
God succession system

A guy gets a system. He goes to other worlds. He wants to build a harem. He becomes a god? Join Alex as he joins a game to determine the next God as he travels to new worlds and builds a harem to help him in battle Note- I do not own ANYTHING that is part of an already existing franchise

Harry_Dresden · Others
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574 Chs

Super Saiyan God

As the domineering command echoed throughout the battlefield there was no hesitation as every single person bent their knees and knelt to the person- no, the God before them. The apostles and even Ehito were no exception to this, as he was forced to right himself and kneel to an inferior being despite his own will. To the former god there was no greater humiliation and he was already trying to figure out a way to get back at Alex, but a very small part of him also looked back on the recent battle and current situation with fear, as he relived what happened in his mind to try and figure out where he went wrong.


*A bit earlier*

Alex and Ehito faced each other as one prepared to power up, and the other summoned godly amounts of magic power to attack. The moment Alex moved was the same moment Ehito unleashed a series of devastating cyclones in his path, each with enough force to put even the mightiest of tornadoes to shame. Of course this wasn't all as each cyclone was made up of razor sharp blades of wind specifically designed to shred anything and everything unlucky enough to become engulfed by them. Thinking he bought himself a few seconds Ehito was preparing his next spell, when once more a fist crashed into his face and sent him flying.

"H-HOW?!" He demanded through the pain that he was unaccustomed to feeling before glancing over at Alex, to see him covered in shallow wounds that had begun to heal noticeably as the Regeneration magic did its job.

"What do you mean how? I just went right through that little breeze storm." Alex explained nonchalantly while Ehito gaped in shock at such an unbelievably stupid being, after all no one in their right mind would charge headfirst at one of his spells, even if they had Regeneration magic at their disposal. Furious at the stupidity of it all that he was actually hurt by such a person, twice, Ehito instinctively roared,

"I COMMAND YOU IN THE NAME OF EHITORUJUE- PROSTRATE!" Alex was suddenly seized by the most powerful form of mind manipulation he had received to date, as every fiber of his being started to get into position to prostrate himself. While gritting his teeth, Alex fought and fought for several seconds while Ehito watched dumbfoundedly once again as his expectations were disappointed once more. Though it had taken longer than he was comfortable with, Alex eventually managed to shake off the influence of the command right as he received a sudden notification,

[New skill obtained! 'Mental Resistance' skill acquired!]

Alex was momentarily confused at the sudden notification while Lauren could be heard laughing slightly within his mind, before she answered his unasked question,

'This is really good, this skill should prevent external influences from manipulating your mental state, in other words Ehito just made you more resistant against his own Divine Commandment.' When he heard her explain action Alex himself couldn't help but laugh out loud, making Ehito and all of those watching through the drone wonder what was going on before he stated,

"Try that again, come on!" This order dumbfounded Ehito once again as he started to wonder if this guy was crazy, though he already knew something wasn't right with him to begin with since he challenged the almighty him. Ehito then steeled himself and put more power into his voice as he commanded,

"I COMMAND YOU IN THE NAME OF EHITORUJUE- PROSTRATE! PROSTRATE! PROSTRATE! PROSTRATE!" With each shout Ehito seemed to become increasingly frantic as he tried over and over to get Alex to do as he commanded, whereas Alex was instead smirking condescendingly as he bore each commandment easier than the last, and nearly each time a notification sounded in his head stated,

[Notice! Skill 'Mental Resistance' has increased! Skill 'Mental Resistance' has increased! Skill 'Mental Resistance' has increased!]

By the time the last notification sounded, Alex no longer felt any influence whatsoever at Ehito's commandments and the skill had stagnated at level four. by this point everyone watching the fight had noticed that Alex wasn't as influenced by Ehito's powers, and even the person himself was wondering what was going on, before Alex stated while bowing mockingly,

"Thank you very much for helping me acquire a much needed skill, and for helping me level that skill up to the point that I am now completely immune to your commandments, and other lesser influences." There was a beat of silence before several people in Asora that were watching the fight started roaring with laughter and Ehito's spiritual face started turning purple with rage.

