
God of Gods (DxD Fanfic)

Satoru Isamu is a high school student who lives his life on autopilot, hoping something interesting will happen. Well something interesting happened, in fact it's been happening all his life and he had no idea. From depressed delinquent to the strongest god, and everything in between. (OC x Harem) (Issei x Harem) Join my Discord Server: https://discord.gg/7UqqJ6Nf9h

Kakukami · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 4: Just smile and Play Along

'[I sense devils in the room next to the one you're in. Six of them. I recommend avoiding conflict. Two of them are High Class Devils and engaging with them would surely mean your end.]' Ddraig explained before cutting the link.

I stared at my left hand which held the gear. I nodded and got up with a bit of reluctance. I was still in my school clothes, so that much is good. I walked to the door and opened it.

All six figures in the room immediately stared in my direction. I knew every single one of them.

On my right were the school mascot, Toujou Koneko, and the school prince Kiba Yuuto. On my left were Akeno, and the Student Council Vice-President Shinra Tsubaki. Directly in front of me sat Rias and the Student Council President Shitori Souna. It looked like the last two were playing chess. They all stared at me with caution.

Akeno was the first to speak. "Satoru-san, do you remember what happened?" Everyone grew more tense at her question.

"I remember everyone looked at me in fear and you both looked at me cautiously. Then I fainted." I said while looking between Akeno and Rias.

Akeno nodded and looked a bit more relieved. "Sorry we simply had to check. The reason we were so cautious is because Issei was starting to drool on your back."

'[A lie. They sensed your divine aura responding to my attempt to contact you. I doubt they know your a god, but they definitely know you are not a normal human.]' Ddraig snorted.

Internally I thanked my lucky stars. I wasn't by any means stupid, but when I say her energy is enchanting I mean it truly is. If I didn't know any better I'd say she was mind controlling me to believe her.

'[She was.]' I froze at my partner's voice.

'Come again' I asked, not wanting to believe the dragon.

'[She was mind controlling you. The excuse she gave was a piss poor attempt. The only way anyone would buy that is if they were retarded, or being mind controlled.]' Ddraig further explained.

"Are you alright Satoru-san? You've been awfully quiet this entire time." Rias asked as she got up from her seat.

'How should I play this Ddraig?' I asked the dragon hoping for some good advice.

'[That depends on you. Regardless they know you aren't a normal human I see no reason to hide your heritage. However If you tell them your supernatural without explaining your origins they will see you as a threat and eliminate you.]' Ddraig warned.

I started to sweat. Eliminated. Gone. They would really kill me? I looked at Rias' face. I could see three different emotions, no see isn't the right word. I could feel three different emotions coming from her. Caution, Worry, Sadness. So they really are gearing up to eliminate me if I happen to be a threat.

'[It seems you've awakened one of your godly domains. The fact you can sense emotions is proof. Which domain it is, I have no idea.]

Already? Is it because I awakened my sacred gear? Well not that I'm complaining.

'Ddraig I decided. I'm going to reveal myself.' I explained to the dragon which got me a 'hmph' from the beast.

"I'm not going to sugarcoat this Gremory-san…I know what you are." I started and I watched as a look of betrayal appeared in Rias' eyes before her emotions switched to betrayal and anger. "I know what all of you are." I finished looking at everyone in the room.

"So you were of supernatural origins. So then trespasser. What are you doing in my territory?" Rias asked. I could tell she was seething.

I looked towards Akeno and even she seemed to kill any friendly feeling towards me. Her cold eyes were watching my every move and I could feel betrayal and anger from her as well.

"I am aware. Although I didn't become aware until I fainted." I explained which got me raised eyebrows from everyone. They don't buy it. "I can see you all still don't believe me so how about I show you what I mean."

Souna, who was sitting, stood up and got on guard, and the others followed suit. I could feel a weird energy coming from Akeno, Rias, Souna, and Tsubaki.

'[Demonic Power. They are preparing to kill you if you show any signs of powering up or attacking.]' Ddraig once again helpfully explained. I gave him a silent thank you before asking him another question.

'How do I summon your gear?'

'[Simply imagine it and think power and I shall come. You're a god. Your kind rules through their own imagination in their domains. It should be easier for you then others.]'

