

Lorenzo sauntered into the bustling restaurant, his eyes scanning the room for the man he was there to meet. In a corner booth, a middle-aged gentleman sat, sipping on a glass of amber liquid. He wore a crisp suit, a telltale sign of his profession as a banker.

Lorenzo approached the table, tipping his fedora as he neared. "Mr. Laurent?" he inquired, extending a hand.

The man, who must've been Gustav, stood and shook Lorenzo's hand firmly. "You must be Mr. Lupo," he said, gesturing for Lorenzo to take a seat.

"That's right," Lorenzo replied, settling into the plush leather booth. "I understand you're looking to part ways with your property in Beverly Hills."

Gustav nodded, signaling to the lawyer seated beside him. "That's correct. My employer's transferring me to New York, and I can't very well manage it from across the country."

The lawyer slid a thick stack of documents towards Lorenzo, along with a fountain pen. "We've already taken care of the financial matters, so all that's left is your John Hancock."

Lorenzo's eyebrow raised, but he didn't press further. Instead, he signed where indicated, the scratch of the pen on parchment the only sound in the dimly lit booth.

"It's a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Lupo," Gustav said, standing to shake Lorenzo's hand once more.

"Likewise, Mr. Laurent," Lorenzo responded, tipping his hat once more before exiting the restaurant, the deed to his new mansion tucked securely in his briefcase.

Once the meeting with Gustav concluded, Lorenzo exited the restaurant and made his way to his waiting car. Mike, his trusted driver, tipped his hat and opened the door for him. "Boss, where to next?"

Lorenzo simply stated a lounge in Downtown, and the car pulled away from the curb. As they drove through the bustling streets of Los Angeles, Lorenzo's mind wandered. He couldn't help but ponder the film studio he was about to acquire. According to his sources, the studio owner was drowning in debt, its owner desperate for a lifeline.

They arrived at the lounge, and Lorenzo wasted no time in finding the studio's owner. The man, a desperate look in his eyes, seemed relieved to see him. The handover of the studio went smoothly, as if it were meant to be. Just like before, Lorenzo didn't need to reach for his wallet; the system had already taken care of the transaction.

With the paperwork signed, Lorenzo returned to his car and headed back to his gang's base.


The apartment buzzed with activity as Lorenzo's men scurried about, arranging their clothes and equipment. They were preparing to leave their humble abode and head to their new digs: a modest mansion in the affluent Trousdale Estates of Beverly Hills.

Most of the gang members couldn't contain their excitement, including Adam, who couldn't wipe the grin off his face as he packed up his belongings. His fiancé, Tifanny, stood by his side, her eyes wide with wonder. "Are we really allowed to live in the boss's mansion?" she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Adam nodded, his chest puffed with pride. "Lorenzo's like a brother to me. We're some of the lucky few who'll be livin' in the gang's main headquarters now."

Tifanny's face lit up with a smile, her apprehension replaced by a sense of security.

The mansion in Trousdale Estates was grand, but even it had its limits. Aside from Lorenzo and his fiancé, Deborah, only his most trusted and high-ranking members would be allowed to reside within its walls.

Adam and his girlfriend Tifanny, Max, Patrick, Peggy, Richard, Henry, Julius, Mike, Leo, and Ricky were among the chosen few.

Most of these men had been by Lorenzo's side since their days in the war, with the exception of Mike, the young buck who'd joined the gang just a few weeks prior. Peggy, the sultry prostitute who'd been with the gang since Lorenzo took control of the little gang from Max in New York, also made the cut.

As for the lower-ranking members of the gang, especially the newly recruited of Raven Corps, they'd be left behind at the two-story apartment, which would now serve as the gang's secondary base. It wasn't the lap of luxury they'd all hoped for, but it was a start. In due time, they knew, their loyalty might just earn them a ticket to the big leagues.

Although the Raven Corps, a façade of justice under Lorenzo's command, already had a building that their boss had rented out for them to operate from, they also had the two-story apartment in Boyle Heights. This was where they could kick back, relax, and have some fun when they weren't cleaning up the streets or causing trouble of their own.

In the two short weeks since Lorenzo had founded the Raven Corps, they'd made quite an impact on Boyle Heights. While the local cops may not have been thrilled with their presence, even they had to admit that the neighborhood had become safer. The streets were cleaner, the people felt safer, and the crime rate had plummeted. The credit, however, didn't go to the boys in blue; it went to the Raven Corps.

Little did the unsuspecting citizens know that as the Raven Corps' reputation grew, so too did Lorenzo's grip on the neighborhood. With each passing day, his control tightened, and it was only a matter of time before his gang would be the sole powerhouse in the area. It was a game of chess, and Lorenzo was several moves ahead of the competition.