"DIE!" Ehito spat out as he summoned a massive amount of magic power before unleashing it in a freezing blast, turning everything for several miles in front of him into solid ice with Alex at the center. It was silent for several minutes as Ehito waited with yet more magic at the ready for any telltale signs that Alex was alive or even able to move at the center of the ice. After several minutes however nothing happened, making Ehito sigh in relief as he muttered,

"First I'll deal with those pesky allies of his before they cause too much damage, then I'll ready an assault on his base of operations. Considering how well they've hidden from me it must be a pocket dimension similar to my divine realm." Ehito was thinking of ways to invade this pocket dimension, when a sudden rumbling caught his attention. He slowly turned back towards the massive sheet of ice that he trapped Alex in, and saw a what appeared to be a glowing golden light in the center, before the entire ice sheet started to slowly rise in the air. Ehito could only watch with dumbfoundedment as the ice sheet rose higher and higher, before it seemed to angle itself at him and started falling. He quickly put together several layers of solidified spatial barriers along with several other high level barriers, finishing only as the ice sheet hit them with a massive "BANG", making the entire divine space they were in shake from the force of the collision. That wasn't the end of it though, as after coming to an abrupt stop several fractures appeared on the surface of the sheet of ice, before large chunks of it started raining down upon him. As this continued Ehito's face darkened with each passing second before he finally exploded, metaphorically and literally, as an ear piercing shout tore through the surrounding space along with the roar of a raging inferno. The fire spread through the surroundings at such intensity that it instantly melted then evaporated the still raining chunks of ice, and even started warping the space they were in.

"Ha, ha, ha." Ehito panted, wondering if he finally dealt with the bothersome pest who, by this point, had made even cockroaches look pathetic in terms of survivability. This didn't last long though, as a fist wrapped in a golden aura collided with his face once more out of nowhere and sent him flying.

"Is that all that you've got?" A condescending voice asked, interrupting Ehito's howls of pain as he experienced even more pain than he had earlier. He then looked fearfully at the approaching figure, as Alex slowly and calmly walked through the still raging inferno, his previously black hair now golden as it stood on end with a few strands draping over his face.

"D-don't you d-dare! I-I'm a g-God-" Ehito's faltering threat was interrupted when Alex's fist crashed into his face once more, before doing so again. The audience in Asora then watched as the pathetic God was mercifully and once sidedly beaten by Alex without being able to put up any sort of defense, even though no wounds showed up on his spiritual body. As he calmly and methodically continued his beating, Alex was also analyzing the current situation as well. With no physical body to destroy, currently his only option was to corner Ehito and break his spirit so they could seal him or find an alternative means to deal with him. The other thing Alex was focusing on was the fact that even he could tell there was a difference now in the way he was acting while transformed, to the point that he was still somewhat level headed even while in SSJ2.

'This is because of that skill you acquired earlier, 'Mental Resistance' doesn't just protect you from mental attacks at the hands of your enemies, but will also prevent any abnormal physical changes from effecting you. In other words when you turn into a super Saiyan now, the aggression effect you feel should be lessened as well.' As he listened to her explanations Alex suddenly had an idea of one of the uses for his new skill, which Lauren agreed with as long as he trained it to a higher level before trying it. He then turned his mind back towards what he was currently doing, to see a cowering Ehito curled into a ball while pleading not to be hit any more.

