
God Of The Game’s Life Throughout the multiverse!

It is highly recommended to read my first novel before reading this! The novel is called ’System Rebirth: The Godly Hunter’ There will be mentions of events that took place during it! If you don’t care then I hope you enjoy it! I stockpile my chapters and release them all at once so to those who see that my chapter release is 0 per week that is because I write for over a week and after 8-10 days I post everything I have written!! Unlike my first novel, this has a harem along with lemons (R-18) so you have been warned! ———————————————————————— What happens when a man who gained a system, became a God, adopted a daughter that’s happened to be a Dragon, is hated by multiverse laws that want to kill him, and saved his planet from mysterious dungeons that seemingly appeared out of nowhere? Well, nothing much really! He married the love of his life and even made her into a god alongside their adopted daughter and spent their lives together but let me ask the question again. What happens when the man’s family dies after he used every possible means of extending their life only to fail and live alone? Simple... He cried... He tried to kill himself to join them but was physically unable to die... He was forced to live on while his family died... The man continued to live on while being lonely, he didn’t want to marry another woman so he just waits... He waited till the very end. He waited and waited until the Multiverse finally couldn’t live on and started to die. The man was happy as he believed he would finally be able to die and go join his family. The man did join his family but it all came crashing down when she told him he wouldn’t be able to stay here. His wife and daughter watched over him all this time and noticed how lonely he was after they died so they demanded him to open his heart and to love others not only Them. The man soon received a notification from his system that caused him to begin yet another journey. A journey within a massive multiverse he always thought was fictional... Watch as the man moves on into another reality and lives his life within Video Games, Movies, Anime, Manga’s, Webtoon’s, Novels, and so much more! Enjoy his good moments and bad moments as he regains his Godhood from scratch while he begins a conquest on taking over the entire Multiverse! [ Congratulations On Completely The Game! Welcome to New Game + Please standby for reincarnation! Enjoy! ] ———————————————————————— Worlds so far. DARK SOULS unOrdinary ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Harbenger · Video Games
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26 Chs

Manus; Father Of The Abyss!

Armin, Sif, and Marvelous Chester soon made their way into the fog gate and the moment Armin saw the glowing eyes of Manus he checked it's stats along with casting Dawn Of Light.

[ Combat Alert!

Manus; Father Of The Abyss

Rank: Raid-Boss

HP: 100% (0% Per Minute)

MP: 100% (30% Per Minute)


Strength: 12,000.0

Dexterity: 9,885.8

Vitality: 25,000.0

Agility: 10,720.2

Intelligence: 3,560.9

Wisdom: 999.9

Luck: 0.0


Skills: *Short Arm Slam -Active-* *Long Arm Slam -Active-* *Back Swipe -Active-* *Uppercut -Active-* *Long Arm Sweep -Active-* *Triple Swing -Active-* *Catalyst Smash -Active-* *High Jump Slam -Active-* *Berserk Combo -Active-* *Dark Orb Barrage -Active-* *Abyss Rain -Active-* *Abyss Cage -Active-*


Short Arm Slam: Manus will lift up his shadowy fist and slam it down nearby in front of himself. This attack deals 10,000 damage + Strength!

Long Arm Slam: Manus briefly holds up his shadowy limb then brings it down at the enemy. This attack can reach more than halfway across the boss arena and deal 8,000 damage + Strength!

Back Swipe: If the enemy is behind Manus, he can twist his arm all the way around to defend his back. This attack will cause 9,000 damage + Strength!

Uppercut: Manus will use his shadowy limb and punch the enemy within the air. This attack deals 5,000 damage + Strength, the enemy is a guarantee to be stunned for 4 seconds.

Long Armin Sweep: Manus will use its fist and sweep the area in front of himself twice and can easily hit multiple enemies dealing 10,000 x2 damage.

Triple Swing: Manus will use it's Shadowy fists and swing three times in a random pattern dealing 8,000 x3 damage!

Catalyst Smash: Manus quickly strikes the ground with his catalyst three times, dealing 5,000 + Strength + x3 damage. This attack can easily corrupt the enemy as well.

