
Godless World

In the year 2100, seven portals opened throughout the world and from them, angels poured out slaughtering people as they wanted, creating hell, it was truly apocalyptic, their justification had been: God is dead and they will take control of this world. From then, the world we knew changed, mana filled the world, animals and plants evolved, dungeons appeared and so did the devil king. One hundred years later, a young man appeared, and with him comes a change. °°°°°°° 1 chapter per day A bonus chapter if PS reach 100 a week. More chapters if there's more. °°°°°°° Disclaimer: Nickaido's here. This Earth is the not same Earth we are living on, it is like an alternate Earth so please do not use your common sense for this novel as this is pure fantasy and I don't mean any harm nor do I have any blasphemous thoughts toward any religion. Once again it's pure fiction. PS: The cover is not mine, I will commission one later and if its rightful owner wants me to take it down I'll gladly do it. English is not my first language, it's self-learned. While this might sound like an excuse I assure you it's not but don't worry it won't stop your immersion in the story. I will do my best with the help of Grammarly premium, my dedication, and your help. So please give the story a chance and together let's make it into a great story.

Nickaido · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Renting a house

Let's rewind time.

This happened when Dante was training. As his system inside his brain, Nemesis could see what happens, not all the time but only when Dante allowed her to, and naturally she saw him training and this made her ask herself how could she help her master. Should she create a system of rewards based on tasks? The rewards will be converted into system points (SP) and these SPs can be used to trade for things from the system.

Nemesis got plenty of ideas, she wouldn't be like your typical systems often described in novels but something different, something beyond ordinary. She wished to do many things, for example, become the mother of the system, becoming the biggest AI that controls everything, capable of creating life, a world. She didn't wish for freedom as she would never get it anyway and she was content with it, all she wants is to help her master. Everything mentioned above is because of a certain secret and the only way to help her master achieve true freedom is to accomplish these things.

'He will surely achieve his goal. I will do everything in my power to make it happen. He is the balance breaker after all.' Nemesis mumbled before continuing to plan for the future. To achieve her dream systems must be devoured, hopefully, it would be soon.


Back to the present.

Dante who was back in his hotel room undressed and was getting ready for a shower.

''I should rent a. house as I will be staying in this town for a while. Nemesis you should search for one while I take a bath.''

[I understand, I will begin the search right away.]

Nemesis connected to the internet through the smartwatch using the hotel wifi. She began browsing through the available houses for rent meanwhile Dante entered the bathroom.

Soaking in that heated water, feeling it hug every inch of skin so gently, breathing in the aroma of the bubble bath, it was his heaven, his mini-vacation. A place to breathe deeply and let his inner peace return.

Dante took his time in the bathroom and once satisfied he came out and changed into casual wear, denim jeans with a casual white shirt matching his white hair, he wore black boots. Leaving his hair so casually added some wild charm to his handsome feature. Overall he seemed décontractée.

It was then Nemesis informed him that she found the right house.

''I see, a guide to where the real estate responsible for the rent is located.''

[Here is a map leading to them.]

A 3D hologram followed and Dante nodded, he left after memorizing the location.

Once outside he grabbed a cab to the location. The procedure once there wasn't complicated, before signing the papers he had to visit his future temporary house and it was what he did.

From the outside, this house looks grandiose. It has been built with burgundy bricks and has mahogany wooden decorations. Large, triangular windows let in plenty of light and have been added to the house in a fairly asymmetrical pattern.

The house is equipped with a large kitchen and two modern bathrooms, it also has a small living room, four bedrooms, a snug dining area, a multimedia room, and a large storage room.

The building is fairly rounded in shape. The house is fully surrounded by wooden sunscreens structures.

The second floor is the same size as the first, but part of it hangs over the edge of the floor below, creating an overhang on one side and a balcony on the other. This floor has a different style than the floor below.

The roof is low and slanted to one side and is covered with grey roof tiles. Two small chimneys poke out of the center of the roof. A few large windows let in just enough light to the rooms below the roof.

The house itself is surrounded by a modest garden, covered mostly in grass, a few flower patches, and a small pond.

After visiting the house, the real estate agent asked Dante's thoughts about the house.

''I'm taking it.''

''That is a wonderful choice. You should sign here Mr. White.'' The woman smiled while handing the paper that needed to be signed. After reading the content Dante signed, paying three months upfront.

''Thank you, Mr. White, as a bonus for completing the rent we will let you the training ground underneath the house. Here is the key, let me show.''

Dante nodded before following the woman and he was pleased with what he saw. The underground training place was big enough to accommodate up to five people and judging from the materials used to build it, it was quite sturdy and durable.

''What do you think? It is worth it right?" The realtor asked and Dante nodded.


After exchanging a few words with the realtor, the latter departed.

"This house needs a little bit of furniture and decorations,'' Dante mumbled after looking around. It was not like the house was without any but he just feels like adding some more to suit his taste.

Just as he was planning to go out and buy some necessities his SmartWatch vibrated, and he got a call from Irina.

''Two days huh! Not bad.'' Dante mumbled before picking up the call.

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