"Please no more... Don't kill me..." Alex sneered and said,

"You're the last person who I'd trust had surrendered, you're nothing more than a coward that thinks you're untouchable just because you play God. Now what should I do with you?" Muttering the last part to himself, Alex started wondering what he should do with Ehito. He personally lacked the ability to seal him like he had Kuroka do with Hades and Nyx before, and he was unable to simply kill him because Ehito lacked a physical body to even kill to begin with. As Alex took some more time to think, Ehito was also trying to figure a way out of this, the earlier beating he had received already starting to fade from his memory as the indignation he felt from his whole situation increased. Just as he felt a if he might have a way out of this though, Alex said,

"I guess I'll just do this and see what happens afterwards. Hold still!" Ehito froze instinctively as Alex turned his attention back towards him, and summoned his Boosted Gear before gripping Ehito's head with Haki once more. Ehito didn't have time to wonder what the artifact Alex was using was, before he suddenly felt the most horrendous sensation ever, his divine powers started being drained away.

"NO! DON'T YOU DARE DO THIS!" He cried out, desperate to keep his divinity from being taken from him. Alex was deaf to his pleas though, and used some of his demonic flames to keep the struggling God down in place as he was about to remove one of his prepared Boosted Gear jewels from his storage. Before he did though Alex stopped, and thought for several seconds before deciding not to do so and instead tried to something else, something that sent Lauren nearly into a panic as she said,

'Don't do this! You don't know what'll happen, or if it'll even work! It's too much just to satisfy some simple curiously!' Alex just shrugged a replied internally,

'That may be true, but once again I'll never know if I don't try.' Alex then ignored her and Ddraig's growing protests, as he started to absorb the divine power he was taking from Ehito instead of transferring it to a jewels for storage as usual. This continued as Alex absorbed more and more divine power from Ehito, while the God struggled to prevent his powers from being taken away. Everything was going fine while Alex nearly drained Ehito dry, as he said out loud,

"It looks like it's ok- AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Even though nothing seemed to be happening, Alex suddenly let out. Bloodcurdling scream as it suddenly felt as if his insides were trying to tear themselves apart.

'This is what I was trying to warn you about! Your evil piece centers around demonic powers, and Ehito's center around divine powers, they're polar opposites and can't survive in the same body this way!' Lauren cried as she and Ddraig tried to do something to help Alex, and as his own body struggled to keep itself together.

"Ha, hahahahahahaha! That's what you get for trying to steal my powers!" Ehito laughed with a touch of insanity in his voice, while those watching in Asora held their breath in anticipation as they watched Alex suffer. After several minutes of him trying to adapt to the divine powers now within his body, Alex let out another scream as there was a sudden explosion of energy. Ehito's spiritual body was nearly blown away as a series of strange phenomenon started taking place, starting with a sudden appearance of a cyclone of clouds that surrounded Alex.

"W-what is this?!" Ehito demanded as he watched the clouds start swirling around his enemy, before a light shower of rain started. He watched dumbfoundedly as the weather started acting strange by transitioning from rain to giant hail, to snow, then rain again before it cleared up and restarted the cycle all over as lightning started flashing everywhere. Ehito and all of Asora watched while holding their breath as the center of the cyclone started radiating a brilliant Crimson light, before the storm surrounding Alex was dispelled. At the center was a being that was still shrouded within the Crimson light, that Ehito just noticed was radiating with divine power, causing him to pale instantly as he realized what must have happened. After several seconds that felt like hours, the light finally started dying down to reveal to everyone watching a transformed Alex; without the golden glow that usually marked his transformations, and instead his hair and eyes had turned a brilliant red. No one said anything as several theories went through their heads until Alex finally opened his mouth and said,

"I did it... I became a god...." Those few words were enough for Ehito to know that he lost, and that it was time for him to escape what was bound to be certain death. He used the barest amount of magic power he had left to try and escape this part of his divine realm, but found that he was unable to. He then turned back to find Alex glaring directly at him before saying,

"Oh dear god..."


Back in the the present Alex was looking over the battlefield after he declared the fighting to be over, and was surprised at he fact that there was still so many apostles left alive, then again from how things looked it was possible that he interrupted the final push of the battle. Alex then took a second to pay attention to the surplus of notifications that were flooding his status now.

