
God succession system

A guy gets a system. He goes to other worlds. He wants to build a harem. He becomes a god? Join Alex as he joins a game to determine the next God as he travels to new worlds and builds a harem to help him in battle Note- I do not own ANYTHING that is part of an already existing franchise

Harry_Dresden · Others
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573 Chs

Free For All

As Alex's battle with Ehito started in full swing(literally), the battle against the apostles had started long before. It began as the tidal wave of silver and blue bore down on the gathered group, and a certain muscular figure moved forward before anyone else could say anything.

"Let me kick this thing off with little "hello"." Sairaorg said with a broad grin, as everyone evacuated behind Grayfia and Kuroka. The duo quickly put up a spatial barrier as the already suffocating pressure coming off of the former Bael heir started increasing at an alarming rate. Thick golden fur started sprouting from his body while his hair started extending until it became a thick shaggy mane flowing halfway down his back. Too end the transformation each of his fingers was tipped with razor sharp claws while his teeth also seemed to gain a pointed edge, and his eyes turned slitted like a felines. With his transformation complete, Sairaorg didn't waste time throwing his head back right as the wave of attackers were swinging their scimitars, and bellowed out a roar that made even thunder seem tame.


Even behind the protective barrier designed specifically to lock out sound everyone could feel their teeth rattle as the air around them vibrated, and those with sensitive hearing like Shia even tried to cover their ears with their face twisted in pain. With that much influence in a space that was supposed to be cut off from his attack, it was understandable that those who his attack were directed at were in a pretty pathetic state. Every single apostle in their immediate area was now bleeding profusely from their ears and even their eyes while several had been thrown back by the raw conclusive blast of his roar, and those who had been closest to the man in question had even burst completely, causing a rain of blood and gore to fall upon those who were below them. While Sairaorg was admiring his handy work he suddenly felt someone punch the back of his head with enough force that it actually stung a little as he turned and saw Shia there behind him.

"THAT HURTS YOU IDIOT!!!" She shouted while still keeping her ears covered as they were still ringing severally, while several others were nodding in agreement behind her. Sairaorg grinned apologetically, flashing his sharpened teeth in the process, as he stated,

"Sorry, I want to do that at least once, and I just figured that the best time to do so was when the battle began." After explaining himself Sairaorg decided it was probably time to leave, and dashed forward to start using his new claws to literally start tearing his way through their ranks. There was a series of eye rolls at his explanation, while Vali stated,

"This is foolish, I'm going ahead." Taking advantage of the momentary pause of the apostles, he flew forward and started his own super devil transformation. Vali's skin started darkening at a noticeable rate while the aura coming off of him started to also increase, quickly surpassing his balance breaker form. Soon his body also started in reading in mass as a pair of horn sprouted from his forehead, and with a tearing sound he was soon shirtless for everyone to see his new form in all its glory. In all he looked like the stereotypical demon king one would find in games or novels, as 12 bat-like wings spread from his back along with a large magic circle that seemed to help him draw in raw power from the surroundings. As his transformation finish Vali spared himself a flips while muttering,

"Such power... I wonder what would happen if I combined this with my balance breaker?..." At that point Albion answered his rhetorical question mentally while explaining,

<I wouldn't recommend it just yet, at least until you train your new abilities some more. as much as id hate to say it, that magic circle behind you seems to do a good enough job substituting the Divine Dividing...> Even as he extended both hands and summoned a mass of demonic power to attack the recovering apostles Vali answered,

"Don't worry, this form may be powerful, but I'll still be relying on you quite a bit partner." Albion couldn't help tearing up a little at Vali's words, even as he released his blast of demonic power that proceeded to annihilate the apostles in the thousands, while also punching a hole in the space itself into one of the other spaces they had passed through earlier. As this was only the second attack they had taken and even though the result didn't even put a dent a in their numbers, the apostles couldn't help but exclaim,

"What monsters..."

"What even are they?!"

"They are truly dangerous existences!"

