
Gods Grace

"Because you know that the testing of your faith, produces perseverance."-James 1:3...Amiyah and Elijah are college sweethearts who are on a journey to start a family but, as they come to learn with blessings come trials and tribulations. Combined with various events of loss and things that would cripple any couple, they must find a way to overcome hurdles that test not only their Marriage but also their Faith and Friendships. The main question for them now becomes, How do you depend on God and each other when you feel like you can't trust either one? Come along for the ride with them.

NishaJ31 · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Stranger Danger

As Amiyah was searching the aisles for the items she needed for her dinner tonight, her phone rang. It was Elijah, "What's up baby, you good?" "Yeah, babe, I'm good, just picking up some stuff for dinner. Are you headed home?" "Yup, about to pull in now, hurry home. I miss you," he said, smiling. Amiyah blushed, "I miss you too, my love, I'll be home soon." She stated as they said their goodbyes and hung up the phone. Amiyah gathered the last of the groceries, checked out, and headed to her car. As she was placing her groceries in the car, she heard a voice behind her, "Let me help you with that ma'am." She turns around to see a tall, well-built, chocolate man standing by her buggy.

He lifts both of her bags into her truck with no hesitation. "Um..thank you". Amiyah says as she wonders who this strange man is. "You're welcome. Here, let me get that" he says as he opens her driver side door. "Thanks.." Amiyah said as she got inside the car. The man just stood there and watched Amiyah as she drove away. Well, that was creepy.. she thought as she kept checking her rearview mirror to see if she was being followed.

She rushed home and could not wait to get inside to tell Elijah what happened. "Baby, I'm home!" She yells as she puts the groceries in the kitchen. "In the living room, bae!" Amiyah walks into the living room and sees that they have company. "Hey baby, I'm glad you're home. I have somebody I want you to meet. " Just then, a tall figure towers over her as she barely hears her husband's words. "Ant, this is my wife Amiyah. Baby, this is Ant or Anthony as the ladies call him, he's one of my frat brothers from college." Elijah said introducing them. Amiyah was at a loss for words as the guy from the grocery store was standing in her house! How did he get here so fast?! Why didn't he tell her who he was?

Amiyah had so many questions swirling around in her head that she didn't even notice that Elijah was trying to get her attention. "Miyah, you good? Are you okay?" Elijah asked with a worried look on his face. "Yeah baby, I'm fine, it's nice to me you Ant." Amiyah said, putting on her best fake smile. His face looks really familiar.. she thought to herself. Amiyah brushed it off and went into the kitchen to start on dinner. As she gets halfway done cooking, she feels someone standing behind her. "Baby, is that you? I've missed you all day.." She states as she rubs up against the person behind her. She turns around to see Ant standing behind her smiling.

"What the hell are you doing in here?!" Amiyah yelled. "Where's Elijah?" "He went to the bathroom. I figured this would be a good time for us to get reacquainted with one another." He smiled slyly. "What are you talking about? I don't know you." Amiyah said as she held the knife in her hand tighter. "Yes, you do. Remember, sophomore year at the Kappa party. It's okay, I'll give you some time to think about it, we'll be seeing each other a lot more often anyway." He said as he walked out of the kitchen.

Right on cue, Elijah walked in, and Amiyah's knees buckled under her. "Amiyah! What's wrong?" Elijah caught her before she fell and sat her down in a chair. "Hold on baby, let me get Ant. He's a Doctor." Of course he is. She thought as she rolled her eyes. Elijah and Ant rushed into the kitchen with worried looks on their faces, "Amiyah, what's going on?" Ant asked as he put his hand under her chin and lifted her head up to look at him. She snatched her face away and stood up, "Nothing, I'm good. Let me finish cooking before it gets too late." Amiyah pushed past the both of them and went back to chopping up her vegetables. "Baby, let me finish up. You go and sit down. Please." Elijah said as he took the knife from her. Amiyah sighed and went upstairs to their bedroom. As she was walking out the room, she heard Ant talking, "Aye bruh, she always mean like that?" Elijah chuckled, "Nah man, my baby just been having a long day. We've been through some things and she's just trying to get readjusted."

Amiyah huffed and walked up the stairs to their room and plopped down on the bed. Amiyah's mind was spinning, the Kappa party from sophomore year? That was so long ago, she barely remembers what classes she took back then. As she tried to quiet her mind, she heard the door open. She looked up to see Elijah standing in the doorway, "Baby?" he asked to see if she was sleeping. Amiyah sits up, "Is he gone?" "Yeah, why?" "Something about him rubs me the wrong way. I can't quite put my finger on it." "Baby you just met him, cut him some slack." "Did he tell you he was at the grocery store today, he just randomly walked up to me." "Where?" "Kroger" Elijah shook his head, "Baby, he works there." "What?" Yeah, he just got out not too long ago and he's trying to turn his life around. He was looking at houses and was thinking about moving to the area." "Oh..well next time just text me and tell me that company is coming over." She huffed as she laid back down. "Alright baby, chill out. What's got you all hyped up today?" he asked as he laid down next to her. "Nothing baby, your friend is just a little odd is all." she shrugged not wanting to bring up the fact that they apparently knew each other. Elijah laughed "Yeah, he's a little different. Come on the food is ready." he rolled over and got out of bed. "No, I wanna stay here" Amiyah said as she stuck her lip out playfully and reached out to him. "Not the face..come on baby the food is getting cold." he said chuckling. "Babyyyy...please." she said as she didn't budge from the bed. "Fine, but I don't want to hear nothing when your stomach starts growling". He stated as he laid down next to her and got comfortable.