[Notice! Abilities 'Reincarnated Devil' and 'Evil Piece-King' temporarily removed! Ability 'God Form' temporarily added. Skills 'Dragon Demon's Breath' and 'Devils Charm' temporarily removed! Skill 'Dragon God's Breath' has changed into 'Divine Dragon's Breath'! The 'Domain' and 'Energy Nullification' skills have been acquired! Temporary skill 'Divine Commandment' added!]

Though there seemed to be a lot to take in, the gist of it was that as a result of becoming a full God, even temporarily, had resulted in the loss of his demonic powers and related skills due to their incompatibility, while he had also gained several other skills due to his godly powers. Though he wanted to spend some time investigating his new skills, Alex knew that his transformation was only temporary and so he had to deal with what was happening now first. He then gazed out among those gathered before focusing once more on Ehito, and stated,

"You have abused your self assigned divine authority for no other reason than your own personal satisfaction and to inflate your own pitiful ego, what have you to say in your defense?" Ehito glared at Alex and spat in response,

"I. AM. A. GOD! I do what I wish because I am a God and none can say otherwise! It's not my job to babysit these stupid people, to make sure they all live as they wish all happy and carefree! As inferior beings they should be privileged that I used them as my playthings!" Alex sighed while everyone turned towards Ehito and shook their heads in exasperation, and even Grayfia muttered,

"Even though there have technically been hundreds of gods throughout our history, there hasn't been a single one nearly as horrible as him..." All of those from the DXD world nodded slowly in agreement as they never took their eyes off of Alex, wondering what exactly happened to initiate such a transformation. They were suddenly distracted however as one of the apostles rushed at Alex suddenly while crying out,

"Monster!" Alex didn't even flinch however as her blades were stopped in midair mere inches from his head, before he looked at her and lightly flicked his finger in her direction. Though it was such a simple gesture, the result was the apostles entire top half disappearing as a mist of blood spread out behind her. Though this alone wouldn't be enough to dissuaded the rest of the apostles from following the first ones lead, it was the overwhelming amount of power and raw killing intent directed at her that was transmitted through their mental link that had rooted them in their places. With the distraction gone, Alex turned back towards Ehito and said,

"I have decided that you are guilty, and as such you will be punished befitting your crimes. At first I was unsure of how to deal with you, but now with the power at my disposal I believe I may be able to do something that I've wanted to try." Ehito paled as he realized Alex meant to kill him, causing him to willingly lower his head as he pleaded,

"Please don't kill me, I'm too scared to die!" His attitude towards his potential punishment actually made those who were watching disgusted, as they couldn't believe that someone who easily delivered death and suffering upon others was actually scared to die in return. What surprised them however and made Ehito smile momentarily was when Alex said,

"I don't intend to kill you." As those words spread to everyone present they were visibly confused while Ehito's face regained come of its lost color as he immediately started trying to think of ways to prolong his life any longer, but that was short lived as Alex seized his spiritual body once more, and Ehito suddenly felt pain like he never had before as he choked,

"I-I though you said you wouldn't kill me?!" Alex nodded and replied,

"I'm not killing you. No matter what in every world there's usually exists something after death, reincarnation, an afterlife, or even just existing as a spirit. Each of these are too good of options for you to potentially undergo, so instead of killing you I am using the various abilities at my disposal to destroy your soul, effectively erasing your existence completely." Not just Ehito this time, nearly all of those listening paled when they heard what kind of punishment Alex had in mind, but as cruel as it seemed none tried to step in to stop him as Ehito's scream grew louder. Currently Alex was using his Haki to grip Ehito's soul tightly, and was using Spirit magic in each of his hands to search around his spirit body for the soul for several minutes. As they watched silently everyone let out a all gasps of amazement when they saw Alex dig out a small golden sphere-like thing, that he immediately took into his grasp. What this was, was the soul and very core of a being, everything they were.

"No..... Please..." Ehito weakly begged Alex once again, now weak enough that he could no longer resist at all, up until the moment Alex tightened his grip on Ehito's soul and crushed it with his strength. The sound of something shattering echoed throughout the divine realm along with what appeared to be a pulse of power, before the former God flickered out of existence forever, never again being able to come back. Alex took a deep breath at the realization of what he did, right as yet another notification flashed through his mind.

