
Chapter 115: Silver Needle Saves People

Doctor Zhang stared at Jia Siwen and said, "Are you qualified to practice medicine?"

Jia Siwen shook his head and said, "I don't have one."

"How dare you take the initiative without you? If someone dies under your hands, you will take full responsibility!" Doctor Zhang said viciously.

Jia Siwen shrugged his shoulders indifferently. Jia Siwen was still very confident in his medical skills. After all, it was recorded and passed down together in the Eight Needles of Gods and Ghosts, and the effects must be first-class.

"I'll settle the account with you later!" Doctor Zhang stared at Jia Siwen and said coldly, "Next, I don't want you to move these patients. If you move, I have the right to find someone from the Security Bureau to arrest you directly. stand up!"

After speaking, he turned around to keep busy.

Jia Siwen is not afraid of Dr. Zhang's threat. He scans the audience looking for life-threatening classmates. If someone is life-threatening, then he must take action to protect his life anyway!

Fortunately, although many people are in a bad state, they are relatively stable and not life-threatening, which also made Jia Siwen relieved.

Before long, people from the Security Bureau came to the scene, and the person leading the team was an old acquaintance of Jia Siwen, Zhu Yueming!

Zhu Yueming got out of the car and waved his hand and said: "Everyone pulls the cordon to protect the scene. Without my permission, no one can enter or leave the scene at will!"

"Yes, Captain!" The security staff nodded and said.

After speaking, they immediately took out the yellow cordon and pulled it up, separating the classmates who watched the excitement by a distance of more than two meters.

As soon as Principal Zhang saw Zhu Yueming coming, he immediately greeted him and said respectfully: "Captain Zhu, you are here! This is ordinary food poisoning, so I won't bother you."

Zhu Yueming glanced at Principal Zhang and said lightly:

Hearing Zhu Yueming publicly questioning herself, Principal Zhang's face went blue and white. Although he was very annoyed, he also knew that the person in front of him, who was once the captain of the serious team, would really have no eyes to fight against her. I'm looking for death.

"President Zhang, what you have to do now is to cooperate with us in investigating the truth of the matter, so that you can be innocent." Zhu Yueming said coldly.

"Okay, good." Principal Zhang nodded and said.

"Let's take a look at the terrain first." Zhu Yueming waved and said.

After receiving Zhu Yueming's order, more than a dozen Security Bureau personnel carrying iron boxes quickly walked in.

All the chefs inside had already been removed, and they were waiting outside.

The head chef looked at Principal Zhang with a mournful look and said: "Principal, what shall we do now?

"Nonsense, of course I know this!" Principal Zhang said angrily, "Isn't I just thinking of a solution?"

Zhu Yueming took his staff in the canteen to collect samples of various dishes and put them in glass bottles, ready to go back and inspect them again to determine whether they were poisonous.

While surveying the terrain, Zhu Yueming looked up at the ceiling from time to time. She was looking for something.

Soon, all the samples were collected. When she heard her report, she nodded in satisfaction and said, "Everyone, go outside with me."

With that said, Zhu Yueming took everyone to the outside.

Seeing Zhu Yueming coming out, President Zhang was overjoyed and ran towards Zhu Yueming quickly.

"Captain Zhu, have you found anything?" Principal Zhang said worriedly.

"No." Zhu Yueming said honestly, shaking his head.

"That's really a shame. Please get in the car. I don't bother you to worry about things here." Principal Zhang said hurriedly.

Zhu Yueming glanced at Principal Zhang and said faintly: "Although I haven't investigated anything yet, I found that there is a surveillance camera in the kitchen. I think maybe I will take a picture. Can I take a look?"

Principal Zhang's heart keeps complaining. What is this?

But he didn't dare to be disrespectful on the surface.

He contacted the security guard and said, "Hurry up and send me the system backup! I wish Captain will take a look."

"Good principal." The security hurriedly said.

After speaking, Principal Zhang hung up the phone.

Soon, a security guard in uniform rushed over from a distance, came to Principal Zhang and handed him a black box.

"Principal, this is all the images captured by the cameras of the whole school today." The security guard took out the black box and handed it to Principal Zhang as if offering a treasure.

Principal Zhang nodded in satisfaction and said, "Yes, work efficiency is very high. Let's find a place to watch this video now."

"Alright, don't waste time." Zhu Yueming nodded and walked in behind the principal.

The principal carefully connected the small black box to the computer, and the contents of the small black box were immediately revealed.

A segment of the video must be kept intact. If you want to see which place you just need to click into it.

"Principal Zhang, your subordinates are very efficient." Zhu Yueming joked, "Well, let's watch the video now, don't watch the others, just because this person feels wrong!"

As she said, she put her finger on the screen, and saw Jia Siwen slowly walking towards the canteen and into the canteen.

"This... isn't this Teacher Jia!" Principal Zhang took a look and instantly recognized it.

"What did Teacher Jia do in the cafeteria?" Principal Zhang's expression changed. If Jia Siwen really did this thing, then his charge would be laughed. After all, it was the other party who poisoned it, not food poisoning!

"This person is your school's teacher?!" Zhu Yueming said with frowning frown, "It seems that his suspicion can't be cleared away, Principal Zhang, can you please call him, I have something to talk to him."

"Okay." Principal Zhang wished to leave earlier and stayed by Zhu Yueming's side all the time. He felt an invisible sense of oppression, which made it difficult for him to breathe.

Principal Zhang shouted: "Jia Siwen! Jia Siwen!"

Hearing the principal's voice, Jia Siwen raised his head and shouted: "Principal, I am here."

"The comrades from the Security Bureau said that they want to see you, hurry and follow me!" Principal Zhang walked to Jia Siwen and said, "The comrades from the Security Bureau said they want to see you to find out about the situation, you come with me quickly."

"Find me to understand the situation?" Jia Siwen asked suspiciously, "I don't know anything, what do you know about me?"