
God of the world

The walk between life and death, the killing of good and evil, the throne of blood and bone, only the strong, can reach the summit! Fang Heng on the earth crossed to a thin blood of the young body, against the blood of heaven, the true meaning of martial arts, the battle of the mainland strong, on the mainland, a hand to cover the sky! "Fight, only fight, can become stronger!"

mchui · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Power is not a realm

When the male family village was four big families Shouting bandit slogans out, the old man of the big black town all know, but did not expect there are two descendants of the male family village, a hidden in the big black city when the civilian, the other is into the legend of the northern continent, it seems that the status is not low there.

"It is the remnant of the Xiong family village!"

"Shall the descendants of bandits remain? Come! Kill this man quickly!"

A series of roars sounded from the stands of the four major families, and countless masters flashed out and surrounded the ring.

Eliminate the root, this truth is the most understood by the four families, no matter how things are, do it, you have to do it in the end!

"Ha ha, this is trying to kill someone? But do you think I would come so easily?"

Looking at the people around him, the male laughed wildly. Suddenly, he took out a golden token from his arms and engraved four big words on it: Great Metaphysics!


"How is this possible!

To see the gold medal in the hands of the male crazy, the elders of the four families are surprised, full of disbelief, the big Xuan Dynasty, the card points gold, silver and copper three levels, the highest gold medal, on behalf of royal orthodoxy, the walker token in the hand of the male crazy, is the king of gold!

"Ha ha, I am a true disciple of the Emperor Tianyuan, and when I came, Master gave me this token for self-defense, which is the waist card of the Emperor Xuan, and I have this card in my body, and anyone who moves me is guilty of treason!" Xiong laughed wildly, and immediately, the faces of the people around him changed.

"My God, the Walker gold medal, the Northern continent really lives up to its name!"

"Hey, it looks like the four families are going to have bad luck!"

All the people looked at the direction of the four families with a sneer, and the people of these families were overbearing and insolent on weekdays, and now they were severely trampled on the face, so that they all felt bad.

Four families of people are also stunned, who did not expect the male crazy means so high, directly took the gold medal for self-defense, at this time they are very difficult, kill, is to commit a major crime, do not kill, see the male crazy touch, will kill them in the future.


At this time, a cold humming suddenly came out, Murong Sheng on the ring, "Rely on the token to come here arrogant, it seems that you are not how, have the ability to let's have a life and death battle!"

"Are you worthy to fight me to the death?" Male crazy proudly turned his head, suddenly waved, swish, the crowd around immediately jumped out of two people, carrying two large boxes, to the stage.

"Put the boxes down, and you can go." Male crazy light said a sentence, two people immediately nodded, threw down the big box quickly leave.

Male crazy walked to the two big boxes in front of the palm of a clap, the box exploded, a bloody gas spread out.

Heads! Hundreds of heads!

"It's... This is a Chen!"

"My God, what happened!

Countless people are frightened, the Chen family, is also a big Xuancheng family, but it is not big, only in recent years.

On the high stage of the four families, everyone's face is the same.

"Hey, you seem to know them very well." Aware of the expression of the four families, Xiong laughed coldly, "Chen Xiao, the head of the Chen family, was the military adviser of my Xiong family village, but he saw money, betrayed the Xiong family village, and turned to you, if there is no him, my Xiong family village will be destroyed by your four families?" I came from Shemen yesterday, and I used this traveler token to mobilize fifty men of the Great Dark Guard and kill all the 200 people of this Chen family!"

Everyone's body is shaking, the Chen family, the extermination!

"But this is just the beginning, or an announcement." The male proudly said, "Kill the traitor first, then kill the enemy!" If I want to destroy your families now, I only need one word to mobilize the Great Dark Guard to exterminate you!"

Words out, the four families are pale, big dark guard, this is the royal family, they really can not stop.

"But I won't do it." Male crazy suddenly smiled, "with the power of others to kill their own enemies, this is too boring, I want to kill, slowly kill, today I come here, just tell you that I exist, and you will live every day, will be immersed in the terror of death!" This is my, the male family village male crazy, revenge on you!"

There was silence.

All of them did not speak, but looked in horror at the male maniac in the ring.

Tell you you're going to die, but don't kill you right away, just look at you and throw yourself into endless fear.

This is real torture! Male crazy, too bad!

Walked to the stage in front of the head, male crazy raised a hand to grab, directly put forward a, everyone see the head, the body is a shock.

"I see you know this man. His name is Chen Wen, right?" Faint words sounded, the male mad face was full of sneer, "This guy is a good, only 18 years old to a congenital peak, unfortunately, but I was a move to dry, his father Chen Xiao like a mad dog attack me, but also by my move to erase!"

The words said, Xiong crazy eyes looked at Murong Sheng, "Do you think you are better than the two of them?"

Murong Sheng looked cold, "Strong or not strong is not to say, is to play out!"

'Oh? Male crazy eyebrows picked up, seriously looked at Murong Sheng one glance, "did not think you are really afraid of me, well, I give you a chance, shot it!"

'Good! Murong Sheng let out a loud roar, and the whole body ran with a sound of internal strength, and the air condensed into the shape of a tiger under the momentum, and in an instant, it was a hundred heads!

