
GodFather System: All my kids are weird

It has been 800 years since this world was destroyed by a sudden catastrophe. In order to survive in this world, Linc compromised, and he used his GodFather system. As long as you raise your daughter like a normal girl and make her admire yourself. Then you will earn a father point, and become stronger with time. Cute corpse controlling girl: "You are my father, so stay by my side forever!" Queen of tower: "Dad won't leave me will right?" Holy priest: "Sorry father, you forced me to do violence. The holy church will bless our relationship." Seeing the children he had cared for started fighting one after another. Linc raised his hands forward. "Wait a minute, why are you guys stronger than me!? We got the order wrong!" ____ New book.

World_Simulator · Fantasy
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184 Chs

Chapter 112: "Meet Luna again"

Arrived at the hospital, and walked to follow where Casrita went. Linc looked around at the hospital area, and the two of them started to enter the second floor.

On the way to the hospital. Linc had seen all kinds of Transfusions of all kinds, which was where their body shapes managed to open his eyes wide.

There is Transfusion which has cat ears, and dog ears. There was also Transfusion which had a very bushy tail like a squirrel, which made him really want to pet it.

Linc had even seen a half-horse Transfusion on the streets.


Half horse, half human!


This managed to make Linc's jaw drop, as the centaur gave him a very cool greeting.

If have to say, this world is simply amazing.


On the other hand, Linc understood very well why the humans still hated Transfusion.

If you use their point of view. All of these Transfusions were like a... monster.

Linc slightly raised his eyebrows in confusion.

He wasn't confused because he didn't understand. Rather it was because he understood the perspective of their point of view.

Hatred never arises from within nothing. Everything must have an origin.

Hore beasts that took the lives of their families. Almost exactly the same transfusion as the Hore beast. Humans kill them for revenge. Transfusion also kills them for self-defense, and revenge.

Vicious cycle cycle.

This world can also get very complicated sometimes.

"What are you thinking? Don't be in a daze, and go inside! Luna and Doctor are waiting inside."

Awaken from his daydream. Linc looked at Casrita for a moment, and he went straight into the nursing ward, which was in front of him right now.


Opened the door, and saw a clean white hospital room, and the windows were wide open. Linc looked at Irene with a confused look.

"Why are you here?"

"What? You mean I shouldn't be here? Do you think my being here pollutes the environment?"

This girl is too aggressive.

Looks like she entering her period.

"Just forget it. Forget what I said earlier."

Become very lazy to argue with a grumpy girl. Linc nodded his head at Doctor Servial who was sitting quietly by the window, and he looked straight at Luna.

Sitting on a hospital bed with a very calm face. Luna looked back at Linc with her blue eyes, and she smiled gently.

"It's been a long time-- hya!?!"

Snapped his finger on Luna forehead very hard. Linc looked at Luna who was holding her forehead in pain, and he said:

"Never act like an adult in front of me, little girl. I'm your father."

Holding her forehead in pain. Tears rolled down Luna's face, and she looked at Linc with teary eyes.

"Cheating... This is really unfair..."

Saw that Linc was approaching the bed, and sat down next to her. Luna immediately pounced on Linc's body tightly.

Buried her face into Linc's chest. Luna hugged Linc a little tighter.

"Dad, Luna misses you very much."

In a little girl's voice, like she desperately needed his presence. Linc raised his right hand, and he gently stroked her back.

"I really miss you."

Hug Linc tighter. Luna's hands became shaking, and she cried once more.


With a smile on her face.

"Luna misses you, dad."

Gripping Linc's clothes very tightly. Luna who was innocent and pure, finally returned.

Her knight didn't want to play with the Queen. So, the queen threw off her crown without hesitation, and returned to being the innocent princess she had always longed for.


Seeing that Luna wiped her tears on his clothes, very spoiled. Linc could only stroke Luna's hair, slowly.

Just like before.

"Dad's here. Don't be afraid anymore."


Looking at the warm scene like a family, inside the hospital ward. Casrita walked up to Doctor Servial, and she smiled.

"Doctor, since I'm well-behaved, may I ask for a raise?"

"Get lost."

Answered his assistant who wanted a raise coldly. Servial stood up from the chair, and he went straight to the three of them.

"Irene, shut your ears tight. This will be a very confidential conversation."

Nodded her head, and immediately used her Steam energy to block her eardrums. Irene went to the corner of the room, and turned around, tightly covering her ears.

"Ehm! Sorry to interrupt your time. But, the matter that you will be facing right now will be of great importance."

Release his hug from Luna. Linc looked at doctor Servial with a serious look as well.

"As you know. In order to save all of you, I sent 5 Fallen members to help you while inside the Martid Island."

"Right now, four of the five fallen team members are entering a very critical state. We need your ability to absorb Hore energy from within their bodies."

Saw the doubtful look in Linc's eyes. Doctor Servial explained it in more detail.

"The reason why Irene is here is because she is the patient with the most critical injuries. If it wasn't for Luna's ability to let her sleep, then Irene from a long time ago would have exploded."

"You have to heal her if you don't want her to die suddenly."

Even though he asked for help. The words he spit out were almost like an order.

The superior aura of the supreme leader who had once saved countless human lives, as well as the supreme spiritual leader of everyone from the Neisser Society, leaked out instantly.

Felt a heavy pressure on his shoulder. Linc became a little overwhelmed.

"No... You misunderstood. I don't mean not to treat them. But... This is too complicated."

His ability to absorb Hore energy could indeed be done by the current Linc. However, what did he do next?

A Transfusion is like a lake with a continuous flowing waterfall, providing a very stable supply of water.

Although he later managed to drain all the water using a water pump machine. This will not change the fact that the waterfall will continue to flow non-stop every day.

Fill it to the full.

He needs a barrier.

Not a barrier to stop the flow of water. But the barrier of the lake, to stop the rising water that continues to rise from second to second.

It will be very difficult.

This operation requires great care not to disturb the Steam energy in the body, and to provide a limit for the body itself.

If Linc had the help of LOVE on site-18, he might have managed to do this very easily.


He was left alone at this time.

The intelligent brain that had always supported him secretly, was forced to hibernate.

Linc had become an idiot.

"Anyway, although I can't guarantee 100% percent success. I have to try anyway. Claire, help me."

"[With pleasure.]"

Felt his head suddenly turn very cold. All the emotions that plagued his thinking instantly disappeared from his eyes. And only left a look full of indifference.

Maybe... LOVE couldn't help him.

But, he has a system.

Now, Linc is LOVE.

It's time to show the value of its use to Doctor Servial.