
Gods & Mortals

Gods and Mortals tells the story of Klaus Walker, a teenager who has always been indifferent and apathetic to the world around him. But everything changes when he discovers that he is the child of a God. As he struggles to come to terms with his new reality, he must decide whether to embrace his destiny and uphold his duties as a Demigod or to ignore it altogether, seeking an average life. The story of Gods and Mortals is an enchanting modern fantasy tale that weaves together the extraordinary realms of gods and humans. With captivating characters, as well as a new and immersive mythology, this book draws readers into a world where ancient deities and mortal destinies collide. If you were captivated by the magic of the Percy Jackson franchise, prepare to embark on a breathtaking adventure with Gods and Mortals.

D3miGod · Fantasy
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107 Chs

The Final Event

As Klaus opened his eyes, he found himself face-to-face with Trent.

"Rise and shine, friends," Trent quipped, and the rest of the team gradually stirred.

"I guess this headache isn't growing on me after all," Rose remarked, holding her head, mirroring her teammates' discomfort.

Klaus surveyed their surroundings, a sense of recognition dawning upon him.

"A colosseum?" he questioned, puzzled.

"It appears so," Trent confirmed as they all took in the familiar yet freshly appearing arena.

While the arena bore a striking resemblance to the Roman Colosseum, there were noticeable differences. The middle section was relatively clear, reminiscent of a battlefield, but scattered debris and remnants of large rocks littered the outer edges.

However, Klaus noticed something amiss amidst the team's astonishment.

"Quick, take cover! Now!" he commanded in a firm tone, prompting his team to swiftly find shelter behind the rocks around them.

A few moments of confusion and silence ensued after their action until suddenly, a powerful gust of wind struck the rock behind Mia, who hadn't taken proper cover from the direction of the danger. It was evident that Klaus's warning had just saved them from losing a team member.

"What in the..." Mia exclaimed as they all turned towards the source of the wind, revealing Team Stellar a good distance away.

Arthur had clenched his fists and unleashed a powerful punch in their direction, propelling the gust of wind akin to an invisible blow. The impact had even cracked the rock Mia had initially sought refuge behind, forcing her to change her hiding spot.

Team Lunar hadn't anticipated that both teams would spawn simultaneously, and if not for Klaus's quick thinking, they might have already lost a member.

"You missed," X remarked to Arthur. "Pathetic."

His words incited anger in his teammate, but Arthur chose to ignore the taunt as he moved forward with Iris and Tyler.

"It's fine; we'll stick to the plan and create some space," Tyler stated to X as they continued to advance toward Team Lunar.

As Klaus cautiously peeked out, he observed their opponents closing the gap. An idea for defense struck him, and he turned to his team.

"They're getting closer. Trent, how about using your water-finger blasts to stall them?"

Trent agreed and aimed his index and middle fingers toward the opposing team, firing small water droplets from his fingertips while remaining behind cover.

Arthur moved ahead of his team, shielding them from the barrage of water bullets with his right palm placed in front of the water attacks.

Meanwhile, Mia readied her bow and reached for an arrow in her thigh quiver, intending to provide support. But before she could act, Klaus halted her, ordering her to remain calm and not expose herself prematurely.

Klaus scanned the surroundings, contemplating their opponent's strategy.

"I had a feeling. They're creating space for X to snipe one of us."

The rest of the team was shocked by Klaus's revelation but recognized the danger it posed.

"Well, I could take a quick shot since the rest of them are out in the open and can't dodge," Mia suggested, seeing an opportunity to eliminate one of Team Stellar.

Klaus, however, knew the stakes.

"Do you really think you can peek and fire an arrow before X eliminates you?" he inquired, emphasizing the perilous situation.

"Klaus is right. The fact that the rest of his team is baiting for him means he won't hesitate to eliminate any of us," Rose added, crediting Klaus's argument.

Trent chimed in, "Not only that but it's rumored that every shot X takes with his sniper ends in a hit."

This reputation was also solidified during the first event when both of his sniper shots found their mark, eliminating Ace and Shade.

It wasn't just X's formidable presence that concerned them, but also Arthur and the advancing Team Stellar. Klaus knew they needed to formulate a plan quickly, and a memory from their previous battle came to mind.

"Trent, do you have enough energy to create a water barrier like you did last time against Lance?" Klaus asked.

"Of course," Trent responded. "But I'll have to be standing while doing it, and I'll be completely out in the open."

"I'll create the opening you need," Klaus continued, recalling a strategy to address their predicament.

As Arthur approached Team Lunar, still blocking Trent's water bullets, he clenched his left fist, preparing for another wind-breaking attack as he closed in.

