
God of system in Onepiece ff

a boy reincarnate in the world of onepiece with the power to control system all character except for OC belongs to their creators.. If you like story great, if you dont like it still thanks for reading my beginner work.. first time writing anything original aside from college lecture notes and exams writing. Expect 1. Beginner writing 2. Bad grammar - english is my 3rd language 3. Bad story development- story is just written in free time i mean i write 3 chpters today

H_kima · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

7. ??

Time flows like a river and about 3 months have pass. During this 3 months i have been practising with my Devil Fruit power to increase my mastery over the power.

I have made great progress and i even developed skills while copying cough taking reference from ace, sabo and other fire base anime character. Heck i am sure my own Great Fireball Jutsu is greater than the one use by reincarnated Madara during 4th ninja war in raw power, as my flame temperature is off limit for him.

Back to the main point, i know Zoro is going to be born around next week on Nov 11th. Canon characters started to be born. Now my main mission is to gather S.P. and developt myself as soon as possible and go out to sea.

I mean i need to go out to sea and get use to life travelling for the next couple of months as i decided to pick up someone in another sea or maybe on the grandline . I don't know where to find them but i guess there is always a way.

Yeah call me whatever you want, i mean if i want something or someone i should take it, there is no point in making someone suffer, and appear after 5 or 7 years later just to let them grow up, and appear before them as some kind of Hero to save them. Nah its better i take them away before they get attache to some other things or suffer in the dark.

Now i am on a ship Travelling from Dawn island. I decided to travel around the East Blue for now according to the route followed by the ship. While i was resting on my room on the ship, i heard some commotion outside.

Using my Observation Haki i know that there are some pirate ship following us. I decided to walk out from my room and observe the Pirates ship heading toward our direction.

I asked one of the worker on the ship, " Hey sailor, what is going on? Are pirates attacking our ship, Who are they?"

The sailor replied, " Passenger you should go inside your room, the notorious pirate Captain Aiden and his pirates ship are following us"

I asked, " So is this pirate group strong? Will we be safe on the ship"

He replied, " Don't worry, you will be safe on the ship. Captain Aiden is a vicious pirate having bounty of 4 m Berries. But you will be safe on the ship."

I replied, " How can we be safe, that's a pirate having 4 m Bellies bounty"

And he look at me and replied, "Our ship is equipt with cannons and we also have trains fighters on the ship so you will be safe, so wait inside your room, i will go first"

And he proceeded to shout, " Everyone go inside your room, we will take care of the pirates, i repeat everyone.." Looking at the sailor on the ship shouting to calm down the people, i decided against taking action. I don't want to get notice by the marines and showing my strength in front of so many people will gather attraction.

You never know maybe marines will contact me and ask me to join them. And if i decline the invitation, some low rank bossy marine officer may try to frame and declare me as i pirate. I seriously don't want to have a bounty on my head for now, unless it is absolutely neccessary.

Entering my room i continued to check the outside situation with my observation Haki. Looking at the pirates they are seriously too weak. I will at most get 3000 S.P for killing the Captain.

While i check out the situation from my room. The pirate captain shouts, " Hey, people from the ship surrender your ship and i will spare some of your life. You just need to give me all your treasures and some of the beautiful ladies"

" Yeah surrender now. Our Captain is Aiden having 4m bellies bounty. Surrender before he kill you all"

" Come on just give us all your treasures and some ladies to enjoy ourself Hahaha"

" woi woi hurry up i haven't enjoyed myself for a long time now"

" Captain i haven't killed someone for 3 months. Lets just leave the ladies and kill the rest, Kiakiakia" The pirates begins to shout amongst themselves, looking at the big fat sheep( ship). They have been on the sea for 3 months without raid so they seriously need some food and enjoyment.

While looking at the pirates shouting on their ship the ship sailors have cold sweat dripping on their (back,forehead? whatever). Even the ship Captain is seriously looking at Captain Aiden. Even though the pirates are not too strong it is difficult to be safe from guns and he can see the pirate captain carrying a gun.

Captain Aiden as a pirates having 4m bounty is sure to be vicious. And with his crew of around 25 people, they are dangerous for normal passengers and commercial ship.