High Jump Slam: Manus jumps high above the player, then slams down with his catalyst and hand. Dealing 25,000 + Strength damage!

Berserk Combo: Manus lets out a quick scream which makes him mad, then performs four swipes and two downward smashes, potentially hitting the enemy six times. This deals high damage and drains a lot of stamina if blocked. This attack caused 20,000 damage per hit!

Dark Orb Barrage: Manus uses his Catalyst to cast a barrage of Dark Orbs, similar to the sorcery Dark Bead. The Dark Orbs spread out in a fan shape, making it easier to evade by strafing/rolling at close range. The Dark Orbs also drop to the ground after a moment, limiting the range of this spell. Manus telegraphs this attack by holding his Catalyst out to his left, charging it for a moment, then swinging it towards the enemy to release the Dark Orbs. This attack can break the guards of most shields! Causes 5,000 + Intelligence damage per Dark Orb and Manus can shoot out 30!

Abyss Rain: Manus casts dark sorcery where multiple Dark Orbs appear in the air above and rain down around him in a sizable area of effect. Each Dark Orb can home in on an enemy within a certain range. The attack caused 5,000 + Intelligence damage per Dark Orb!

Abyss Cage: Dark Orbs propagate from above Manus, surrounding the entire arena before homing back in on Manus. This attack covers the entire arena, except for the area right next to Manus, like an inverted AoE. This attack deals 8,000 damage per Dark Orb! ]

Armin didn't even let himself become shocked and powerful slammed his hands together causing a blinding light to explode outwards. Unlike when he used this skill on Artorias, each Dawn Of Light caused 1,000,000 damage thanks to the added bonus of Wrath Of The Abyss.

All Armin could hear was painful screams coming from Manus but he didn't let up and started casting another Dawn Of Light! While it was quickly charging up he checked to see how much damage he caused to Manus but frowned when he only caused 6% of his HP.

What Armin didn't know was that Manus's had stupidly high resistance to magic attacks but even then he still caused more damage if he used his sword. Soon another Dawn Of Light exploded, If Armin wasn't currently blinded by his own attacks and also focused on Manus's stats he would notice two things.

First was that The Abyss was forcefully being pushed back only to flood back within after the spell died down and second was that Manus's stats would drop significantly for a moment due to being unable to be within the Abyss.

Sif and Marvelous Chester apparently knew where Manus always was even when they closed their eyes. They both started attacking as once more Armin casted another Dawn Of Light which was luckily boosted thanks to a critical strike.

As Manus continued to scream in absolute agony and losing bits and pieces of his HP Armin was feeling terrible. He kept experiencing Mana Exhaustion making him want to throw up and collapse only for it to disappear the next second.

This feeling went back and forth but Armin continued on casting Dawn Of Light. He was honestly scared that if he even stopped for a second Manus would insta-kill him with one of his spells.

Spell after spell, scream after scream, Armin along with his party members drained Manus's HP and this continued on for almost 4 minutes. The party Managed to bring Manus to 10% of his HP but Armin would only be able to one more dual spell and if it was not a critical hit then he would be forced to fight him up close.

Armin begged the Goddess Of Luck and RNG to let his next Attack be a critical hit as he only received one during the entire fight! His hands started glowing once more and when he clapped them together he screamed out.


As the explosion reached Manus he fell to his knees with one of his happiest smiles and he successfully caused a Critical Hit! Armin started feeling beyond exhausted at this point and he only saw one notification before falling unconscious.

[ Congratulations on defeating Manus; Father Of The Abyss! ]

When Sif saw Armin fall down he rushed towards him but he was unable to reach him as he slowly started to disappear. The same could be said for the Marvelous Chester as he started to disappear while laughing.

Marvelous Chester: "Just another day within a nightmare! HAHA!"

As they both vanished Armin laid of the floor as the Abyss returned bringing everything to darkness. As Armin slept, The Abyss tried to enter Armin's body but was instantly rejected as a cold female voice sounded out.

System: "Master is currently unable to respond... You will stay away until he has awakened..."

