
God Revival

(Work in progress)

Anaviosi · Urban
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5 Chs

The Nightmare

As Nick leaves the bookstore, a strong breeze greeted him and a soft scream nearby that captivated Nick's attention.

"Oh no!" As Nick looked over to the direction where the voice came from. He saw a girl wearing a familiar uniform.

'Hey, that's the debate club uniform from our school!' Says Nick in his mind, and he's not mistaken. The girl he saw probably is a member of Washington High's debate club.

The strong breeze blew the girl's umbrella upside down. Which makes her look like holding a cup. Nick chuckled and just went off straight to his home.

When Nick arrives home he runs upstairs eager to read his new set of books. However, the fright of having nightmares still hung in the air, and his mother can also feel it. She knew the struggles of her son. That's why she had held on to hope that the horror would just stop but all her prayers were never answered.

"Welcome home sweetie." Nick's mom greeted as she was cooking soup for the both of them. It's only her and Nick living together in their two storey home.

"Thanks mom, I'm gonna head to my bedroom, can't wait to start reading this new set of books I just bought." Nick tried his best to sound like he was so happy and not bothered by the nightmares he was having every night.

"Don't push yourself too hard sweetie, I'll call you once this soup is done." but Nick can never hide his pain and struggles from his loving mother.

"You're a strong kid Nick, but I'm always here for you." Nick's mom said to herself as she heard Nick shut his door.

The screams at night were, in one word unbearable for a mother like her, she always came running when she heard her son screams. But the one thing she never got was the one word he always screamed recently before waking up - Becks.

What could the nightmare be? What is it about? Who was he dreaming of? These questions keep bugging Nick's mother. But she was totally clueless. All she can do is to be right there for her son.

Meanwhile, as she was cooking. Nick was upstairs putting all the books on his nightstand and his backpack on the ground. He sat down at a little desk in the corner of his room, and started opening the book about The Big Three: Zeus, Poseidon and Hades.

Nick's desk was placed in-front of the window. And the window is facing the front lawn of their home. On the house opposite Nick's is where Ethan lives, a classmate and a part-timer at the bookstore where Nick frequently visits and buys the books he reads.

As Ethan was throwing out the garbage. He saw the desk light emanating from Nick's window.

"He's planning to not sleep again is he?" Ethan thought , "I can't do what Nick is doing even if my life depended on it but, these nightmares… geez. When will these stop?!" Ethan has seen Nick doing it for almost a month already. He just went back inside.

Nick looks at the digital clock on his desk.

6:37 PM

Nick was supposed to read the book after eating dinner, but to his excitement he decided to read a few pages.

He is reading books to keep himself awake, because of this, he got into books, especially those about different mythologies. He had finished reading about Egyptian mythology, now he's going to start reading about Greek mythology.

"I'll just take a peek at the first few pages." says Nick as he opens the book The Big Three: Zeus, Poseidon and Hades.

The Big Three: Zeus, Poseidon and Hades.

Almost every Greek worships the Greek gods. Especially the "big three". Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. The other gods are very important, however those three gods are probably the most important.

Zeus. The lord of the sky, thunder, and all gods. He became the lord of sky, thunder, and all the gods by drawing lots with Poseidon and Hades. Hades drew the worst, so he became god of the Underworld. He is married to Hera, goddess of family and marriage. Zeus would often have affairs though, and so Hera would get very mad. He would often be depicted as a burly man with a steel cut gray beard and stormy eyes. He also often carried his lightning bolt with him. The lightning bolt was created by Hephaestus (god of blacksmiths, sculptures, fire, and volcanos) with help of the Cyclopes for the titan's war. Hephaestus was a son of Zeus, as with Ares (god of war) and Hebes (god of youth). He is incredibly powerful.

Nick yawned after reading about Zeus. But Nick shook his head and opened his eyes as wide as he could and continued reading.

Poseidon. The god of the sea, horses, and protector of all aquatic animals and aquatic things. Poseidon is married to Amphitrite, granddaughter of titan Oceanus. He was walking along a beach one day, when he saw a group of Nereids (sea nymphs), but one caught his eye. He promptly asked for her hand, but she said no. Not giving up hope, he sent one of his servants to convince her to marry him. The dolphin managed to convince her after many tries. After that, he got married to her very quickly. Poseidon created horses for Demeter, to impress her, for she was the one he originally wanted to marry. But he got so tired of trying to create the horse and make it perfect for her, he did not want to marry her anymore after he was finished. His weapon is the trident. It can cause earthquakes and shatter any object. It was made for the titan war. His symbol is the trident. In the Roman myths he was named Neptune. Poseidon was often described as greedy and quarrelsome.

Nick yawned.

"Dang!" he shouted, and this time, he slapped himself.