No one even registered this though as they resumed their attack. By this point several other people had assumed their super devil forms and were starting to launch their own attacks against the apostles. Rias had mastered her own transformation and was slinging around destruction to obliterate apostles in the hundreds each second with ease, while any that tried to approach her were quickly eaten away by her 'Domain of Destructon'. Grayfia on the other hand was alternating between various attacks as she used a sword to chop her way through the apostles ranks, while also firing devastating spells of various attributes from behind their lines. Meanwhile back where they started was still Shia who was just now recovering her hearing from Sairaorg's previous attack. Before she could recover completely though several apostles appeared out of nowhere and swung their scimitars at her while saying,

"You're wide open heretic!" She didn't even react as their blades clashed with her body, before shattering into tiny fragments instantly. The apostles looked at their prided weapons dumbfounded, while Shia turned her attention towards them as if just noticing they were there before stating,

"Don't think that'll work on me, I'VE BEEN THE PERSONAL PUNCHING BAG OF A SUPER SAIYAN 2 FOR THE PAST THREE MONTHS!" As she shouted an explosion of her sky blue magic power surrounded her, before similarly colored fur started appearing all over her skin. The apostles watched with even more confusion as the short layer of fur spread across her entire body similarly to Sairaorg's, while her eyes turned a shade of deep red.

"Impossible, no demihuman should be able to transform...?" One of the apostles muttered, before she suddenly burst into a red mist. The rest turned around suddenly thinking they were attacked from behind, but found only Shia there with her trusty hammer slung over her shoulder. She had used her brute strength to suddenly move and attack the speaking apostle, before forcibly stopping herself and turning to face them once more. She then stated once more,

"I'm not a demihuman, I'M A BEASTMAN NOW! BEWARE THE BERSERKER BUNNY!" With that being her battle roar, Shia charged forward at speeds the apostles could react to and promptly turned them into bloody mush before moving on. With this many enemies she decided not to hold back, and didn't hesitate to activate her berserker ability; though as her hair and fur turned crimson red, it was unknown if those was because of her going berserk, or her being splattered with the blood of her enemies. As they watched her fight, even her own allies swore they would be nicer to bunnies in the future. Meanwhile nearby, several apostle were suddenly dropping dead seemingly from nothing, as a certain cat-tailed girl slinked around stealthily.

"Nyan~ I'll leave the actual fighting to them, and harvest some good stuff while taking them out." Kuroka said to herself, as she used her claws to stealthily pluck a certain item from the chest of an apostle, causing said apostle to fall into the sea of clouds below dead. They had learned all about fighting the servants of Ehito from Noint during the three months they used to prepare, and one of the most important lessons was to aim directly for the head or heart to make sure their opponent was dead during the battle. The reason for this was because each apostle was set to be able to regenerate almost any damage they had sustained, with only head shots being able to keep them down. The only other weak point was a magic crystal that was embedded into each of their hearts, that supposedly provided the artificial beings with an infinite supply of magic power. Though this information didn't matter to those who could blowing their opponents to smithereens, Kuroka had decided to monopolize on this opportunity and "collect" these crystals that supposedly produced infinite magic power. With a feeling of excitement of when she'd be able to properly examine her bounty, Kuroka continued slinking around and stealthily killing the apostles with none being any wiser, just like someone else a short distance away.

"I hate to admit it, but these ninja skills are actually useful..." Shizuku muttered to herself, hoping no one enemy or ally heard her confession. She knew she wouldn't be able to keep up with her comrades just yet, so at this moment she was using her own stealth and speed to rush around the battlefield while cutting off the heads or piercing the hearts and magic crystals of the apostles. It helped that she was moving at speeds that even they couldn't keep up with, making her reluctantly glad that she had undergone evolution as well during the previous three months. Unlike the others her evolution wasn't as flashy, but had resulted instead in mostly increasing her default physical abilities to make her stronger and faster, while also increasing her senses past what humans were usually capable of, as well as increasing her body's adaptability and resistance against diseases. While wondering just how "chunni" she was going to end up In the future, Shizuku sighed and focused of the battle once more.

"Hmm, take that!" Ravel shouted as she unleashed a powerful blast of fire magic against a group of apostles, which they had barely managed to block with a top tier barrier spell.

"This is getting kinda annoying." She muttered to herself with irritation. She was holding off on using her super devil form due to its "uniqueness", but since there were so many apostles then she might have no other choice. Her thoughts were interrupted when a pair of scimitars burst from her chest, spraying her blood everywhere as a voice muttered in her ear,

"You're wide open heretic!" The apostle then ripped her blades out through the sides of Ravel's chest to cause a cascade of gore and bone to fall below, before swiping them to swiftly remove her head for good measure. As her corpse fell to join the rest of apostles that had fallen so far, the one that killed her spat,

"Don't worry, the rest of your pathetic comrades will be joining you soon." The apostle then turned to find her next target, and was about to attack Miledi who was using her Gravity magic to fight while staying afloat, but then a feminine yet demonic sounding voice boomed,