Lorenzo stood by the curb, his arm around his fiancée, Deborah. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she looked up at him. "I wonder what our new home will look like?" she mused aloud.

Lorenzo flashed her a confident grin. "Trust me, it won't disappoint, Deb."

"Oh, I know you wouldn't steer me wrong," she purred, squeezing his arm.

With that, they made their way to the sleek, black car that awaited them. The rest of the chosen few, including Adam and Tifanny, Max, Patrick, Peggy, Richard, Henry, Julius, Mike, Leo, and Ricky, followed suit, climbing into their vehicles. Engines roared to life, and one by one, the caravan of cars pulled away from the two-story apartment, leaving behind the lesser-ranked members of the Lupo gang.

"Damn, I wish I could be livin' it up in the boss's mansion," Martin lamented, his eyes still fixed on the cloud of exhaust left by the departing caravan.

"Amen to that," Peter agreed, shaking his head.

William, the newly appointed caporegime tasked with minding the two-story apartment and carrying out Lorenzo's orders in the neighborhood, clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "Alright, enough daydreamin', fellas. We got business to tend to! Let's not keep the boss waitin'."

The remaining members of the Lupo gang dispersed, each one heading to their respective tasks. They knew that if they wanted a shot at the high life, they'd have to prove their worth on the mean streets of Boyle Heights first.


The caravan of cars finally pulled up to the Trousdale Estates mansion that now belonged to the Lupo gang. Surrounded by a lush garden and a tall, wrought-iron fence, the grandiose mansion stood as a testament to their hard work and cunning. Mike was the first out of his car, opening the door for Lorenzo and Deborah.

"Incredible," Julius breathed, adjusting his fedora as he took in the sight.

The rest of the gang, usually unfazed by such opulence, couldn't help but be impressed. They'd seen mansions before, but now that they were going to live in one, it was a whole different ballgame.

"I can't believe we're really going to live here?" Deborah gasped, her eyes wide as they pulled up to the mansion.

Lorenzo chuckled. "What? You didn't think I could pull it off?"

"Well, with your... unique set of skills and your 'ill-gotten' wealth," she said, air-quoting the last two words, "I knew you'd find a way."

Lorenzo chuckled dryly and gave her a playful pat on the behind. "Hey, now. It's not 'ill-gotten' if I worked for it."

"Whatever you say," Deborah retorted, rolling her eyes.

Lorenzo just chuckled and waved for his men to follow him through the gates. Just then, the caretakers emerged from the mansion, one of them addressing him. "You must be the new owner Mr. Laurent was telling us about?"

"That's right," Lorenzo confirmed. "Now, open the gates so our cars can enter."

"Of course, sir," the caretaker replied, bowing slightly before he and his partner opened the wrought-iron gates, allowing the caravan to drive up the winding driveway and park in front of the mansion.

As soon as the gates opened, Deborah practically skipped up the driveway, her excitement palpable. She turned back and gestured for Lorenzo to hurry up, but he couldn't help but smile at her childlike enthusiasm.

Before he could join her, Adam and Richard approached him, so he called out, "Go on ahead, Deb. I'll be right in."

Deborah nodded and glanced around the lush gardens surrounding the mansion before stepping inside.

"You know, boss," Adam whispered, "the mayor's place is just around the corner."

"I'm aware of our new neighbor," Lorenzo chuckled.

Richard raised an eyebrow. "Why would you buy a mansion so close to the mayor's, boss? I thought we were supposed to lay low?"

Max and the others had also gathered around, eager to hear their boss's response.

Lorenzo chuckled, looking around at the houses in the neighborhood. "Well, I think it wouldn't be so bad to be near the mayor's residence," he said, feigning nonchalance. "With this, once we've got him in our pocket, we'll be able to keep an eye on his every move. And if he ever tries any funny business, we'll have leverage over him... and his family."

His men exchanged knowing glances, understanding dawning on their faces.

"I see..." Richard nodded, stroking his chin.

"That's vicious, but effective," Max agreed. "After all, we don't want him to double-cross us once we've gotten what we want."

"Exactly," Lorenzo said, clapping his hands together. "Now, enough standin' around. Let's see what this mansion has to offer."

They followed him inside, marveling at the opulence that greeted them. While it couldn't compare to the mayor's mansion they'd recently infiltrated, it was still a far cry from their previous digs. High ceilings, plush furnishings, and artwork adorned the grand foyer. A sweeping staircase led to the upper floors, and the air was heavy with the scent of expensive cologne and perfume.

"Not bad for a gangster's hideout, eh?" Lorenzo mused, a smirk playing on his lips.

"You're tellin' me," Adam said, running his hand along the polished railing. "This is livin'."