
God of the world

The walk between life and death, the killing of good and evil, the throne of blood and bone, only the strong, can reach the summit! Fang Heng on the earth crossed to a thin blood of the young body, against the blood of heaven, the true meaning of martial arts, the battle of the mainland strong, on the mainland, a hand to cover the sky! "Fight, only fight, can become stronger!"

mchui · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Same move


At that moment, the male lying on the ground roared, "I refuse!"

Fang Heng raised his eyebrows and turned around, "I didn't kill you, just for the sake of my deal with your brother, you don't take my patience as kindness."

"Don't you hear me? I don't agree!"

Male crazy roar again, lying on the ground body suddenly stood up, reached into the bosom, took out a porcelain bottle, directly into the mouth poured a number of Dan medicine.


A gust of wind blew flat, male crazy body cracks, visible speed began to recover, momentum, is constantly rising!

"In the case of serious injuries, but also with the aid of herbal medicine to enhance the realm?" Fang Heng raised his eyebrows and said lightly, "You are looking for death."

Realm breakthrough is the most important thing for martial arts, especially the first heaven, this breakthrough needs an absolutely quiet environment, but male crazy at this time to take Dan medicine breakthrough, which has committed a major taboo of martial arts.

"I will beat you!"

Male crazy staring at Fang Heng, eyes in the war intention is extremely rich.

Looking at the male crazy touch, Fang Heng's eyes flashed, "It seems that you still have some redeeming qualities, do not admit defeat, no wonder you can have today's realm."

"Well, for the sake of your persistence, I won't bother you, just break through, and then fight again."

When the words landed, Fang Heng sat down directly in the ring and closed his eyes to rest!

Looking at the scene, all the people are stunned, this is how much confidence, let the other side break through after the positive defeat?

For a long time, they all feel that the wind smile is just a genius with a little skill, and the male crazy can not be compared, until now, they know that the wind smile, is the strongest genius today!

The stands of the four families, the faces of countless young people are complicated, a male crazy has made them feel ashamed, coupled with the wind laugh, they know how weak they are.

'Kill him!

All of a sudden, Fang Xianxi on the bleachers drank a voice, "Wind smile, as long as you kill him, you before the things, I can forgive!"

When that word came out, everyone was stunned.

The heads of several other families also reacted at this time, and opened their mouths one after another, "Fengxiao, as long as you kill him, my Liu family can also spare your death!"

"My Simon family will owe you one!"

Hearing these words, some people in the crowd laughed coldly, and the four families were anxious.

Male crazy and they have a great enemy, the future is immortal relationship, plus the male crazy has the walker gold protection, they simply can not start, can only use the wind laugh!

Hearing these words, Fang Heng also laughed coldly and said, "Only you this group of waste also want to kill people with knives?"

"Not so." Fang Meng suddenly made a sound, walked directly to the front of the wind smile, seriously said, "We are not using knives to kill, but to give you a chance to live!" You killed so many people in this arena, originally we would not let you go, now the situation is different, as long as you kill him, we four families will not pester you later, even, you can join our family to become a guest, we are most welcome is the genius, after you join, not only can get spiritual stone every month, but also can learn countless kung Fu skills!"

"Not interested."

Cold answer from Fang Heng mouth spit out, directly let Fang dream look a stagnation.

"Think about it..."

"Get out of here! Fang Heng robe sleeve swing, true force drum, immediately let Fang dream back.

"The word of your family is the most untrustworthy, not to mention that it is my own business whether I kill him or not, but that if I kill him, you will keep your promise?"

A cold voice sounded, Fang Heng looked at the people of the four major families and smiled, "I am afraid that as long as I kill him, you will immediately shout the slogan of suppressing rebellion against me."

Hearing this, the crowd around also laughed coldly, that is, the family has always been a word does not count, the use of others directly erase, and then according to the name, they these old people have heard countless kinds of such stories.

The faces of the four families are gloomy, and the mind has been exposed again, in just one day, they have been exposed twice by Fang Heng in the past high family, which has made all their reputations lost.


At this time, the male crazy body on the ring shook, a strong breath exudes, countless ideas quickly gathered, a moment later, condensed into a blue dragon, dancing back and forth in the sky, dragon bursts of singing!

"Blood surge, true force shape, congenital quadruple!"

"Breakthrough, really breakthrough!"

The crowd was shocked, the first heaven, four is a threshold, across the past is equivalent to qualitative change, whether it is blood, flesh, true force, will be stronger than the congenital three grades!

Eyes turned to Fang Heng, everyone wanted to see Fang Heng at the moment is what expression.

"Sure enough, it broke through." Fang Heng eyebrows a pick, "congenital four heavy, well, at this time you have a real and my qualifications for the first world War."

Between the words, Fang Heng's body stood up, stepped out, and directly came to the male mad front.

Looking at the Fang Heng who came to the front of the bear, his face showed a sneer, "Speaking of it, I want to thank you for this breakthrough."

"Keep it. You'll hate me after a while." Fang Heng light way, look calm like in telling the truth.