I looked to my left hand. I imagined Goku gathering energy for a one-handed spirit bomb. Sure enough a elbow length red gauntlet with a green gem on the back of my hand appeared. It had golden ornaments on the sides and exuded power.

"T-that gauntlet." Rias stuttered in shock. Souna was the only other one who recognized the gauntlet. Everyone else wore confused expressions.

"[Hello Devils.]" Ddraig greeted everyone. His voice is as powerful as when I first met him. All the devils shivered at the mere sound of his voice. I could see the disbelief in Rias' face and the hunger in Souna's eyes. Greed, Respect, Caution. She wanted me…I need an adult.

"R-Red Dragon Emperor?" Rias asked even though she knew the answer to the question. The others who hadn't known widened their eyes before locking them onto the gauntlet. Ddraig did not answer her question and decided to move along.

"[What my partner says is the truth. He knew nothing of his powers and heritage until he fell unconscious. Although after a rather extensive talk, he knows quite a bit.]" Ddraig explained. Rias looked at me then at my hand then back at me. I could feel her emotion shifting from surprise and fear, to relief, and happiness. The same could be said for Akeno.

"I see. Then I must apologize, Satoru-san. We jumped to conclusions about your identity and were even ready to murderer you without knowing the whole truth. I have brought shame to the name of Gremory. I sincerely apologize." Rias finished with a bow near ninety degrees, surprising everyone in the room. Myself included.

"You don't have to worry, Gremory-senpai. I understand my sudden appearance must have been rather ominous." I forgave her, hoping she would return to her normal self.

Rias stayed that way for a few seconds before bringing herself up. She locked eyes with me for a couple of seconds. New feelings poured out that I could understand. Respect, envy, hope.

The fuck does she have to be envious about?


*Sigh* Indeed that would be a good reason.

"I must also ask you to forgive me, Satoru-san." Akeno apologized with a bow of her own. Hers actually reached the full ninety degrees.

"As I said to Gremory-senpai, Himejima-senpai, I understand. I probably would have done the same." I said once again hoping to be out of this position. Akeno stood up then looked at me. Faith. Respect. Lust.

Nah, now what the fuck. I didn't even need my newfound feeling sensor ability to tell Akeno wanted me. Simply looking at the sultry look in her eye and the seductive lick of her lips would have told me all I needed. Why, though?

'[People are naturally drawn to power. Women are no different. However simple attraction to power doesn't justify her actions.]' Ddraig explained. This guy was really becoming a sentient Siri for me.

"It's good that we finally get to meet this generation's Red Dragon Emperor." Souna who was quiet this whole time finally spoke up. Envy, Respect, Greed.

'This generation, the next, and the next after that.' I deadpanned.

"How rude of me. Allow me to introduce myself. In the human world I am known as Shitori Souna, however in the underworld I am known as Sona Sitri, Heiress to the House of Sitri." Sona said with a very small bow.

"I am Shinra Tsubaki. Sona-sama's queen." Tsubaki threw herself into the fold. Fear, Caution, Respect.

So she's still scared.

Kiba walked closer and held out his right hand to me, surprising everyone for the nth time today.

"I am Kiba Yuuto. Rias Gremory's knight. I'm a devil, but I'm sure you already know that. It is a pleasure to remeet you Satoru-san." Kiba politely greeted me. I gave him a large smirk before shaking his hand firmly. Of everyone I met so far I like him the best…Wait not like that.

"Good to remeet you as well Kiba-san. I can tell this is the start of a great friendship." I said which earned a smile from everyone in the room. Seems I killed any threat of hostility with my words. Hmm. I wonder if Kiba was acting as a test dummy in case I was a threat. I decided to see his feelings.

Relief. Relief. Relief.

Guess I was right.

'[Partner there is something you should know.]' I heard Ddraig say. His voice was completely serious.

'What is it Ddraig?'

'[Your friend Hyoudou Issei, seems to have become a devil.]'

How? Humans can become devils? Issei a devil? Wait. No, that makes too much sense. Nothing wrong here. Issei is Lust Incarnate. This isn't surprising. I closed my eyes and nodded my head in understanding.

