
GodFather System: All my kids are weird

It has been 800 years since this world was destroyed by a sudden catastrophe. In order to survive in this world, Linc compromised, and he used his GodFather system. As long as you raise your daughter like a normal girl and make her admire yourself. Then you will earn a father point, and become stronger with time. Cute corpse controlling girl: "You are my father, so stay by my side forever!" Queen of tower: "Dad won't leave me will right?" Holy priest: "Sorry father, you forced me to do violence. The holy church will bless our relationship." Seeing the children he had cared for started fighting one after another. Linc raised his hands forward. "Wait a minute, why are you guys stronger than me!? We got the order wrong!" ____ New book.

World_Simulator · Fantasy
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184 Chs

Chapter 128: "Turn on emotion counting"

After hearing of his father's death. Linc's feelings became completely empty.

He was lost, confused, not knowing what to do.

But now....

It doesn't matter.

He had found what had he always wanted. Keeps a promise, and enjoys the freedom he gets, while recording it into eternal photos.



Enter the RoyalMity bakery, and see the orange light, and smell the smell of toast that spreads in the air. Linc, who had a camera around his neck, went to the bakery, to order.

Linc looked at Raina with a smiling.

"Chocolate muffins, four, and two-piece croissants. Also for the drink, order a bitter black coffee."

"Yeah, four chocolate muffins and..." She suddenly stopped moving.

Raina: "...."

Linc: "(^ _ ^)"

Lifting her head quickly, and saw Linc who gave her a small smile. Raina's face suddenly turned stiff, and she held her facial muscles with all her might.

"Drink orders will be delivered soon… please wait a moment at the table."

Nodded his head, and took the bread that Raina handed him. Linc looked for a comfortable seat, and he sat down, while looking at Raina who was currently still working.

Raina: "...."

Saw that Linc had taken a photo of herself with no intention of hiding it at all. Raina's face stiffened even more, but her little ears were almost turning red.

How does it feel to have your parents come to your place of work? Gosh, this is so embarrassing!

Go way!

Raina didn't know what kind of expression to make. She felt every action she took was wrong!

"Raina, the order of black coffee is ready. By the way, who ordered this?"

Glancing at Lamy, an intern who got the same job as her. Raina saw Lamy's gentle smile, and she pointed her finger in one direction.

"O-There." Raina bit her tongue accidentally.

"Thank you!"

Ignoring the small mistakes Raina made. Lamy walked slowly towards Linc, and she handed it a black coffee, his order.

"Please enjoy~"

Seeing the friendly smile on Lamy's face. Linc who saw the beautiful woman's smile, also smiled, and he asked:

"By the way, are you a new intern here too? What about her? Is she make trouble?"

Heard and saw that this customer pointed his finger at Raina's stiff body. Lamy who thinks that Linc is an undercover boss, to check on his employees. Straighten her back quickly.

"No problem at all! Raina is the nicest and cutest girl I've ever met. She's such a nice person!"

"Oh? Really? Please explain in more detail."


Raina: "...."

Fell silent, and looked at Lamy who was chatting with Linc with a smile full of flattery. Raina couldn't utter a single broken word.

What are you doing now!? Why are you talking to him!? Back to work!

"Raina also often helps senior when they need help. She is an optimistic girl."


What are you talking about!?! You're talking about me from behind!? Why did you tell him?

Even if you praise me, I won't forgive you!!! You stupid, pig woman, fat brain, shrimp brain!!!

Get back to work!!!

Had a stiff smile on her face, and had ears that were already bright red. Raina saw that Lamy lowered her head, backed away, and she went back in, to work.

"Raina, I've given you a good evaluation for you! If that person asks about me, leave a good review as well!" Lamy's eyes had an extremely excited glint.

"Just go to work there." Having a stiff, shy smile, and had hands holding a bread knife. Raina shooed Lamy away with a few knife waves.

Breathed a sigh of relief, and looked forward again, to see that Linc was looking at her with a playful smile. Raina put on her stiff mask again.

