
Divine Room

"Divine room huh, is that like the room that Aethenra had me stay in?"

'Yes every god has there own divine room that they can open wherever they are. Inside this room a god is immortal much like they are on the gods plane. Every gods divine room has a watch function were the god can watch in on anything in the room, as long as the god is in watch mode the door out doesn't show up. Every divine room also has a unique effect and environment.'

"So the door out only opened after Aethenra left the watch function, hey what kind of effect and 'environment' did her room have?"

'Anyone inside would go crazy and gain the title as well, while her environment was complete silence.'

"So that's why I'm crazy, no matter it's not as though I care about it now, suppose that's another effect of crazy?"

'Nope, you just also happen to lack common decency.'

"Hey and we were getting along so well. So how do I open my own divine room?"

'Imagine a door and recite the words Divine Room.'

"Divine Room."

A door with red, blue, yellow, green, white, and black colored on it in a sort of sporadic order showed up in front of me.

"What effects and environment do my room have, and can others see this door when I'm inside it?"

'The effects of your room include that anything inside must keep living no mater what, and for the environment a complete ecosystem exists inside. No only you can see this door in or outside of it. You can remove the door my wishing to do so. To bring anyone inside simply touch them while opening the door.'

After receiving that explanation I open the door. Inside is as Common Sensei said a full ecosystem, grass, flowers, a tree in the center, and artificial sunlight. The overall area of the room is about thirty meters by thirty meters.

"That spot is perfect for a nap, but before that"

I put my hand up to the tree and put all my mana into it and change it to light.

"Mana Touch, Bestow Light."

After that I pass out under the tree, I guess using up all your mana makes you pass out hehe what a convenient setup you have system.


I didn't hear what the system said as I fell into a deep sleep. Ah this is the best sleep I think I've ever gotten.

*Yawn* "Status"

Name: Djinn / Age: 17 / Race: Human / Sex: Male / Class: None / Level: 0

HP: 225 / MP: 600/600

Strength: 15 / Constitution: 15

Intelligence: 20 / Wisdom: 20

Dexterity: 15 / Charisma: 25

Skills: Living Magic-lvl-0, Revival Magic-lvl-0, Growth Magic-lvl-0

Titles: Summoned, Hero, Crazy, (God of Living), First Living Mage, First Revival Mage, First Growth Mage, MP That Surpassed Death

*Cough Cough* "Um Sensei if you would be so kind as to EXPLAIN!?"

'Yawn' 'Hey no need to be so loud so early in the morning, as for explaining I'm guessing it's about that fancy new title as well as the double in your total MP and not the growth magic as that's kind of self explanatory. When a being that is a part of the system losses all HP or MP they will die, however due to your divine room effects you lived which is beyond what most can do hence the title. The title has the effect of doubling your total MP'

"I'm sorry for being so overpowered please don't nurf me oh great system. OK calm down I only have six times the MP of a normal classless villager from this world. Who else would have the about of MP that I do?"

'A Demon Wizard at level 50'

"Wait what the hell kind of cheat am I?"

'A god who walks the mortal world.'

"Oh makes sense."

'Yeah it does that's why I'm Common Sensei.'

*Cough* "So if there is a title for MP dropping to zero and living then there must be a title for dropping to 0 HP and living."

'Yep you should get it."

"Ok, how?"

'Look up.'

Looking above me I finally remember the other magic I saw in my status, growth magic. The tree above me was taller compared to yesterday. Jumping off the top of that should do the trick. After a couple dozen times I manage to climb up, I can't stop thanking those five bonus starting status. From the top of the tree I take one look down before I jump.

'Time for another quick nap of death' *splat*


After waking up from my nap, first thing on my mind is my shiny new status.

"Show any status updates Sensei."

'You really like to work me to the bone don't ya I'll do it, but only because I'm your Sensei.'

New HP: 450

New Title: HP That Surpassed Death

New Blessing: Keep On Living

"Sensei what's that blessing?"

'That is your blessing as a god, you can give your blessing to those who you deem fit. The reason you have it yourself is due to the synergy of the two surpassed death titles. Any who receive this blessing are desperate to continue living and have been acknowledged for it by the God of Living you will not die as long as you have MP or HP left. If MP is 0, HP is lost instead at a 2HP to 1MP ratio. If HP is 0, MP is lost instead at a 2MP to 2HP ratio.

"Now that that's all cleared up I'm starving let find some food. Door"

After leaving my divine room I went deeper into the forest while looking for something to hunt. Eventually I came across a heard of deer? Well they look like deer, but instead of two horns on the side of the head the bucks have a single horn in the front like unicorns. Being careful not to be spotted I aim my finger gun at the oldest, largest looking deer about 15 meters away.

"Mana Shot, Dark. Hey Sensei how much mana did that shot take?"

'Current mana is 500/600'

"Hey that mana consumption is ridiculous and just for ten extra meters, looks like I need to find I way to lower it."

Bulls-eye once that deer fell down dead suddenly the rest of them fled. I walked up to the dead deer and took it into my divine room grabbing a sizable tree branch on my way in. Sharpening the tree branch as best I could before hardened it with Mana Touch, Earth I cut and drained all the blood onto the ground. After all the blood was drained I skinned it, however it wasn't a very good job and probably couldn't be used for anything much. Not a fan of wasting anything especially so now that I'm all alone in this world I kept it anyways. I set aside the horn and bones as they could probably be used to make some better weapons. I buried all the organs near my tree, and finally I started to cook it over a fire I made with some simple fire magic. The taste wasn't absolutely terrible, but at least it was something to eat. Using simple water magic a got myself a drink. During this time these were all the system notifications I got.

(System)"Skill realized Hunting. Skill realized Crafting. Skill leveled up Living Magic. Skill realized Dismantling. Skill realized Cooking. Skill realized Fire Magic. Skill realized Water Magic."

"Sensei mana please."

'Sigh, 440/600'

"So my simple fire and water both cost 20 mana."

Having a sudden idea to make a better weapon I leave my divine room with the deer horn in hand. I grab another tree branch and with the branch and horn in hand begin to execute my plan.

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