
Gods Grace

"Because you know that the testing of your faith, produces perseverance."-James 1:3...Amiyah and Elijah are college sweethearts who are on a journey to start a family but, as they come to learn with blessings come trials and tribulations. Combined with various events of loss and things that would cripple any couple, they must find a way to overcome hurdles that test not only their Marriage but also their Faith and Friendships. The main question for them now becomes, How do you depend on God and each other when you feel like you can't trust either one? Come along for the ride with them.

NishaJ31 · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Rocket Love

The next morning, Amiyah woke up to the sun shining in her face and not really knowing where she was. She looked around the room and realized that she was in her old bedroom. She turned around and saw Elijah smiling at her. "Good Morning beautiful." he said as he kissed her on the forehead and walked into the bathroom to start his morning routine.

"Morning." smiled Amiyah. Just then all of the events from last night came flooding back to Amiyah's memory and she couldn't help but to smile at how amazing it felt to be back in her husband's arms. She was finally back home! Thank you God. she thought silently as she walked into the bathroom as well. Everything was just as she remembered it, Elijah had even switched out her toothbrush for a new one.

After finishing up her routine, she walked downstairs to see where Elijah had went. As she walks into the kitchen, she hears a familiar voice singing. *cue D'Angelo's, Lady beat* "You're my ladyyy!" Amiyah just stood and watched as Elijah sang and danced while fixing breakfast. As the music switched songs, Amiyah giggled as Tevin Campbell's Can We Talk came on and Elijah yelled out, "Ayyye!" He turned around and noticed her presence in the kitchen and walked over to her and wrapped her in his arms as he sang to her.

"Can we talk for a minute, girl I want to know your name.." he sang as they swayed around in the kitchen. "Hey beautiful. How'd you sleep?" asked Elijah. "Great, what about you?" she asked. "I slept amazing" he stated as he spun her around and dipped her before sitting her down in a chair at the kitchen table. Amiyah smiled, "I see that, somebody's in a good mood today." she smirked. "Of course I am! My house is finally back in order and my wife is back where she belongs. Come on let's eat." he said lifting his arms in the air as if he was shouting. Amiyah laughed at her husband's silliness as he brought the plates of food over.

They ate and filled their kitchen with laughs and long overdue conversation. Before they knew it, and hour and a half had passed and Elijah's phone was ringing. It was Andre calling to see if he could help with the kid's practice today. Although he didn't want to, Amiyah urged him to go. She knew that if he stayed, they wouldn't get out of the bed at all for the rest of the day. Elijah pouted like a baby and reluctantly said, "I'll be there in 10 bro." he said as he watched Amiyah walk up the stairs.

"Make that 30 bruh, I got something to handle." he said and ended the call as he followed Amiyah up the stairs, planting kisses all over her neck. She giggled, "What are you doing? You're going to be late." she said trying to push him away but it wasn't really working. "Nah, I'm good right where I'm at." he stated as he continued kissing her. Amiyah didn't even bother protesting anymore because she wanted a Round 2 from last night as much as he did.

Amiyah woke up to sore legs and her phone ringing. It was a group FaceTime call from Cyn and Jasmine. "Hey girll!" they shouted in unison. "Hey y'all what's up?" Amiyah said as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "Chilling girl, trying to see where you been at. We called you last night but you didn't answer. We thought Elijah had you tied up in a basement somewhere." Cyn said smirking.

"Yeah, he had her tied up alright, just like a pretzel! I know that look, that's the 'I just got some good D sleep' look. Yesss sis!" Jas said as she laughed and stuck out her tongue. Amiyah could do nothing but laugh at her best friends because they were right; her and Elijah had went round for round until they couldn't go anymore which resulted in Amiyah falling straight to sleep and him leaving to go help his brother.

"Girl shut up with your crazy self" laughed Amiyah. Both Cyn and Jas were all smiles for their best friend, she's been through a lot and to see her happy and finally have her husband back meant a lot to them. "You know you're gonna have to spill all the tea the next time you see us. What you doing for the rest of the day?" Cyn asked.

Amiyah looked at the clock, it was after 3 and Elijah should be home soon and she wasn't sure what he wanted to do. "I don't even know, Eli's gone to work but should be home soon so I'm not sure what he wants to do." she stated as she turned on the tv. "I gotcha. Well just let us know, we'll be here. Glad you're back where you belong girl. Love you!" they said and ended the call.

Amiyah smiled at her friends and their thoughtfulness to call and check on her. She was as happy as she's ever been and couldn't thank God more for everything He's done for her. "Lord thank you for this feeling and for the amazing people you have put in my life who love and care for me. I pray that Elijah makes it home safely from work and that today will be Day 1 of our new and improved life together. Thank you again Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen."

Amiyah decided to cook dinner for Elijah tonight since he's been going all out for her for awhile. She decided on one of his favorite meals, Spicy Chicken and Shrimp Alfredo with garlic bread and an apple pie for dessert. She would definitely have to go to the store first so she grabbed her keys and headed out the door to Publix.