However, just as Team Stellar closed in on Team Lunar, a small ball of light was shot a few meters ahead of them, from Team Lunnar's location. The moment they noticed its presence, the ball detonated, bathing the entire area in an immensely bright light. This affected Arthur, Iris, and Tyler, who were directly in front of it, as well as X, whose vision was partially impaired by the flash of light due to his focus through his sniper's scope.

Seizing the opportunity, Trent created a massive, towering wall of water that split the entire colosseum in half, effectively separating the rest of Team Stellar from their captain, X.

Amid the confusion, Team Lunar rushed toward Team Stellar, hoping to eliminate them while they were disoriented.

Klaus and Rose went after Tyler, with Mia charging at Iris. This lineup seemed advantageous for Team Lunar in the heat of the moment.

As Klaus and Rose closed in on Tyler, he regained his bearings after the initial flashbang and switched to an offensive stance, taking on both opponents at once.

Arthur engaged Trent in combat. Despite Trent's water wall, it was evident that Arthur's immense strength put him at a disadvantage.

Meanwhile, Iris was locked in a battle with Mia, who used her bow as a makeshift weapon, attempting to strike Iris's lifeline and eliminate her. Iris displayed decent evasion and defense skills, but she knew she couldn't win the battle by simply dodging.

Klaus and Rose, in their battle against Tyler, struggled to land hits. Tyler's agility and evasive maneuvers made him a difficult target. It seemed as though he had prior training in moving as such, which piqued Klaus's curiosity about his background before Higher World.

"This guy's insane," Rose whispered to Klaus, frustration mounting as her attacks continued to miss.

Tyler not only dodged their strikes effectively but also started to counterattack, landing blows on both opponents. It was a stark contrast to their initial struggle.

Then, it hit Klaus. He remembered something.

As Rose swung her batons at Tyler, he sidestepped her attack and swiftly struck her at the back of her head, delivering a blow that briefly incapacitated her. She collapsed onto the floor, nearly falling over her own lifeline.

Reacting swiftly, Klaus intervened before Tyler could exploit Rose's vulnerable state. He resumed his assault, attempting to press Tyler's lifeline. But this time, his strikes were hitting their mark.

Tyler and the rest of Team Stellar watched in bewilderment as the tide of the battle shifted abruptly in Klaus's favor.

"How's he suddenly winning?" Iris wondered aloud before refocusing on her own duel with Mia.

Klaus continued to dodge Tyler's attacks while maintaining his offensive. Eventually, as Tyler swung his right hand toward Klaus's lifeline, Klaus used the side of his left arm, along with the left side of his torso, to hold on to Tyler's arm. With his right arm, he quickly generated a small grade-one Solar Ball and slammed it onto Tyler's lifeline.

The shock on Team Stellar's faces was palpable as Tyler was propelled several meters away from the explosion. A brief burst of light filled the area, but Klaus had designed the attack to eliminate his opponent without having to generate the blinding light that typically accompanied his solar balls, so the effect was still tolerable to his teammates.

Team Stellar watched as Tyler collapsed to the floor before he disappeared from the Colosseum.

Klaus approached Rose as she regained consciousness. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. Did we win?" Rose responded as Klaus helped her to her feet.

Klaus nodded, indicating that he had eliminated their opponent.

"How?" Rose asked understandably confused.

"Well, I just managed to counter his ability," Klaus explained before he turned his attention to the ongoing battles.

Klaus recalled how Tyler's ability worked when he observed Team Stellar fighting Team Astra. It seemed that the more frustrated or vengeful someone felt towards Tyler, the stronger he became, enhancing his combat skills to overcome opponents. It aligned with the theme of his power, which was retribution or vengeance.

So, Klaus had a thought: "What if you didn't hold a grudge or feel the need to eliminate him?" His theory turned out to be correct, as it appeared that Tyler's ability had no effect when there was no strong emotional charge behind it.

Now that Team Lunar had a numerical advantage, Klaus decided to assist Trent in his battle with Arthur. Rose also chose to help Mia in her battle.

The strategy of creating a barrier to isolate X had worked in their favor, allowing them more freedom of movement.

Klaus joined the fight between Trent and Arthur, noticing that Trent was holding his ground despite the presence of the water barrier.

Arthur excelled at defending against his opponents, but he struggled to transition into an offensive stance. Trent eventually whispered his idea to Klaus, and Klaus nodded in agreement. Arthur, unaware of their plan, continued to fight.

Suddenly, Klaus appeared to engage Arthur by himself, drawing Arthur's attention away from Trent. While Klaus seemed to hold his own, it was clear that Arthur had the upper hand in a one-on-one battle, especially considering his background.