As if The Abyss itself could understand what the voice just said, it quickly ran away in fear leaving a 10-foot dome around Armin without the Abyss within it. Armin's body was once again releasing his true power as the God Of The Game/God-Emperor, The Aura he was unknowingly releasing made The Abyss scared.

At times it was a powerful yet calm feeling while other times it would feel as if an Asura itself was here to take you away. During his time as the God-Emperor, he would have two sides of himself, one was a peaceful loving husband and father and the other was a cruel warlord who lived for battle waiting to cause his next slaughter.

Over the never-ending years, Armin has seen his System as a true friend and tried to giving it a conscience while limiting what it was allowed to die just in case but he always believed he failed and decided to just give it personalities it could choose from on its own.

During the moment when Armin was being reborn, the System itself was also reborn giving it self awareness but it just acted the same as it always was. It was happy to be alive but it was so used to acting how it always did so it remained silent and continued to happily help Armin.

System: "Don't worry Master, I'll protect your body... I know The Abyss can't doing anything thanks to your Void Core but it still shouldn't try it until you give it permission... I'll just remain silent and always watch over you and when you need me to deal with those disgusting copy's I'll do it..."

Then as if the voice was never there in the first place it stopped talking and returned to watching. Suddenly another woman started waking up and when she looked around she noticed Armin.

This woman was of course Dusk and she instantly recognized Armin from her dreams. She moved over towards him and noticed that The Abyss refuses to move closer to him so Dusk sat next to Armin. She knew that he was fine as he was breathing peacefully so she just waited for him to awaken.

Armin continued to sleep and after an unknown amount of time, he slowly started to open his eyes. The first thing he did was immediately become alerted and noticed Dusk was next to him.

Dusk: "I must thank you! My name is Dusk and I'm the Princess of Oolacile, that monster kidnapped me and I was scared to think what might have happened to me... I know this is sudden but will you marry me and become the new King of Oolacile? I know you a really nice person because you wouldn't have saved me otherwise..."

Armin pulled the same card his past/future self pulled and spoke.

Armin: "Now isn't a really good time... How about you asking me this next time we meet each other? I'll give you an answer then."

Dusk: "Okay! I'll wait to see you once more! I have another Homeward Bone, do you wish to come with me? That monster somehow stopped me from using it..."

Armin: "I still have things I must do down here, you can go ahead a return."

Dusk looked at her savior for a few more moments to memorize him then left. He then looked around and noticed The Abyss refuses to come near him. This caused him to be confused and guessed it was because he defended Manus. He opened the System Log's and looked at all the notifications he received.

[ Corrupted Soul Of Manus is trying to fuse with Host's Soul... Due to large the amount of corruption, the process may be painful and will require the Host's Permission...

-YES- -NO- ]

Armin waited to look over the others and pressed -YES-, once he did he felt a small amount of pain throughout his entire body but it wasn't much. Along with this, he started feeling really hungry than full but back to hungry, this happened three times as he received new notification's.

[ Fusing Corrupted Soul Of Manus... Purging possible side effects... New skill unlocked!

+3,000 Stat Points gained! ]

[ Abyss Sword Rain (1/100) -Active-: Abyss Sword Rain is a modified version of Manus's Abyss Rain. This skill will form swords within the sky and will automatically attack nearby enemies! The range is limited to 30 feet around the Host and is unable to increase.

Range: 30 Feet. (+0)

Damage: 1,000. (+1,000)

Swords: 1. (+1 )

At MAX level this spell can cause 100,000 and have 100 swords! Each sword will deal 100,000 damage meaning if all sword hit a target it will cause 10,000,000 Damage! ]

[ Light Mage has reached MAX level! You have unlocked the final skill and are allowed to choose a new profession! Due to having Abyssal Energy you have unlocked a new Option!

-Earth- -Ice- -Darkness- -Wind- -Lightning- -Abyssal- ]

[ Dying Light (1/100) -Active-: The user will absorb all the Light within 1 mile and use it as a desperate attack dealing 10,000 damage. This skill has a 1-week cooldown and every level up increases the time limit.

Range: 1 Mile

Damage: 500,000

Cooldown: 1 week

At MAX level the range will increase to 100 miles while the damage will increase to 50,000,000 with a cooldown of 10 years ]

Armin could only think of one word when he saw the spells... OP! He then checked the other notification after picking the Abyssal Mage.

