
Chapter 114: Food poisoning?

What happened in the cafeteria spread all over the campus, and President Zhang hurried over with Li Weibin and Liu Wenchang.

When Principal Zhang saw the students rolling all over the floor, his hands and feet were frightened, but he forcibly kept calm and looked at Wang Qiao'an and asked, "Ms. Wang, has the school doctor come here?"

"Here." Wang Qiaoan nodded, pointed to the front and said, "It's over there!"

Principal Zhang saw that the school doctor was kneeling on the ground and was doing some first aid measures for a student. However, no matter what first aid measures he did, the student's symptoms could not be improved!

"Doctor Li!" Principal Zhang shouted.

Hearing what the principal said, Dr. Li immediately got up and hurried to Principal Zhang's side, lowered his head and said, "Principal."

"What the **** is going on?!" Principal Zhang shouted, pointing at the students all over the floor.

If it's just a student, it doesn't have any impact on him. It can be pushed to the people under him, saying that their work is irresponsible.

But now at least a hundred students have the same symptoms. What is this not food poisoning?

Even if all the students recovered in the end, he, the principal, could not shirk the blame, and the Nancheng Education Department would definitely blame him directly and make him unable to eat.

And if a few students died, he would probably spend the rest of his life in prison.

Thinking of this, Principal Zhang couldn't help shivering. Life is so comfortable now. If he goes to the prison, he will definitely not be so comfortable!

"This...according to my preliminary judgment, it should be food poisoning..." Dr. Li was also a little lacking in confidence. He came as a school doctor only because of a relationship. After all, the school doctor's How free is work? At most, I have a headache and brain fever, and there is no intractable disease at all.

Who knew that a large-scale food poisoning would suddenly occur today!

Principal Zhang was out of breath. He stared at Dr. Li and said, "Of course I know it is food poisoning. Do you have a good cure?"

"This.... I don't know the specific reason yet..." Dr. Li said consensually.

"You!" Principal Zhang stared at Dr. Li, feeling his chest tightness, and he wished to scold Dr. Li now. This school doctor was useless at the critical moment!

"Principal, I have already notified the people in the hospital next door, and I think they will come soon." Wang Qiaoan is a calmer person here.

"That's good, that's good." Principal Zhang stretched out his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He doesn't expect anything else now, just that no one will die.

Soon, ambulances roared and steadily stopped at the door of the canteen. The doctor in white coat rushed out of the car.

Principal Zhang saw the ambulances as if he saw a savior. He waved his hand and said, "Here! Here!"

Those doctors ran to the students to carefully check their physical conditions. The leading doctor was the doctor who had pursued Ye Siro, Doctor Zhang!

Doctor Zhang frowned and said, "How come there are so many people?"

He glanced at it, and countless students lay on the ground, a rough estimate of at least a hundred!

It was the first time he encountered food poisoning among so many people at the same time.

"It doesn't matter, save people first." With a wave of the leading doctor, he commanded to carry the poisoned students to the ambulance.

Jia Siwen frowned when he heard the movement outside, and walked towards the cafeteria.

Soon he came to the door of the canteen and was surprised when he saw the students who were carried into the ambulance.

"Classmates, what's going on?! Why are so many classmates being carried into an ambulance?" Jia Siwen's expression changed and he asked a student casually.

"I heard that many of my classmates were poisoned by food in the cafeteria. It's too cruel. I've said that this cafeteria is not eaten by humans. It really happened." A fat man pushed his glasses and said.

Jia Siwen's expression changed, he rushed towards the cafeteria, and at a glance he saw his classmates lying on the ground all around.

He gritted his teeth and muttered: "How could this be?"

As he said, he squatted down and put his hand on a classmate's wrist gently, feeling the pulse of the other party.

"The pulse is weak and there are toxins entangled in it. I'm afraid this is not a normal food poisoning, but someone poisoning it!" Jia Siwen's face became extremely ugly. He was poisoned in the school cafeteria. What a perverted mentality is this?

Looking at the extremely painful student in front of him, Jia Siwen couldn't bear it, reached out his hand and took out the silver needles packed in his pocket, gently tore open the package, revealing the shiny silver needles.

Doctor Zhang, who was directing the scene, saw Jia Siwen on the side, suddenly frowned, pointed at Jia Siwen and sternly shouted: "What are you doing!"

Hearing what Dr. Zhang said, everyone turned their heads to look at Jia Siwen.

Principal Zhang saw Jia Siwen, his face suddenly changed, and he hurried forward to hold Jia Siwen and said, "Teacher Jia, what are you doing?!"

"I want to treat him. The toxins are about to invade the heart. If we don't detoxify, there will be no chance for treatment." Jia Siwen said in a deep voice.

"You can heal?" Principal Zhang glared at Jia Siwen and said, "Teacher Jia, stop making trouble! If you dare to disturb this student, you will be responsible for all the consequences if it happens!"

"I'm responsible, I'm responsible." Jia Siwen said lightly, "It's not my style to die."

With that, Jia Siwen pinched a few silver needles and pierced them directly towards the student's body.

When the silver needle entered the body, the student's eyes widened suddenly, his eyes filled with pain, and immediately afterwards, a filthy thing was vomited out of his mouth.

This group of filthy objects fell on the ground, exuding bursts of stench, making the people around could not help retreating, and no one dared to approach.

But what shocked everyone was that after the student spit out this filthy thing, his painful and hideous facial features slowly eased away, and his pale, paper-like face returned to rosy again.

Jia Siwen slowly breathed a sigh of relief, this trick is still useful, it can really force most of the poison out, so at least it will not be fatal, but a serious illness is certain, at least half a month's rest will do.

He stood up slowly, looked at Doctor Zhang and said, "Are there any alcohol cotton balls? I want to wipe the silver needle."

As soon as these words came out, all the doctors' eyes widened suddenly. No one thought that Jia Siwen actually wanted to recycle the silver needle!

How can this thing that has been contaminated with other people's blood continue to be used by others?