"Just keep reading Nick, just keep reading!" he yelled and continued reading.

Hades. The god of the underworld and wealth. He is married to Persephone, daughter of Demeter. Hades actually kidnapped her and dragged her down to the underworld against her will. He forced Persephone into marrying him. His weapon is a pitch fork, which can also cause earthquakes. He also has the helm of darkness. This helmet makes him absolutely invisible. You cannot see, hear or feel him. The helm of darkness was another gift from the Cyclopes. An often made mistake, Hades is not death itself. That is another god named Thanatos. Anything that caused or resulted in the death of something is welcomed and favoured in the underworld. Hades became god of wealth because of the regular Greek people. They did not want to say Hades because they did not want to say his name. The…

Nick was slowly giving in to his drowsiness. But he's still eager to stay awake. He looked at his digital clock once again.

6:55 PM

'Dude, it's not even 8:00 PM yet' he said in his mind, still feeling sleepy, he forced himself to keep on reading.

…The Greeks gave Hades another name, Plouton, which also meant wealth. He started to be known as Plouton, so he became the god of wealth. He rarely leaves his underworld realm. He is said only to leave it on the winter solstice for the annual winter solstice meeting at Mt. Olympus.

Nick slightly closed his eyes, but before his drowsiness took over. He sat straight, and opened his eyes as wide as he could once again.

"That's it!" Nick went to the bathroom, and washed his face. After doing so, he returned to his bedroom and grabbed his water bottle tucked on the side of his backpack.

He chugged the remaining water left in his water bottle, and returned to the book he was reading.

"Continue reading Nick, we gotta fight this… we got to!"

These three gods live in Mount Olympus, it is the abode of the gods and the site of the throne of Zeus. The name Olympus was used for several other mountains as well as hills, villages, and mythical personages in Greece and Asia Minor.

Mount Olym…

Nick slowly fell asleep.


And the book Nick was reading fell on the ground.

As Nick had finally fallen into deep slumber. He starts to hear faint knocking sounds.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Accompanied by a muffled voice.

"Nick… alr… ready, are you…"

Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock!

Nick sat up straight, and finally, hearing the muffled voice more clearly.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Nick, the soup is ready sweetie." Nick's mom said.

'Geez, thank goodness mom went upstairs to wake me up.' Nick says in his mind and closes the book he was reading. "Coming mom."

Nick stood up and went downstairs for dinner.

As Nick was walking down the stairs, the aroma of the soup his mom made can be sniffed in every corner. "Smells good!" says Nick eagerly.

Nick rushed into the dinning table as he saw a bowl of creamy soup.

"I made Clam Chowder sweetie." says Nick's mom.

As Nick was helping himself with his bowl of Chowder, his mom prepared the Bacon and fries.

'I won't mind having a nightmare now.' says Nick in his mind as the creamy soup fills his mouth and mind with ecstasy.

Nick's mom was so happy to see her son for at least this very moment - is not worrying about the nightmares.

"Your cooking is the best mom!" Nick said as he scooped another bowl of Clam Chowder.

"Eat slowly sweetie, it's only just the two of us sharing meals, your father said he has a sudden trip to Mount Olympus." Nick didn't know where he got the courage to tell a joke about what his mother had said, but he said it anyway. "What for? Hiking?" snorted Nick.

"I don't know, he said he was there to meet with family." his mom answered as she put the bacon and fries. "If he's meeting with family, why didn't he take us with him?" says Nick and starts helping himself with the bowl of Clam Chowder.

His mom then brought out a basket of black apples.

"Well, you know your father Nick." Nick suddenly felt that something weird was happening, especially with his mom.

'What's with apples? Why are they black?' asked Nick in his mind. Nick decided to investigate the black apples. Finished his bowl of Clam Chowder and stood up.

"Do you need help with that mom?" Nick said and went close to the basket of black apples.

"Don't you dare touch those!" yelled Nick's mom. Nick was surprised with what his mother had just done and said. "I mean, I'm good, let me handle it sweetie."

'Geez! What's wrong with mom? And with dad? Something's not right.' Nick decided to take a walk. Take some fresh air and reflect about what had just happened between him and his mom. His mom never yelled at him like that before.

"Mom, I ah… just gonna take a walk." Nick's mom carried the basket of black apples towards the fridge. "Okay sweetie, just don't go home late okay?" Nick nodded and went out of their house.

'What the hell is going on with mom?' Nick thought as he was walking along their front yard. 'And also, my dad? Hmm… I know something's funny about my dad, I just couldn't remember what it is.' Nick decided to go to the bookstore he frequently visits, it was just a few ways away from their house so it's okay and he will be able to return home early.

Unfortunately, Nick has lost track of the time. He forgot that at exactly 7:00 PM, the bookstore closes. He only realised it when he arrived at the bookstore.