Arthur switched to an offensive stance, quickly gaining the upper hand. Klaus knew he was outmatched, but he was fulfilling his role well.

Eventually, Arthur landed a powerful blow on Klaus's chest, sending him several meters away and nearly knocking him off his feet. Klaus knelt on the ground, clutching his chest in pain.

Realizing that he couldn't take many more hits from Arthur, Klaus knew he had to act. As Arthur approached him, he heard Iris shout a warning.

"Behind you, Arthur!"

Arthur turned to see Trent with his palms joined together, index and middle fingers pointed forward, gathering a significant amount of water in front of him. In less than a second, Trent fired the attack at Arthur.

The attack was faster than Trent's usual water bullets, and Arthur wasn't sure if he could evade it. He crossed his forearms in front of himself, between the attack and his lifeline.

The water attack dealt some damage to Arthur's arms upon contact before losing momentum and falling to the ground as a small puddler. Arthur began to pant slightly, indicating the effort he put into fortifying his body against the attack.

"Nice try," Arthur taunted, after successfully blocking the attack.

However, before Arthur could react, the puddle of water on the ground suddenly formed into a hand that shot up and rushed directly at his lifeline. Before Arthur could evade, the watery arm struck his lifeline, instantly eliminating him and making him the second member of Team Stellar to be eliminated.

Team Lunar had become an unstoppable force on the battlefield, their performance exceeding expectations as they maintained a flawless record with no losses so far. Klaus approached Trent with a warm smile on his face, acknowledging his teammate's exceptional performance.

"Damn, you did it. Nice job," Klaus praised, extending a helping hand to assist Trent to his feet.

Trent's surprise at Klaus's compliment was evident, and it filled him with a sense of accomplishment. It was a significant moment for him.

"You know, you're a skilled fighter though. It's no wonder you're one of the captains," Klaus continued, highlighting Trent's abilities.

"Thank you, Klaus. I appreciate it," Trent responded with genuine gratitude. He was genuinely touched by Klaus's words.

Klaus then extended his hand for a handshake, and Trent eagerly accepted it. However, as their hands met, Klaus's actions took a shocking turn. He swiftly withdrew his hand and lunged towards Trent's lifeline.

"What the..." Trent exclaimed in confusion as he witnessed Klaus seemingly eliminate him. Confusion and disbelief filled him.

"Trent! Snap out of it!" a voice shouted desperately.

But it was already too late. Trent's purple eyes returned to their natural deep blue, and he realized the truth. The person he thought was Klaus was actually Iris.

During the earlier chaos of battle, Iris had used her powers strategically. When Klaus unleashed his flashbang Solar Ball, temporarily blinding everyone, Iris had utilized her illusion ability. As Team Lunar peeked out, they unwittingly looked into her eyes, falling under her illusion even though Iris was blinded. While Mia and Rose believed they were battling Iris, they were instead battling one another while Iris silently worked on dismantling Trent's water barrier and assisting X in breaking through.

Iris was skilled at creating convincing illusions, but it required immense concentration and energy to maintain them. She had opted to focus on assisting X and removing the water barrier, conserving her energy for critical moments rather than engaging her team in battle, which would have drained her quicker.

However, when Arthur was eliminated, Iris knew she had to act to level the playing field. She also hoped that eliminating Trent would dissolve the water barrier, allowing X to rejoin the battle.

"Stay vigilant with Iris. We're all aware of her ability to create illusions through eye contact, so keep that in mind. And remember, anything can be fake, so always be prepared to break free," Klaus cautioned his team before Trent erected the barrier that separated X from the rest. He was well aware of Iris's cunning nature and her potential to ensnare them with her illusions, even without their knowledge.

But Iris's illusions were not easy to break free from. Even Klaus, who had warned his team about her abilities, had initially fallen under her spell but managed to break free earlier.

The key to escaping her illusions was knowing precisely what was real and what was fake. Unfortunately, their initial strategy had not accounted for this, and they were unaware of the nuances of Iris's power.

Mia and Rose couldn't help but feel annoyed and disappointed when they realized they had been under Iris's illusion earlier.

"I was wondering why Klaus was suddenly so nice," Mia remarked.

However, by the time they broke free from the illusion, X had already smashed through the water barrier with his bare fists. Trent had been eliminated, and although the water wall had vanished, it made little difference now that X was already free.

The balance of the battle had once again shifted dramatically. Team Lunar had lost their strongest member, while Team Stellar had gained theirs.

X confidently strode forward, leaving Team Lunar in awe. They understood that they needed a miracle to win, even with a numerical advantage.

"I'll take him on," Klaus declared amid the silence.

"What?" Mia exclaimed.

