' worth of food from the food storage and threw it into their nest, and then he left the base cave.

When he was outside the ground, Ming sealed the entrance of the base tightly with earth and rocks to prevent some insects and beasts from being sensitive to smell. He forcibly smelled the three meat balls in his base, and then ran in and ate his three females beautifully. Chong, that would be a big loss. After all, he has been serving as both father and mother for three months recently.

And you have to know that the mother body among the original Zerg is very rare. If he can take away three of them at once, he may not be able to find the second one!

Because usually in order to consolidate his position in the Zerg tribe, the king of the Zerg tribe directly controls all the new female worms that appear in the tribe!

"This should be okay, right?"

At this time, Ming looked at the hole that he had blocked very tightly, and thought that he could safely go out and grab a few healthy male worms back, and then they would hatch out with the female worms and the first batch of worms would hatch out!

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Then, the membrane of dark flames that had already evolved from the system protruded from his back.

The two black feathers flickered slightly, and his whole body pulled out a phantom in the dark forest, completely blending into the surrounding environment, and soon flew out of the primitive forest!

The area bordering the Primitive Forest is a desert of death. This scorching hot area has been completely ruled by the underground Zerg.

The Black Queen of the underground Zerg indirectly rules this desert because she arranges for a springtail lord to rule millions of bugs here and continuously collect resources for her here.

Now Ming only hopes to find traces of other bugs in this desert of death, and then he will fly down to catch a few to breed with his female bugs.

Of course, if you are lucky, you can catch a few high-level soldiers, such as winged sky bug ants, giant earth bugs, or even the quicksand lord who is a giant springtail.

But if your eyesight is not good, it will be difficult to spot even ordinary bugs, because the bugs here also have their enemies. They live in the exposed desert, and they can't live smoothly unless they find some way!

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The desert here is red, so they have successfully evolved their body color to the same color as the desert environment, fiery red. For this reason, they are also called red worms or fire worms.

So Ming must pay careful attention.

Soon Ming's luck suddenly exploded, and after just a short while of searching, he found a bug target!

This is a group of red worker bugs. As the lowest level farmers of the Zerg tribe, the worker bugs are working hard to carry food.

"This… forget it, I'm in a hurry, farmers will be farmers!"

Ming was a little disgusted. After all, the foundation of breeding was good, and the successful results were good ones. Therefore, he originally wanted to catch a few high-level bugs, but if he couldn't meet high-level bugs, he could only catch farmer bugs. Anyway, as long as they were male bugs, Just fine.

So Ming Zhao seized the opportunity and turned into a black phantom and flew over. The feeling of catching was like an eagle catching a chicken. Ming was quick and accurate. When he was close to the target, the six long legs struck fiercely together. After using it, I immediately caught three worker ants and ran away.

Ming's speed was very fast, and he was worried that the Zerg army would catch up and notice his base.

But maybe Ming is too cautious, because the red worm farmers in the desert are still confused and have no intention of chasing. It seems that they have no way to start, and they have not seen clearly what the enemy is. They only know that their companions seem to be missing. Three, they thought it might be the strange wind. Anyway, a lot of bugs are carried away by the wind every day!

Soon Ming returned to his base, threw the three male worms into the female worm's cave, and gave the female worm absolute orders.

"Listen up, dear friends. You must not eat them directly. You must squeeze them dry first and then enjoy them slowly."

On the other hand, these three farmer-level red worm ants seemed to be close to one meter tall and two meters long, but their combat power was much weaker than that of the engineer worms.

At the same time, when facing female bugs, they appear extremely docile and obedient. Perhaps this is the influence of the Black Queen. After all, the Black Queen is a female bug, and most of the bugs in the underground Zerg tribe are her own eggs!

In the end, Ming left the female nest with great anticipation, just to see how the male and female would get along.

Naturally, Ming didn't have time to watch the specific process. He needed to build a simple incubation base, use licorice to keep the surrounding temperature at about 30 degrees, and then place some gradually decaying plants at the bottom of the base to ensure that the insects The organic matter needed when eggs hatch to ensure the material basis for the formation of life.

But when the number of bugs increases in the future, Hades will establish a very advanced incubation base, such as from level one to level two to level three…

After establishing and arranging the base, Ming began to run out to look for food. In the next few months, he was the only labor force to feed a large number of insects!

Ten days passed like this.

The three female worms in the female worm's cave have been "pregnant" successfully and successfully produced a batch of eggs. The three male worms were naturally eaten by the greedy female worms, leaving nothing behind.

There are a thousand eggs in total, which is neither too many nor too few. After all, these female worms need to slowly evolve to improve their ability to lay eggs.

Then Mingdao found a way to successfully transport these thousand eggs to the first-level incubation base.

The configuration of the first-level base has been prepared long ago. As long as sufficient organic matter is provided, that is, the energy necessary to form living matter is sufficient, then these eggs can successfully hatch in only two to three weeks.

From eggs – larvae – pupae – adults!

ps: I ask book friends to collect and recommend it. Thank you. I will humbly accept any shortcomings!