
Chapter 121: Angry parents

"Hey, have you heard? It is said that Jia Siwen, a physical education teacher in the third and seventh class of high school, was poisoned and taken away by the security bureau!"

"What? Is this true? Impossible, right?"

"How impossible, I saw it with my own eyes, he was taken directly into the car, and it is estimated that he will not be able to come back."

"No, I think that teacher Jia seems to have used acupuncture to save someone. If he poisoned him, what would he do to save someone?"

"I guess I didn't kill the person I wanted to kill."

"Fart, you can do things like poisoning in the school cafeteria, and care about a person's life or death? I guess this guy is a heinous villain."


What happened at noon quickly spread to the whole school. Now the students in the school are all worried. No one dares to eat school food for fear of poisoning. There are also many parents of poisoned students who rushed to the school to ask for an explanation. The whole school is noisy.

In order to deal with those parents, Principal Zhang left a sentence "The matter is under investigation" and stalled the past.

But how can those parents be satisfied? They are all surrounded by the teaching building, with a strong momentum to stop talking.

Principal Zhang, who was hiding in the office, secretly looked through the window and saw that the parents were surrounded below, and cold sweat was dripping on his forehead.

"This group of parents is really too much trouble. They all told them that the matter is under investigation. They still refuse to leave." Principal Zhang said angrily, "This time it's troublesome. When the media comes, we have things here. Isn't it all exposed? This will cause big trouble for our school!"

"Hey, but we really don't persuade us to leave. Of these hundreds of parents, several of them are rich and powerful. It's really going to cause trouble and it's very detrimental to the school!" Luo Weibin said with a helpless expression on the side. .

"Hurry up and think of a way to let them go first." Principal Zhang wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "If this is for the media to come over, our school will have the news tomorrow."

"Okay." Luo Weibin nodded and was about to go downstairs. Suddenly several black off-road vehicles drove in from the entrance of the school, with words such as Nancheng News written on the body.

As soon as Principal Zhang saw these cars, his legs suddenly softened and he almost knelt on the ground: "It's over, the media is here. This time I really can't help it. The upper side will know these things soon!"

After the media's cars drove in, the cameramen and reporters with long guns and short guns immediately began interviewing the parents.

The parents were so excited that they wanted to talk a lot.

At this time, a security bureau car slowly drove into the school gate, attracting the attention of many people.

The reporters also seemed to smell the fishy cats, and surrounded the cars of the Security Bureau one after another.

The door opened, and Zhu Yueming and Jia Siwen got out of the car.

"It's him! It was this man who poisoned our child to death!"

I don't know who shouted, and the parents who were still calm suddenly went crazy and flocked to Jia Siwen, reaching out to tear Jia Siwen's clothes.

"Return my child! Return my child!"

"You beast! You dare to poison my son! My son is still lying in the hospital. I don't know his life or death! I want you to kneel before his bed and confess!"

"Uuuuu...what did my daughter do wrong? Why should she suffer such crimes?"


Looking at the excited parents, Jia Siwen frowned slightly. When he was about to resist, Zhu Yueming stood in front of him and blocked all the parents.

"Listen to me, he is not the real murderer, the murderer is someone else, and he is just the person framed!" Zhu Yueming shouted, "Are you willing to kill an innocent person? That's it. , The real murderer will get away with it. Is this what you want to see?"

After hearing Zhu Yueming's words, those excited parents calmed down a lot.

"Why do we trust you!" a bald parent said loudly, staring at Zhu Yueming, "you must be in the same group with him!"

Zhu Yueming shook his head, took out his ID from his jacket pocket and showed it in front of everyone, saying: "I am the captain of the Civil Case Handling Brigade of the Nancheng Security Bureau. This is my ID. If you still don't believe it, you can go to Nancheng. The Security Bureau investigates, everything can be investigated."

Seeing that Zhu Yueming had issued his certificate, the parents felt relieved.

The cameraman with the camera on the side immediately took a special shot at Zhu Yueming. After all, there are not many captain-level characters, and it is rare to appear once. Naturally, it is necessary to take some photos and go back to the newspaper.

"Everyone, I know Captain Zhu. Captain Zhu is a good person. Last time I lost 10,000 yuan. Captain Zhu helped me find it! We believe Captain Zhu!"

"Yeah, I also know Captain Zhu. Last time I had a thief in my house and reported it to the branch office. In the end, I went to the Nancheng General Office to report the case. Captain Zhu took all the stolen things from my house back in a day!"

"Yes, yes, so is my house..."

The words of those parents at the rear once again established Zhu Yueming's position. A reporter took the microphone and asked, "Captain Zhu, are you confident that you will find the murderer this time?"

"The Nancheng Security Bureau will find the murderer at all costs, and give all the classmates, parents, and this teacher justice!" Zhu Yueming glanced at Jia Siwen and said when he spoke.

"Since Captain Zhu said so, did he have any important clues?" The reporter continued to ask.

"I'm sorry, I can't disclose the progress of the case to you yet, but give me two more days, I will be able to investigate the case to the bottom!" Zhu Yueming said firmly, "I use my position to guarantee everyone! Everyone, go back and take care of your children first, and when things come to fruition, I will inform you as soon as possible!"

After hearing Zhu Yueming's words, the parents who were originally excited also calmed down. They were also willing to listen to Zhu Yueming's words and left the school one after another. The reporters also interviewed a lot of things and prepared to go back to write news.

Seeing that all the parents had left, Jia Siwen smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "They are so crazy."

"You don't understand that children are the center of a family. For the children, they are willing to suffer and suffer without complaint, but what happens to the children is a huge blow to the parents." Zhu Yueming said with some sympathy. , "I don't know how many people's lives will be killed by the poison this time. I hope they can all return to school without problems."