
Chapter 120: Jia Siwen's analysis

"This...then all right." He Dong walked slowly towards the few people lying on the ground, and then stretched out his hand to carefully untie the masks of the few people.

As soon as the mask was untied, the real faces of several people were immediately revealed.

Upon seeing this, Jia Siwen suddenly revealed a look of surprise in his eyes and said: "Hey, it's weird. Haven't these people just met? It's just the few people who followed, how can they suddenly appear here wearing masks? ?"

He Dong's face was green and white. He looked at Zhu Yueming and found that Zhu Yueming's gaze was also on his body, but Zhu Yueming's gaze was full of disappointment and anger.

"He Dong, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person, for your own selfish desires, let your subordinates wear casual clothes to beat others." Zhu Yueming knows the cause of the matter no matter how stupid it is, she stared at He Dong with a gloomy expression, " In the afternoon, write a check and hand it to my desk, more than 3,000 words! Write a new copy for me if you miss one word."

He Dong's eyes were full of bitterness. He didn't expect that all his subordinates would be solved by Jia Siwen alone!

"Yes, I know, but I think I should participate in this person's interrogation too!" He Dong looked at Zhu Yueming and said.

Zhu Yueming nodded slightly and said, "Whatever you do, you must hand in me the inspection before going to work in the afternoon, otherwise, you will be punished more severely!"

"Yes, I know." He Dong was overjoyed and said hurriedly.

He Dong took Chen Yao and the others to the office to rest, and then took the notebook and sat beside Zhu Yueming, smelling the fragrance of Zhu Yueming's body, he felt that his heart was about to melt.

Zhu Yueming ignored He Dong at all. She looked at Jia Siwen and asked: "Name, age, job, home address."

Jia Siwen reported his news to Zhu Yueming one by one, and He Dong, who was on the side, was the person filling in the information, working hard to write, and jot down what Jia Siwen said in the logbook.

"Tell me what happened this morning." Zhu Yueming said in a deep voice.

Jia Siwen nodded, and told Zhu Yueming about what happened in the morning, and also told them about the drunken golden bar.

Zhu Yueming's eyebrows frowned. She also knows a lot about the drunk gold fan bar, but she can't help it at the moment, because Wang Yuande has a very hard relationship with the security bureau, not to mention that he hides the evidence of his crime very well and wants to catch it. It's all very difficult.

"So that's it. So, this matter has nothing to do with you?" Zhu Yueming said, staring at Jia Siwen with piercing eyes.

However, when facing Zhu Yueming's gaze, Jia Siwen still had his eyes calm, without any dodge at all.

"It has nothing to do with me, but I think it might have come at me. They want to poison the food and then blame me for this incident." Jia Siwen said lightly, "Of course, this is also my guess. That's it, I don't know the specifics, I'm afraid it can only be solved after finding someone."

"Well... now that the clues are broken, I am afraid it is not a simple thing to find clues." Zhu Yueming said helplessly.

"Since the other party was poisoned, and it didn't come in from the front door, it is very likely that it came in from other places." Jia Siwen analyzed.

"Impossible, we have rummaged through the entire warehouse and haven't found any entrances and exits like secret passages. I don't think that person came in." Zhu Yueming said solemnly.

"Will other methods be used?" Jia Siwen said, "For example, with the help of some tools to spray poison on the grain?"

"It's possible!" Zhu Yueming said with bright eyes.

"It's impossible!" He Dong said categorically, "I have turned over the entire warehouse, and I haven't found any cracks at all. I can't even get in. How can I poison it?"

"Perhaps sometimes we think things are too complicated. If we think about simple things, we may get unexpected gains." Jia Siwen said with a smile.

"You're right, sometimes we are really complicated, maybe the murderer never thought about too complicated things." Zhu Yueming nodded and said.

"Captain, wake up! He is giving you Ecstasy!" He Dong said hurriedly, "I don't think this kid is at ease. He wants to use this to make you divert his attention so that he can escape easily. !"

"Don't talk about it anymore." Zhu Yueming glared at He Dong and said, "Next, you only need to be responsible for recording, and you don't need to talk about other nonsense."

"Yes, Captain." He Dong was reprimanded by Zhu Yueming, and he immediately lowered his head and dared not say any more.

"Captain Zhu, I think you should take someone to the granary to investigate again, and there may be some unexpected discoveries." Jia Siwen said with one hand resting his cheek, and the other hand tapping the armrest of the chair.

"I see." Zhu Yueming nodded and said, "If this is true, then I will not only apologize to you, but also apply for a special reward!"

"Hehe, the reward is unnecessary, as long as I can catch the murderer and prove my innocence." Jia Siwen said with a smile.

"Let's go, let's go back to the scene again." Zhu Yueming waved and stood up and said.

"Captain, let me go too!" He Dong said eagerly, "I can help too!"

"No, you're going to add chaos, so let's take care of your subordinates." Zhu Yueming said lightly.

Jia Siwen stood up slowly, and when he passed in front of He Dong, he made a grimace and said, "Hehe, it seems that your strategy did not succeed! I hope you can surprise me next time."

"Don't worry, I will!" He Dong said through gritted teeth.

Jia Siwen left behind Zhu Yueming, and the two came to the parking lot together. Zhu Yueming took out the key and said, "Can you drive?"

Jia Siwen scratched his head and said, "Of course I can drive."

"Then leave it to you to open it." Zhu Yueming threw the key to Zhu Yueming and said with a smile.

"Actually, I didn't believe that you poisoned the poison from the beginning, but the surveillance video is there. If I don't take you away, I'm afraid it will cause an uproar." Zhu Yueming skillfully opened the co-pilot's door and sat down. Go up and lean back in a chair leisurely.

Jia Siwen smiled, Zhu Yueming is really big-hearted, he is still a criminal suspect, so he left the car to himself. Don't worry about being disadvantaged to her either.

I thought so, but Jia Siwen started the car, drove the car, and drove quickly towards the direction of Nancheng No.1 Middle School.

Weekend bonus chapters on the way.

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