
God Revival

(Work in progress)

Anaviosi · Urban
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5 Chs


In an office. There was a young man lying down, trying his best to recall the nightmare he had last night.

"Okay, now" a serene and comforting delicate voice resonated in the room. "Take a deep breath, breathe in" the young man sniffed lots of air "then breath out" and the young man let out all the air he had sniffed. "Keep on doing it until you are calm and have the courage to tell me details you can remember about this nightmare you told me about."

The young man's heart was racing like a thoroughbred, but now, as he continues with the breathing exercise which the woman taught him to do. He calmed down in no time and finally began telling the woman, known as Ms. Madison, in the whole Washington High.

She is the guidance counsellor of their school and was known for her expertise with therapy sessions.

"At the mountain peak, there was a Gulf nearby. But then" the youngman began to tremble.

"Nick, don't force yourself, keep doing the breathing exercise." Nick's a young man that looks like he has never done anything bad ever since he was born, however, don't be fooled by his looks.

"Shit!" says Nick as his heartbeat raises unstopping.

"The… the… the gulf nearby was soon flooded with blood and…" Nick immediately sat up and tried to catch his breath.

"Hah! Hah! Hah!"

Ms. Amelia sat beside Nick. Stretched her right arm and helped Nick to lay his head on her shoulder.

"That is enough Nick." Ms. Amelia said and caressed Nick on his head.

"Now, do the breathing exercise for the sake of calming yourself down." She kept on caressing Nick on his head as Nick did the breathing exercise.

When Ms. Amelia noticed that Nick is slowly calming down. She went to her office's pantry and got a glass of water. As Nick was sitting on the sofa of Ms. Amelia's office, she gave Nick the glass of water.

Nick just wants to get over his nightmares. It started in flashes like tastes and smells but then it became serious. The Nightmares became more surreal and life-like, like he'd been there and felt those feelings.

When he started to get to that stage, he decided to attend Ms. Amelia's sessions for most of the students who were experiencing mild nightmares. Because of this event, Washington High had been called by many people as - The School of Nightmares.

"Well Mr. Fargrove, my office is always open. Go help yourself with a glass of water." Nick drank the water and finally left Ms. Amelia's office.

Nick took a deep sigh and decided to go to a bookstore near Washington High. He had finished almost every book that he had at home. The only books he hadn't finished were his textbooks. Don't get him wrong, Nick doesn't want new books because it was his hobby. It's simply because he wants to stay awake, to avoid having nightmares.

"Hey Nicklaus." says a masculine young man. "Sup Ethan." says Nick as he searches the Greek Mythology section.

"Finished reading 'about Egyptian mythology, eh?" Nick nodded, while holding a book about the Big Three Greek Gods. "Why are you reading so many books? What for Nicklaus?"

"Because I don't want to sleep." Ethan burst out of laughter as he carried 4 boxes containing books. Nick ignored Ethan and left the bookstore after paying for it at the cashier.

Nick took a deep sigh and told himself, "Into Battle Nick."