The captain speaks, " Don't be afraid. Just ready the canons and fire at their ship and Jim and Billy i will get the guns. Set your target on the Pirates Captain and kill him as soon as possible". The sailors replied " Aye aye captain".

Entering his Cabin the captain gets 3 guns from his safe, carrying 1 on himself and give 2 of the guns to his 2 deputies. Looking at the pirate ship nearing them he shouts " Fire the canons and kill all the pirates" while standing at the back and the fight started.

Looking at the fight starting outside i know that the sailors will be able to win with the canons and 3 guns against those starving pirates, so i decided to enjoy the show from my room. It will be great if the pirates have at least 50 m bounties and i can get some S.P.

Thingking about a way to increase my System Points, i decided to check up on Buggy. This guy has been training for around 3 months and he seems to developed well.

{Buggy POV}

" Hey.. Do another 500 squat with weight. There is no place for losers on my ship." Buggy shouted from the top of a hill while sitting in his chair.

It has been 3 months since he got the system. Now he got around 25,000 S.P remaining from the various small missions that he finish and gathering crew members. He already exchange marine < moonwalk> skill from the system shop for 20,000 S.P.

'System, it is too hard to gather S.P. How long do i need to wait to get basic introduction to Haki. And i need to increase my control of my Devil Fruit as well . Tell me how get S.P? '

[ Host just need to follow this things

1. Get high bounty.

2. Kill pirates having above 1 m bounty and above

3. Kill marine above ensign rank officer level.

4. Exchange berries for S.P.

5. Exchange Devil Fruit for S.P.]

Looking at the different ways to get S.P Buggy sigh again. Even though it looks easy, it is difficult to take over a normal kingdom to loot treasures with his small crew. So, his only option is killing others or finding a Devil Fruit.

And how difficult it is to get a Devil Fruit especially in a place like East Blue. And there is no way he is going to hunt a marine officer for now as it is still a sensitive time after the start of the New Age of Pirates. So his only option is hunting pirates or is it? . As for hunting pirates

' System show me reward for hunting pirates' . Looking at the reward for hunting pirates,

[ 20 m - 8000 S.P] , [ 40 m - 12,000 S.P] , [ 50 m - 15,000 S.P,] [70 m- 20,000 S.P] , [100 m- 30 ,000 S.P].

Looking at the reward i know there is no way i can find pirates having 20 m in East Blue so i guess its better to search for 10m bounty pirates for 6000 S.P. And i will just go around plundering wealth from the rich nobles.

So he decided to call one of his officer. " Hey Logan come here? "

Logan walks upto Buggy and replied " Captain Buggy do you need me?"

Buggy replied, " Any news on vlad and the others who went out hunting. We are nearly out of food. When are they going to come back?"

Logan replied, "Captain they should be back by this everyning"

"oh, is that so" Buggy replied and continued, " Tell everyone to get ready and gather together, we are going to enter the town undercover tonight after dinner . All of us will go to the East side of the city in the nobles district mansions." looking in the direction of the city. Logans looks at Buggy and wait for him to finish his word.

" And you will select 10 members with weak strength to make disturbance in the Town Centre and after making sure they do their job, you will wait for us at the Eastern Gate. Make sure our retreat route is clear."

Logan replied " As you command, Captain Buggy" and walk toward the crew members with great anticipation as this will be the first time they are going to go for a raid. He hope they can find enough treasure at least to buy for their drinks and enjoy themselves after 3 months of hellish training with limited food.

While looking at the leaving Logan buggy can guess what the guy is thingking. After reading various books available in the system Buggy is not the same not-so- wise guy anymore. Now, he can read people's mood, like and dislike, and various things.

But did Buggy really care about them? Nope.

' I hope i can get at least get something worth risking my live tonight. Since nobles like to hoard treasures i should be able to loot at least 500 million in beries or golds or a billion . It will be better if i can find a devil fruit'. Looting nobles should be the easiest way to make money or System Point right Ziehahaha.

If he is unlucky he can still escape, as with his Devil Fruit and 'Moonwalk' skills combination, he doesn't need to fear anyone native of East Blue. Unless he face some strong Haki master or some great gunman or sniper he is strong enough in the Weakest sea.

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