The devils looked at me in confusion but otherwise remained quiet, except for a little trash talker.

"...Weirdo." I opened my eyes and looked for the culprit only to see Koneko take out a cookie, sit down and eat it. Caution, Relief, Tired.

I sighed verbally which actually made Rias and Akeno giggle while Tsubaki and Sona gave small smiles.

"I have to ask you all a question." I said shifting my tone back to seriousness. They all noticed the change and adopted similar expressions.

"Why is Issei a devil?" I asked, gaining wide eyes from Rias and Akeno but overall expressionless faces from everyone else.

"Issei…He was killed." Rias explained. Upon hearing those words the world froze around me. Issei…died? Flashes of my little brother's body reappeared in my mind.

"H-How did this happen?" I asked Rias, although my tone didn't make it come off as a question. I demanded an answer.

"If you know we are devils, I assume you know about Angels and Fallen Angels?" Rias asked and I nodded. "It seems a Fallen Angel approached Issei last night and confessed to him. She asked him out on a date which they carried out today. The date ended around thirty minutes ago and the Fallen decided to impale Issei with her light spear. The reason being he has a sacred gear."

I was seething as I listened to the explanation. Whoever this Fallen Bitch was, she was going to die painfully. Then a thought occurred to me.

"Wait. You said the Fallen Angel approached him last night." I started, earning a nod from Rias, I continued. "If you knew the Fallen was after him since last night, and this is your territory, why didn't you invoke your dominance over your land." I asked while narrowing my eyes.

Rias seemed slightly taken aback but answered pretty fast.

"We did not want to risk starting another war with the Fallen and Angels. I assume you know about the Great War?" Rias asked and I tilted my head earning a giggle from Akeno. It seemed like she was about to go into a huge explanation. As she was taking a deep breath she was cut off.

"Three way war, Angels, Fallen, Devils. All races were almost exterminated. Four Great Satans died. War ended and now we are in a cold war." Kiba explained with a bit of a smug smile as he looked at Akeno who looked like she would be having an 'extensive' conversation with the knight later.

"Thanks for the quick summary. No offense Himejima-san but I could kinda tell you were about to drag that out way longer than you had to." I smiled at her and she returned the smile…but it didn't reach her eyes. That's not good.

"Anyways because of the horrors of the Great War, we let the Fallen roam free. We knew people in our territory were being killed by the Fallen, however in case this was a mission tasked by the Fallen's headquarters, The Grigori, we had no choice but to let her do as she pleased." Rias summarized. If what she says is true, I understand her worries. I wouldn't risk my entire race and everyone I love on a few people I have no business caring about either.

"So you're the one that reincarnated Issei? How does that work?" I asked. My genuine curiosity is getting the better of me.

"That I am. I reincarnated Issei as a devil, as such he belongs to me." Rias explained but paused when she noticed the dissatisfied look on my face. "You should know that us Gremory are known for loving our servants and treating them like family. I would never force any of my servants to do something I myself wouldn't do. However they must pledge their life to me. This is the cost of such an opportunity." She finished and smiled slightly when she saw my frown leave my face.

"I see. Issei has been my friend since as long as I can remember, and I can gladly say he is my best friend. Even if he is quite literally the scum of the earth." I sighed. "I can tell simply by your emotions that you are a genuine person, Gremory-san. I trust you not to betray the trust I have put in you." I finished with a bit of a wise tongue twister which earned smiles from everyone once again.

"Call me Rias, and you needn't worry. I will ensure Issei is safe and well informed as well as taken care of." Rias vowed. At this I nodded and deactivated my gear.

"Then call me Isamu. Rias-senpai." Hearing this Rias' smile grew just a bit wider.

Seeing that our talk was over Sona looked at Rias who noticed her friend's look and they both nodded about something.

"Satoru-san, I would like to make you an offer." Sona said as she fixed her glasses.

'[Unfortunate. No doubt the offer is to make you into a devil as well. However the evil pieces created by Beelzebub are not strong enough to reincarnate a god as a devil.]'

Hearing Ddraig's voice, I carried on like I didn't hear it. If they reincarnate me, no use denying an offer they literally can't carry out anyways. I'll play like I accept and simply tell them I'm a god.