"YOU DARE TURN YOUR BACK ON ME?" Directly after the voice spoke there was an explosion of heat and flame as the apostle turned to find what seemed to be the girl she had just killed in the center. Before she had any time to react the flames wrapped around Ravel as if to cocoon her before spreading to each side as if to for wings. The fire continued moving and flowing unnaturally until it formed a head and tail to go with the winged body, and two impossibly dark orbs formed as if they were eyes. The fire itself felt wrong and unnatural, as it seemed to radiate darkness and shadow instead of light or life. Before the apostle had time to process what she was witnessing, the voice boomed once more,

"I, AM THE IMMORTAL PHOENIX! EMPRESS OF BOTH FIRE AND WIND!" The only thought the apostle had time to form was 'I'm about to die.', before the Phoenix flapped it's mighty wings and sent forth a tidal wave of flames that rushed over her to turn her to ash instantly, as well as any who were behind her. Without diminishing or dying down in the slightest, the flames spread throughout the battlefield reaching friend and foe alike. When they reached Ravel's allies however the flames didn't damage them, instead they could feel their fatigue fading as any wounds they might have acquired also started to heal themselves. With each flap of her mighty wings the flames spread even further until they covered most of the battlefield, the exceptions being the place where Ingvild and Levi were fighting as she had taken a large amount of water with them for the leviathan, and a giant sphere of mist were Serafall was fighting.

"What is she doing?" Sona asked no one in particular while looking at the sphere as she dealt with another group of apostles. She then dodged another attack from behind as if she already knew it was coming, before summoning a large mass of water to attack them with.

"Wha- impossible! How did you know I was about to attack?!" The apostle denuded while trying to defend themselves from the water. Sona sighed and explained,

"I already saw it coming, as well as every other way you might have attacked me." Without saying anymore, Sona quickly dealt with that apostle as well before taking a brief moment to rest herself, closing all three of her eyes. Though her super devil formed lacked the showiness everyone else's had, it more than made up for it in practicality. Not only did her demonic powers boost tremendously when she opened her third eye, but it also drastically sped up her ability to think and plan to the point where she could rival even a supercomputer, and she was able to focus on up to five different things at the same time. Her biggest asset was always her ability to create and execute near flawless plans, to the point that she was actively praised by the higher ups in their former world for it. Now she was able to process information and act on it fast enough that she could almost seem clairvoyant at times, something that was particularly useful during battle. The biggest downside however was that the longer she had her super devil form activated, the larger the mental backlash she experienced when she canceled it, ranging from mild migraines to flat out knocking her out for over an hour. A sudden blast of wind and ice caught her attention as her older sister sent out a large attack that froze all within its path almost instantly, followed by a swarm of apostles flying into the cloud of mist to deal with the source within, but a few seconds later Sona watched them fall from the bottom completely frozen as well.

"What are you doing big sis?" Sona asked the cloud curiously, before her sisters voice answered from within,

"I'm hiding! I don't want everyone to see this form since it isn't a magical girl!" Sona was slightly dumbfounded at the answer, before hesitantly asking,

"Did you really think your super devil form would make you a magical girl?" Surprisingly the answer she got back was,

"Yes! I'm supposed to be 'Magical Girl Levia-tan'! Not this!" Sona sighed in annoyance while pinch the bridge of her nose, before deciding to bite the bullet and said,

"But I thought that big sis's super devil form was really pretty..." It took nearly a minute as they kept fighting, but she soon got a reply,


"Yes really big sis!" She answered. The moment she replied the cloud of mist covering Serafall started dispersing, before her form was revealed for all. Sona hadn't been lying when she said her sisters form was pretty, Serafall's skin and hair was covered with what appeared to be ice crystals that shined when they caught the light, as wings of ice spread from her back to give her an ethereal appearance. The only thing she found unsettling was Serafall's eyes, as they had appeared to have turned into ice crystals instead of simply changing color like several other people's. As she revealed herself for all to see, Serafall made a beeline straight for Sona before grabbing her in a hug and saying,

"Yay! Son-tan likes this form!~💕" Sona could only sigh once more at her sisters behavior, even as several apostles saw the two with their guard down.

"Let's get them!" One said while several other followed their lead, but as they approached they entered Serafall's domain and felt as if the heat of their bodies was quickly being sapped, before they froze solid and fell to the clouds below.