The bookstore was closed, but there were lots of people in-front of the store wearing peplos. 'What's going on? Is this the new outfit trend?' first, at their home, now outside? What could go weirder than this? Is what Nick was thinking and asking himself right now.

'That's it, I don't care if I will have a nightmare, this is just too much.' Nick said and started to walk towards their home. 'First the apples, then my mom…' Nick was walking fast and he can now see their home. '... and then my father, and now…' Nick then walked through lots of people wearing peplos.

'What now?! What is going on around our neighbourhood?!' This time, Nick ran towards their home. 'That's it, I'm going to call dad!' he said, but he suddenly realised something. "What do I mean I'm going to call dad?" Nick asked himself out loud and stopped running. 'I have no dad, why do I think I have a father?'

Nick finally reached their front yard, collecting courage to ask his mom about his father. His mom just said that his father is going to meet his family at Mount Olympus. 'Mom told me that before I was born, my father disappeared and was never found again.'

Nick enters their home still thinking and reflecting about the things he observed and realised. He wants to ask his mom about his father, and what she was talking about earlier. However, he saw his mother sleeping on the sofa, with the television on.

"Oh mom." says Nick. He turned off the television and got his mother a blanket. 'It can't be helped, I guess I'll just ask her tomorrow.' Nick said and went to his bedroom. He decided to go to sleep because of the weird things that had happened.

Nick was hesitating to close his eyes and give in to falling asleep, but he still did.

'I need this, I don't care if I'm going to have a nightmare.'

And so, Nick falls asleep.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Nick woke up from his digital clock's alarm. Nick groaned and stood up from his bed. "I just got to sleep? Why is my alarm clock ringing right after I…" Nick was surprised to see what's written in his digital clock.

7:00 AM

Nick holds his head as if he just saw something weirder than people he saw last night wearing peplos. 'Is this for real?!' Nick asked himself in his mind. The alarm was still ringing.

Nick's mom thought her son was not awake yet, so she decided to wake him up herself instead.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Sweetie, I made you breakfast." Nick's mom said and Nick turned off the alarm.

"Coming mom, I'll be downstairs, go help yourself with breakfast already." Nick answered.

"I'm already done eating sweetie, I got to go to the market." Nick's mom answered.

As Nick was eating breakfast, he remembered that he was supposed to ask his mom about his father. But since he has school, he just decided to ask his mom later and went to school. He was so glad that he never had nightmares. Is this the beginning of the time he won't be bothered by bizarre dreams?

'Well, I just hope this is where my nightmares end.' Nick said in his mind.

As Nick enters their school. The students and teachers are all wearing peplos. The guards at the gate are wearing helmets, breastplate and cuirass. Nick is dumbfounded by the current situation. 'Is there a school event that I am unaware of?' Nick asked himself and just went in.

Every corner, and every room in Washington High, everyone wears peplos. He couldn't help himself and decided to ask the first person he crossed into.

"Excuse me." Nick said and the girl stopped in-front of him.

"Naí?" Nick raised an eyebrow at the girl. 'Naí?' Nick asked himself in his mind. But he just shrugged off the thought of the girl being weird and asked. "Is there a school event today?"

"Me synchoreís? Ti les? Den boró na se katalávo." says the girl after he asked. 'What is she saying?!' Nick said to himself.

Nick couldn't understand what the girl was saying. 'Is that some kind of code or mantra?'

Nick couldn't help it, so he decided to go straight to Ms. Amelia and ask her directly about what was going on around Washington High.

"I-I'm sorry." he said and walked away.

"Ti foráei? Ti paráxeno!" Nick heard the girl say as he walked away. Nick didn't waste any time and walked straight to the guidance office.

As soon as Nick entered the guidance office. Nick bursted out, "Ms. Amelia, what the hell is going on with the whole school?" Nick was answered by a loud metal thud.

"Poios tolmá na enochlísei ton Vasiliá ton Titánon?!" says a huge, brawny man. In his right hand, he carries a scythe. Ms. Amelia, and a girl who was wearing normal clothes is being drawn in the corner by the man with the Scythe.

Ms. Amelia was decapitated, and the girl with her screamed. Nick was terrified, he fell down on his feet after seeing their guidance counsellor killed right before their eyes.

"Giatí ypárchoun thnitoí edó?!" The man with the Scythe walks towards Nick. Nick feels like his body is pulling himself to the ground. He wants to run for his life, but he also feels responsible for the girl's life.

"Tha ypoférete epeidí enochleíte ton Vasiliá ton Titánon!" the man with the Scythe slashed Nick.

"No!" the girl screamed, however.

"Guh!" Nick's hands accumulated a faint lightning aura and managed to deflect the Scythe with his bare hands.

