
God-level evolution from the pirate

Carl died accidentally, so he traveled to the world of One Piece and obtained the god-level selection system. 'Ding! Three million push-ups are completed, and the god-level selection system is officially launched! ' 'Ding! The dying golden lion is detected, and the god-level option is turned on! ' 'Option 1: Rescue the Golden Lion, gain the appreciation of the Golden Lion, and become his most trusted subordinate and apprentice! ' 'Option 2: Let it go, let him fend for himself, get the title indifferent and ruthless, and increase all attributes by 200%! ' 'Option 3: Kill the golden lion and get some of the abilities of the golden lion at random! '

Jeffrey_Nin · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Chapter 22 The Period of March

"Sentence Day?"

"Three months later?"

"This time span is a bit too big, isn't it? Isn't the Navy and the World Forces afraid of accidents?"

Although this news made Carl very happy, the three-month span is really too big!

Once there is an accident in the middle, the so-called day of the final battle becomes a joke!

And there is time for Baibeard to save people in these three months!

"Huh! Boy, don't underestimate the navy, and don't underestimate the white beard!

The navy will definitely take strict precautions and even transfer Ace. You have only joined the navy for less than a month, and it is normal that you don't even know as many things as my pirate.

As for the old guy White Beard, hum..."

Reilly snorted coldly, took a sip of wine before continuing to speak.

"He is the strongest white beard in the world! How could such a person be robbed of prison?"

"That's what I said, but I don't know the news, how could you know it earlier than I did?"

Carl looked at Lely in confusion, while the other party took out a crumpled newspaper from under his ass.

"The Navy has already promoted the time of the morning. You come to Xia Qi to sit here for a day, and you have no phone worms. Who will come here to inform you if there is nothing to do?"

After being ridiculed by Raleigh, Carl was not angry, but nodded, and then read the Naval News.

The news in the newspaper is basically the same as what Raleigh said, without any deviation.

Then Carl looked at Raleigh suspiciously.

This old drunkard has been drinking now, without stopping at all.

Carl stared at him for a long time, and the other party didn't say a word. He only asked when his eyes became sore.

"By the way, you old guys don't plan to rob prison? That's Roger's son!"

"Hehe, let us discuss the prison robbery in front of a navy, do you see me as a fool?"

Raleigh sneered and glanced at Karl contemptuously.

Carl then realized it suddenly.

Although Raleigh is not a pirate, even if he really wants to do something like prison robbery, he can't say it in front of Karl.

Otherwise, you will be a fool.

"I'm done drinking, I should go back, Raleigh, if you want to do something to me, it's better to be early.

Because I am not sure when I will be transferred, and then you will have no chance to do it."

"See you tomorrow! Hahahaha!"

Carl left the bar with a wild laugh.

As his laughter moved further and further away from the bar, Lei Li's expression became calm and a little angry from the beginning.

A murderous intent gradually emerged in his eyes!

"Raleigh, I know your mood, but you need to be patient. It's not the time to attack him. Offending the Navy at this time will not do any good."

"I know, but I haven't contacted the other old guys, and the plan to robbery may be shelved.

The Navy will definitely move Ace to other places. The previous plan must be overturned and redone. Perhaps the war in three months will be our chance!"

Rayleigh's eyes flashed with a hint of light, and then he drank the wine in his hand.

Xia Qi rubbed her chin and asked tentatively: "Luffy the Straw Hat is Karp's grandson, and Ace is also Karp's grandson. Maybe he can provide some useful information.

Should we tell Karp the truth about this matter?"

"Tell him why? Do you still want him to kill Karl?

Don't forget, only Ace was executed. Although Karp loves Ace very much, there is no blood relationship between them, unless..."

Thinking of this, Leili and Xia Qi looked at each other and blurted out at the same time.

"Unless Luffy and Ace are executed at the same time!"

"Hahahaha! That's right, that's it! Only when two grandsons are executed at the same time can Karp, an old thing, take action!

And Straw Hat Luffy is still the son of the Dragon of the Revolutionary Army, this guy is not annoying!

He is called the most vicious criminal in the world for no reason!"

Because of this time period, Lu Fei and Lei Li have not been in contact, let alone the origin of Lu Fei's straw hat, just know that his nickname is Straw Hat Lu Fei.

Using Luffy's life for things like Ace, Raleigh can do it!

Not to mention, Ace and Luffy are both Karp's grandsons.

If two grandsons were executed at the same time, he would certainly not sit still!

"Then what do you plan to do next? Luffy's identity is not enough to be publicly executed."

Xia Qi asked suspiciously.

Raleigh shook his head, and then took out a stack of rewards.

"The Straw Hat Pirates have not disbanded yet. Maybe we can use them to do something..."


"Report, Captain Carl, request to return to the team!"

Just when Raleigh was planning how to launch Luffy and Capra into the water.

Carl has returned to the naval branch base.

At this moment, he was carrying a person on his shoulder, one size bigger than himself.

The team in the base was gathering at this time, and Karl didn't know what they were going to do.

"Leave it to me the pirates. They are patrolling routinely. Just go back and rest."

In order to avoid letting Carl meet the Draco, Pizza dare not let him go on patrol.

The places where the patrols are going are all prosperous areas where Tianlong people often haunt.

According to Pizza's understanding of Karl, if he goes 100%, he will conflict with the Dragonites.

So he didn't give any orders to Karl at all.

But even so, in addition to drinking during this time, Karl also brought back one or two pirates with a bounty of more than 50 million every day.

Today is no exception.

On the way back, Carl met a pirate who didn't have long eyes, and then he caught him back.

"It's the same again. I want to go out on patrols and not let me. I do nothing every day. My body is about to rust..."

"I think your body is about to rust, you just want to find the fault!"

Pizza's mouth twitched slightly and took the unconscious pirate from Carl's hand.

"Is this a beard with a bounty of 110 million Bailey?"

"Okay, this guy is a professional human trafficker, and his achievements alone are comparable to yours in the past few days!"

Pizza looked surprised, and did not stingy with his appreciation.

Carl is not interested.

This is the rhetoric of pizza going back and forth these days, even the rhetoric of appreciation is almost the same.

This makes Carl a little tired.

"Since there is nothing to do with me, I will go back first, and you will continue."

Carl returned to his room listlessly.

When Pizza saw Karl closing the door, he was relieved and his expression became serious.

"Boy Carl, it's not that I don't let you go, but your character is not suitable for dealing with the Tianlong people.

For all of us, you should stay here and wait for your command from the Marshal..."