"Humph, that's what they get for entering my absolute zero domain and trying to interfere with my Son-tan time!~💕!" Serafall declared as she insisted on staying latched onto her beloved Son-tan, making Sona sigh once again within such a short period of time. Clear across the battlefield Yue was cutting a bloody swath through the apostle ranks as if with a vengeance, which she was as this battle was also for her to avenge her uncle and the rest of her people that perished because of Ehito.

"...I shall eliminate all of you!..." She declared as even more apostles rushed her. To show her seriousness for this battle she had even turned into her new form, which was just the mature version of herself, and was using the new powers we acquired from being evolved previously. Until now Yue had never had a chance to properly use them, but with so many targets readily available she was cutting loose.

"..I will be taking your blood!..." She stated before enacting a truly horrendous scene, as each of the apostles that came within a certain range of her suddenly felt as if something was very wrong with their bodies. Before they had any time to react blood was suddenly pouring from every opening in their bodies, from their mouths and eyes, to even each of their pores as it gathered to form a massive Crimson cloud of blood. As the cloud floated over Yue it suddenly started swirling as if it was suddenly a whirlpool with her hand at the center, before disappearing as she absorbed it.

"...Not as good as Alex's blood, but it will do..." She muttered to herself, before suddenly unleashing devastating attacks of each element into her surroundings, wiping out hundreds or even thousands of apostles before repeating the process.

"Remind me to never make her mad..." Roygun said to no one in particular, before returning to her own fight. As each enemy appeared before her, she used her upgraded powers to inflict 'Cracks' onto whatever they used to attack her, from the scimitars and armor to even the magic attacks and finally the crystals imbedded within the apostles hearts. She found it quite entertaining to watch as the equipment of each of the apostles that approached her suddenly disintegrated, before they themselves also collapsed suddenly. Of course they then tried to snipe her with the disintegration feathers, but those were also easily repelled with a few small 'Cracks'. In all while she wasn't eliminating large amounts of opponents instantly like others were, Roygun felt grateful to fight on the front lines for her lord. Just as this sentiment was passing through her mind, a large black blur tore through the ranks of the apostles while also releasing a mighty roar of vindication.

"This is for mine people and parents, taste the rage of the dragon race!" Tio roared as she gleefully slaughtered her long time enemies. As she did so an apostle focused on her and said,

"So some of the dragon race survived their purge, we will correct that mistake once we finish eliminating you and your comrades, with the powers granted to us by God!" When she heard this declaration Tio turned towards the speaker and replied,

"I see, then perhaps we shall'st compare the powers granted to me by mine God, versus thous?" After her declaration Tio immediately flew up as high as possible into the sky before activating her new trump card. There was an explosion of power as the sky darkened around her, and the unmistakable power of a divine radiated from her body as Tio grew to unimaginable proportions. Feeling the familiar power of Ophis coming from her, Vali looked up at Tio and said,

"I see, she was blessed as well. Perhaps I should challenge her some time when this is over!" Not knowing she placed herself on Vali's list of future opponents, Tio continued on her rampage as she reaped more lives of the servants of her hated enemy while crying out,

"Taste the power i have received from mine God, the God of dragons!" As she continued her rampage, Tio caught the attention of a certain pair that were still caught up in their own fight, making Hearst mutter,

"Truly each and everyone one of you are the worst of monsters..." Her attention was forced back on the fight when Noint's scimitars came hurtling towards her head, making her guard before taking some distance and firing a barrage of feathers at her dormer superior. Noint casually shielded herself with her own wings before saying to her,

"Can you not see Hearst how our creator is not all powerful? Do you truly wish to die simply because he has decided you will go with him?" Hearst snorted at Noint's questions and attacked once more with her scimitars this time, while Noint guarded before attacking with her signature 'Hellfire Tsunami'. As the flames died down Noint was unsurprised to see Hearst floating there unscathed at the attack, having already learned that her former right hand had been powered up significantly by their creator. This didn't deter Noint though, as she hadn't been idle during the three months they took to prepare, and had been training herself whenever she helped the others with their training. As such regardless of how much neither one wanted to admit, they were roughly evenly matched against each other and their battle had turned into one of attrition. The sky roared with the sound of metal on metal as he two clashed over and over, each blow meaning to kill the other before they switched to using some form of magic to attack, all the while the numbers of the apostles slowly dwindled until there was a scarce few thousand left out of the million that had been present before.

