
God of the world

The walk between life and death, the killing of good and evil, the throne of blood and bone, only the strong, can reach the summit! Fang Heng on the earth crossed to a thin blood of the young body, against the blood of heaven, the true meaning of martial arts, the battle of the mainland strong, on the mainland, a hand to cover the sky! "Fight, only fight, can become stronger!"

mchui · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Annual task

"Not satisfied? You'll have to suffer a little after all!" Huang Ling face a cold, long sword vibration, suddenly more turbulent sword burst, Fang Heng is smiling, the body is not the least strange.

"This..." Huang Ling face a change, she does not understand, clearly his sword meaning has locked Fang Heng, feel there is no problem, Fang Heng how safe and sound?

"Are you looking for this?" Fang Heng's hand suddenly raised, a wisp of white light rose in his hand, and instantly condensed into a sword shape.

'What! See this scene Huang Ling face change, her sword meaning is the blood of the sword condensed, strong, Fang Heng can easily force out, this is what kind of power!

"I have told you before that your strength is not as good as mine, your realm is not as good as mine, and naturally you are not my opponent, but now it seems that you still do not understand this truth." Fang Heng shook his head, his palm suddenly clenched, and with a bang, the sword sense broke, and Huang Ling's face immediately turned pale.

This sword sense connects her mind, and when the sword sense is broken, the mind is naturally damaged.

"Keep your eyes open."


When the words came out, Fang Heng's hand suddenly raised, and just as soon as he lifted it, the earth shook, and an incomparable ferocious momentum broke out instantly, as if a wild beast began to go mad!


The hand falls, the earth tears, and the next moment, there is a palm print the size of two people on the ground!

"That's power."

Faint words from Fang Heng mouth spit out, Huang Ling completely frozen.

Through the detailed palm print of this grain on the ground, Huang Ling knew that he was not Fang Heng's opponent at all, the first heaven master, whether it is against the enemy or training, there will always be some real force waste, Fang Heng's palm is completely different, there is no waste of real force, every drop of power has been played to the extreme by him.

What kind of control is that? In all the world, besides her father, she has seen the first person with such a strong truth and can perfectly control, no wonder can force her sword will.

With a touch of loss on his face, Huang Ling said lightly, "You won again."

"So you give up?" Fang Heng is frowning, "This is not like your character."

'What do you mean? Huang Ling eyes a cold, originally learned that he is not Fang Heng opponent she has been very lost, now Fang Heng this sentence, as if to laugh at her, immediately let her angry.

"What do you mean? Naturally, it means disappointed." Fang Heng light said, "I thought you would see this force will give birth to fighting spirit, but I did not think you can not, the blood of the sword in you, it is a waste."

'Damn it! Huang Ling shouted, "Do you think you are strong! Sooner or later, I'll surpass you."

"Oh, the man who dare not even swing a sword at me still wants to surpass me?"

Hearing this sentence, Huang Ling's beautiful face turned red, and suddenly the body jumped, and the long sword stabbed Fang Heng like a meteor.

"Who says I won't swing my sword at you?"


When Fang Heng saw the sword, his face smiled, his fingers suddenly popped out, and with a thong, the sword shook, and Huang Ling's body fell to the ground.

"Sword Spirit chasing the wind!"

Huang Ling fell to the ground did not give up, the palm of the hand hit the ground, the long sword swung back and forth, countless sword Qi toward Fang Heng stabbed, Fang Heng face unchanged, the body turned, and avoided this move.

"No Shadow Sword!"

Just when Fang Heng was hiding in the past, the three words sounded cold, Huang Ling's body did not know when to come behind him, a sword stabbed out, this sword, no wind, no sword, as if from the beginning to the present, there is a general, waiting for Fang Heng to hit up.

"This is the real you."

Looking at the murderous Huang Ling, Fang Heng said with a light smile, the body turned, such as the wind, escaped the sword that must kill.

Huang Ling eyes with fright, she did not expect, Fang Heng so simple escaped her strongest sword, the body, but also like the wind close to their own.

"It's over."

As soon as his eyes were closed, Huang Ling knew that he would face death next.

She knows Fang Heng is not a good person, her hands are killing swords, Fang Heng will forgive her?

To her surprise, the expected death did not come, only a warm touch on her cheek.

Suddenly opened his eyes, where there is Fang Heng figure.

"The past grudge today, now you, killing will explode, sword will be stable, the future will be a higher level, our contradiction, so let it go."

Faint words sounded, let Huang Ling look a stay, soon understood that Fang Heng is by humiliating her, let her break through in the soul again, with this kind of grace, to eliminate the past Fang Heng and her hatred.

"Why did you do that?"

Huang Lingjiao drank a sound, but all around was quiet, after a long time, a word came out.

"Speaking of which, your face is rather soft, ha ha..."

Laughter far away, in place of the yellow Ling face gave birth to a faint red, no wonder he felt a warm face, the original is Fang Heng touched her face.

"Damn it, how dare you do that! I'll kill you!"

The vicious words came out of Huang Ling's mouth, but in his heart, there was a different taste rising.

"Let it go?"

The mind across this idea, Huang Ling's face suddenly angry, "No, must not let it go, Fang Heng, I want to defeat you!" I won't let you go!"