[ Abyssal Manifestation has evolved!

Abyssal Manifestation -> Champion Of The Abyss!

Champion Of The Abyss: The host is now able to freely use the Abyss in any way you see fit! The Host still passively creates their own Abyssal Energy very slowly. All stats are now permanently increased by x3! This ability is unable to evolve anymore... Unless... ]

Armin already knew that he jumped passed evolutions ranks thanks to how much Manus's Soul was corrupted. Armin didn't check his stats yet and he believed he already knew how to evolve it further. He also noticed a golden orb nearby and could already guess what it was and he was right when he picked it up.

[ Manus Catalyst

Description: A sorcery catalyst created by Manus, father of the Abyss. A rough, old wooden catalyst large enough to be used as a strike weapon.

Attack: 2,000

Durability: 1,000/5,000

Bonus: Spells of the Abyss are boosted by 100%! ]

Armin's eyes started glowing in excitement as this would make his spells even more OP! Armin couldn't help but think how much good things he has received but he only got better as he continued looking at notifications!

[ Congratulations on completing the DLC in the world of DARK SOULS! As a special reward, you will receive a random item from a random universe!





Congratulations on receiving Scroll Of Fusion (Weaponry)

Scroll Of Fusion: This scroll allows the user to combine two weapons together without any sort of backlash! This is only positive bonuses! ]

Armin suddenly had an idea and started thinking to himself.

Armin: 'What happens when I use the Scroll Of Fusion and Weapon Limit Breaker Ticket together? System am I allowed to do this? Because I want to combine the Obsidian Greatsword and Manus Catalyst together then limit break it after upgrading them.'

[ Host is able to do this but the newly created weapon will not be able to upgrade with normal material of this universe, even Titanite Slabs with not work. ]

Armin: 'Well... What if I make a new material? The humans forged weapons with The Abyss so since I can use the Abyss how I want to as of now can I simply make an upgrade material out of The Abyss?'

[ Please wait... The system believes this is possible. ]

Armin couldn't help but smile as he brought out both weapons along with the scroll. He used the scroll as it started combining them, suddenly a black light exploded out causing everything around Armin to become pitch black. After a few moments, he regained his vision.

On the floor there was a weapon seemingly made out of the Abyss itself, it was completely black with absolutely no shine to it as if a light was unable to expose it. The blade itself was shaped like a thin Katana and but it had absolutely nothing else, No guard, no hand cover, only a blade and a spot to grip his hand onto.

As Armin looked at the blade but he didn't feel right, he wanted to grab the blade but he couldn't move his body. All outside interference completely collapsed as if he was within a void and it was only him and this sword. Soon he was brought out of it but a very loud and scary notification.

[Stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstop Forcefully returning the host back... ]

He closes his eyes and spoke.

Armin: "What the actual fuck just happened?! I looked at that sword and I just felt like everything was gone!"

[ An anomaly happened when combining the weapons together and it created a sword I don't know of. I have access to all items within the multiverse but this weapon does not appear within it. You're Soul was ejected into the sword's mind as it wanted to determine if you should be allowed to use it. The sword agrees due to it looking within your soul and seeing everything. It knows your past life, it knows your titles, it knows about me, it knows you were once a God, it knows everything. If you wish to use this weapon please absorb The Abyss as you will meet the requirements. ]

Armin: 'Wait is it alive?'

[ Yes and No, The sword will have its own self-awareness as it looks for a worthy user but once it finds one it will forever be bound to the user and lose its awareness. The weapon could be compared to your Asura-Calibur if not better.

Armin: 'I wanna look at it stats... How do I absorb the Abyss?'

[ Begin Absorbing?

-YES- -NO- ]

Armin mentality said 'yes' and as if he suddenly became a black hole he started sucking in the Abyss itself. Armin constantly felt as if he was hungry but it would immediately change to feeling incredibly full only to return to being hungry.

This happened multiple times as Armin continued to let The Abyss absorb into him. After an unknown amount of time, Armin opened his eyes as they were pitch black but it soon returned to normal. He also received two notifications.

