
Chapter 80: Jia Siwen's reading

The classmates turned through the article given by Jia Siwen boringly, with impatient expressions in their eyes.

"It's really boring. Will this teacher teach? It doesn't mean anything at all, and he will give us a reading comprehension? What a mistake."

"How do you say it is a physical education teacher? I really don't know what Lao Liu thinks, and he actually asked a physical education teacher to give us Chinese lessons! And it's still an open class! Isn't he ashamed?"

"Hey, I have a foreboding that this class will be very, very boring. Sleeping."

"Is there anyone going to the canyon? Speed ​​comes, I have already created a team!"

"Count me one, count me one! I play the top order! The top fighter understands that as long as you bring me, you will win!"

"I will send it if I don't give it in the single!"


The students below had already shaken up the sky, and all of them ignored Jia Siwen on the podium.

The teachers sitting behind frowned. These students were playing mobile phones, chatting and chatting, reading novels and reading novels. No one took Jia Siwen in their eyes.

And Jia Siwen didn't mean to manage discipline at all, he was just looking at the article in his hand intently.

Lao Liu frowned and asked, "Teacher Wang, with all due respect, are you sure that Teacher Jia can take public classes? If it doesn't work, then forget it, otherwise the principal will know about this matter, then I will be scolded. "

"Yes, Mr. Wang, I don't think Mr. Jia has any experience in Chinese classes at all, or else forget it."

"Teacher Wang, don't blame me for not reminding you. Once there is any problem in class time, if the principal knows about it, you will also be responsible! After all, this matter was raised by you!"


Other teachers looked at Wang Qiao'an one after another, with admonitions and warnings.

Although Wang Qiaoan is not lukewarm to men, she is still a very enthusiastic person, and other colleagues usually try to do things that her help, so in the language group, her popularity is pretty good.

Wang Qiaoan clenched her silver teeth, she raised her head and looked at Jia Siwen with a calm face, but she felt an inexplicable self-confidence in her heart. She believed that Jia Siwen would be able to do this class well!

She said in a deep voice, "Teachers, don't worry, let's wait a moment. I believe that Teacher Jia can definitely do well in class, and we must trust him!"

"Teacher Wang, if you trust Teacher Jia so much, don't you like him?" Teacher Liu looked at Jia Siwen on the podium with some envy and said.

"It must be. Are you sure that there is no relationship?" Teacher Zhou, a Chinese teacher in the first class, asked with a smile.

"Although Teacher Jia said that he is not good at class, he seems to be pretty good. Last time I heard that he was brave enough to do justice!"


These teachers made Wang Qiao'an blushing with your words. She shook her head and said: "I don't have one. I don't like him. I just think a talented person shouldn't be buried."

"Hey, since you believe him so, then we can continue to watch." Teacher Zhou looked at Jia Siwen and said, "I hope he can bring us some surprises."

The other teachers also stopped talking, and they turned their eyes to Jia Siwen, looking forward to what surprises Jia Siwen could bring to them.

Although the voices of those teachers were not heavy, Jia Siwen on the podium still heard clearly.

When he heard Wang Qiaoan speak for himself, his heart warmed. Even when so many people didn't believe in him, Wang Qiaoan still believed in him unswervingly. Just this trust, Jia Siwen couldn't. Do not take this public class seriously!

Jia Siwen glanced at the classmates below, and said lightly: "Classmates, next we will officially start the class. Before class, I will read it for everyone. I hope you can feel it after hearing it."

After speaking, Jia Siwen picked up the article and began to recite it.

Although the classroom is a bit noisy, Jia Siwen's voice can still spread throughout the classroom.

When Jia Siwen read aloud, there seemed to be a special magic in his voice, constantly attracting everyone's attention.

Soon, those students who were playing games and chatting turned their eyes to Jia Siwen.

As they listened to Jia Siwen's recitation, a picture of a friend's parting appeared unconsciously in their hearts.

Sad emotions spread in everyone's hearts. Some girls have reddened eyes with crystal teardrops in their eyes.

Even the teachers sitting at the back felt sore in their noses and couldn't help but want to cry.

The whole class quickly calmed down, and everyone turned their attention to Jia Siwen. They were all listening carefully to Jia Siwen's recitation.

Soon, the recitation was over.

Jia Siwen slowly put down the paper in his hand and looked at the students in the class.

Most of the students had red eyes and were immersed in the sentimental atmosphere of the article and could not extricate themselves. Only a handful of students were just silent.

Jia Siwen said softly: "Classmates, I don't know how you feel after listening to my reading aloud?"

"Teacher, you read so well! I seem to have seen a scene where friends are inseparable from each other! It's like watching a movie!" A girl stood up and said dimly with tears, "Reminds me I parted from my good friend when I was a kid... I don't know how she is doing now..."

"I also think of my friends. We haven't seen each other since we parted in junior high school. We used to play ball and games together. Now the two best friends that were once the best friends have become a luxury to meet each other!" A boy sighed, "If you give me another chance, I will definitely leave his contact information and address!"

"Me too, I think of my dad..."

"I think of my brother..."

The students scrambled to express their opinions, and they all said what they missed.

The teachers sitting behind were all shocked. None of them expected that Jia Siwen could actually arouse everyone's emotions and let everyone participate in the project.

Wang Qiaoan's eyes were staring at Jia Siwen closely, and her eyes were full of surprise and joy.

Jia Siwen can actually do this! As long as the students' interest in discussion can be mobilized, this class can be considered half the success!

"Okay classmates, since everyone has experienced the feeling just now, let's take a look at the topics next. I think these topics don't need templates at all for you, right?"