
Chapter 94: Jia Siwen's counterattack


The boy called Brother Hao gave a dry cough, which was also a sign of the beginning of the action!

Hearing Brother Hao's voice, the group of girls sitting in the front row instantly raised their heads to look at Jia Siwen.

Immediately afterwards, they took out **** of different colors in their hands, which could be held by just one hand.

Jia Siwen looked at the **** with a puzzled face, he didn't know what these girls were doing with the balls.

But in the next second he knew it!

There was a smirk on the faces of those girls, and then they threw the ball in their hands towards Jia Siwen.

These spheres crossed a parabola in the air and flew towards Jia Siwen.

Jia Siwen squinted his eyes slightly, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile, and said faintly: "Hehe, you want to touch me with this little bug?"

I saw Jia Siwen open the eyes of insight, those extremely fast flying **** seemed to slow down in front of Jia Siwen, and the flaws between the **** became extremely obvious!

Jia Siwen touched his toes, his body turned into an afterimage, flashed a few times, and easily avoided all the balls!

The **** slammed straight toward the blackboard.

As soon as the sphere touches the object, it explodes instantly, and the colorful paint explodes instantly, dyeing the blackboard colorful!

But Jia Siwen stood quietly to the side, with a playful smile in his eyes.

Brother Hao, who was sitting behind, changed his face and said unwillingly, "How is this possible? How can this guy avoid all the paint balls!"

"Brother Hao, this person looks a little bit kung fu!"

"What can I do if I have a little bit of work?" Luo Hao said angrily: "Today I will make him make a fool of himself in the classroom! Tell Dafei to prepare, we will give him a fatal blow, and one blow will determine the outcome!"

"Yes, Brother Hao." The subordinate sitting beside Luo Hao nodded and said.

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Luo Hao's mouth, and he murmured: "I don't want to make a fool of myself in our second and seventh high school? There are no doors!"

Standing on the podium, Jia Siwen smiled and looked at the following classmates and said: "Haha, classmates, this afternoon, the school has arranged for me to give everyone an open class. I hope we can cooperate with each other and make this section public. Good class, here I thank my classmates in advance."

Luo Hao sneered, and slowly stood up and said: "This teacher, we will definitely cooperate with you, don't worry."

"Haha, thank you this classmate, what is your name?" Jia Siwen asked with a smile.

"My name is Luo Hao, and the teacher will definitely be impressed with me." The corner of Luo Hao's mouth rose slightly, revealing a scornful smile.

"I hope so." Jia Siwen said with a smile.

Luo Hao reached out his hand and knocked on the table, then sneered: "Go!"

After receiving Luo Hao's order, everyone instantly took out a bag of white powder from under their table, and they threw the white bag toward Jia Siwen one after another!

Those white plastic bags smashed at Jia Siwen like a grenade!

Jia Siwen was stunned for a moment. He narrowed his eyes and stared at the white plastic bags. The Eye of Insight discovered in an instant that all the white powder was actually lime!

He frowned and murmured: "These little guys are really cruel! Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!"

As he said, Jia Siwen suddenly raised his hand, he gathered the spiritual energy in his body into the palm of his hand, and then the surging spiritual energy burst out instantly, forming a powerful wind pressure directly against the white plastic bags!

"Bang Bang Bang..."

With a few muffled noises, those white plastic bags instantly exploded in the classroom, raising the sky full of lime.

Luo Hao and the others turned pale with fright. If this is blown on by lime, wouldn't it be possible to attend today's class?

And the most important thing is that it can't be washed with water! Cleaning up is also a very troublesome thing.

Everyone took out books to cover their bodies as much as possible, but the lime powder still fell on them.

The lime was gradually scattered, and Jia Siwen suddenly poked his head out from the door, smiled and looked at the crowd and said, "Hehe, are you guys fun?"

Luo Hao's face was gloomy, his eyes were filled with killing intent and he stared at Jia Siwen and said, "Asshole! You dare to pounce on me with quicklime! Do you know who my dad is? My dad is the second in command in Nancheng! Do you dare to provoke me? I, I want to tell my dad, let him send someone to clean up you!"

"Hehe, I didn't do anything." Jia Siwen said, "I didn't prepare this quicklime? Is this what you want to trick me? Now it's been tricked by what you brought. how are you feeling?"

"You...you wait!" Luo Hao shouted while waiting for Jia Siwen, "I will definitely not let you go!"

"Whatever you want." Jia Siwen smiled and said, "If you have any tricks, let's see you in the afternoon."

After speaking, Jia Siwen left slowly.

Luo Hao looked at Jia Siwen's leaving back, trembling with anger, and slammed his fist on the table. He gritted his teeth and said: "Mother, I'm going to kill him for the open class in the afternoon, so that he can't go to class! You all Did you hear that? If anyone dares not cooperate with me, I will never let him go!"

"Don't worry, Brother Hao, this kid has angered our class, who wants to listen to him in class?" Dafei said.

"That's right, Brother Hao, we find time to go to the lecture hall at noon to install the organs. Then, we will have a good meal and let him make a fool of all the teachers in the school. It must be very cool!" The other yellow hair said gloomily. I want to make him faceless and continue to stay here!"

"Very good, then you go to prepare things now, and you must install all the mechanisms at noon!" Luo Hao nodded and said, "You must not drop the chain again at that time!"

"Okay!" the two nodded and said.

After speaking, the two hurriedly left.

Jia Siwen didn't know Luo Hao's plan for the afternoon, and he was walking slowly back to the office at this time.

When he walked back to the office, the teachers in the office saw Jia Siwen, their eyes widened, as if they had seen a monster.

Jia Siwen said with a puzzled look: "What's the matter? They all looked at me with this kind of eyes? Is there something on my face?"

"Teacher Jia, didn't you go to the seventh grade of the second grade?" The male teacher sitting near the door said with an incredible expression.

"Yeah, I went to the seventh grade of the second year of high school to take a look, and got acquainted with my classmates. Let me prepare in advance for the afternoon class. This is also the technique Teacher Wang told me." Jia Siwen said with a smile, "What's wrong with you Are you looking at me so shocked?"