"Is it? Male crazy frown a pick, "Actually I want to say is, in order to thank you, I will cripple you."

"If words were useful, you'd be invincible." Fang Heng smiled, his expression was full of mockery, this male crazy was not in his eyes at all, he just wanted to enhance his martial arts by fighting with the male crazy.


Roar, male crazy suddenly hit a punch, the green spirit of the dragon above his head immediately roared, to Fang Heng on the impact.

"Hard enough, but not fast enough."

Fang Heng said, the figure move, he avoided the impact of the blue dragon, turned over a palm, the true force, the air is squeezed out under his palm!

"The Dragon Gripper!

Male crazy hands into claws, a grasp of Fang Heng's wrist, a hard twist.

Strong horizontal power surge up, Fang Heng sneer, the body along the power to turn over, one escaped this trick, a foot flying out, strong, male crazy immediately back.

"A dragon travels a thousand li!"

Back of the male wild roar, the body rushed over again, Fang Heng hey hey smile, the same drink, "dragon travel thousands of miles!"


"How could he pull off the same move!"

All the people are screaming, male crazy is a change of face, Fang Heng did not delay time, the body is like a cannonball, hard hit the male crazy, immediately let the male crazy footsteps repeatedly back!


"Me what?" Fang Heng raised his eyebrows, "The same move, useless in your hand, but different in my hand."

Between the words, Fang Heng body again forced up, hands into claws, one after another, let the air under the squeal, male crazy shocked, he recognized, this is the dragon claw hand he just displayed!

"The dragon leaps for nine days!"

Dare not and Fang Heng hard fight, male crazy body like the wind retreat, Fang Heng figure is like shadow, hand grasp in an instant pinch male crazy shoulder, true force drum, hard pull.


The clear voice came out, the male crazy immediately screamed, his arm was Fang Heng unloaded!

"As I said before, realm is not power." Fang Heng said, the body again forward, the fist played, quickly hit the male crazy's other hand, click sound, male crazy, both arms are broken.

Everyone is staring at Fang Heng, they have been unable to use words to describe the shock of the moment, breaking through to the congenital four heavy male crazy, in the hands of the wind laugh like children are generally played with, which is simply incomprehensible.

'Damn it! Male crazy roar, finally know he is not Fang Heng opponent, figure suddenly flashed, directly to the stage, with male Yunxi disappeared without a trace.

"Wind smile, I have written this down, and I will fight in the northern mainland in the future!"

A word came from far away, today's male crazy was overbearing, but was beaten twice by Fang Heng, which made him have no face to stay here, can only take his brother first.

Looking at the left bear crazy, Fang Heng also did not stop, but the eyes flashed, seems to have enlightenment.

"Father said to me before, martial arts, internal strength is on the one hand, martial arts is on the other hand, and now I only with the perfect blood imitation of martial arts defeated the congenital four heavy male crazy, it seems that my father had meant this."

"As long as you can perfectly control your own power, then even an ordinary person can turn something bad into something magical."

With a sudden fist shake, Fang Heng seemed to have found the path of a real warrior.

Head turned, Fang Heng looked at the only person left in the ring, Fang Meng.

"Are you going to do it or not?"

The faint words came out, so that all people were shocked and reacted.

Four families of people is the eyes change, they did not think, at this time Fang Heng also thought about the contest.

"There's no need." Fang Meng on the stage shook his head, "Because no matter what, you will die!"

Words landing, around the figure flashing, countless masters are surrounded by Fang Heng.

Fang Heng today completely destroyed the calculation of the four families, let the four families discredit, but also killed the four families, at this moment, the contest has no meaning, in want to maintain face is a dream, of course to kill Fang Heng vent anger.

"Shame! The four families are really shameless, but they will kill people when they compete!"

"What bullshit family, just call it the waste family!"

Finally, some of the civilians around could not help but scold, they were not good at the calculation of the four families, and now see a genius is about to be wiped out by the four families, can no longer bear it, export solidarity.

"HMMM! Fang dream eyes a cold, palm out, suddenly around the master has a few ran out, into the crowd, only listen to the screams, a few scold the loudest people, directly killed!

The crowd gradually quieted down and dared not speak.

"Anyone who dares to say a word will be killed all over the house!" Fang Meng said coldly, "As for him, contempt for the four families, disrupt the order of the contest, will die!"

"Ha ha, these people, they want to kill me?" Fang Heng looked up to the sky and laughed, "All give me death!"


The explosion came out, with Fang Heng as the center, the air all around was squeezed out, those around the master are a body shake, while at this time, Fang Heng stepped out, a fist flew in front of the people, palm like a dragon claw, on the Fang dream caught the past!

'Damn it! Fang Meng secretly scold a voice, did not expect the wind smile said to start, let him unprepared, can only step back, at the same time a punch to the face of the wind smile, hoping to force back the wind smile.


Fist without accident hit the wind smile cheek, an animal skin then flew, on this moment, Fang Meng's face changed wildly, lost all calm, like a madman generally rushed to the wind smile.


Cold laughter, Fang Heng, a grasp of Fang Meng fist!