
God-level evolution from the pirate

Carl died accidentally, so he traveled to the world of One Piece and obtained the god-level selection system. 'Ding! Three million push-ups are completed, and the god-level selection system is officially launched! ' 'Ding! The dying golden lion is detected, and the god-level option is turned on! ' 'Option 1: Rescue the Golden Lion, gain the appreciation of the Golden Lion, and become his most trusted subordinate and apprentice! ' 'Option 2: Let it go, let him fend for himself, get the title indifferent and ruthless, and increase all attributes by 200%! ' 'Option 3: Kill the golden lion and get some of the abilities of the golden lion at random! '

Jeffrey_Nin · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Chapter 97 Trigger Selection

Carl was alone, wandering around in the Golden City.

He saw all the entertainment venues, but there was no interest, but a few bars aroused Karl's interest.

This is not because of how good the wine is, nor is it because of the talent show.

He has seen some human trafficking transactions here through his domineering look.

Just like Tezolo said, the human traffickers here will not just traffic in human beings.

This kind of thing may have been tacitly approved by Tezolo, but it is different from the Chambord Islands after all.

The Chambordian Islands are covered by Dragonites, where the large-scale slave trade is still paid by the Dragonites.

Even if they were checked by the navy, as long as they didn't encounter a navy with a sense of justice like Karl, they would lose a little money at most, and there was no need to worry about their lives.

But it's different in Golden City.

Tezolo was originally a slave, although he will not save other slaves, let alone ask everyone who comes here to stop the slave trade.

But he would never allow someone to do this kind of thing in front of him!

Although Tezolo would not investigate who was doing such a thing, as long as he knew it, he would never let these slave traders go!

As a slave, he naturally hated slave traders. There is no doubt about this.

Therefore, there are few slave traders in the Golden City, and it took Karl a long time to find these secret traders.

But when he followed the road and came to this trading place, he found that these people were a little bit wrong.

Because the person dealing with the slave trader turned out to be a person wearing a white mask and a white trench coat!

This man can't see his face clearly, but he is tall and tall, even two heads taller than Carl.

As for the clothes on the other party, Carl looks more and more like CP0.

Although not sure, most of his body is very similar to CP0.

As for the slave whom the other party traded, Karl didn't know him, but the other party was a young woman.

She looked like she was only eighteen or nineteen years old. She has long aqua-blue hair, very soft facial features, and a very well-proportioned figure.

It is a standard beauty figure.

It's just that the environment here is very dim, and the little girl who was trafficked was also dirty, and she was also covered with a gray cloak.

This made Carl see how she looked like.

When the two parties completed the transaction, they followed the traffickers.

But his domineering style has always been on, and he doesn't want to lose this suspected CP0 person.

It's just that he still has to deal with the human trafficker first, and by the way, to find out who the other party is.

After a while, Karl followed the trafficker to a hidden corner.

In addition to himself, there are seven or eight associates with him here.

When he came back with a sack of money, everyone cheered.

"Haha, we made a lot of money for this vote!"

"Yeah! I didn't expect that the singer of the mere island of music could even sell 30 million Baileys, which is really too profitable!"

"She is not just a singer, she is also the daughter of the owner of the upper island, known as the Sea-Monster Princess.

It is said that she is a person with voice fruit ability, and her voice is very graceful. Everyone who hears her singing will feel extremely relaxed and happy, as if the spirit has been sublimated."

"More than that, I also heard that her singing has the ability to control the sea king.

It's just a pity that the pirates took over there, killed the original island owner, and even killed her. If we hadn't stolen her back, she would have nowhere to hide from being killed by the pirates!"

"It's really a bad guy, but if we sold her to the Dragonite, did it count as saving her life?

Knowing that we should have let her cheer everyone up, this would be regarded as repaying the brothers for their life-saving grace."

"Hahahaha! You are really talented, why didn't we expect it?"

The traffickers around you are very relaxed and happy.

Carl heard it really right beside him.

They all said so, the intelligence is definitely not wrong.

The one who bought the Siren Princess was CP0.

As for why the other party wants to buy her, it is probably related to her being able to control the sea king class.

The five old stars or the top level of the Tianlong people must know what ancient weapons are.

Among them, the sea king is the ancient weapon Poseidon that can control the sea king.

Although the sea monster princess has the ability to control the sea kings under the blessing of the fruit ability.

But in order for the Neptune not to reappear in the world, Tianlongren and the Five Old Stars would rather catch a mistake than let it go!

In addition, the Siren Princess herself is very weak, as long as she is domesticated into a slave, the threat will naturally be removed.

Karl moved his toes to know what these dirty lsp thoughts.

After thinking for a while, Carl drew a knife and walked in front of the group of traffickers.

But at this moment, the familiar system sound sounded again.

'God selection has been triggered!'

'Choice 1: Ignore this incident and reward randomly to get an ability that evenly scores no less than B level (no side effects)!'

'Choice 2: Report the incident to the Warring States Period, and let him handle it, rewarding the navy camp's increased favorability and the ability of everyone's fruit and the form of a big Buddha (no side effects)!'

'Choice 3: Deal with this matter by yourself, but it will cause dissatisfaction between the Tianlongren and the five old stars, reward all attribute levels to increase by one level, and a random ability with a score of not less than D level (no side effects)!'

This triggers the choice?

Carl didn't expect that he was just planning to do a favor, which would trigger the choice.

This made him think about the selection system, whether it was what he had previously guessed.

According to previous speculations, this choice will only be triggered if you encounter some major plot characters.

But now it was triggered directly, and there was a situation that directly affected the senses of the Tianlong people.

Although Carl didn't care what Tianlongren thought of him, the Five Old Stars was indeed a problem.

"Hey! Boy, who are you!"

"Boy, are you here to die?"

"I don't know where the kid is, when we meet it, we can just sell it!"

As Carl thought about it, the traffickers also saw Carl.

It's just that the lights are dim here, and they didn't see Carl's clothes, which were navy uniforms.

When they arrived in front of Karl with ugly faces and planned to catch him, they suddenly saw Karl's uniform!

This made them suddenly startled, turned their heads and ran away without hesitation!

Carl quickly made a choice, and then shot and wiped out these traffickers!

Accompanied by a glimmer of light in the darkness, these human traffickers instantly fell to their heads, and none of them remained!