
God Level Demon Novel

Shameless Xia Ping, not only did you steal my martial arts manual and medicinal pills, you even took my fiancée! "We're not finished!" "He’s the embarrassment of the Martial Way and a parasite of the human race. "A complete scumbag." "There’s nothing that he won’t do." "Not only would he not help an old person cross the road, he would even steal the lollipop of a three year old." "He causes problems everywhere." All of the geniuses in those big families have been beaten up by him before. "Now, he’s no longer tolerated by either humans or gods!" Countless Yanhuang Star martial arts experts despised Xia Ping to the bone. They were just itching to completely crush him into pieces. As for Xia Ping? Facing the hatred of so many people, he just calmly pulled up the interface of the "Grand Hatred System" and looked at all the wonderful things there. He rubbed his chin and said, "I’ve already saved up so many hatred points." What should I exchange it for now? Saint-grade medicinal pills? Or perhaps that primordial pill? The peerless martial art skill, Tathagata Palm, also seems pretty good. But then there’s that divine weapon, the Cosmic Cauldron. "It really is too difficult to choose!" Note : I am only Translator, but if you wanna support me, please vote or rate this novel with 5 star. thank you! lets share your happiness with litllesnake: https://ko-fi.com/litllesnake If you want to read advance chapter go to my patreon page, its free!!! Link : patreon.com/Litllesnake

litlleSnake · Fantasy
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397 Chs

I won't force you

"This, this!"

Feng Hetang, Han Shan, and the others were also dumbfounded upon hearing these words. They knew that Xia Ping was very fierce, but they did not expect him to be so fierce. He was too powerful.

This was especially true for Feng Hetang. His father was a council member of Tianshui City, but he didn't dare to offend the Nangong Clan. After all, the Nangong Clan was a major clan in Tianshui City. They were deeply rooted and had many henchmen. Who would dare to offend them?

But this boy had no scruples at all. He actually had Nangong Wu dance for him. This was madness!

Even in his dreams, Feng Hetang had never thought of such a thing.


Upon hearing these words, Nangong Wu originally did not have any expression on her face. However, at this moment, she was also shocked for a moment. She was born into a large family, and from the moment she was born, she began to receive an elite education. She had been nurtured since her infancy.

Not to mention dancing, she could even play the piano, violin, and even the erhu. She was also excellent at drawing and singing. It could be said that she was both talented and perfect.

However, knowing more did not mean that she would show it. No one had ever dared ask her to dance in front of them, especially in front of a man. After all, she was the princess of the Nangong family. Who would dare to be impudent?

She did not feel angry. This guy's words were too shocking. She had never come into contact with him before. She only felt shocked and stunned. This kid actually dared to say such things to her. Was he courting death?

When she thought of this, Nangong Wu looked at Xia Ping, and just like that, she said, "You want me to dance in front of you?" "Are you sure you can endure it?" Her beautiful eyes were extremely calm.

This was not arrogance, but the truth.

This was because the number of people pursuing her was uncountable. They were spread all over the major families of Tianshui City. Almost every year, there would be a large number of people coming to ask for marriage, but they were all rejected by her.

If she really danced in front of a strange man, this matter would probably cause a level-three earthquake in Tianshui City. Countless suitors would wail and arouse resentment.

And Xia Ping would face unprecedented pressure.

Facing the covetous gazes of the various great clans of Tianshui City, probably not a single commoner would be able to endure it. There were some things that just had to be done, and there was a price to pay for doing them.

"It's fine if you don't want to jump; I won't force you." Xia Ping spoke lightly; his tone was soft but firm.

In this era, martial arts flourished, and martial artists were revered. Powerful martial artists could shatter the void and block nuclear bombs with their bare hands. They could cross the void and shatter the earth with their fists. This was an era where martial artists called themselves gods!

Even the federal government couldn't do anything to stop an extremely powerful warrior. He was a living god.

Although the martial apprentice realm was just a beginners, and there were many on the entire Yan Huang Planet, once one reached the martial artist realm, their status would be completely different. They would have all sorts of privileges within the federal government, and no one would dare to act rashly.

