
Godlike one piece

DaoistTtqJXj · TV
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8 Chs

Blessing, Changes and looming threat

I was looking at the four guardians or gods as they were called in shock and awe I had never imagined casting this barrier enchantment would in fact result in bringing me to the attention of the four legendary guardians and as I was admiring them and their aura of power one of them decided to speak.

"Greetings young dragon lord we thank you for asking us for help, it has been a long time since anyone has put their faith in us to protect them and guide them and so we thank you,the reason why we thank you is because we have been trying to gain access to this world for a long time to help it flourish but each time we have been repelled by an even greater force who seems to want this world turned into chaos and discord" said the azure dragon.

"It is as my brother said we have been trying for a millennium to destroy what is preventing us from coming to this world but we have never succeeded until this day when you used our enchantment with heavenly magic even though unknowingly you helped us to gain access to this world even though it's only temporary and we thank you for that " said the phoenix.

As I stood there in shock as to what was happening and who was in front of me I didn't know what to say, mean when I set up the barrier I expected to have the power of the four guardians not that it would serve as a beacon for them to gain access to Planetos.

"Wow I had never imagined that I would meet the four guardians of the north, south, east and west i know quite a bit about you guys and I have to say it is an honour to meet you, may I ask what is preventing you from being able to come to this world "I said to them.

"We have no evidence as to what it might be but from what we have felt since we arrived it might be a demon from the underworld since it is connected to every reality" said the white tiger.

"Wait a second did you just say the underworld is connected to every reality how is that even possible" I said to them, "Just as heaven encompasses everything that exists so does the underworld they are polar opposites of one another" said the azure dragon.

"If he is a demon from the underworld than we have our work cut out for us because with the level of expansion he has accomplished his power has grown tremendously"I said to them, "Which is why we needed to get access to this world since we needed to find a champion with immense potential who can use our power to the fullest to destroy this threat" said the tortoise guardian.

"Well if that is the case we better find someone who you can give your blessing to ,to destroy this darkness" I said to them," I am afraid you are mistaken young dragon lord we have already found our champion and it is you ,with your immense magic and talent we could hope for no better successor" they said at the same time.

"Very well I accept to become your champion " I said to them," Now let us begin with bestowing onto you our gifts, control over the five nature elements fire, water,earth,wind, thunder and also their subelements , enhanced senses, flight and healing, we will also bestow upon you the ability to communicate with nature" they said as one.

As soon as they finished I felt myself changing my entire being was being reshaped from the foundations and my magic was working to add the new auditions to my structure for example my strength felt more controlled and my magic felt at peace like an ocean in a clear day, every breath that I would take created a cycle of healing for everything that existed within the barrier like flora and fauna had gone through a drastic change where as before they were alive and active now they were growing at an enormous rate ,every species that had gone extinct or was in the brink of extinction was brought back with my magic and that wasn't all the changes as the barrier was made with the four guardians permission it helped spread my magic all over the empire and my affinity with time was working to bring this land to its former glory by reverting the damages to it.

The changes that were happening to the continent were insane but the most insane change was happening with ancalagon ,his overall strength was increasing at a tremendous as was his magic,as this was happening he started to compress his gigantic size and getting stronger as a result which I could feel because of our bond, I was hoping the changes wouldn't take long but that thought went out of the window when he cocooned himself in a dark blue and silver shell which pulsed with each passing moment he was getting stronger but so was I but thanks to the blessing of the guardians I controlled my change which is why I stayed conscious and I let our link together with my magic help him complete his evolutionary process.

"Oracle can you tell me what is happening to my dragon right now"I asked her,["Like you went through changes so did your dragon but in his case the blessing you received from the guardians is changing him into the alpha species of dragons"] she finished saying.

"What sort of changes will he experience once the evolutionary process is done" I asked again,["His overall stats will be increased by ten times his magic power and fire power will also become stronger as for his physical changes you will have to wait and see "] oracle said.

As I was waiting the guardians came close to me to say their farewell to me,"Now that we have bestowed our gifts to you our time has come to leave this world because we cannot interfere any longer" said the azure dragon.

"Make sure this world is ."

After saying that they started to vanish and as they did everything became quiet again until the cocoon broke down and an immense pressure was released from it along with a dragon of dark blue and violent mixture of colours, it had four legs his wings were easily 300ft each his body was 150 ft long filled with muscles from top to bottom, the spines colour was obsidian black, in it's head were four long horns along with small pointet ears and a dark mohawk to complete the look but when he opened his eyes they were scarlet red in the background with a yellow ring around the pupil and a dark slit in the middle.

When I finished admiring his looks I felt his magic power and it was flowing wildly so I decided to help him control it,"Ancalagon you need to control your power, just follow my lead and do as I say", as I said that he nodded and I began teaching him," Now close your eyes and picture a river after you have done that picture the water flowing calmly from one place to another after you have done that use your feelings to control your magic the same way a river flows," I said then stoped when I saw him doing exactly as I told him to, after an hour or so his magic was running smoothly and with precise control.

"Thanks partner it would seem I have much to learn about myself and my new abilities," he said,"Do not worry partner I will teach you everything you need to know but first help me find the points in which the darkness is most concentrated," I said to him," Do you think it wise to go after it when we don't even know what it is," he said to me.

"We need to know where it is we don't have to go after it yet," I told him,"Very well partner let us begin," he said.

I started thinking of the best way to find where this ominous power was coming from without having to expose myself and then came up with the perfect idea would use the nature to seek and so I sat down in deep meditation focusing on the weir wood trees.

After a while the nature directed me to the dark lands where I saw a figure made of pure flames, then I saw what I knew to be the night king but he was still in his slumber so he wasn't active yet but these two figures paled in comparison to the last one who was in Yi ti I couldn't see him clearly because he was cloaked and focusing as well ,then suddenly he opened his eyes," I see you dragon lord even with all your power you are still too weak to contend against me," he said to me and since he found me I decided to talk to him,"Who are you and what do you want with this world?," I asked him," It is still too early for you to know but you will soon enough, but when you do that is when your strength will truly be challenged till that time comes I will leave my generals to test you," he said as I was pushed back into my body.

When I came to my senses I started to think what he meant when he said his generals and then it came to me the knight king and rhollo these two entities have always been the ones behind the scenes pulling the strings ,I guess he didn't want to interfere with the world once he snuffed out all the magic and he left those two to run amok causing chaos but no matter he will fall like everything that grows in the shadows.

"Oracle get me the best blacksmiths and architects as well as the best farmers in order to get everything up and running also get firiliser, seeds and tools for everything that they might need" I said to her.

["Everything is done Aegon all that you asked for has been brought to this world"] as she said that in front of me appeared twenty farmers along with forty architects and also the tools that they needed, after introducing ourselves they got to work building roads, store houses, healing buildings and everything that was needed, the same went for the farmers with everything provided for them their work was quick and steady.

Seeing as everything was going according to plan I decided to summon some dwarfs as well because they are excellent craftsman's and warriors, when they arrived I greeted them.

"Greetings my friends and sorry for the sudden change of scenery but I am in need of your help, I want you to start mining the rare ores that reside within these mountains and as reward you can chose whatever you want," as they heard me say they can chose whatever they want every one of them went to work to begin mining the rare ores and metal that has been created from the abundance of magic in the land.

Now that everything is in working order it's time I trained with my partner and blood brother for our coming fight against anyone who would come at us or our family.