

hapter 1 Rebirth in the Original Zerg

A huge black insect, with a pair of strange black flames burning on its body, turned into a black phantom during its flight, leaving the abyss of death ruled by the underground Zerg, and even the underground Zerg ruled by the Black Queen. .

But just as the black bug flew not far away, countless terrifying bugs flew out of the abyss of death with a diameter of 100 meters. They were all relatively large in size and very ugly and cruel in appearance, but they appeared to be particularly powerful.

These bugs are hovering over the Abyss of Death. It seems that something big happened under the Abyss of Death!

"Huh? You didn't come after me?" But at this time, the black insect, that is, Ming, who was far away from here, began to feel lucky that he had escaped a nightmare that was not an insect!

Three months ago, I think he was still playing StarCraft in an Internet cafe, but suddenly died on the keyboard. It's a pity that Ming is only twenty-one years old. It's rare that he was reborn and was born into a primitive Zerg with his memories.

However, the original evolution of this family of insects was based on the body of ants, which resulted in Ming Yi being born as a little ant.

But today, three months later, unexpectedly, the will of the Queen of the Insects suddenly came to Ming, and she selected him as the Insect King of this clan. The only condition was that he must first create a bunch of little bugs with the Queen!

But the so-called insect king actually only has a few days of enjoyment before he will be eaten by the queen. Therefore, Ming's small universe explodes. How can this be done?

So today, with the height of human intelligence, Ming thought of a way to cause internal unrest in the insects. He took advantage of this and ran to the mother nest, purposefully took away a few larvae and escaped, preparing to make a fortune and create something from now on. A slug clan emerges.

So after Ming escaped, he prepared to go to a place called the Primitive Forest, hoping to find a hiding place.

As for other places, it is impossible for Ming to have a place to stay, because there are two major insect tribes in this world, namely the locust tribe of the king of the sky and the ant tribe of the underground king. They are so numerous that they have divided up the land resources. Pretty much the same.

But only the primitive forest is difficult to be invaded by the Zerg. It is said that there is a powerful king of beasts in it, possessing mysterious power. It has repeatedly stopped the invasion of the two Zerg groups.

In this regard, Ming believes that the primitive forest is a good place for him to develop new Zerg races!

After an unknown amount of time passed, Ming finally saw an endless primitive forest appear in his sight!

Soon Ming wandered outside, and he felt that there were many terrifying auras surging inside, and it seemed that it was full of endless crises. After all, being able to be forcibly independent under the two Zerg races always had its terrifying aspects.

"Hey! They are all damn primitive Zerg, why not a super Zerg?"

Ming was speechless at first about his rebirth identity. It was really that the individual bugs here were too weak. Even his current body shape had not yet broken away from the body of a lowly ant!

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Moreover, among the primitive Zerg tribe in this world, there are not many units of insect units! There is no such thing as a world-destroying insect among the Zerg tribe! There are also no powerful weapon bugs, such as thunder beasts, cannon bugs, fire-breathing bugs… because they are primitive… so everything is primitive.

But now Ming really has no other choice. If he wants to develop a new Zerg race, Ming can only venture in and slowly infiltrate the inside!

"Huh? What?" Suddenly, he had just dived into the deep and tall primitive forest, and countless terrifying auras swept towards him. It felt like being stared at by a poisonous snake. This feeling Let Ming not dare to go deeper.

So Ming could only find a relatively secluded place nearby, quickly dig a winding hole a hundred meters deep, and hide in it with a few larvae.

In the cave, Ming put down the three little female worms he had picked up from the underground worms. The whole bodies of the little worms were limp. He didn't know if they were hungry, but Ming couldn't go out to find food for them yet.

"System, can I turn on the evolution option now?" Because Ming remembered something important, there was also the most powerful evolution system hidden in his body.

This system aims to swallow all kinds of energy and can help Ming achieve the strongest evolution. Therefore, when escaping from the underground Zerg, Ming never forgets to swallow most of the brood of the underground Zerg, and the power of the brood obtained is indirectly absorbed by the system.

[System:] "There is enough energy to enable the evolution option. Is the host enabled?"

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"Hurry up and drive!!"

[System:] "The selection has been carried out based on the needs of the host. Please choose one of the three."

1. The prototype of the master brain has evolved, which can directly control low-level ordinary bugs.

2. Control the genetic evolution technology of the Zerg, which can create bugs with various terrifying abilities.

3. Evolve into a titan insect body, which can comprehensively increase the host's combat power by ten times. "

"The prototype of the main brain…" Ming felt that it was better not to give up for now. With his current high level of thought and consciousness, he still had a way to control some bugs for his own use!

"Titan bug body…" This seems to be a useless thing to Ming now. No matter how powerful the individual bugs are now, it is impossible to resist the attack of thousands of bugs at once!

"I choose to master the Zerg genetic evolution technology." In the end, Ming did not hesitate and chose the second option.

[System:] "It has been implanted for the evolution of the host."

At this moment, a huge amount of information suddenly poured out of Ke Ming's mind, like countless genes that were factorized and combined.

"Huh? It turns out that bugs with various abilities can be hatched and hatched like this?"

Ming was surprised by this. There were so many ways to obtain the genetic hatching of bugs with various abilities.

For example, the hatching of ordinary genetic insects: any insect eggs + a mineral hatching base with a certain attribute + a DNA gene of a certain species with corresponding attributes = 60% success rate + 20% mutation rate + 10% Twenty failure rate. "

As a result, the ability arms that seemed very complicated and difficult to use were simply factorized by the system. I have to say that this system is a masterpiece of conscience!

"Then all the creatures and minerals in the world have become the gene pool and source of energy for creating bugs with various abilities!"

After Ming realized this, he discovered that the gene extraction method provided by the system was not difficult, and there were many preparation plans.

For example, one is an insect that can reproduce alone.

When this kind of mother bug devours the flesh and blood essence of other bugs, animals, and plants, it can automatically extract some of their DNA genes in the body, and then combine them into its own eggs. At the same time, you only need to set up the corresponding organic substances and inorganic minerals in the incubation base to hatch bugs with the abilities you want!

For bugs that mate with male and female, the mother can choose to eat the mating partner after mating to increase the amount of genes in the eggs, and then put them into the corresponding hatching base to obtain bugs with certain abilities.

There is also a kind of genetic evolution, which is to inject genes of other insect species into insect eggs, and then hatch them in an incubation base. This also has a certain chance of successfully hatching an insect with a certain desired ability!

But all of the above are direct and indirect extraction of DNA genes from insect eggs.

So there is another one, which is to focus on the incubation base, but this requirement is very high. They must be advanced life forms to serve as the energy nest of the incubation base, and the amount required is large, equivalent to advanced Zerg. The pool of flesh and blood of civilization.

However, bugs with abilities hatched from this gene are generally exceptionally powerful and abnormal!

ps: [Oops… cute face… The first dozen chapters are not written yet, but you will be surprised if you continue reading! Currently in the fourth volume, the interstellar chapter! ]

ps: I hope book friends will give me a collection and a lot of recommendation votes, thank you. If there are any shortcomings, I will accept them humbly!