The Scythe was thrown and sunk into the wall of the guidance office. "Aftí i dýnami? Poios eísai?!" The brawny man wielding the scythe approaches Nick. He grabbed Nick on his neck, and carried him.

"Ahkk!" Nick was being choked by the brawny man. 'No!' Nick screamed in his mind. 'Mom!' Nick thought of his mother who was at the market right now.


A book flies towards the brawny man and hits him in the head. He dropped Nick on the ground.

Cough! Cough! Cough!

Nick catches his breath as the brawny man approaches the girl. 'T-that girl' Nick said 'She looks familiar.' Nick stood up. 'I may not know this girl, but I will help her!' The lightning aura accumulating in Nick's hand gets stronger and stronger.

"Eseís oi aploí thnitoí den échete kanéna dikaíoma na antepitetheíte stous theoús!" the brawny man shouted. Nick noticed the lighting aura accumulating in his hands. 'What is going on, what is this?' The brawny man grabbed the girl in her neck. 'Whatever this is, I must save her!'

"Lávete tin timoría tou Vasiliá!" The brawny man was about to choke the girl to death. However, "Hey muscle man!" Nick called out for him, "I don't know what the hell you're saying…" Nick ran towards the brawny man, and, not being sure if it will even have an effect on the brawny man. He laid a punch on the brawny man which forced him to drop the girl on the ground.

Bzt! Bzt! Bzt!

The brawny man was electrocuted. He did not die, but Nick was sure it hurt the brawny man.

"Come on!" Nick shouted, offering his hand to the girl. Unconsciously, the lightning aura disappeared in his hand as he was offering it to the girl.

The girl grabbed Nick's arm. Nick helped her to stand up and ran out of the guidance office. As they were running in the hallway. Nick warned everyone, "A Lunatic killed Miss Amelia! Run for your lives!" but, instead of running. Everyone kneeled down.

"Did they not hear me?!" Nick asked.

"There's no time to worry about that, the man who killed Ms. Amelia is right behind us!" the girl said, who knows let go of Nick's hand. "Can you do your hand zap with that lunatic?" the girl asked.

"Look, even I don't know how I did what I did…" Nick said as he looked at the girl 'What a beauty' Nick said in his mind. 'What am I thinking? We are being chased by a Lunatic, and everyone is acting weird, what am I thinking?' Nick shook his head and returned his focus on how to escape the brawny man.

Nick clenched both of his fists, "Come on, I needed your mighty lighting zap zap thing!" he said as they kept on running down the hallway.

As they were running down the hallway, Nick saw a gigantic sphere in the middle of the school. 'What the hell is that?' Nick asked. Nick thought that it would be useless if they knew what it was and became dead meat.

'I'll figure it out later.' Nick said and kept running with the girl. But, they reached a deadend. "Shit!" Nick couldn't help and let out a swear. 'Now what?' he asked himself.

The brawny man is getting close to them. Nick held the hands of the girl, "Don't worry I got you." the girl hugged his left arm. "I'm scared." the girl said.

"Pistévete pragmatiká óti boreíte na xefýgete apó tin krísi tou Vasiliá!" The brawny man ran towards the girl, and smashed her head on the ground.


The girl who was hugging his left hand is now a headless body lying down on the ground, "No!"

Nick was so angry, and at the same time tearful. The girl died while she was hugging him. The lightning aura accumulated in his whole body. But compared to the aura he was accumulating in his hand early, this was faint.

"Eseís? Eísai to ávatar tou Día?!" the brawny man said and raised his right arm. The Scythe suddenly went flying towards the right hand of the brawny man. "Oh you've got to be kidding me!" Before Nick could attack the brawny man, he was decapitated by the brawny man.

He felt the cold, and sudden slicing on his neck. He was as if being thrown and spinning in the air. And…

"Ahhh!" Nick screamed out on the top of his lungs.

Nick's mom ran towards his bedroom. But Nick had locked the door.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Sweetie?" Nick's mom said, forcing to open the door. "Sweetie, I told you not to lock the door right?" Nick quickly opens the door, and Nick's mom is greeted with a very tight hug from her son.

Nick realised that he had fallen asleep.

"Aw sweetie." Nick's mom said and hugged him back. "Come on downstairs, I made you Clam Chowder." Nick burst out in tears, and they both sat down on the ground. "I'm here sweetie, I'm here."

Nick failed to keep himself awake. He can still feel the cold, and a sudden slice in his neck. It all felt real. "Mom, it all felt real."


Nick's mom wants to switch places with her son. But, unfortunately, all she could do is to be by her son's side during times like this. It may be painful for her to see her son like this, but she will never abandon her son.

"Shhh… mom's here sweetie."