

Lu Yao strayed into a small pixel game where he played the role of a god, but found that this game was connected to a world of different dimensions. The [sacrifice] in the game will enter reality, and the [gift] he gave can also reach the game world. As a trainee god, he can’t do much except create various natural disasters. Until he gritted his teeth and revived a supermodel apostle, the gameplay changed a bit… This story does not belong to me.

BrookeCandy · Urban
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79 Chs

Chapter 20 Increased Strength

The Donghe Tribe does not have a temple on the boat island, but they enshrine a statue carved in blue stone called "Qi". They seldom make wishes to the gods, more like the sacrificial tradition left by the Donghai clan. Most of the time, the Donghe tribe is driving boats, fishing and catching slaves.

Lu Yao is going to make a test.

He clicked on [Miracle], spent 30 Faith, and chose [Hurricane].

The hurricane quickly condensed on the surface of the water, creating a huge vortex in the water, and rushed all the way towards the ship island of the Donghe tribe.

In the face of the hurricane, the Donghe tribe didn't panic at all, they even talked and laughed.

"Look, it's a storm."

"It's nice that the storm will pick up quite a few fish and possibly crabs."

"Praise and pray to God, send us food."

"The sky after the storm will be beautiful."

"Wow, that's a big storm."

In Lu Yao's doubts, the hurricane suddenly collapsed when it approached the ship island, and turned into a breeze blowing around. The dissipating hurricane brought them some fish instead, which landed on the island deck of the ship.

The villains of the Donghe tribe picked up their harpoons and started fishing everywhere.

displayed on the screen.

[Because of the blessing of the god totem, your miracle cannot take effect. ]

Lu Yao noticed that there were some slight cracks on the surface of the totem of the statue on the boat island.

It seems that the totem is not only a symbol of faith, but also a defensive prop, which can block even natural disasters such as miracles.

Lu Yao got excited.

I'd like to see how many times you can block it.


Call me!

A silver thunder light descended from the air again, hitting the totem right in the middle. Like the previous hurricanes, the lightning dissipated immediately after it landed, posing no threat to Ship Island at all.

"The weather is really weird today."

"Is it going to rain? Storm and lightning, it's going to rain."

"Last summer was very dry, but this spring looks like we're going to get a lot of rain."

"With more rain, the river will be wider, which is a good thing."

The little people of the Donghe tribe were still chatting.

Lu Yao clicked on Miracle, and another thunder struck.




Three consecutive lightning strikes landed on the island of the boat, and cracks appeared on the totem.

This time even the people of the Donghe Tribe saw something was wrong.

"Wow, what the hell is going on?"

"Are these lightning bolts cracks in the air?"

"Got to tell grandma that something is wrong with the water today."

"Fortunately, there is a totem of prayer, otherwise this would be a disaster."

Lu Yao stepped up his efforts further.

[Lightning] × 5!

Thunder and lightning flashed in the air, and thunder after another fell one after another, bombarding the top of the ship island. The first four bolts of lightning dissipated, and the fifth bolt of lightning finally fell hard on the boat island, killing two villains from the Donghe tribe who had no time to escape, and also set off a fire on the boat island.

The blue totem, which had been constantly cracked and damaged before, was finally completely destroyed at this time, turning into ashes all over the place.

The Donghe tribe fell into chaos at this time.

Tribal members ran around to fight the fire, and some slaves took the opportunity to jump into canoes and escape. The East River tribe had to divide people to hunt down the slaves.

But the biggest impact on them was the destruction of the totem.

"The prayer totem is broken! It's over!"

"We have lost our shelter, we can no longer fight against the storm and the vortex!"

"Pray God forsake us!"

"My God! My God!"

"Why is this happening!"

Instead, five men from the garlic tribe spoke one by one.

"Lightning! Lightning is back! The gods are back!"

"It's the great God Yao. You attacked the garlic tribe and angered God Yao!"

"God Yao is angry!"

"You are going to be unlucky!"

But the Donghe Tribe ignored them.


Lu Yao moved his fingers.

Sure enough, as he guessed, the totem of praying to the gods is a consumable item, and it should be a gift from the gods. The totem seemed ordinary, but it collapsed under the miracle bombardment of 210 faith points, and its strength was very high.

There are only a hundred Donghe tribes, but they can live on the Donghe River for a long time. They attacked other tribes in canoes and captured slaves, showing arrogance.

They rely on sea monsters for offense, and pray for gods totems for defense.

Now that Lu Yao had broken an arm of the Donghe tribe, they immediately panicked.

Lu Yao observed again, and found that the Donghe tribe really couldn't repair the totem. The tribal leader [Grandma] saw this and issued a series of orders.

"Let's set off immediately, bring all the sea monsters that have shed their skins this year, and return to the clan temple to offer sacrifices and pray for new totem gifts."

"Block the river to prevent other tribes from knowing that the totem is destroyed until the new totem comes back."

"Feed the female slaves to sea monsters so they can shed their skin earlier."


After watching it for a while, Lu Yao got a general idea of ​​the situation.

The prayer totem of the Donghe tribe originated from the temple of the Donghai clan. As an external branch of the clan, the Donghe tribe has always kept in touch with the Donghai clan. They raise sea monsters for the first reason to reserve military power, and second because they need the sea monsters to shed their skin and sacrifice to the gods.

in other words.

Without the kraken skin, the East River tribe can't get the totem. Without the totem, the Donghai tribe would be vulnerable.

That's easy.

A smile appeared on Lu Yao's face.

The Donghe tribe set off quickly with the fleet seeking help from the clan. Five canoes loaded with sacrificial sea monster skins, escorted by three sea monsters, left the ship island and headed east.

When the boats were far away from the tribe's water settlements, Lu Yao tapped [Lightning], covering all five boats directly.

The sudden lightning strike ignited the canoe.

The surviving pixel villains had to jump off the boat to escape. They struggled desperately on the water, with terrified expressions above their heads. The sea monsters are also helpless, they can only barely carry the little pixel man, away from the burning ship.

The sacrifices in the canoes were burned.

With the help of the sea monster, the surviving villains fled back to the ship island with difficulty.

Hearing that the sacrifices had also been burned, the entire Donghe tribe panicked.

"All kraken skins are burned, we can't go back."

"Lightning, lightning everywhere, lightning won't let us go."

"We offended the gods here, and we must offer sacrifices, otherwise the tribe will be attacked by lightning."

"The tribe is finished, the tribe is finished."

"Let's run, let's run."

The originally arrogant Donghe tribe faced natural disasters that could not be resisted by manpower, and many villains showed a tendency to surrender and desert.

[Grandmother] is the leader of the tribe after all, she showed the calmness and determination of a leader at this time.

"Some slaves said that it was Yao God of the Garlic Tribe who sent the punishment."

"Let's go to the garlic tribe and make peace with them."


The boats of the Donghe Tribe slowly docked on the shore.

[Grandmother] took two female captains and met the prophet and shaman.

The two chatted privately for a while.

An exclamation mark lit up above the Prophet's head: "The Donghe Tribe angered God Yao. If you want to be forgiven, you must respect the gods and offer your faith."

"You need to build temples to worship God Yao."

"God Yao is a benevolent god who loves peace and life. He punished the Donghe Tribe because of your rudeness and offense."

After a while, a prompt appeared on the screen.

[The Donghe Tribe offered you a sacrifice. ]