
God-level evolution from the pirate

Carl died accidentally, so he traveled to the world of One Piece and obtained the god-level selection system. 'Ding! Three million push-ups are completed, and the god-level selection system is officially launched! ' 'Ding! The dying golden lion is detected, and the god-level option is turned on! ' 'Option 1: Rescue the Golden Lion, gain the appreciation of the Golden Lion, and become his most trusted subordinate and apprentice! ' 'Option 2: Let it go, let him fend for himself, get the title indifferent and ruthless, and increase all attributes by 200%! ' 'Option 3: Kill the golden lion and get some of the abilities of the golden lion at random! '

Jeffrey_Nin · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Chapter 49: Temptation

at the same time.

Carl leisurely flew from the outside towards the meeting point.

He has observed the reaction of each of them through seeing and hearing the domineering.

The helmsman Ellan was the calmest, he didn't say a word, and waited quietly for Karl to arrive.

Ainilu is still as arrogant as before, but it has converged a lot than when he was on the sky island.

After Karl's education, Ainilu deeply realized that there are so many strong men in this world.

And Karl also told him that there are at least hundreds of people in the navy headquarters who are strong at the same level as him.

There are dozens of people who are better than themselves.

This made Ainilu even more afraid to act rashly, for fear that he would die here.

After all, his current status is still a black household, and there is no such person in the navy headquarters.

If he really died, Carl could only mourn for him, and then find a good grave to bury him, there is no other way.

Then came Melinda Nilu.

She is the same as Pizza said, her temper is very hot, she looks like her second child and her third child.

But this is also somewhat similar to the personality of most giants.

After all, she was a human being taught by the giants, and because of her special physique, she inherited half of the power of the giants.

This led to her arrogant capital.

Then there is Enzo.

His personality is good, his appearance is online, and he is very rational.

The only thing that made Carl feel criticized was that his natural dead fish eyes gave himself a lot of looks.

Hei Yu also said few things, still maintaining his high coldness.

But her eyes were full of expectation.

Carl believes that after all of them are familiar, Kuroba's high cold fan will slowly disappear.

Then there is the chef cat demon.

That's right, the cute little girl with cat ears and cat tail is the cook Carl personally sought.

Her cooking skills are average, but she has her own unique experience in desserts and the like.

The meal eaten on the boat can be average, but the dessert must be good!

In addition, she is also a fruit-bearer of the animal system, and she also has a certain ability to protect herself.

But she likes it very much, using the fruit ability to keep the tail and cat ears always online.

Although this is a bit cute and cute, it looks a bit strange.

This also led to her being completely out of sync with her peers, and only some old gentlemen would like her.

The last is the sniper Jace.

He is just like Anilu said, with a domineering look.

His domineering coverage, although not very wide, but the linear range is very long!

This is where his advantage as a sniper lies.

And besides being a sniper, he is also an excellent navigator.

If it wasn't for his withdrawn character, which offended many navies, it would be impossible for Karl to pick up the leak and successfully get him aboard.

"Looking at this group carefully, they are really problem children.

If I have to say anything, I am afraid that there is only Airland, the only normal person among these people."

Carl shook his head with a wry smile.

He did not expect that he recruited so many people, most of them are problem children.

But then again, these people have potential and strength, and it doesn't matter if they are problem children.

According to general standards, Carl is also a problem child.

After a while, Karl came to the assembly place, and the others were also serious at this time.

Even Ainilu dared not talk casually, for fear of being taught another lesson by Karl.

The fact that he was beaten up yesterday is still fresh in his memory!

"Sorry, I'm a bit late for other things, don't you mind?"

Carl smiled and asked knowingly.

He said that just to see what these people thought of him.

"Master Carl, the time for our assembly was half an hour ago, do you want to give an explanation for being late?

Or can you not be punctual as an officer?Is this unfair to us?"

As Carl expected, Nilu was the first to stand up and want to challenge Carl's authority.

The other people did not move, even Ainilu did not speak.

He just showed a smirking expression, wanting to see how Nilu would end up.

Enzo sighed again and again.

He and Nilu have a good relationship. He was like a candle Nilu just now, so she was not impulsive.

But he still didn't hold on, because Nilu's strength was too great.

Even with his wrists, Enzo never beat her once, so naturally he couldn't help it.

"Do you want an explanation? Very good, I will give you an explanation if I win!"

Carl is not talking nonsense, he knows that Nilu wants to challenge herself, so he takes the lead.

In that case, it's better to give her a chance to let her recognize reality!

At this time, Nilu was a little excited, she didn't expect Carl to be so direct.

"Since you have said so, Master Karl, then I'm not welcome!

Marine recruit Melinda Nilu officially challenged Lord Carl!

I want to see what kind of strength you, a new star who has not joined the navy for two months, can surpass our recruits in elite training camps!"

"Smash Fist—"

Nilu yelled, summoned all her strength, and slammed Carl with one blow!

That's right, just smash!

Her power is huge.

The moment it popped out, a one-meter deep pit appeared on the ground!

Seeing this pothole, even Ainilu couldn't help taking a breath.

His thunder fruit is indeed powerful, but he does not rely on his own fruit abilities, but solely on physical fitness.

It is impossible to have such power!

Except for Enzo, the pupils of the others shrank suddenly.

Although they had heard that Nilu was the strongest recruit in the training camp.

But they never thought that Nilu's power could be so great!

As Nilu's old opponent and teammate, Enzo was surprised to see this scene, but he sighed.

"Comparing with Brigadier General Carl, I really suffer too much...

If Major General Pizza is right, he is stronger than most lieutenants.

In terms of strength, it can be called a monster. Nina, although your strength is strong, you are far from Brigadier General Carl's opponent."

Enzo muttered to himself, and the people around him deeply agreed with him!

Because at this time, Carl caught Nilu's full punch from the front!

No matter how hard Nilu tried, she couldn't make any progress!

Refusing to admit defeat, Nilu began to punch and kick Carl.

But no matter how she offensively, Carl can defend from the front, even he only uses his left hand!

"The gap is so big?!"

Nilu couldn't believe that the gap between herself and Carl was so big!

But this did not dampen her self-confidence, but gave her the motivation to move forward.