"Say you win, say you kill me Hearst, what then? Even then you are defeated as someone else will simply turn their attention to you after they finish with our people. You may have the numbers even now, but it obvious that they are useless against my allies." As she spoke Hearst once more glanced at the battlefield to see that Noint was speaking the truth, only to look back at her and declare,

"Even so, even if you speak the truth, I will at least ensure I take you down before I die traitor! After that then my master will erase every single one of your companions, just like he already has that man from before!" Noint didn't know what happened then at that moment, but when she heard Hearst say that Alex was dead an unfamiliar emotion welled up in her, and she rushed forward with a determination she had not yet showed before in retaliation. Hearst was equally surprised at Noint's reaction, and had barely blocked the incoming attack in time, before being pressed on the defensive from the flurry of attacks Noint directed at her with an increasing intent to kill. While they battled the others were finishing up as well, cutting the numbers of apostles down to a couple thousand, to one thousand, until finally their numbers were down to the hundreds. At the same exact moment Noint and the others were about to execute the final blow, but something happened that no one expected. The moment Hearst tried one last time to defend against Noint relentless barrage of attacks, both of their scimitars shattered at the same time from the continuous abuse they suffered during the battle. Before either could react a hole was suddenly torn in space near them and a lone figure came flying through it, before crashing into one of the only remaining floating islands.

"What...?" Noint and nearly everyone else muttered at the same time, but when they saw the figure that had been sent flying every single one of the apostles turned deathly pale. Laying defeated was none other than Ehito, who's spiritual body was flickering weakly as he struggled to support himself.

"This fight is over." Another voice said from the tear in space, making everyone turn towards it with expectations, but then confusion. It was obvious that the one to render Ehito to such a state was Alex who went ahead to fight him, but no one was expecting what they saw when he reappeared. Alex's hair and eyes and both turned a brilliant red while shining with what seemed to be a divine light as he glanced over what was left of the battlefield. he thn said one thing,

"I command thee in the name of Alexander- KNEEL!" At the command every single person present did one thing wether they wanted to or not, they bent their knees and knelt.


Name- Kuroka

Race- youkai/nekoshou


Reincarnated devil

Evil Piece-Queen



Job- Apprentice Saboteur(40)

Jobs available- Master Martial Artist, Poison Master, Space Grandmaster, Time Mage Adept, Acrobat, Illusionist, Shape Shifter, Expert Thief, Saboteur, Healing Mage Apprentice, Spirit Warrior, Sirit Medium,

Job history- Poison User, Space Mage, Thief, Archmage, Poison Expert, Master Mage, Martial Artist, Adept Thief, Grandmaster Mage, Expert Martial Artist, Shape Shifter, Space Archmage, Time Mage Apprentice, Space Master


Feline form(3)


Shadow cloak(5)

Poison mist(10)

Poison claw(10)

Poison immunity(4)

Ki mastery(4)

Magic control(8)

Magic sight(5)

Enlarged magic pool(6)

Kasha (9)



Space magic(9)

Creation magic(1)

Gravity magic(3)


Regeneration magic(4)

Spirit magic(1)

Evolution Magic(2)

Alteration Magic(1)

Conception Magic(1)



Name- Rias Gremory

Titles- Crimson Haired Ruin Princess, Switch Princess

Race- Super Devil



Super Devil Form

Evil Piece-Bishop

Job- Destroyer(50)

Jobs available- Grandmaster Mage, Charm Master, Demon General, Magic Sniper, Expert Gunner, Subordinate Mage Princess, Gravity Magic Adept, Space Mage Apprentice, Time Mage Apprentice, Healing Mage Apprentice, Spirit Medium, Spirit Destroyer, Transformation Mage

Job history- Destruction Mage, Destruction Archmage, Destruction Mage, Archmage, Mage, Demonic Leader, Lord of Destruction, Apprentice Martial Artist, Gun Mage, Demonic Charmer, Destruction Overlord, Magic Gunner, Gravity Mage Apprentice, Charm Expert


Absolute Destruction(8)

Magic Mastery(3)

Immense magic pool(3)

Magic recovery rate(9)

Extinguished star (9)

Apocalyptic extinction(3)

Domain of Destruction(2)

Reaper's ruin(9)

Destruction duelers(7)

Command Loyalty (10)

Strengthen followers(2)

Devils allure(5)

Superhuman strength(5)

Creation magic(1)

Gravity magic(5)

Space magic(2)

Regeneration magic(3)

Spirit magic(2)

Evolution Magic(2)

Alteration Magic(1)

Conception Magic(1)



Name- Yue

Titles- vampire princess, crotch smasher, Magical Girl Vampire Princess

Race- Shinso Vampire


Reincarnated Devil

Evil Piece-Bishop

Auto Regeneration

All Element Aptitude

Compound Magic

True Form

Job- Adept Wind Mage(5)