Raina: "...."

Gosh, dad, I beg you to go.

Raina's little heart screamed in a very small voice.


Through a difficult day, Raina managed to change her shift, and she was allowed to go home at the last moment.

Now, it's 5 pm.

"Au! Why did you hit me!?"

"You deserve it!!!"

Saw Raina grit her teeth, and hit him with all her might. Linc who saw Raina's face, which was bright red, from anger. Just accept suffering silently.

"Okay, okay! It's my fault! I'm sorry!"

"What are you apologizing for?"

"Eh...." Linc became confused: "Because I didn't order more cake? Au! Why are you still hitting me?!"

Linc shouted in confusion.

"Shut up you pig brain! Horse head! Crab brain! Stupid! Idiot! IDIOT!!!"

Stop hitting, and pant with exhaustion. Raina wiped the sweat off her cheeks, and she snorted in annoyance.

"[She seems really angry. Give her a present.]"

"Thanks for the advice, claire."

Thinking about it for a while, and didn't know what gift would be suitable for Raina. Linc gave up, and threw this question at Raina.

"I'm really sorry for what I did. As an apology, you can ask me one thing!"

Raina was intrigued, and she opened one eye which emitted a ruby red glow like a gem.


"Not that much..." Linc struggled a little to explain the scope of the "request" he wanted.

The word "whatever" is too ambiguous.

"In that case, I accept your apology. All I want is one! Teach me to cook one more time!"

Looked at Raina with a bit of confusion. Linc was stunned for a moment not expecting Raina to make such a request, and he nodded his head in agreement.

"Is that all?"

"Yeah, that's all."

Saw Raina's figure with her back to the bright golden sun, and smiled gently at him. Linc stared at her blankly, and he accidentally took a picture.

"What are you doing?"

"Take a photo of an angel."

Stopped, froze, and blushed once more. This time Raina hit Linc's shoulder really hard!

"Hey! Stop it!" Linc screamed in pain mixed with a tone of confusion.

"[Heh, woman.]"


Returned home, and prepared food for the four of them. Linc, who was washing the dishes, suddenly thought of something.

"Claire, I sense something is missing.... By the way where is dad's point notification?"

"[You mean notification Ding! Ding! Ding?]"

"Yes, it is. Why haven't I heard it again all this time?"

Claire shrugged her shoulders: "[In the first place, you can say this point is a new energy that is purer than Hore energy.]"

"[I used to need this to gather energy around you, and fight back against the erosion of LOVE while taking its power bit by bit.]"

"[Now, because of the shrewd operation that LOVE performed before he went into hibernation. He snatched this authority back, and all that emotional energy went straight to him, without going through me again.]"

Linc paused: "Wait a minute, so you're saying LOVE is right now recovery with the father points I got?"

"[Yes, but you don't have to worry too much because LOVE repair costs are very high. The calculations that LOVE will wake up four or five years later are included with this energy alone.]"

"[Besides, this notification is quite noisy.]" Claire went straight to the point where she disliked the most.

Linc opened his mouth in surprise: "What are you doing? Activate immediately!"

"Even though it's just a little bit, it's all gone swallowed up by LOVE! Damn, I've been helping him recover all this time!"

Claire still had a nonchalant tone: "[Up to you.]"

Waited a few moments in silence. Linc suddenly heard a his voice which had no emotion at all.

"[Emotion point count activated!]"

Nod his head. Linc looked at Luna who was still watching TV with Irene, and he opened his mouth wide.

"Luna, I love you!"


"[Ding! +1200]"

"[Ding! +1200]"

"[Ding! +1200]"

"[Ding! +1200]"


"Well, this is very high." Linc narrowed his eyes in pain.

Think all these points will go to LOVE without remainder. It made Linc's heart ache even more.


Luna, who was watching television, suddenly froze in place.

Her pointed ears, reddened very quickly.

"Surprise attack, this not fair..."

Luna buried her cute, red face into her slender knees in shame.

"You devil."

She whispered in a very small voice.