
God of the Verses

Op mc traveling worlds, fucking any girls he desires because of plot. He does whatever he wants cause no one can stop him. First World: Twilight Second world:???? Third world???? Give me some suggestions

VoNtheGoAt · Movies
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31 Chs

Fighting the alpha

(3rd Person Pov)

"Hey hey calm down we are not here to fight" Carleen speaks up getting the wolves to direct there attention to her.

"We came to apologize for trespassing in your territory last night" she continues now looking in the eyes of the black wolf.

The black wolf turns around and runs into the forest. The other wolves and the Cullen's continue their stare down. A minute later a man with copper colored skin, black air, and brown eyes wearing a pair of shorts comes back from the forest.

He walks to the front of the pack and begins staring down vincent. "We'll accept your apology if you give him to us" he says not taking his eyes off of Vincent.

Saying this causes all the Cullen's to frown. " No we cannot do that" Carleen says getting the man to frown as well. He turns his eyes to her "If you don't give him to us you'll be breaking the treaty between us and we will not hesitate to declare war on you"he says looking at her.

"Are you threatening us" rosalie asks stepping forward. This causes the wolves to step forward growling at her. She is quickly grabbed by the arm and pulled back by emily.

"We refuse to give him to you and if there is no other way to resolve this then we will have to fight" Carleen says looking him in the eyes. "Hey wait there's no need for this it will only cause unnecessary deaths" vincent says speaking getting everyone to turn their attention to him.

"How about me and you have a fight one on one if I win you leave me alone and the treaty stands if you win you can have me without worrying about a war" he continues getting the Cullen's to stare at him in shock. "Fine by me but I guarantee that you will lose" the man replies with a smirk. " We'll see about that " Vincent replies

"What no vinnny you just became a vampire you can't fight him you'll lose" Alice says with worry clear on her face. " Alice calm down this is the only way without the need for any of you to die" he replies staring at all of them.

"We just found you after so many decades of waiting for our mate and now you want us to just watch you kill yourself" she says crying .He wraps her in a hug " Alice why do you think I will lose just trust me okay I'll win I promise"he says to her getting her to hug him tighter.

She lets go and the others give him a quick hug. He takes off the jacket and set it down. The man transforms back into the black wolf and he and vincent begin staring each other down as the others back up giving them space for a fight.

They begin circling each other before the wolf lunges at him. Vincent raises his hand allowing the wolf to bite down on it breaking his hand he grunts while raising the wolf up by the hand he's bitting on and slamming his hand into its stomach making it let go of his and is send flying back slamming into a tree.

Vincent arm quickly heals itself . He looks at the wolf trying to recover from the blow he just sustained. Vincent quickly dashes towards it intending to not let it get a chance to recover. He arrives Infront of the wolf as soon as it gets up.

He uppercuts the wolf who wasn't prepared for the sudden attack. The wolf is sent flying upwards causing vincent to jump up and kick it in the stomach sending it crashing back down to the ground. He quickly pounces on it sending a flurry of punches on the downed wolf. He slams a punch on its mid section breaking it's ribs causing it to howl out in pain.

He goes to continue the onslaught but quickly jumps back as a wolf lands at his previous position.The other wolves quickly surround the down and injured wolf baring their teeth at him.

"I win so we well be taking our leave and I expect you all to hold up your end of the deal" vincent says running over to the Cullen's putting his jacket back on he turns around and looks at the unconscious wolf that begins phasing back into a human before they run off back to the cullen's home.

Arriving at the house they stop and Alice quickly jumps on him smiling " I didn't think you were that strong he couldn't fight back at all" she says causing him to smile back at her. "I told you not to worry about it" he replies.

" Well I gotta get to work so I'll see you guys later" says Carleen turning to go to her car. " Hm yea later" vincent replies. She leaves and the others enter the house.

Emily, Vincent and Jasmine go and sits on the coach. They turn on the tv and proceed to watch some sports after a while they decide to play some video games. Vincent always loses the first game but after that he wins every round causing the girls to quit.

" Hey let's have a race" emiliy says getting the others to turn to her. "A race why" asks Jasmine.

"No reason really just a competition of sorts what do you say"she replies.

" Hm okay I'm winning it though" Vincent replies.

"Yeah right I'm the fastest one here" edythe says walking into the room along with rosalie and Alice.

"Correction was I believe I'm way faster than you Vincent replies with a smirk. " No your not" edythe replies squinting her eyes at him. "We'll have to see then" he says also squinting his eyes.

"So where are we racing and what does the winner get" alice asks interrupting there stare down. "Let's do it in the mountains" rosalie suggests everyone nods in agreement. "And for what the winner gets how about whatever they ask for" Emily suggests.

"How do we identity who wins" jasmine asks. "What if I run a certain distance away from you all and the first to touch me wins" Esme suggests now entering the conversation.

"Yeah that would work" Vincent replies. "Well then let's go" Alice says as everyone speeds of leaving Edythe and Vincent standing. "Get ready to eat my dust " edythe says to Vincent causing him go smirk.

"Id much rather eat something else" he replies getting her to blush before she speeds off to catch up with the others and he follows after her.