[ Champion Of The Abyss has evolved!

Champion Of The Abyss -> The Abyss

The Abyss: You have become The Abyss itself and can quickly regenerate Abyssal Energy. You are able to bring The Abyss wherever you like and can do everything it can do! All stats are permanently increased by 10x! ]

[ Host is able to use the blade now. ]

Armin didn't bother to look at his stats right now, he was looking directly at the sword still laying on the ground. He then grabbed it and it felt as if it was made just for him, Armin started looking at the Katana more closely and noticed an almost impossible to see detail.

Around the Katana was a small red aura which no normal person could possibly see. He finally checked what the weapon was and couldn't help but smile.

[ Sword Of Annihilation

Description: This sword does not come from this reality and no records can be found. There are only four things that could be learned from it. Its name, damage scales with the host's power, a skill granting it the ability to use magic, and another skill.

Damage: ???

Durability: ???

Special Skills: Annihilation Maker, Abyssal Casting ]

Armin: "So you don't come from this reality to huh. You really do compare to my original sword... Kinda wanna test your Annihilation Maker skill out haha."

[ Host, in order to use *Annihilation Maker* you must first create it. The skill itself will temporarily transform your body and will have a one week cool down. Would Host like to freeze time to customize the skill?

-YES- -NO- ]

Armin was surprised and happily clicked on 'YES'. The moment he did he suddenly appeared within a gray void with a gray manikin.

[ Please create your transformation, it will last for one minute. Once the Host completes this the manikin will show off the skill similar to like a trial run. Host as full customization with only your imagination as it's limit! ]

Armin suddenly thought of Aizen and the manikin turned into it but Armin completely scraped it, he knew exactly what he wanted to transform into and it belonged within the Bleach Universe! Armin then made a copy of his body and changed his golden hair to complete black.

He then made it reach down towards his lower back. Next, he removed the shirt and replaced it with a blood-red bandage-like material, it covered his entire upper body and mouth and nose but his left arm remained free. What Armin was aiming for was Ichigo's final getsugo tenshou transformation but slightly modified.

After Armin completed the look he noticed he was also able to add in an aura, he made it completely black with all around the edge's glowing red. He did this because the sword itself had a barely notable red glow but when he is transformed he it clear as day.

Next, he moved on to the ultimate attack itself and made the manikin raise the sword in an upwards arc. After this happens an Abyss like wall was rising up into the air and it should sever everything within its path.

He then moved on towards the normal attacks, Armin didn't use any swordsmanship from dark souls and instead used his own from before he was reborn. Each swing would release an Abyss Wave to increase is range and attack multiple enemies if needed. He continued this on for many hours until he finally made the transformation perfect.

[ Host will now watch the power the transformation has, the opponent will be another you at your current peak of power. First will show the ultimate attack. ]

Armin watched as another him appeared, it started rushing towards the manikin but it ended instantly as his transformation used his ultimate attack. He watched as an endless wall continued to expand and instantly killed the other Armin.

He then watched as another clone appeared and they started fighting again. Same as before the transformation quickly killed his clone as it was moving much faster than he could. Safe to say that Armin didn't like watching a lookalike of himself get decapitated...

[ Is Host satisfied with the transformation? Please note that this will become permanent if you complete it.

-YES- -NO- ]

Armin pressed -YES- and appear back to where he was beforehand. He looked at the sword currently in his hand and couldn't help but smile, he was happy to have another sword that could grow alongside him but something still worried him. If the sword didn't come from this reality then where did it come from?

He decided to push the thought to the back of his mind and started using the Abyss within himself to get used to it. The moment he started using it a black gas started to appear around his body, he felt like he could do anything! He started forming corruption on his hands and when he dropped it onto the floor it started spreading.

Armin: "So I am the Abyss now... All I need now is the Dark Soul from the Furtive Pygmy's and I can combine them together... Also is it even possible to limit break the weapon now?"

[ I honestly don't know, It could technically be considered fully upgraded yet at the same time it's not because it can get stronger with you. Try it maybe? ]

Armin didn't see the harm in it and used the Limit Breaker Token and the moment he did the sword was engulfed by black fog. He waited and after a while he noticed the fog hardened and soon started to crack. Once it broke free he was disappointed as it looked exactly the same but he soon changed his mind!

