
Gods Forgotten Pawn

In an age where magic was scarce, Silas Nightshade, a formidable 25-year-old, stood out as one of the first humans to wield powers. With it, he became humanity's guardian. Yet, his prowess didn't go unnoticed. The Gods, intrigued by his potential, manipulated him as a puppet in their celestial games. But as Silas's might grew beyond their expectations, fear eclipsed their interest. They imprisoned him, fearing his uncontrollable strength. Eons passed until Chaos, a mysterious fairy, released him from his chains. But freedom came at a price. Now, as a hybrid of man and fairy, Silas is on a quest. His target? The very Gods who betrayed him.

TheUnknownArtist · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Troll King

Silas's body fell lifeless to the ground, his eyes closed and his skin as pale as a sheet. "Silas!" Melissa screamed, but her cries were drowned out by the menacing growl of the massive red troll. As if attracted by the smell of vulnerability, the beast started to inch closer to the lifeless body of Silas, drooling in anticipation. But, just as it prepared to leap, it halted mid-step, its attention suddenly diverted. Silas's body started to convulse violently, beginning an alarming transformation.

The trolls, with their keen senses, immediately detected the powerful aura radiating from Silas's transforming body. It was unlike anything they had felt before, triggering an instinctual fear that drove some of them to turn and run. Yet, their escape was cut short. In an astonishing act, the alpha troll, with a brutal swing of its club, smashed the fleeing trolls, instantly killing them. It was a violent reminder of their hierarchy, the alpha punishing its kin for daring to show fear.

As Silas's transformation continued, his body floated in mid-air, the growth of large, bat-like wings lifting him off the ground. His frame expanded, and sharp claws and teeth emerged, making him almost unrecognizable. Melissa, terrified by the sight, quickly sought refuge behind a large tree, yet she couldn't take her eyes off the unfolding spectacle. Finally, Silas descended to the ground, his transformation complete. His eyes glowed a deep, intense red, and his face was utterly expressionless.

This new, fierce version of Silas was confronting the alpha troll fearlessly. In response, the alpha troll, unflinching, thumped its chest and let out a fierce battle cry. The rest of the trolls followed suit, their roars echoing through the forest. As if on cue, the alpha troll pointed towards Silas, and three of its comrades charged towards him, brandishing various weapons. Silas, however, remained rooted in his spot, seemingly unaffected by the approaching threat.

In a flash, the charging trolls came to an abrupt halt, their heads inexplicably sliding off their bodies before they collapsed to the ground. Green blood dripped from Silas's sharp claws, yet no one had seen him move. The power and speed he exhibited were beyond comprehension. With a confident walk, Silas began to move towards the alpha troll. Every footstep left an indentation in the soft forest floor, the sheer power of his new form radiating from him.

Coming face to face with the alpha troll, the two of them stood at an equal height of around seven feet, the other trolls encircling them, waiting for the inevitable clash. In his unconscious state, Silas was unaware of the system message that had popped up, offering a random dark fairy ability in return for defeating all the twenty trolls present. However, contrary to what was expected, Silas didn't engage with the alpha troll. Instead, he calmly walked past the massive creature, seemingly unimpressed after sizing him up.

Behind the alpha troll stood two other trolls, distinct from the rest. They were shaman trolls, their unique aura intriguing Silas. He strode up to them, his claws growing even larger, poised for a swift and lethal attack. He yearned for their hearts; the tantalizing scent that wafted from them was too enticing to resist. His predatory instincts were in full control. However, just as Silas was about to claim his meal, a massive club whizzed through the air towards him from behind.

Nonchalantly, Silas employed his flash step ability, disappearing from his spot and reappearing after the club had passed. The alpha troll was interfering with his hunt, which fueled a rage within Silas. He let loose a deafening screech that echoed through the forest, paralyzing most of the trolls who dropped to their knees. The alpha troll, however, remained unaffected, standing firm in the face of Silas's sonic assault. The moment Silas's roar ceased, the alpha troll delivered a massive punch square on Silas's face, sending him flying back and crashing into several trees.

Enraged by the disrespect, the alpha troll couldn't fathom being defied by another creature. Without giving Silas a moment to recover, the troll rushed forward and unleashed a volley of punches. Each hit left a bruise on Silas's body, but he took them all without attempting to fight back. Thrown back across the forest again, Silas lay among a pile of destroyed trees. Seizing the opportunity, one of the shaman trolls cast an ice spell on Silas's arms, rendering them useless and encased in a block of ice.

Roaring triumphantly, the alpha troll oozed with confidence, certain that it could not be defeated. Yet in the midst of its roar, Silas used his flash step once again, appearing right before the alpha troll. His arms incapacitated, Silas delivered a powerful kick to the troll's gaping mouth, stunning the beast as his foot lodged into its maw. This provoked the troll further, steam billowing from its body and veins pulsating in fury. Maintaining his emotionless facade, Silas withdrew his foot and launched a swift spinning kick at the alpha troll's head, sending it flying.

Silas resumed his approach towards the shaman trolls, his mouth salivating in anticipation of the feast to come. He punched his fists together, shattering the ice encasing his arms. Yet, as he readied himself to devour the shaman trolls, he abruptly froze in his tracks. The hairs on his body rose, and with a swift leap, he put a great distance between himself and his prey. From where the alpha troll had fallen, a cloud of steam began to rise, enveloping the area and giving the forest an eerie aura.

A hint of concern appeared on Silas's previously emotionless face. The red alpha troll was stirring, its form altering drastically from what it had been before. Its red skin was now tinted black, two horns protruded from its head, and a spiky tail extended from its back. Its massive bulk shrunk down, the troll now standing at about 6 feet tall with more slender muscles. As steam continued to rise from its body, visibility within the battlefield was greatly reduced.

When the steam finally cleared, a completely different creature stood in the alpha troll's place. Its eyes were pitch black, radiating an intimidating aura. Every troll in the vicinity immediately kneeled, recognizing their king. Silas looked at his new foe, unfazed. A system message popped up, "Warning: You've encountered the Troll King! Defeat or survive in order to gain two instant level-ups!" The aura emanating from the Troll King was substantially more potent than before, and the two level-ups signified the beast's strength possibly surpassing Silas's.

Yet, the dark fairy form remained fearless. Meanwhile, in the spaceship above the planet, Jack observed the unfolding events, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Interesting," he murmured to himself. "So, the alpha troll was actually the Troll King. I wonder if Silas will be able to survive this encounter."