

Lu Yao strayed into a small pixel game where he played the role of a god, but found that this game was connected to a world of different dimensions. The [sacrifice] in the game will enter reality, and the [gift] he gave can also reach the game world. As a trainee god, he can’t do much except create various natural disasters. Until he gritted his teeth and revived a supermodel apostle, the gameplay changed a bit… This story does not belong to me.

BrookeCandy · Urban
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79 Chs

Chapter 21 Stepping into the River

In the temple, a new offering was ushered in the [Sacrifice] slot again.


[Magic Harpoon]: Faith +1/hour, 1/3 times (charging)

100% hit the fish.


Lu Yao looked at the new sacrifice in his hand.

The harpoon is about 1.5 meters long, and an iron trident is installed on the top of the wooden stick. It looks like a rough handmade fishing gear.

Holding the [Magic Harpoon] in his hand, Lu Yao felt that with one more cigarette, he could perfectly reproduce the little murloc Yuan Hua.

It cannot be said that this sacrifice is not useful at all.

If a fisherman goes out to fish, not a single fish will be hooked. When no one finds out, he pulls out his harpoon and puts a few fish into the fishing basket. It can be guaranteed that there will be no air force and avoid being ridiculed by other anglers.

But for Lu Yao, the special ability of [Magic Harpoon] is useless and can only be used as a mascot.

Fortunately, it can provide 1 point of faith every hour, which is more useful than [Golden Dice] thrown into the bonfire.

Lu Yao accepted this sacrifice, and the Donghe tribe in the pixel world was relieved.

"The gods have accepted the sacrifice."

"The offering is the most important treasure of the tribe. This should appease the gods."

"I hope the local gods can bless us."

[The Donghe Tribe's attitude has changed to friendly. ]

So far, the relationship between Donghe Tribe and Garlic Tribe has further eased. With the support of tribal leaders, the two sides also started formal trade.

Wheat, potatoes, garlic, and meat produced by the Garlic Tribe are exchanged for fish, shrimp, crab, and shells from the East River Tribe. By bypassing the middleman Yanchi Tribe, both tribes can exchange for more commodities.

Taking advantage of this calm time, Lu Yao put on his shoes and went out.

He walked forward along the street according to his memory, and after turning a corner, he found a small fishing tackle shop.

"Handsome guy, what should I buy?" the middle-aged boss asked with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Fishing nets."

"Now there is only a drag net. How long do you want? There are 2*5 meters, 2*10 meters, and 2*20 meters. They are all 12 strands thick, strong and easy to use."

"The one with 2*5 meters."

"A pair of 68."

Lu Yao gave the money, took the fishing net in a plastic bag, and walked home quickly.

After the bow and arrow have fully integrated into the world, he has been thinking about what to put in the Garlic tribe for the next few days. After dealing with the issues of the Donghe Tribe, he made a decision.

fishing net.

The East River is connected to the East China Sea, and the river and sea are rich in products, which should be utilized as soon as possible. The development of shipbuilding and navigation is based on the basis of fishing.

Lu Yao's observation found that the Donghe tribe also had no fishing nets, and they relied on sea monsters and harpoons to catch fish.

Perhaps because fishing is too easy for them, there is no need for further development of tools. So no matter whether it is a canoe or a harpoon, it is still at a relatively primitive stage.

In the garlic tribe, hunters make traps and leather clothes. They have long learned to make ropes, and there are fishing nets with ropes.

Lu Yao put the fishing net on the mouse.

A prompt appears on the screen.

——May I ask you to give [Fishing Net] to your followers?


As the fishing nets are thrown into the Garlic Tribe, the Garlic Tribe little people get excited.

"Fishing net, catch fish, catch fish!"

"With a fishing net, you can go to the river to catch fish!"

"Make fishnets, make lots of them."

"Every fish can't escape the fishing net, and the whole river is full of food!"

Pixel villains weave fishing nets, and some villains take fishing nets to the river to catch fish.