[ Limit Breaker has successfully broken the limits of *Annihilation Maker*! The Skill no longer has a cool-down! ]

Armin's was dumbfounded by the absurdity he was just reading, an overpowered skill that needed a week-long cool-down just became usable whenever he wanted?! He quickly calmed himself down but a smile remained on his face.

He then opened his Stats to check just how much stronger he got but Armin decided to save his stat points. He was probably one of the strongest within Dark Soul's expect for the dragon's and maybe the lord soul bosses but the only dragon he expects to be hostile is Seath. If Armin ever needed an emergency boost in any of his stats then he would have 3,025 to spare.

[ Name: Armin Foll

Alias: Gilgamesh

Job: God Of The Game

Title: Demon Slayer ( 2/10 ), Destroyer Of The Darksign, Blessing Of The Goddess Of reincarnation (MAX)

Profession: Fire Mage ( 100/100 ), Light Mage ( 100/100 ), Abyssal Mage ( 1/100 )

Sub Profession: Eromancy (49/100)

Total Level: 201

XP: 10.2%

HP: 100% (30% per minute)

MP: 100% (30% per minute)

Gold: 5,138


Strength: 1,200.0 -> 12,000.0

Dexterity: 1,000.0 -> 10,000.0

Vitality: 1,200.0 -> 12,000.0

Agility: 1,000.0 -> 10,000.0

Intelligence: 1,706.0 -> 17,060.0

Wisdom: 251.9 -> 2,519.0

Luck: 120.0 -> 1,200.0

Stat Points: 3,025.0


Skills: *Saiyan Body -Passive-* *EX Rank Magic Core -Passive-* *ID Create -Active-* *ID Escape -Active-* *Photographic Memory -Passive-* *Past Life Memories -Passive-* *XP Boost -10x-* *XP Requirements -1/10-* *Random Multiverse Travel -Active-* *Void Core -Passive-* *Sin Of Greed -Passive-* *Inventory -Passive-* *Fire Bolt (MAX) -Active-* *Godly Gamer's Body (MAX) -Passive-* *Godly Gamer's Mind (MAX) -Passive-* *Critical Strike (MAX) -Passive-* *Fire Scatter Bolt (MAX) -Active-* *Grandmaster Mage (MAX) -Passive-* *Inferno Shot (MAX) -Active-* *Flamethrower (MAX) -Active-* *Flame Wall (MAX) -Active-* *Flame Mine (MAX)-Active-* *Hell Fire Ball (MAX) -Active-* *Arrow Of Light (MAX) -Active-* *Astora's Swordsmanship (MAX) -Passive-* *Amateur Weight lifter (MAX) -Active-* *Lesser HP Regeneration (MAX) -Passive-* *Light Spear (MAX) -Active-* *Beginner Sage (MAX) -Passive-* *Chain Of Light (MAX) -Active-* *Great Lightning Spear (MAX) -Active-* *Blessing Light (MAX) -Active-* *Dawn Of Light (MAX) -Active-* *Power Within (MAX) -Active-* *Crystallized Lightning Soul Spear (MAX) -Active-* *The Abyss (MAX) -Passive-* *Wrath Of The Abyss (MAX) -Active-* *Abyss Sword Rain (1/100) -Active-* *Dying Light (1/100) -Active-*


Sub Skills: *Aura Of Lust (MAX) -Active-* *Addictive Touch (MAX) -Passive-* *Sensitivity Multiplier (MAX) -Active-* *Orgasm Lock (MAX) -Active-* *Orgasm Sensitivity Multiplier (MAX) -Active-* *Cock Manipulation (MAX) -Active-* *Female Body Manipulation (MAX) -Active-* *Flavor changer (MAX) -Passive-* *Sex Cleanup (MAX) -Active-* *Breast Lactation (MAX) -Active-* *Invisible Hands (MAX) -Active-* *Incubus Transformation (87/100) -Active-* ]

Armin: "Am I consider a Raid-Boss now? I'm as strong as Manus now except for his vitality."