After saying this, Huang Ling's face showed a smile and turned to leave.

After the breath of the yellow spirit had completely disappeared, Fang Heng came down from a big tree and shook his head, "As for what? I gave you such a big benefit, just touch your face, and you won't let me go."

"Anyway, I don't want to be with you anymore, next time I see you, I'll walk around."

Thought of here, Fang Heng will not stay, directly towards their own accommodation.

Do not kill Huang Ling, is to see Huang Ling life is very fair, when he was in the real Wu space, Huang Ling really want to kill him, only need a word Chen Dou can kill him, she did not do so, including later Huang Ling saw him outside the door, did not let the group of young masters deal with themselves, this is very fair, Fang Heng nature will not kill without reason.

As soon as he returned to the room, Fang Heng put his hand into his bosom, took out the henge stone he had obtained by killing people under the rain curtain some time ago, and began to observe it carefully.

His perfect bloodline is now evolved, and his computational and observational powers are terrible, so it's a good time to take out the stone.

His eyes flashed, half an hour later, Fang Heng took a long breath and secretly said, "I have memorized the route of the phalanx, but it is still a little difficult to portray the phalanx, I have no carving knife, no spiritual stone, and I cannot guarantee that the portrayal will be successful, this thing will be put on for some time, at least until the end of the competition in the door."

The mystery of the phalanx stone lies in the route of the battle, which is no difficulty for Fang Heng, he is now lacking, is the material and time, the spirit stone is precious in the martial arts, the carving knife needs the bone of the demon beast to complete, which requires a lot of silver, and now there is the door contest, he needs to prepare for war.

"By the way, the tournament is an opportunity for me, there are challenges and ranking tournaments, and if I play in the challenge and beat a true legend and take on his identity, then I can definitely get the material I need." Fang Heng moved in his heart, and soon, he made a decision, countless stones were held in his hands, and the rolling energy began to be absorbed by him, strengthening himself first, and after a while everything would be there.

In this way, a month has passed.

That day, Fang Heng's room suddenly sounded a rapid knock on the door, which made Fang Heng, who was practicing, wake up.

When he opened the door, a law enforcement disciple dressed in black said to him, "The annual task of the named disciples begins, to go to the demon beast mountain to erase ten demon beasts and contribute to the sect."

When the words landed, the law enforcement disciple walked away directly, Fang Heng frowned, looked in other directions, and found that countless registered disciples had been called out, and quickly gathered towards a place.

'What do you mean? Fang Heng, who had not heard of this, went out and grabbed one of his disciples by the shoulder and asked, "Brother, what is the annual task?"

The disciple was about to go out to gather, had already performed the body, but did not expect to be suddenly caught by Fang Heng, knowing that he had met a master, immediately explained, "The annual task is the obligation that Zhenwumen recorded disciples must do every year, hunting monsters and contributing to the master, otherwise where do our monthly salaries come from?"

"So I see." Fang Heng nodded and let go of the man, "Every year let the named disciples go out to hunt demons and beasts, increase the wealth within the gate, and then Zhenwumen will uniformly distribute the wealth to the disciples, this is the operation of Zhenwumen."

Understand this, Fang Heng quickly along the flow of people, and soon, came to the largest square in Zhenwu Gate.

At this time, thousands of registered disciples have gathered on the square, the square's high platform, and a group of people dressed in elder clothes standing, headed by Fang Heng know, law enforcement elder Liu Tian!

Liu Tian's eyes are also scanning around at the moment, when found in the crowd of Fang Heng, his eyes immediately bleak down, Fang Heng in the big Xuancheng Liu family to do things he already knew, home owner Liu Tai have sent him a message, be sure to get rid of this boy, now, the opportunity is coming!

Aware of Liu Tian's eyes, Fang Heng heart also alert up, the last time in the eyes of the people offended, this time the other party will definitely find him trouble.

"Well, I would like to see what means you use this time, as long as it is not to kill me openly, I will not be afraid of any secret hands and feet!"

Fang Heng's strength has now reached the middle level of a congenital heavy, and it is no problem to protect itself in the periphery of the chaotic demon mountains.

"I think everyone is here." Liu Tian turned his eyes and asked several elders next to him.

"Registered disciples ten thousand people, a thousand people a team, a batch of monthly into the chaotic demon mountains, this batch of thousands of teams have been completed."

Another elder politely answered that there were Liu family forces behind Liu Tian, and of course he dared not offend.

"Well, now that we're all here, let's not lose any time. Go, target, demon Mountain."

When the words came out, several other elders immediately gave orders, and suddenly thousands of registered disciples went to the door.

Fang Heng in the crowd saw this scene, his heart nodded secretly, "thousands of people, each person must hunt ten demon beasts, this is the demon beast, remove the demon core, only on the demon beast fur, muscles and bones, you can change a lot of silver, it seems that this true Wu gate is established here, it is really unique, accumulate wealth."

Thousands of teams are fighters, the pace is very fast, less than half an hour, thousands of people have come to the outside of the monster mountain.

"Now listen to me, every hundred men in small groups, from all directions into the Demon Mountains, we will divide you according to strength, make sure that each team is equal."

The cold words came out, and Liu Tian came to a high place at this time and looked at the disciples around him.