'[Are you sure you want to reveal yourself, Partner?]' Ddraig asked with slight amusement.

'I simply plan on telling them I am in fact a demi-god. I have no drive to tell them of who I descend until I have spoken with my mother and father about it.' I answered.

"All of you are welcome to call me Isamu, President." I said with a smile. Sona nodded before gesturing to me to sit down across from her. I complied and sat.

"I'll go make some tea." Akeno said with a small smile, although she seemed a bit disappointed, or should I say I felt her disappointment. Wonder what that's about.

"Thank you Akeno." Rias said as she sat next to Sona who was currently in deep thought. No doubt trying to figure out the best way to invite me to her peerage. Kiba decided to be an absolute bro and sat to my right. I couldn't help but notice Tsubaki's eyes locked on Kiba as he sat down. She noticed my gaze and quickly looked away with reddened cheeks.

I chuckled in realization before turning to Kiba. "You're a lucky guy." Kiba was confused and tilted his head.

"What do you mean, Isamu?" Kiba asked. Rias facepalmed and Sona sighed for her poor friend. Tsubaki had a disappointed look and Koneko gave the girl in love a sad smile before continuing with her sweets.

"You'll find out one day, you devils live a long time anyways right?" I asked. It seems like my point gave Sona a good starting point for her offer.

"Indeed Isamu-san. Devils live practically forever, with a test from our own Satan Beelzebub he determined that we can live upwards of ten thousand years, with even reincarnated devils being allowed such longevity, it is the perfect choice if you wish to hone your skills as the Red Dragon Emperor." Sona explained. Rias had out a notepad and was actually taking notes from Sona. I can't lie, she was pretty good at this.

"Hmm. Yeah that does seem rather important. Wouldn't do any good to go dying before I can reach my full potential right?" I asked them and Sona nodded.

"Exactly. That's not the only benefit. There are countless. My next point would have to be the boost of the evil pieces. You asked earlier how we reincarnate, correct?" Sona asked to which I nodded. "We use chess pieces imbued in demonic energy which we call the evil pieces. These evil pieces are rather advanced creations that can even increase your capabilities depending on the piece you are given." Sona stopped for a moment as Akeno returned with tea for everyone.

Akeno poured Rias' cup, then Sona's, then mine. When she poured mine, I don't know if it was imagination playing tricks on me, but I could have sworn she was shaking her ass slightly. I was given my answer when she gave me a sultry smile.

She's trouble.

"Thank you Himejima-san." I smirked, knowing I absolutely cannot afford to lose this battle.

"Ufufufu. Regardless of what happens today, I can assure you." She said before coming to my ear and whispering, "I'll be there to serve you~." I will not lie to you. Those words alone made little Isamu stand at attention, something that didn't escape the ever seductive Akeno.

"Ara Ara, it seems I won this little battle. Ufufufu." She whispered again before pouring Kiba and Koneko their cup and returning by her master's side. The lust was overwhelmingly rolling off of her.

She's a tease to the extreme. Although I have to say. I love and hate that teasing side of her. Her look is quite unbecoming of a woman, however it's the fact that I can simply tell by looking at her that she's completely joking makes it all the more of a fucking tease. So I've decided. For every time she beats me in these teasing contests, I will beat the shit out of her cheeks in the future. 1 Akeno, 1 Isamu. She's playing with my inner pervert, and I can only take so much.

"Please forgive Akeno, she is a rather…unique persona." Rias said with a sigh as she rubbed her forehead.

"You mean she's extremely horny and quite the tease? No surprise there." I chuckled. Rias smiled and Sona looked a bit off put by crass language.

"Returning to the evil pieces, The rook piece will grant superior strength and defense, the knight, incredible speed and flexibility. The Bishop, Enhanced Magic power, the Queen, All of the above, and the Pawn promotion to any of those pieces." Sona continued explaining after a sip of tea.

I too sipped the tea. Heavenly. Absolutely divine. She will be my wife. Akeno seemed to notice my feelings and decided to tease me again.

"Ara, does a big strong man like you like the tea from little ol me~?"

Her attempt was completely negated by an idea that popped into my head suddenly.

"Marry me."

