
Chapter 93: The hardest class

With sharp ears, Jia Siwen could easily hear the conversations of those teachers. His heart was full of doubts. He didn't know which class he taught, but how did they know!

But now that he has heard it, Jia Siwen plans to wait a while and ask about the news of the second and seventh high school, after all, knowing yourself and the enemy can win every battle.

Soon, Wang Qiaoan's slender figure appeared at the door of the office. The male teachers in the office looked at the slender figure, their eyes full of greed and possessiveness.

Seeing Wang Qiaoan coming, Jia Siwen greeted him immediately.

"Teacher Wang." Jia Siwen stopped Wang Qiaoan who was about to return to his seat, and said with a smile, "I have a question for you."

Wang Qiaoan looked at Jia Siwen who was in front of him, his face blushed and asked, "What's the matter?"

Jia Siwen glanced at many teachers and said, "Let's go outside and talk."

With that said, Jia Siwen pushed Wang Qiaoan towards the outside.

Upon seeing this group of male teachers in the office, their eyes widened unbelievably.

"Mr. Jia, when did he have such a good relationship with Mr. Wang? I didn't see how they communicated normally?"

"Teacher Wang is notoriously indifferent. Except for female teachers, she is very indifferent to all male teachers. Why is she so special to Teacher Jia now? Could it be that they both..."

"No! Impossible! Teacher Wang is mine! No one can take it away!"

"Fart, it's obviously mine, she said something to me yesterday!"

"What did she tell you?"

"She told me to let it go!"


In the office, because Jia Siwen was in trouble with Wang Qiaoan, Jia Siwen was standing in the corridor outside the office with Wang Qiaoan.

Wang Qiaoan's blush was as red as a red apple, and Jia Siwen asked suspiciously: "What's wrong with Teacher Wang?"

Wang Qiaoan hurriedly shook his head and said, "No...it's a bit hot..."

Jia Siwen raised his head and glanced at the gloomy sky and said, "There seems to be no sun today, right?"

Wang Qiaoan's face sank and said, "If I say it's hot, it's hot. If you have anything to ask!"

"Uh, I want to ask, am I taking the open class for the second and seventh high school?" Jia Siwen asked Wang Qiaoan, who was irritable like a tigress.

"Yeah, don't you know?" Wang Qiaoan asked Jia Siwen with a look of monsters.

Jia Siwen scratched his head and said: "Yes, no one told me, I only heard other teachers discuss it."

"This is the unanimous vote of the principals." Wang Qiao'andai said with frowning, "The second and seventh high school is currently the most difficult class in the school."

"Why is this? Is it more difficult to take than Class 8?" Jia Siwen asked, frowning.

"Comparing with them in Class 8 is nothing short of a witch." Wang Qiaoan sighed and said, "The people in Class 8 are purely old fried dough sticks, and they are not afraid of Teacher Liu at all, so they are so difficult to manage. It's different. All the second-generation rich and second-generation officials gathered in the second-seventh class of senior high school. Teachers dare not control at all, because as long as they are managed, their parents will immediately come to the school to put pressure on the teachers and let them Both had a headache with the principal."

Jia Siwen waved his hand casually and said, "In this case, it is not too difficult to teach them."

"Are you not worried at all?" Wang Qiao'an said with frowning eyebrows, looking at Jia Siwen, "This is an extremely difficult group of students! Not only do they not listen to lectures in class, but even when you go to class, they will find Chance to tease you!"

Jia Siwen smiled and said, "Hehe, don't worry, it's nothing more than dealing with a group of children who don't have all the fur, what else should I worry about?"

"I advise you to go take a look in advance and get familiar with your classmates. Then you will have a solid foundation in class." Wang Qiao'an persuaded.

Seeing Wang Qiaoan's painstaking efforts to dissuade him, Jia Siwen thought for a while, nodded and said, "If this is the case, then I'll go and say hello first."

Wang Qiaoan nodded and said, "Then you go first, I won't go with you."

"Okay." Jia Siwen nodded. He looked for the specific location of the second and seventh high school class, and then walked slowly towards the second seventh class.

Soon, Jia Siwen came to the door of the second and seventh high school.

Standing at the door, he could hear the sound of reading aloud in the classroom, which was considered the loudest on the entire floor.

"It's not like a noisy class," Jia Siwen murmured, "It's really strange."

He walked to the door of the second and seventh class of high school, the door of the classroom was hidden, and he wanted to go in and push the door.

When Jia Siwen was about to push the door, he suddenly felt a sense of danger!

"What's the matter?" Jia Siwen frowned and stared at the classroom door carefully. Suddenly he saw a blackboard eraser above the classroom door. If he didn't look carefully and push the door in, the blackboard eraser would probably Fall directly on him.

"These boys really like pranks," Jia Siwen murmured.

Now that the other party's prank has been discovered, Jia Siwen will naturally not be easily fooled.

He reached out and pushed, the door was opened, and the blackboard eraser on it fell directly.

However, before the blackboard eraser fell on Jia Siwen, Jia Siwen grabbed it in his hand.

The sound of reading in the classroom quieted down instantly. All the students stared at Jia Siwen. They didn't expect Jia Siwen to catch the blackboard eraser!

"I'm going, he found the blackboard eraser!"

"Don't worry, there is a later move."

"Hey, that's what I said, just watch a good show."


"Who designed this trick? It's a bit out of date." Jia Siwen said as he walked toward the classroom.

When he stepped on the floor in the classroom, he suddenly felt the sole of his foot slip and almost fell out.

However, Jia Siwen's heart moved, and instantly turned on [body as light as a swallow], and his body was lightened, which directly stabilized his figure.

He looked down and saw that the ground was coated with a shiny layer of lubricating oil!

"There is still lubricating oil on the ground. It seems that you have a lot of tricks." Jia Siwen said lightly, "I don't know what other tricks you have? Although you can use it."

The few people sitting in the back row saw that Jia Siwen hadn't been recruited yet, and they were suddenly upset.

"I'm going, this guy is a bit powerful, but he couldn't get rid of him with two tricks! Looks like he has to be tricked! Tell the people in front of you to prepare!"

"Yes, Brother Hao!"

"Huh, I must let him know that our 7th class is not easy to mess with, you have to pay a price if you want to enter our 7th class!"