Even though the major families of Tianshui City had great power, they did not dare casually deal with a martial artist. This was a profession protected by the Federation's laws. If one went out casually, there would be a bunch of martial arts organizations that wanted to recruit them.

A salary of more than a million yuan per year was nothing to worry about.

Meanwhile, Xia Ping was already a ninth stage heavenly layer of Martial Apprentice realm. He was just one step away from breaking through to the martial artist realm. When that time came, his status would greatly increase. In the entire Tianshui City, who would dare to touch him openly?

He had even advanced to the warrior realm at such a young age and had infinite potential. He could easily join a huge martial arts organization and have a backer. These families of Tianshui City were nothing.

If he could continue to advance into the supreme martial realm, these families in Tianshui City could only look up to him. At that time, he would be a family by himself, and who would dare to be impudent?

Let alone the princess of Tianshui City's Nangong family, he would not even take the president's daughter seriously.

"Since you dare to say such words, then I will dare to dance." "However, I will only dance for you to see." Nangong Wu was also provoked by Xia Ping's tone. Since this man did not know the difference between life and death, she would grant him his wish.

Nangong Wu's dance was not something any man could endure. Once they saw it, they would pay a heavy price.

"Come into my room." "There's an empty space there," Xia Ping suggested. He turned around and walked into the villa without hesitation.

Nangong Wu bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth. Her beautiful eyes flickered with a trace of radiance, but she was not to be outdone and followed Xia Ping.

Soon, the two of them disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Miss Nangong!"

The girls from Xiulan High School were shocked. How could they have imagined that Nangong Wu would actually agree to this shameless man's request and dance in front of him?

A pure and elegant princess was actually dancing in front of a lowly, shameless, and dirty man. This was clearly blasphemy!

Without a doubt, the entire Xiulan High School and even the entire Tianshui City were shaken by this incident.

However, even if they wanted to stop her now, there was nothing they could do. It was because Nangong Wu made the decision himself.No one could stop her, and it was the same for them.

"Awesome. Big Brother is really awesome this time. "He actually really let Nangong Wu dance for him."

"It's not as simple as just dancing. The two of them even entered a room alone. What could happen if a man and a woman were alone?"

"Impressive. I'm completely convinced. How dare he do such a thing? "Isn't he afraid of incurring public wrath?"

Seeing this scene, many lackeys were dumbfounded. They could not believe their eyes. This woman was Nangong Wu, the dignified princess of Tianshui City, not some KTV princess. There was a huge difference between the two. They could not dance just because they were paid.

"What's that guy afraid of?" "If he's really afraid, he wouldn't do something like that."

Han Shan was now completely convinced. He was a rich second-generation heir and had over a billion yuan in assets. He was awesome compared to ordinary people, but he didn't dare to do such a thing.

He did not even dare to take such an opportunity. He was clearly courting death.

He was still young, still a virgin. He didn't want to die so early, in his prime.

"If he can escape this calamity, so what if he really calls him big brother?" "This kind of person is either a big brother or a big sister." The fatty Feng Hetang was also convinced. Previously, he still had a lot of resentment towards Xia Ping, but now it has all disappeared.

Because this fellow was simply a madman who dared to do anything.

That was the Nangong family. In Tianshui City, they could be said to be able to cover the sky with one hand. Even he, Feng Hetang, did not dare to offend them. If he did, his father would probably personally break his legs and apologize to him.

However, this fellow actually asked the Nangong family's princess to dance for him. to think that he could think of something like that.

Without a doubt, once this matter was released, there was no need for him to take any action at all. A large group of Nangong Wu's pursuers would come out and beat this bastard, Xia Ping, half to death.

But if he could withstand this tribulation and survive, that would be a little terrifying.

This meant that the Nangong Clan couldn't do anything to him. Since that was the case, so what if he, Feng Hetang, called him big brother? At that time, Xia Ping wasn't someone he could afford to offend.