Everyone froze. Rias spat out the tea she was drinking. Kiba looked at me in shock before switching his look to newfound respect. While the rest of the girls were mind blown by my words.

"D-did you just propose?" Rias asked as she finished coughing up the tea.

"This…is the best tea I've ever had in my life. With her teasing attitude, and this divine tea, I have made up my mind." I got up and walked over before kneeling on one knee. "Himejima Akeno, make me the happiest and most peaceful man in all the realms and accept my hand." Akeno was completely taken aback. She was a blushing mess.

Until she wasn't.

I simply couldn't keep a straight face. I started laughing my eyes out and rolling on the ground. I got her so bad. Akeno 1, Isamu 2. Kiba chuckled at my actions.

Kiba (3rd POV)

He himself like to attempt to tease Akeno back, however in a less sexual way, and it always ended with him doing more contracts as punishment. Now he sees his newfound friend giving Akeno a piece of her own medicine. Priceless.

Isamu (1st POV)

Slowly picking myself off the ground I made my way back to the seat. Akeno wasn't smiling anymore and honestly seemed genuinely mad at me. Not a kind of hate, but more so upset. She can't actually believe I was being serious though, right? We have no feelings for each other.

Not yet at least.

"That aside." Sona said after regaining her composure. "There are also the guarantees of safety. I myself am High Class in strength and I will give my all to protect those who serve me. So I wish to offer this to you, Isamu-san, join my peerage, and attain your full potential."

Rias, Tsubaki, and Kiba gave a small round of applause to Sona. It was a good delivery, even if she got cut off a few times.

"Well. I wouldn't mind accepting it, being a devil sounds really cool." I said as I scratched my chin.

"Great, then we can reincarnate you right aw-"

"But it's not possible." I cut Sona off which took the wind out of her for a second.

"Not possible? I don't think I understand. You just said you wanted to be a devil. What's impossible about it?" Sona rightfully asked.

I was struggling on how I should reveal my race. Should I do something extravagant like stand up and proclaim it. Or should I stick to the lowkey way. Or maybe-

"[My partner simply cannot accept, because he is a higher being. A god if you will.]" Ddraig cut into my inner monologue and spoiled what was probably one of the most important reveals in my life. There was no salvaging my awesomeness. Ddraig ruined it. 'I swear on the blood of Anubis that courses through my veins Ddraig I will get you back for this!'

'[Please what are you going to do? Tease me? Get stronger you weak ape.]'

'…Didn't know you were racist Ddraig.' I sighed as I touched my caramel cheek in mock hurt.

'[I'm a dragon. If you think I care about the color of you overgrown monkey's then you're stupider than I-...Your teasing me aren't you.]'


Ddraig cut the link. Once he did I realized that everyone was staring at me with shock still on their faces. That shit lasted at least half a minute, they're still shocked from Ddraig's shitty reveal?

"Allow me to explain further on what the overgrown lizard was saying. I am the son of an Egyptian God. As for which one, you will know after I finish talking to my father." I explained, but that only further dropped them into their shock.

"A-A God?" Sona asked. Akeno, Rias, and Tsubaki all had similar expressions. Pure surprise.

"A-An Egyptian no l-less." Rias added.

"...Sweets god?" Koneko asked as she managed to suppress her shock. Envy, Greed, Hunger.

I shook my head and she shrugged her shoulders. Disregarding my existence and returning to her sweets.

"I guess that explains the aura Buchou and Akeno-senpai felt radiating off of you." Kiba chuckled with a hand on his chin.

I nodded. "Ddraig said something about the evil pieces not being able to reincarnate gods. However I thought it would be rude to not hear you out. I'm sorry, President." I said with a bow. "For what it's worth. Had I not been a god, you would have definitely got me in your peerage."

"A god with the power of the Red Dragon Emperor…You must be a demi-god no?" Sona asked, finally recovered.

I nodded. "Apparently my father is a full blooded Egyptian God, while my mom is a half yokai, half human." I explained.

"Incredible." Akeno said. I smiled at her until I once again felt her lustful emotions skyrocket to even greater heights. "Ufufufufufu."

Nope. Fuck that, I'm out.

I'm coming in hot while the shorties stay coming in hot.

Kakukamicreators' thoughts