
God of the world

The walk between life and death, the killing of good and evil, the throne of blood and bone, only the strong, can reach the summit! Fang Heng on the earth crossed to a thin blood of the young body, against the blood of heaven, the true meaning of martial arts, the battle of the mainland strong, on the mainland, a hand to cover the sky! "Fight, only fight, can become stronger!"

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The highest point of Zhenwu Gate, Zhenwu Hall.

At this time, many people gathered here and talked with each other.

"Linger, I will think about this matter carefully, you wait for my answer." Zhenwu door master Yan God Jade with a smile on his face, to the following Huang Ling said.

Huang Ling's side, there is a group of young people in beautiful clothes, these people, is the crowd that Fang Heng saw before the gate of the mountain.

Hearing Yan Shenyu's faint words, Huang Ling had a wry smile on his face, waiting for a reply, which was clearly a refusal, but Huang Ling himself also understood that it was basically impossible for Yan Shenyu to send so many true disciples to the northern mainland to fight.

Every disciple of the school is the blood of the school, and the true disciple is the continuation of the future development of the school. Will Yan Shenyu throw this continuation into such a dangerous place?

"Lord, the relationship between my Huang family and this door is extraordinary, for many years, my Huang family in the northern mainland has not been less than the support of Zhenwu door, similarly, Zhenwu door can have today, but also my Huang family..."

"I understand all that." Yan Shenyu waved his hand and smiled, "My true Wumen can become the holy land of martial arts in the Great Xuan Dynasty, it is true that I did not lack the help of Master Huang's brother in that year, not to mention that when I practiced with Master Huang in the northern mainland, we experienced a lot of dangers together, if it was me personally, I would never hesitate to help, but what you ask is not me personally, but a disciple of my school." "

"It is not easy for me to get to where I am today. As the master of the gate, I am considering the future of the gate. I cannot make a decision easily, Ling, you should understand."

The words said here, Huang Ling is completely silent, his father Huang Ziyan and Zhenwu gate Yan God jade is the teacher brothers, two people together in the northern mainland experience, friendship naturally needless to say, later Yan God jade returned to Zhenwu gate succession door master, Huang Ziyan but stayed in the northern mainland settled down, now two people are far apart, each has a foundation, nature to stand in their own position to speak.

"Oh, Yan men, there are some things, it is better not to refuse." At this time, a young man beside Huang Ling spoke, "After all, I am the northern mainland, the ruler of your Great Xuan Dynasty, and now the northern mainland and the devil fighters are constantly fighting, and they need the support of fresh blood, and your Great Xuan Emperor has sent many royal children to fight in the past, do you dare to go against the tide?"

"Hum! Yan Shenyu cold hum, "When did I say to go against the tide?" Moreover, I really do things, when the turn to your king crazy python children interrupt, this even your father Tianyuan Zong Zong king chaos days do not deserve to say."

'What! Wang's face changed, suddenly sneer, "Yan men Lord, I Tianyuanzong in the northern mainland is a big school, close to the jade Tianzong, you can speak clearly."


A crisp slap sound, Wang crazy python covered his cheeks, cant believe looking at Yan Shenyu.

"You... How dare you hit me!"

The wild snake's face twisted and his eyes were full of venom.

"What about hitting you?" Yan Shenyu looked cold, "If you say one more word, I will kill you, do you think that Emperor Tianyuan is very great?"

Words out, the atmosphere in the field is a coagulation, Wang crazy python immediately shut up, he felt, Yan Shen jade is really dare to kill him.

Just then, a word came from far away, "Is the spirit coming back?"

A figure accompanied by the sound of words appeared out of thin air, it was Gao Lao.

"Grandpa." Huang Ling immediately called a voice, let Gao old face with a smile, "Oh, come back, how about Ziyan over there."

"Still in the Magic Mountain."

Huang Ling said a low sentence, immediately let Gao old sigh, "Hey, Ziyan there is really bitter enough, but Linger rest assured, I have prepared for you a past candidate."

"Only one?" Huang Ling smiled wryly, appeared very disappointed.

"What about one? Wasn't your father also a man in the northern mainland, established his own family business?" Gao Lao said with a smile, "Besides, in this matter of fighting demons, too many people may not be useful."

"Is it? Huang Ling eyes a light, she knows high old is not a simple character, his father is high old cultivation, now there is such a person can get high old evaluation, then she really look forward to some.

"Don't ask. I won't tell you now. You'll find out when the time comes." Gao Lao smiled, "Now, you let them all go back, when the competition is over, I will introduce the man to you."

"A fight within the door? Hey hey!" The Wang crazy python on the side heard Gao Lao's words with a sneer, "Then I king someone wish you a successful contest in advance."

Words landing, Yan Shen Yu eyes a cold, high old is a look change, they all from this sensed an ominous taste, Wang crazy python is regardless, directly to the other people waved, "we go!"

All of them soon left the hall of true Wu, and Huang Ling looked and retreated.

"Jade, I can't help feeling that there's something wrong with this." After Huang Ling left, Gao old to Yan Shen Yu said, "must not guard ah."