[Notice! You have acquired the 'Soul Break' skill!]

Taking a moment to repress the smile that threatened to spread on his lips, Alex then turned towards the remaining apostles and said,

"Your master and creator is dead and so now each of you have a choice, follow him in death, or willingly submit to me and live." After being freed from Ehito's control every apostle was in a deep state of confusion, and when they heard Alex's offer none of them felt any desire to follow their master to death when their loyalty towards him had been effectively wiped from their programming. Without hesitation each and every one bent their knees towards Alex once more, and kneeled towards him. Though Alex felt a bit of a rush at the scene, he could also tell that his time limit for his Super Saiyan God form was running out, and so he quickly created a portal of mist directly into Asora and directed them all to enter it. As they did so those who accompanied Alex approached him and he turned towards Seekvaira, who didn't do much fighting, before saying,

"Take them all to a training room to keep them together until we have time to investigate each of them. For the moment they're not prisoners, but they also don't have leave to go wherever until we're sure they aren't a threat." Seekvaira nodded at Alex's orders while she and a few others left to carry them out, before Noint approached him and said,

"I will gather the rest of those who joined Asora along with me, and we will talk to the rest of our people. We know best what they are going through, so it'll be best if we're the ones who talk to them." Alex nodded as he was thinking something similar and sent her ahead, but he wasn't sure if he was imagining seeing a bit of relief in Noint's eyes when she was talking to him. Deciding to check on it later, Alex gave several other orders to those with him before entering Asora as well, and going straight to the space-time orb. The moment he was alone, Alex finally released his transformation and felt several more notifications flash through his mind once again before losing consciousness .

[Notice! The 'God Form' ability has been lost! The 'Divine Commandment' skill has been lost! The 'Devil Reincarnation' and 'Evil Piece-King' abilities has been reacquired! The 'Dragon Demon's Breath' and 'Devils Charm' skills have been reacquired!]


Name- Alex

Titles- Dragon Emperor, Super Sadist, Womanizer, Monstrosity, Champion

Race- Saiyan

Level- 250


Reincarnated Devil

Evil Piece-King

Boosted gear


Enslavement magic


Job- Divine Nemesis(100)

Available jobs- Mage Adept, Master Martial Artist, Draconian Overlord, Gravity Expert, Holy Enemy, Berserker, Sword Adept, Ape Lord, Seducer, Whip User, Harem Lord, Staff Expert, Sex Master, Charm Expert, Space Mage Apprentice, Time Mage Apprentice, Healing Magic Apprentice, Spirit Warrior, Spirit Medium, Darwinist, Transformation Mage Apprentice, Tamer Apprentice, Soul Breaker, Demon Lord, God Killer, Demonic Guider

Job history- Hatchling Draconian Warrior, Apprentice Mage, Draconian Warrior, Arsonist, Senior Draconian Warrior, Martial Artist, Draconian Tyrant, Expert Martial Artist, Ruthless Draconian Tyrant, Gravity User, Sword User, Pyromaniac, Staff User, Mage, Demonic Charmer, Staff Adept,


Dragon Demon's Breath(5)

Divine Dragon breath(1)


Energy Nullification(1)

Draconian Form(7)


Ki Manipulation(9)

Magic Recovery Rate(2)

Devils Charm(8)

Sword Technique(8)

Staff Technique(5)

Gravity Mastery(8)

Fire Mastery(6)

Fire Immunity(8)

Mental Resistance(4)

Endless Sexual Stamina(10)

Lovers Embrace(2)

Poison Immunity(9)

Creation Magic(2)

Space Magic(5)

Regeneration Magic(6)

Spirit Magic(3)

Evolution Magic(4)

Alteration Magic(1)

Conception Magic(1)

Soul Break(1)


Thanks for reading!

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