Looking at the bluff of this move, everyone around is a heart jump, true force formed, which is a sign of congenital double.

"This is your strongest tool?" Male crazy coldly said, "It is OK, come on!"

"A hundred tigers come down the mountain!"


Countless air began to explode, the naked eye can see, Murong Sheng body of a hundred tiger shadow rushed to the male crazy, Murong Sheng himself also into the virtual shadow, both fists bombarded, the moment, to the male crazy chest.

"The dragon flies for nine days!"

Faced with this move, the male crazy body shook, the palm from bottom to bottom, the air condensed into a divine dragon form in this palm, a hard hit, the fierce hundred tiger shadow moment broke, Murong Sheng's body shook non-stop, directly flying, people in the air, has spit blood, breath is weak!

One palm, defeat Murong win!

The crowd was shocked, and all the four families were even more frightened.

Murong Sheng's name is not to brag out, since childhood love for martial arts such as life, after the big is to make countless times to kill the enemy deeds, the whole big Xuancheng, in addition to the Fang family Fang Xuan, is his most intense!

Now, it is defeated by the male crazy hand!

"Well, you're all right, but it's a pity that you met me!" Regardless of everyone's shock, Xiong said coldly, "Next, who else!"

No one said anything. It was quiet.

Male crazy eyes turn, suddenly, he looked to Fang Heng and Fang dream.

"Do you agree?"

Hearing this, Fang Meng's face turned red, but he could not say a word, and suddenly turned his head and ignored it.

"Well, waste is waste." Male crazy cold hum, looked at Fang Heng, "you?"

From this male crazy open head to now, Fang Heng has not spoken, this is someone else's family feud, he does not want to mix, now this male crazy but asked him to accept, which makes him uncomfortable.

"I understand you have a family grudge, but what do I care?"

Cold words sounded, immediately let the crowd stay, good guy, is really a more arrogant than one, the wind laughed, the courage is too big.

'What? Male crazy is also a leng, face cold down, "are you tired of living?"

A murderous air began to be released.

"Wind smile, you come down quickly, you are no match for my big brother!" At this time the stage of the male Yunxi also spoke, Fang Heng in his blood to keep true force, he did not want to let Fang Heng accident.

"I'm no match for your big brother?" Fang Heng sneered, "You think too much of your big brother."

"You seem to have given up!" Male crazy coldly said, "In that case, then take me a move!"


The ring shook, the male crazy body rushed towards Fang Heng like a mountain, the air was swept across the Mars, and everyone seemed to see Fang Heng being installed in pieces.

"If I don't do it, will you treat me as a clay knead?" Fang Heng looked cold, the body did not move, so waiting for the male crazy over.

Boom, click, click!

Ring shaking, dust everywhere, a moment later, the crowd saw the two people in the ring, male crazy steps back, Fang Heng is still motionless!

"What! Actually blocked the attack of the male maniac!"

"No, it's not blocking, it's repelling!"

People around the discussion, looking at Fang Heng's eyes, not only shocked, there is a wave of excitement!

Male maniac is already terrible enough, but now the wind laugh is more terrible than male maniac, what is more exciting than to see this thing!

"You, very good!" Male crazy looking at the ring was his footprints, to Fang Heng way, "But you still can't beat me."

"A lot of nonsense." Fang Heng coldly said, "You just attacked me, then I will give you back, take it!"


Between the words, Fang Heng's figure disappeared in place, there was no huge momentum, but the moment came to the male crazy front, a punch out.

"Too slow! Male crazy laugh out loud, palm grab out, to catch the arm of Fang Heng.

"It's not that I'm slow, it's that you're slow."


The wild male's body suddenly arches, feet off the ground, blood gushing!

Fang Heng has not stopped the attack, the figure turned, the fist into the palm of the hand, a snap, the male crazy hanging body immediately fell, severely hit the ring, shaking out a big pit!

When the body stopped, Fang Heng looked at the male crazy on the ground, his eyes were full of sneers, "Now, do you believe it?"

"My God! The wind laughs so hard!"

"How is this possible! Wind laughter is just a congenital heavy, male crazy at least has two realms!"

Countless people are crying out, even Baiyun Creek are stunned, he knew Fang Heng powerful, but did not think so powerful, his brother is a congenital triple, have been a stroke into this touch!

"It's... How is that possible!" The male on the ground suddenly looked up, "How can you be so strong!"

"I am not strong, you are weak." Fang Heng coldly said, "You don't even know what the power is and you are crazy to improve the realm, how can you compare with me?"

"Power is state!" Male crazy roar, "Take me another move, dragon travel thousands of miles!"


A dragon intonation came from the male crazy body, the air shook, and all the people seemed to see a divine dragon roaring wildly, laughing at the wind and hitting the past.

"There are too many weaknesses."

Faint words came out, Fang Heng palm into a fist, against the male crazy body hit, suddenly, the dragon interrupted, the male crazy body hit the ground again, this time, his skin has been cracked, the blood can not stop flowing out.

Male crazy, lost!

It was too fast, too sudden, to react to.

"Power, not state." Leaving a word, Fang Heng turned around and no longer paid attention to the bleeding male crazy on the ground.