"You guys take care of Iris and try not to fall into her illusion again. There's no time limit in this game mode, so I knew we'd eventually have to face him," Klaus continued.

"But fighting him alone is a surefire way to lose," Rose protested.

"Well, do we have any better ideas?" Klaus retorted, and Mia and Rose were left speechless.

"If I can hold him off for a while before you guys can eliminate Iris, maybe we stand a chance against him. But if we gang up on him now, we'll leave Iris too open, and that would be even worse."

Klaus had a point. They were well aware of the extent of X's power, but Iris's abilities were even more concerning. They had to ensure she couldn't use her illusions on them again, as that would spell automatic defeat.

With Klaus's determination and the hope of repeating their success against Lance, Team Lunar split into their respective battles, hoping this plan would grant them victory.

Yet, facing X was no easy feat.

Their battle was so one-sided that it could hardly be called a battle at all.

Klaus threw punches at X, hoping to hit his lifeline, but none connected. In contrast, X transitioned effortlessly from defense to offense, landing numerous blows on Klaus.

Klaus was outmatched.

Unlike Lance, who often assessed his opponents, X was a true marksman, specializing in ending fights before they began. He was a ruthless fighter.

This fight was no different from any other X had been in.

He easily evaded Klaus's attacks while making his punches increasingly difficult to deal with. Eventually, it turned into a one-sided beatdown, with X relentlessly attacking and Klaus struggling to defend.

Klaus managed to throw a punch, but X caught it with his hand and responded with a powerful gut punch.

Klaus crumpled to the floor, writhing in pain, and feeling somewhat light-headed. It was apparent that X intended to pummel Klaus, evident from his choice to punch Klaus in the gut rather than directly at his lifeline on his chest.

"Let's put this so-called resilience to the test," X remarked as Klaus lay on the ground.

Summoning all his determination, Klaus struggled to his feet, attempting to throw another punch. But X effortlessly sidestepped and seized Klaus's arm. With a powerful yank, X dislocated Klaus's dominant hand's shoulder instantly.

Klaus cried out in agony, collapsing back onto the floor. He couldn't believe he hadn't managed to land a single blow on X.

"Isn't this torture? X should be disqualified," Riley voiced concern for Klaus as team Solar and Astra watched the battle from the sidelines.

"It may seem that way, but as long as Klaus attempts to fight back, it doesn't qualify as torture," XVII explained to the spectators. "If Klaus were to yield and X continued, then X would be immediately eliminated from the game. For now, X is simply testing his opponent's limits."

Although technically correct, it still felt like what X was doing was not right.

"Klaus, that's enough!" Rose shouted to Klaus as he continued to rise after each beating. His dominant hand was dislocated, and bruises covered his body, yet he persisted in getting back up.

Even Iris, despite being on X's team, felt the brutality of their battle and tried to get X to stop. But the same determination that drove Klaus also blazed within X, urging him to extinguish Klaus's spirit.

Gradually, Klaus appeared to be running out of steam. It took him longer and longer to regain his feet until, eventually, he couldn't manage it anymore.

He fell to his knees, his eyes gradually closing. He fought to keep them open, but it was only a matter of time before he would lose consciousness. X approached Klaus, picked up his sniper rifle, and aimed it directly at Klaus's head.

Spectators watched with bated breath, curious about what would happen next. It was evident that Klaus was defeated.

"Do you yield?" X inquired with his sniper still trained on Klaus's forehead.

Klaus lacked the strength to speak, his pupils dimming. Yet, he remained unwilling to surrender.

"Tell me, what makes you fight?" X asked, perplexed by Klaus's unwavering determination.

Klaus glanced up at X, anger filling his eyes. The light in his pupils flickered as he struggled to keep them open. X sighed, lowering his sniper to Klaus's lifeline.

As the shot rang out, the force pushed Klaus to the ground, and his lifeline was severed, eliminating him from the game.

"So infuriating," X muttered as he watched Klaus slowly fade away.

The spectators felt a mixture of irritation and helplessness. Despite Klaus's incredible determination, it amounted to nothing in the face of X's superior combat skills. It felt unjust, but it was the harsh reality of combat in the real world.

"No matter how much determination you possess, defeat is inevitable when you're the weaker fighter," Lance remarked, his heart heavy as he watched the brutal battle.

But before anyone could react, a sound caught their attention. As X looked down at his lifeline, he realized he had been eliminated.

Shock rippled through the onlookers as they tried to make sense of what had happened. Their confusion ended when they focused on X's lifeline, realizing it had been struck by an arrow.

Turning their attention to where X was looking, they saw Mia, her eyes filled with tears after witnessing what had transpired between her brother and Klaus.

Fun fact: Klaus is left-handed.

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