"What Master Uncle said is that our Zhenwumen has developed too fast over the years and its strength has expanded, which has already aroused the alarm of the imperial family, and now several major factions in the northern mainland have also raised their vigilance against us, asking us to send disciples to fight demons, which is a part of weakening us." Yan Shenyu coldly said, "But master uncle rest assured, I have the best worst plan, the critical moment, the preservation of the door of the fire is no problem."

"Well, as long as you're ready." Gao Lao nodded, his eyes suddenly looked at Zhenwu Gate's performance Wu Lin, showing a smile, "But the real fire, only one is enough."

'Is he? Yan Shenyu's eyes also looked at the past, and finally said, "In less than half a year, it has reached this level, which is indeed superior talent."

"No." Gao Lao shook his head, "His talent is not only superior can be summarized, I have never seen such a terrible genius as him, I have to say that his talent is unlimited."

"Infinity! Yan Shenyu look a change, gawking at the depths of the martial arts, that young man, really have this potential?

In the martial forest, Fang Heng is sitting in the pan.

The green aura around him converged on him like an ocean, injected into his body, and condensed his true power.

"Pure Yang true force, coagulation!"

Eyes suddenly a earn, Fang Heng's momentum suddenly burst, the wind swept the ground, on the spot blew down countless leaves, momentum is extremely fierce.

The true force on the body was no longer milky as before, but red, like blood.

"This is Chun Yang Jin Li?" Fang Heng frown, feel really different from before, suddenly, Fang Heng punch out, all around the world as if turned into a bloody world, countless trees around, as if burned by fire, become burnt black!

Seeing this scene, Fang Heng smiled on his face, "Good exercises, when it is really good exercises!" This only condensed the first step of pure Yang Zhen power let me have the ability to change the environment, if I reach the realm of great achievement, then who can stop?"

To change the environment is the real strength of the martial arts to the extreme to do things, are generally born about five masters can do it, Fang Heng is in the first day a heavy to do it, this is really terrible.

The palm continues to open the other two books, it is the sweeping leaf leg and the great wilderness scattered hand, the perfect blood is running up, countless moves are remembered in his mind, half an hour later, Fang Heng stood up, the figure flashes, the palm and legs are out, the surrounding air, all along.

Boom boom

The huge sound kept coming out, but the surrounding scenery did not change at all, the people below the first heaven may not understand, the people at the higher level of the first heaven will be shocked to see this scene.

At this moment, Fang Heng is not so much performing martial arts, as saying that martial arts is practicing automatically, through his physical body!

"Qi and force, force and God, God and Wu, Fang Da Fuyu!"

This is the state of mind, a warrior's dream!


A long breath, Fang Heng body stopped action, a different feeling, rising out.

Felt his change, Fang Heng heart very happy, "Haha, did not expect that I actually entered the fugue state, which directly let my true force to improve, pure Yang true force of condensation further, and, with two martial arts, I also safely mastered."

Fugue is what all martial arts are looking forward to, once you enter the fugue state, the benefits of martial arts will be very much, Fang Heng's benefits, is to instantly master three kinds of advanced martial arts!

These three kinds of advanced martial arts, even with the perfect blood calculation, it takes a month to digest, and now it is achieved instantly, which can save a lot of time.


Just when Fang Heng was overjoying, suddenly, a charming hum came from the distance, Fang Heng turned his eyes, and saw a girl wearing a white dress with a beautiful face, it was Huang Ling.

"Huh? I didn't expect to see you again." "But this time I didn't occupy your cave. I was cultivating outside."

"You think it's over if you don't come?" Huang Ling said coldly, "It is not so simple, I have reached the first heaven now, and my father personally taught me the sword method for half a month, in order to completely defeat you."

"Oh? I'd like to see that." Fang Heng light way, "you shot, the same, I still won't use true force and you play."

Huang Ling's face immediately became ugly, Fang Heng's words were simply a humiliation for her, "You think you can beat me like before?" Take that!"


Silver flicker, a snow-white sword suddenly flew out, directly stabbed Fang Heng Adam's Apple, this sword looks very ordinary, but let Fang Heng heart dignified, fast, too fast!

The body turned, Fang Heng hid the past sword, then at this time, Huang Ling eyes across the sneer, the sword does not move, but there is a sword, quickly stabbed to Fang Heng!


Fang Heng frown a pick, figure in turn, hiding the past of the sword, he did not expect, the yellow spirit reached this degree, do not move the sword, can let the sword kill the enemy.

"A cage with a hundred swords."

Soft words sounded, Fang Heng eyes this time is really changed, he felt his true force is a move, quickly condensed into a sword shape, paddling in the body!

"Good swordsmanship, good swordsmanship!"

Fang Heng drank a loud drink, the blood light in the body was surging non-stop, only to hear a crackle, countless red true force flew out of his body, and became invisible in the void.

"It's no use." Seeing Fang Heng forcing out the true force in his body, Huang Ling sneered and shook his head, "This hundred sword cage is the attack of sword meaning, it will blend into your true force, blood, and even the viscera, and in the end, I don't need to take a hand, the true force in your own body will kill you!"

"Well, did you take it? Give me your word, and I'll spare your life."

"Heh heh." Hearing Huang Ling's confident words, Fang Heng suddenly smiled, "I refuse to accept."