The emergence of fishing nets has also attracted the attention of the Donghe tribe.

"Fishing nets just look bulky."

"It doesn't work at all, but a harpoon is the best, and one fish can be inserted."

"Fish are not stupid, how could they get into the net."

"Stupid land people don't understand how flexible fish are in the water."

It didn't take long for the smiling faces on their heads to turn into exclamation marks, and then into puzzled question marks.

At first, the Garlic tribe was still very clumsy in using fishing nets. The little people kept fishing back and forth in the water, just like fetching water with bamboo baskets, and they couldn't catch fish even though they tried their best.

The shamans and hunters adjusted their fishing methods and waited for the fish to swim into the range of the fishing net before starting to pull the net. Since then, sporadic fish have been caught.

Later, the garlic tribe further optimized and adjusted, learning to tie stones around the fishing net, and then throw the fishing net down.

Because the edge is heavy and sinks fast, the fish in the middle are caught under the net before they can swim out in time. Tighten the line so that the edge of the net tightens into a pocket that can catch many fish once tightened.

This scene of catching dozens of fish in one net shocked the tribes of the East China Sea.

Many villains from the East China Sea tribe gathered around the fishing nets, chattering and discussing, their faces changing at the speed of light.

"As expected of a gift from the gods, this is indeed a remarkable thing."

"Why the fish can't help but drill in, but there is no bait in it, it's really strange."

"Treasure, this is a treasure! It is still a treasure that can be made!"

Some villains are still feeling, while others are acting.

[Grandmother] came again by boat and visited the prophet and shaman.

The tribes of the two sides discussed soon and came to a result.

[The garlic tribe taught how to make and use fishing nets, and the attitude of the Donghe tribe became intimate. ]

[The Donghe tribe taught the garlic tribe how to make and use the canoe. ]

Lu Yao rubbed his shoulders.

This is what my brother wants.

Technology Exchange.

For the Garlic Tribe to develop rapidly, it is impossible to work behind closed doors. It is necessary to increase exchanges and learning with other tribes in order to obtain more technology and culture.

In this respect, the Yanchi tribe is quite a chicken thief.

As a partner of the Garlic Tribe, the Yanchi Tribe is also close to the Garlic Tribe, but the technology they have mastered has never flowed here.

From the beginning to the end, the Yanchi tribe regarded the garlic tribe as a commodity-producing area, a part of their trade network that harvested leeks.

They neither opened up roads, nor revealed the true location of their own tribe. They firmly controlled the exit passages and maps, and secretly contained the development of the Garlic tribe.

Even offering sacrifices to the god Lu Yao, [Golden Dice] is insincere and purely perfunctory.

The reason why Lu Yao is actively looking for a channel to connect with the outside world is to get rid of the bottleneck of the Yanchi tribe and find another corridor leading to the outside world.

[Grandmother] Kneeling on the ground outside the temple to worship.

A question mark appeared above her head.

Lu Yao clicked on it.

"Great God Yao, please forgive us for our impoliteness. We Donghe tribe are believers in praying gods, and we should seek the protection and help of praying gods. But we are only a small and weak tribe with a small number of people, and our voice cannot reach Where the gods..."

"Your wisdom and majesty, the Donghe tribe will never dare to offend and doubt."

"The prophets and shamans said that you always protect those who believe in you. Now, we, a group of humble outsiders, beg you and beg for your mercy."

"The East River Tribe shoulders the mission of raising sea monsters, which are also our most important property. But since last year, the sea monsters have been sick, very sick, three of them have died, and now there are only seven left. "

"If the women in the tribe can no longer give birth to sea monsters and provide them to the temple to shed their skins, then our tribe will be completely abandoned by the Donghai clan, and the whole tribe will not be able to survive here."

"We must breed more sea monsters to fill the vacancy of sea monsters."

Lu Yao was silent.

The sea monster was actually born by a woman from the Donghe tribe.

Is this a bit...