
Chapter 81: accident

Everyone nodded and said, "Yes, Teacher Jia."

"If this is the case, then everyone should start writing." Jia Siwen said with a smile, "I think everyone has different answers in their hearts, and they can play freely. Just write the inner answers. Chinese is for me. There is no correct answer."

"Boom boom boom..."

At this moment, the door of the classroom was knocked suddenly.

This sudden knock on the door suddenly broke the atmosphere of the class, causing everyone to turn their eyes to the direction of the door.

The door was opened, and Wu Yalin walked straight in. He glanced at Jia Siwen on the podium and said indifferently: "Teacher Jia, why are you taking Chinese classes in Class 8? I remember that the Chinese teacher in Class 8 is not you. Right?"

Jia Siwen was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Wu Yalin to appear here suddenly.

Seeing Jia Siwen not speaking, Wu Yalin raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a cold smile and said, "It is against school rules to take public classes privately. I have already reported it to the Department of Political Education, and the principal will know this soon. When the matter is over, the director of the Political and Education Office and the principal will handle the matter in person."

After speaking, Wu Yalin turned and left.

Jia Siwen frowned, and he felt something was wrong.

However, Jia Siwen ignored Wu Yalin and continued to teach the students in Class 8.

Soon, the bell rang after the get out of class, and Jia Siwen arranged things at random and said: "Students, today's class is over here, thank you for your cooperation."

After speaking, Jia Siwen bowed slightly, then turned and left.

When he walked out of the classroom, the Chinese teachers gathered around.

"Teacher Jia, you are so amazing. Just a reading can directly arouse the emotions of the students. This is something that old teachers with decades of experience can't do!" Teacher Jin He smiled and said, "You must teach me another day!"

"That's right, I want to learn too. If I learn this trick, then my class level will definitely improve a lot in the future!" Teacher Liu also said with envy.

"Haha, don't worry, everyone, as long as I can, I will try my best to teach you." Jia Siwen said with a smile.

"Then I would like to thank Teacher Jia first. By the way, Teacher Jia, you have to be careful of Wu Yalin." Teacher Liu frowned and said.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Jia Siwen asked curiously.

"He is backed by the school manager. He is also the nephew of the school manager Wu Tianlong. Wu Tianlong loves him so much that no one in the school dares to provoke him." Teacher Jin sighed and said, "Otherwise It would be good to be a teacher in Nancheng No. 1 Middle School with his abilities. How could he be the leader of the Chinese group?"

"Yes, Teacher Jia, your ability is countless times stronger than that of Wu Yalin!" Teacher Liu said with a thumbs up and smiled.

After greeting for a while, the other teachers went back one after another, and only Jia Siwen and Wang Qiaoan were left in the corridor.

Wang Qiaoan said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Teacher Jia."

"Why do you want to say sorry to me?" Jia Siwen asked curiously, "You haven't done anything to sorry me."

"No, I'm afraid we've already had an issue, and it's still a big issue!" Wang Qiaoan said with a wry smile.

"What's the matter?" Jia Siwen frowned slightly and asked suspiciously.

"Then Wu Yalin reported our private public class to the principal and the Political and Religious Affairs Office. They will probably find our troubles next." Wang Qiao'an sighed slightly and said, "It stands to reason that this matter is big or small. But once the pressure behind Wu Yalin is suppressed, even the principal cannot withstand it. Moreover, the director of the Political and Education Office is Li Lei's father."

"What? The director of the Political and Education Office is Li Lei's father?!" Jia Siwen was shocked. He just gave Li Lei a black hand. He knew with his feet that Li Lei would definitely sue his father, Li Lei's father. It will definitely not make Jia Siwen feel better.

Jia Siwen smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "Forget it, since things have happened anyway, worries are of no use now, so let's wait for them to find me."

"It can only be like this. When this matter is over, I will definitely make up for you." Wang Qiaoan said sincerely looking at Jia Siwen.

Seeing Wang Qiaoan's graceful body, Jia Siwen's heart was hot, but he still pretended to refuse: "What's this? Don't be nervous."

Seeing Jia Siwen so confident, Wang Qiao'an, who was full of worries, actually became relaxed a lot.

Jia Siwen returned to the office calmly, and after only a few minutes, the phone on his desk rang.

He picked up the phone and said, "Hey, who?"

"Hey, is it Teacher Jia?" There was a serious voice on the other end of the phone. Jia Siwen was familiar with this voice, but he couldn't remember where he heard it.

"I am, are you?" Jia Siwen asked.

"I'm Li Weibin from the Political and Religious Affairs Office. Come here. There are some things that require you to come and assist in the investigation." Li Weibin said coldly.

Li Weibin's tone was close to the order, which made Jia Siwen very uncomfortable, but Jia Siwen also had to obey the order. After all, who made him an ordinary teacher and Li Weibin the leader?

Who would dare not listen to the leadership's orders? Do you want to mix here?

"Okay, I'll be there soon." Jia Siwen said.

After speaking, Jia Siwen hurriedly walked towards the political and religious office.

Soon, Jia Siwen came to the door of the Political and Religious Office. He knocked gently on the door, and there was a majestic voice.

"come in."

Jia Siwen pushed the door in and saw Wu Yalin in the office and a man he usually saw on the podium. This man was Li Weibin.

Li Weibin's hair is very small, and the whole head looks round, like a duck egg.

But his eyes are very sharp. When his eyes are fixed on others, it is like the security bureau interrogating a prisoner, full of offensiveness, as if he could easily see through the other party.

Wu Yalin saw Jia Siwen walk in, a scornful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if to say: Do you dare to fight with me? Really overweight!

Jia Siwen directly ignored Wu Yalin's eyes. He looked at Li Weibin and asked respectfully: "Director Li, is there anything you want to do with me?"

Li Weibin glanced at Jia Siwen and said, "Teacher Jia, I just received a report from another teacher that you are taking public classes without the permission of the school? Is there such a thing?"