[ Host can be labeled as a Raid-Boss. You can go toe to toe with the other Lord Soul bosses as well. ]

Armin: "Grave Lord Nito is fucked... So do I just use a bonfire to leave or?"

[ System will have to manually bring you back to your timeline, If you use a bonfire to warp to another then you teleport their but will remain within the same timeline. Should I begin? If you live then you might not be able to return. ]

Armin started thinking if he missed anything important. He didn't need to visit the Giant as he had no use for it and he already picked up everything he wanted.

Armin: "Yeah, I'm ready to return."

[ Beginning now... ]

Suddenly the space around Armin was shattered and he was sucked into it and the space repaired itself. 15 minutes after he left a person walked into the arena.

???: "What the hell? First, that weird Chester guy asked if I was also pulled in by a strange portal and when I told him I was he started to laugh at me... He also said his friend said the same thing but I don't remember Chester having a friend with him from the game... Also where the fuck are the Bosses?!? Wait where is the Abyss?!? System?"

Sadly the system ignored him, what this person didn't know was that his system was currently sending an Alert to its creator...

-With a familiar Goddess-

The Goddess was currently looking at multiple alerts her systems have been sending her, she made it so that anything that could be related to 'Gilgamesh' was immediately sent to her.

Goddess: "Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, I'll need to torture you if you die, Nothing, Nothing, Same with you."

The Goddess was looking at multiple alerts at the same, She also made the System send her an Alert if the host was doing anything 'Questionable' while calling out to her. Eventually, she received an Alert that got her attention.

Goddess: "All the Bosses within their DLC were killed already? The Abyss is gone? Did another gamer already go there? It should have restarted if that was the case..."

The Goddess then pulled up a screen.

[ Dark Souls DLC '233125': 2 entities have been within. 1; Jason 2; ??? ]

The Goddess's eyes shined when she saw this.


[ Dark Souls DLC '233125' is connected to 341 active worlds with foreign entities within. ]

The Goddess started to laugh, a couple hundred thousand years ago she let the DLC with Dark Souls connect to multiple worlds so that other gamers could meet each other and once they left it would restart.

Now that she knows that another person has been to this DLC she knew that it had to be 'Gilgamesh' because she always has the ability to know which user of her system enters.

She was laughing as she was able to narrow down the worlds he could be within. She then started to ignore the remaining notifications cam started identifying which worlds she would send people to.

-Back With Armin-

Armin was suddenly launched out of a crack in space and landed face-first into the water. He quickly looked around and noticed it was the same place he first entered the portal that dragged him into the DLC.

Armin: "Holy shit! Could you tell me the next time you send me flying! I'm soaked now!"

[ Sorry :) ]

Armin really wanted to kill something out of annoyance but he started breathing calmly and noticed the Abyss inside of him was acting up. He quickly asked the system why.

[ The Abyss can sense it's other self and wants you to consume it. ]

Armin: "Will I get a larger stat multiplier?"

[ No but Abyssal Spells will become stronger and do more damage. ]

Armin: "Good enough reason for me! Also, can you make that little humanity not dangerous now?"

[ Please wait... 'Little Humanity' is now unable to corrupt its surroundings, it also can't attack without your permission. ]

Armin thanked the System and opened his inventory and brought out the little humanity. Once it was out it started to fly around happily until it noticed that Armin was full of Abyssal Energy. It began floating up and down trying to get his attention.

Armin: "Why is it doing this?"

[ Host is full of Abyssal Energy, It lives off of it. It is hungry or just wants some. ]

He then started forming Abyssal energy on top of his hand and the little humanity happily started eating/absorbing it. After a few moments, the little humanity stopped absorbing the energy and continued to float on his hand.

Armin noticed that it became slightly larger but he didn't really care, he then used ID-Create and went home. The moment he walked inside he was jumped at by Ethereal and everyone else minus Padmé.

Ethereal: "Welcome back! How was the time travel stuff?"

Armin: "Annoying, but I gained a lot of things, also I got a pet haha."

Hope you enjoyed it! Please write a review!

Bye everyone!

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