Jobs available- Grandmaster Mage, Expert Fire Mage, Adept Water Mage, Expert Ice Mage, Adept Earth Mage, Adept Lightning Mage, Expert Wind Mage, Subordinate Vampire Princess, Gravity Mage Apprentice, Magical Girl, Space Mage Apprentice, Time Mage Apprentice, Healing Mage Apprentice, Spirit Mage Apprentice, Spirit Medium, Transformation Mage Apprentice, Blood Mage Apprentice, Shadow Mage Apprentice

Job history- Master Mage, Fire Mage, Ice Mage, Lightning Mage, Water Mage, Earth Mage, Wind Mage, Adept Ice Mage, Adept Fire Mage,


Blood Conversion(9)

Magic recovery rate(8)

Magic control(9)

Magic Sight(5)

Flame manipulation(5)

Ice manipulation(6)

Lightning manipulation(5)

Water manipulation(3)

Earth manipulation(2)

Wind manipulation(5)

Blood Manipulation(1)

Shadow Manipulation(1)

Creation magic(1)

Gravity magic(5)

Space magic(3)

Regeneration magic(3)

Spirit magic(2)

Evolution Magic(2)

Alteration Magic(1)

Conception Magic(1)



Shia Haulia

Titles- Worthless Rabbit, Bugged Rabbit, Berserker Bunny

Race- Rabbit Beastman


Future sight

Reincarnated devil

Evil Piece-Rook

Conceal presence


Job- Brawler(45)

Available jobs- Hammer Expert, Apprentice Assassin, Apprentice Thief, Brawler Adept, Fortune Teller, Veteran Warrior, Gravity Adept, Undying Warrior, Spirit Warrior, Spirit Medium, Feral Fighter, Bloody Berserker, Tanker

Job history- Apprentice Warrior, Berserker, Hammer User, Warrior, Regenerating Warrior, Gravity Apprentice,


Automatic future sight(4)

Future paths(2)


Berserk mode(3)


Physical reinforcement(4)

Superhuman strength(6)


Accelerated healing(3)

Hammer technique(4)

Gravity magic(6)

Space magic(2)

Regeneration magic(3)

Spirit magic(1)

Evolution Magic(1)

Alteration Magic(1)



Shizuku Yeagashi

Titles- onee-sama, class mom, last boss

Race- High Human


Reincarnated devil

Evil Piece-Knight


Job-Samurai Apprentice(70)

Available jobs- Master Swordswoman, Ninja Adept, Samurai, Speed Demon, Female Knight, Spirit Knight, Shape Shifter, Naughty Ninja

Job history-Swordswoman, Ninja Apprentice, Expert Swordswoman


Sword Mastery(2)

Knife Skill(2)

No beat(5)

Enhanced speed(8)

Ponytail guard(3)

Chakra Control(3)




Bed Skills(2)

Disease Resistance(1)

Increased Adaptability(2)

Space magic(5)

Regeneration magic(3)

Spirit magic(1)

Evolution Magic(1)

Alteration Magic(1)



Name- Grayfia Lucifuge

Titles- The Strongest Queen, Silver Haired Queen of Annihilation

Race- Super Devil


Immense Demonic Power

Super Devil Form

Evil Piece-Pawn

Job- Expert Martial Maid(35)

Jobs available-Naughty Maid, Demonic Maid, Maid General, Master Shield Maid, Master Mage Maid, Master Warrior Maid, Master Martial Maid, Expert Maid Knight, Gravity User Maid, Space Maid, Time Maid, Adept Healing Maid, Spiritual Maid, Transforming Maid, Subordinate Queen Maid,

Job history- Shield Maid, Mage Maid, Warrior Maid, Maid Terror, Martial Maid, Creation Maid, Apprentice Maid Knight, Maid Knight, Expert Shield Maid, Expert Maid Mage, Apprentice Healing Maid, Veteran Warrior Maid,



Bed skills(10)

Massive magic pool(10)

Magic Mastery(2)

Magic recovery rate(10)

Magic Domain(2)



Aura of terror(7)

Steel defense(2)

Godly strength(3)

Ki manipulation(6)

Sword skills(6)

Creation magic(1)

Gravity magic(2)

Space magic(4)

Regeneration magic(4)

Spirit magic(1)

Evolution Magic(1)

Alteration Magic(1)

Conception Magic(1)


Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts