
GodFather System: All my kids are weird

It has been 800 years since this world was destroyed by a sudden catastrophe. In order to survive in this world, Linc compromised, and he used his GodFather system. As long as you raise your daughter like a normal girl and make her admire yourself. Then you will earn a father point, and become stronger with time. Cute corpse controlling girl: "You are my father, so stay by my side forever!" Queen of tower: "Dad won't leave me will right?" Holy priest: "Sorry father, you forced me to do violence. The holy church will bless our relationship." Seeing the children he had cared for started fighting one after another. Linc raised his hands forward. "Wait a minute, why are you guys stronger than me!? We got the order wrong!" ____ New book.

World_Simulator · Fantasy
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184 Chs

Chapter 35: "Raina story"

"This is a simple story. A story, which is about a doll in the form of a girl, with another doll who has the identity of both parents."

"Their life in the toy house is very simple, but very fun... It's really fun."

"However... One day, her parents' dolls suddenly burst into flames, without residue. Leaving the girl alone waiting inside the toy house in silent silence."

"Someone, maybe called a cousin doll. Came to her house with a friendly smile, while eyeing the property left by her parents."

"The girl couldn't stand it. So she set fire to her house, which had been filled with memories of her parents on an impulse."

"Just when the doll thought it was all over and nothing was going to bother her anymore. Her cousin doll came over, and took her again into the big toy house."

At this point, Linc somewhat understood.

"That doll killed everyone in the mansion."

.... Sorry, the story is too fast, Linc is still in the process of digesting the information.

"The thief came to the house, and she killed him."

"A group of people came, and she also killed him."

"There was a man who got lost, and she killed him too."

".....She turned all of them into zombie creatures, who would never leave himself alone again once and for all."



This time, both Raina and Linc suddenly froze. The two of them didn't know what else to say.

Raina raised her head, and looked at Linc with a piercing gaze. Her ruby red eyes, emitted a very sinister glow.

"[This kid is really not a good kid.]"

This time, Linc agreed with him tacitly.

"[She wants to turn you into her personal zombie.]"

Thanks for the very useless information. Linc really didn't need to be told about it at all.

Seeing the dangerous glint in Raina's eyes, Linc couldn't help but sigh.

He rose from his chair.

Raina raised one index finger up, and a group of zombies, began to appear behind the mansion's dark stained glass windows.

If Linc decided to escape from within the mansion, then he would be very certain to be instantly annihilated by this passing zombie wave.

This is really a dead end.

"I will not leave you."

Raina's finger, which was pointing upwards, froze in silence.

She saw the demon squatting in front of him, and gently stroked her head.

"Because you are my daughter."

Raina: "...."

"[Ding! +600]"

"[Ding! +600]"

"[Ding! +600]"

"[Ding! +600]"


Linc didn't tell a lie at all. Biologically, Raina uses his body's DNA, and has the same blood line as him.

"I... your daughter?" Raina enjoys the devil's hand in her hair. And the index finger that lifts up, begins to slowly go down.

All Raina needed right now was an reason.

The reason she wouldn't leave her at all.

No matter how stupid it was, No matter how absurd it was, she really needed an reason.

"Yes, I am your father. A father would not leave her daughter alone."

Sitting next to Raina quietly. Linc hugged her body warmly, and he started patting Raina's back slowly.

"Shhh.... Go to sleep."

Feeling the warmth that enveloped her whole body, Raina, who had been sleepy all this time, closed her eyes peacefully.

She fell asleep in Linc's arms comfortably.

"[You made it out of the crisis!]"

"[You feel so handsome!]"

Carrying Raina's body in the princess's arms. Linc couldn't take her to her room on the third floor, so he decided to put Raina in his own room.

Cover her with a warm blanket, and turn off the bedroom light. Linc yawned in exhaustion, and started walking towards the sofa.

He removed the demon mask that had been stuck to his face for a long time.

Lying on the long sofa, Linc began to think about what he would do in the future.

His condition is currently still a fugitive. No matter how long it took, he would definitely be found one day.

The visit, and entering Gerland's research area, only made Linc aware that he shouldn't be messing around anymore. He had to leave this comfortable story behind, and leave this place as soon as possible.

The longer he stays in one place, the identity that Linc is trying to hide will be revealed one day.

If that time comes, then he will have to leave Raina to keep her safe.

What they are after is himself. Bringing Raina on his journey could only harm her.

He had to leave Raina inevitably.

"Mentality is the most important thing. Raina's mental state is currently in a fragile state after being abandoned by the people she loves in succession. Leaving her now can only make the situation more dangerous."

Unknowingly, Linc had entered his father mode again.

"Time is the best medicine to forget sadness, but time is not in my favor at all. Cats can restore it, but only a little..."

Linc was running out of ideas.

Look at the television screen that is still on. Linc's eyes became blurry, and he could only see various colors, such as red, yellow, green, mixed together on the television screen.

"Maybe.... holiday?"

Felt he had a good idea. Linc smiled slightly, and his eyelids became very heavy.

He suddenly felt very sleepy.

Had random thoughts in his mind before he fell asleep. Linc closed his eyes tiredly, and darkness began to cover his entire landscape.

Lin was asleep.

The television, which was making loud noises, became silent in an instant.



"[You sense danger.]"



With a silent "click" sound. The entire mansion became pitch black, and a small footstep slowly began to approach where Linc was sleeping.

"[You sense danger.]"

"[You sense danger.]"

"[You sensed danger!]"


Constantly hearing his own voice echo in his brain while he was still asleep. Linc opened his eyes in annoyance, but suddenly realized that his entire body couldn't move at all.

"[You have sleep paralysis.]"

Thanks for the explanation.

"Ugh... Something heavy seems to be hitting my stomach... I can't move..."

He opened his eyes in panic. Linc suddenly realized that the entire mansion had turned pitch black.

Look at the thing that sits in his stomach. Linc saw Raina, with ruby red eyes, staring at his with a very dangerous look.

"[You sense danger.]"


Combining all the events of tonight into one. Linc didn't even have to think about where the danger was coming from.

"Devil, are you sleeping?"

Seeing the devil's eyes wide open, yet he didn't gnash his body at all. Raina approached her face to the devil's face, and she whispered.

"You sleep?"


Of course the answer was complete silence.

Could feel small objects such as spores entering his respiratory tract one after another. The conscience skill notification grew louder, and Linc knew he was in danger.

Linc used his abilities.

All the tiny spores that entered his veins, instantly withered and dried up from the exhaustion of energy Hore.


Raina tilted her head in confusion.

Waited a few minutes and continued to see the look of confusion on Raina's face. Linc was finally able to move his body, and he could breathe a sigh of relief.

"Don't do that. It's all for nothing."

A Transfusion's ability is the steam within their body, based on the Hore energy itself.

Linc's body which was automatically immune to Hore energy, could gather Hore, and could also absorb Hore, was a lethal weapon for all elemental and control-type Transfusion users.

At least Raina belongs to that category.

"Go to sleep, tomorrow we will go on holiday. Don't be sleepy tomorrow."

Seeing that Linc hugged him, and told him to sleep quickly. Raina raised her eyebrows in confusion.

"You are not angry?"


"I-I wanted to turn you into a zombie just now!"

"Go to sleep."


"Should I repeat?"


Seeing that Raina suddenly fell silent. Linc nodded his head casually.

"Good. You are a good girl."

Lying on the sofa, in Linc's arms. Raina, who noticed her current slightly awkward position, suddenly blushed.

She buried her face in Linc's chest shyly.

"[Ding! +300]"

"[Ding! +300]"

"[Ding! +300]"


"[You hug Raina to prevent her from physically attacking you when you go to sleep. You think of strangling her when she's about to attack.]"

No, I never thought that way. I'm a good father!

Of course Linc rejected what the conscience skill had told him.

By the way this skill could actually read what he was thinking at the moment.

He had to be more careful.

Linc squinted his eyes in complete vigilance.