
God of Thunder thor with system

I should have listened to my brother's that were last thoughts. But next, I see hammer right side of my bed.. What is this thing?. ..hmmm It looks familiar.... It's...... It's Mjolnir.... I shouted. Next, I heard a long voice in my ear. { universe traveling system activation } Whatttttttt... .... . ...... .. Mc can travel to different universes, { solo leveling DC Naruto One piece One punch man Murim login Cultivation world and many others }

preet_dhaliwal8077 · Movies
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29 Chs

Chapter 14( part 2 )-- The king of............

In the solo leveling world, there's a planet of trolls called nuru, although there are other species as trolls are gifted with a unique gift of healing constitution so they become a predator of their planet, even large monsters can't harm them as their special body enabling them to heal almost instantly from any wound caused to him, which makes any attack on them useless. Later, they evolve their powers into ten-stage and the last one is zenith. Only one troll is able to reach they stage, his name is prokera AKA Troll King as their planet is at the corner of the universe, no one notices their growth, not even god. 

After the war between rulers and monarchs, the latter party is forced to go into hiding as they travel to cracks of dimensions to hide from the army of light, they sense a strong pressure and from there, they invaded the troll planet as this planet is completely under the control of troll king and constant war matches make warrior reach a level of unalterable. 

So the war between them began, the first time monarchs fought with beings who were just at their levels, how can such low-level monsters become so great? 

As they already fought with rulers they don't want an all-out fight. Finally, the king of the berserk dragon, the incarnation of destruction,  Antares decided to confront the greatest warrior troll king. Their fight counties for years as even the dragon breath of Antares can't kill him due to the level of his absolute healing constitution. 

Normally, when a higher existence beings attack a low class beings like trolls so they will die instantly and their healing skills become useless but if the healing abilities reach a level of absolute,  it means they will able to heal any injuries from even gods. Moreover, the skills of Troll King are weird as they can utilize the attack energy to heal the body. 

As monarchs didn't see any way to deal with him so they decided to imprison him with a formation which would consume his magic energy endlessly, but even with that it would take millions of years to drain his energy that much of monster he was .

So they used a time formation which will faster the time much more as compared to outside and all that will work by the energy of troll king. 

Even in his death after millions of years of suffering, King  of Trolls didn't forget about his enemies,  the ones who killed his loved ones, his soldiers, his wife, and his children. 

They come from cracks and their invasions lead to the massacre of his kingdom...

As trolls are strong and with size of mountains like they are similar to titans after evolution of hundreds of years but with the healing abilities so, they can deal with early invasion. In fact, they were winning the war but then dragons size of mountains came and they turned the battle tide. But the biggest reason for my defeat is my sons and wife as they used them to defeat me.

That red b*stard, no matter what he does, he can't be free from this box....finally he accepted his fate, and in the end, my army lost due to my foolishness, my father was right I'm not worthy of King. The great kingdom of trolls, the absolute being equal to the zenith of this world fell. 

but before his death, he left his last request in his rune stone.

Under that skill finally Troll King fell.

Later his rune stone was found by Thor. 

Current time!!!!!!


As Thor closed his eyes he saw something blurred as he moved more closer to it he saw the huge mountain in green color, but suddenly it moved...

Two big eyes opened and he moved to become a titan, then he looked toward Thor with his big eyes. With a smirk, he opened his voice. ##############9$9392(#(##(#(##)

Thor didn't understand anything but one thing is the killing intent in his eyes.


{ request from troll king 

The death of Antares, the monarch of berserk dragons 

Rewards - the full authority of absolute healing ability on accepting 

Penalty -- death 

Time limit - 10 years 

Accept -------Reject. } 

Thor immediately clicked on the former option. 

huge titan..i mean troll disappear like fog...but there's smile on his face like he knows that I will definitely complete his request.