
God of Thunder thor with system

I should have listened to my brother's that were last thoughts. But next, I see hammer right side of my bed.. What is this thing?. ..hmmm It looks familiar.... It's...... It's Mjolnir.... I shouted. Next, I heard a long voice in my ear. { universe traveling system activation } Whatttttttt... .... . ...... .. Mc can travel to different universes, { solo leveling DC Naruto One piece One punch man Murim login Cultivation world and many others }

preet_dhaliwal8077 · Movies
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29 Chs

Chapter 16

The Bounty on Rocks d. Xebec increased from 450 million to 900 million in an instant. And he's still unaware of the whole situation. 

The person who is responsible for turning the whole world upside down is sitting on a cloud around 2km in the sky without caring for anything in the world. 

"It's just starting I will hunt many of their kind," Thor said to Mjolnir.

The whole army is trying to find out about the enemy where about but no one would think that he's still in the Marijoa just unknown to their eyes. 

And the person they are looking for is not even in 

 this world as of now. 

In the world of dragons...

' I don't know how creatures in this world are this strong at first but as it's over a month since I came to this world I gathered information about it that this is a whole different planet and I'm here for a limited time as a timer clock is flying over my head. ..'

Actually, there are different kingdoms but the rulers of this world are dragons who rule over the sky and every other species except some. 

The dragon who I killed was so strong that I felt despair as to how much such a being existed but as time passed I came to know that he was a supreme elder from Dragonia kingdom. And one of the strongest creatures in this continent. 

He's on seven ranking about the ten strongest c creatures..

The first is the elder dragon 

The second is the previous dragon king 

The third is the first elder of the Dragonia kingdom 

The fourth is the current King his majesty Devon 

The fifth is an elder giant spider 

The sixth is Shadow King 

And seven.....

"I can't even dare to imagine how powerful others actually are...or nor I would have dared to fight with them but I have cheated I can reborn infinity " till now I dead more than 400 times but I killed more than a million creatures and I'm somewhat felt relieved that I did it fight with that guy if he possesses the power to send me here and revive me endless times then I can't even imagine what his limits are but currently I want to know more about the evolution of this world...

' I just recently learned that all monsters there have an evolution process like the first dragon I saw was like a monster but the one whom I killed looked like a human so by evolving they increase their powers and gain wisdom'

' they use power similar to haki but it's in green color and much more dangerous than haki...after a long silent rock d.xebec said "What would people think if they saw how I got beaten and torn by these monsters....and now I'm in front of the cave of shadow king.....',

'after a long time I think about surviving while hiding but what's the point of it if they can't kill me it means they will be killed in the end.

So I charged into the cave, the bones of monsters were all over the place

, shadow king is a lone wolf he doesn't have any subordinates under him and no one knows what he looks like.. As he only works in shadow... He killed the price of Dragonia kingdom and is still able to keep his life, it just shows how skilled he is..perhaps he's a bat or vampire...'

After ten minutes of walking into the cave, xebec didn't sense any pressure as there was no one, it took me so much effort to gather intel of this place..then a chill ran down my spine and I saw my head turned upside down..before my death I saw red eyes and a sword with red energy on it....it's different... 

.In just a few seconds I revived outside of the cave, and without wasting any seconds I rushed into the cave with a smirk... the same thing happened again...

Even when I cover my body with haki...sigh I have to use life force so white energy comes out of my body and covers my body like a shield. This time his sword wasn't able to cut my neck. 

I saw black energy and shock in his red eyes but in the next second the shock disappeared and his eyes turned sharp. "so you're shadow king " I said while attacking him with my sword...

'hmmm he's a greater swordsman than me, it means he's near the level of sword god..' that's one in lifetime opportunity so I will give my all and with mixer of haki, life force, and devil fruit energy I attacker him with all my strength and pushed him ten steps

'sigh that's what normal marines or pirates experience when they fight with me, the despair of being powerless ' but I just got used to it as I accidentally let my guard down his sword cut my neck..

'Marine didn't able to kill me even once even till the first time I fought in here, I only got my pride crushed again and again ' But finally I have a goal ...to kill the shadow king....