
God Of The Omniverse

This story follows the rise of a regular small time criminal who had the odds against him his entire life. Just when things looked like they were about to come to an end for him, he received the power to turn his life around. Ambitious, Cruel, Manipulative, Cunning and now...Powerful. Follow his story as he makes a name for himself and grows as both a being and an organization by any means necessary, the likes of which the universe has never seen. Update Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ....................................................................................................................................................................... Read ahead on patreon: patreon.com/GodOfBrutality Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/U29paHWKEN *Disclaimer*: This fanfiction is a non-commercial work of art created solely for entertainment purposes. The characters, settings, and other intellectual property from the dc universe, marvel universe, and others referenced herein belong to their respective owners and creators. I do not claim any ownership over them nor am I affiliated with the studios or authors who created them. This fanfiction is not officially endorsed by any of the original creators or the studios that produced the original works. All rights to the respective characters and worlds are acknowledged and respected. This work is intended to pay homage to the original creations and to share a new story with other fans. No infringement is intended. All original characters and plots within this fanfiction are the property of the author. Please support the official releases and the talented individuals who create the original works.

God_Of_Brutality · Movies
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Chapter 8: Severing Ties

It was a little past 10 pm on that night in Gotham City. Even though it was Monday and late, Gotham's streets were just as wild and noisy as usual.

Police sirens and the occasional sound of gunfire were the norm in the more lawless neighborhoods.

Arias' flat was located in Crime Alley, which was at the epicenter of these neighborhoods. A bright yellow cab was parked carelessly on the roadway near the pavement of the passageway leading to his apartments.

Its driver was an older-looking man wearing casual clothing and holding a cigarette.

He inhaled a few puffs before turning to look at the alleyway on his right side, where he spotted two men walking toward him in fancy clothes.

He arched an eyebrow at them; it was odd to see any well-dressed people in that area of the city, especially so late in the day.

When Dmitri, the blonde-haired man standing between them, lifted his hand to get a cab, his uncertainty only grew.

The man set aside his bewilderment and decided not to inquire; instead, he simply continued to be vigilant, as he normally was while dealing with clients in that area of the city.

The two males entered the vehicle's back shortly after his doors clicked open.

Arias gave his instructions before he had a chance to speak.

"Crest hill, Gotham heights."

The address given by Arias was for the western end of Gotham's Northern Island, which was opposite to where Crime Alley or, in some cases, Park Row, was situated, East end.

There were many manors in Crest Hill, a neighborhood of middle-class, upper class. The man in the back could only accept the man's actions considering how he appeared seeing that it would normally be uncommon for somebody coming from a place like Crime Alley to head there.

Such well-dressed people, in his opinion, had to be members of criminal families, which would account for their carefree presence in such a risky area of Gotham.

"Of course, there's not much traffic this time so it won't take long Sirs." The elderly man attempted to speak in a nice manner, but it was obvious he lacked a broad vocabulary from the way he tried to do so.


The sudden call from Dmitri made the man a little uneasy.

"Yes, sir,"

He questioned, fearing he had said something incorrectly. After all, the Gotham criminal families had a bad reputation for using violence to settle even the most minor disputes.

"Play some music, Taylor Lift." Dmitri asked with a straight face, trying to maintain his threatening expression.


The journey, which lasted about an hour, was largely silent, with Dmitri listening to foreign pop music that even the driver thought was too... feminine.

The driver exhaled with relief as they arrived at their destination and saw they were still intact. However, his ears, which had to endure a full pop artist record, could not say the same.

The cab quickly sped away after leaving them in the vicinity of a relatively tidy and peaceful area.

"We should be careful, both the Falcone and Giordano families have some properties here so their goons might recognize us. Walk fast and don't make eye contact." Before the two started heading down the side road, Arias gave advice.

Fortunately, despite a few interactions with people, no issues emerged, and they soon reached the exterior wall of a modest manor.

When Arias arrived at the manor, he asked Dmitri.


Dmitri, though, shook his head.

"No, Dad constantly talked about how secure this property is and how security wasn't required. Aside from the dogs and a few patrolling guards, there's not much security."

"Good, then you scale up first and distract your dogs. After a few minutes, meet me by the balcony of your room." Arias swiftly outlined a strategy, and Dmitri accepted it without objection.

Without wasting any time, he leaped up the 10 foot high wall with ease thanks to his newfound body.

After a brief pause, Arias swiftly leaped up onto the wall to survey the interior.

He swiftly descended and dashed to the main house before sprinting to the balcony of Dmitri's room, which was on the second floor of the mansion, because he saw no indication of Dmitri, any dogs, or guards.

He then knelt down and patiently waited for a while. Soon after, Dmitri showed in and sprung to his feet with some of his face covered with drool.

"?" Arias did not speak, but he did cast him an odd gaze.

"What can I say? Bitches love me." Before unlocking the balcony door to his room, Dmitri grinned and wiped his face.

The duo entered at the same moment as Arias stood up from his crouch, although they thought the place was quite uninteresting.

Arias questioned whether he had forgotten and climbed the incorrect balcony because it appeared more like a yoga studio than a bedroom.

"I've been gone less than a week and that trophy wife of his has already turned my room into a place to practice sex poses, what the fuck?" Dmitri looked around the room, his brows wrinkled in rage.

Arias simply moved toward the room's exit after being satisfied that he hadn't made a mistake.

"She really grasped the opportunity by the neck. Well with enough money you'll be able to replace whatever you lost in this room so no sense worrying about it." Dmitri did not heed Arias' advice.

For him, the circumstances were even more dire.

"You don't understand, some of the porn I had on my computer isn't even available anymore. I've been growing my collection for seven years, I can't just rebuy that."

Dmitri appeared to be reflecting on the good old days as he glanced where his PC had once been.

"I don't know what to tell you. Maybe they just stored it somewhere, for now remember the reason we're here."

The simplicity of Dmitri's desires was difficult for Arias to accept. He was, in fact, the same young guy he knew from before, with the exception of a larger body.

"Right, I'm gonna choke a bitch."

Arias didn't respond to Dmitri's remark and simply left the room.

They did so just as a loud bang rang in both of their ears.



"Pound me Daddy~!"

"I want everything inside of me!"

"Heh, you're lucky. A spot just opened up for a new child!"

"Come on, Daddy! I'll give you a big strong manly son! ~"

As soon as Arias and Dmitri entered the hallway, they could hear the sounds of a man and a woman having hard, unrestrained sex.

"…" Arias had no words to comment on the matter, whereas Dmitri looked even more furious than before.

"Oh, I'm really going to choke a bitch."