
God Level Demon Novel

Shameless Xia Ping, not only did you steal my martial arts manual and medicinal pills, you even took my fiancée! "We're not finished!" "He’s the embarrassment of the Martial Way and a parasite of the human race. "A complete scumbag." "There’s nothing that he won’t do." "Not only would he not help an old person cross the road, he would even steal the lollipop of a three year old." "He causes problems everywhere." All of the geniuses in those big families have been beaten up by him before. "Now, he’s no longer tolerated by either humans or gods!" Countless Yanhuang Star martial arts experts despised Xia Ping to the bone. They were just itching to completely crush him into pieces. As for Xia Ping? Facing the hatred of so many people, he just calmly pulled up the interface of the "Grand Hatred System" and looked at all the wonderful things there. He rubbed his chin and said, "I’ve already saved up so many hatred points." What should I exchange it for now? Saint-grade medicinal pills? Or perhaps that primordial pill? The peerless martial art skill, Tathagata Palm, also seems pretty good. But then there’s that divine weapon, the Cosmic Cauldron. "It really is too difficult to choose!" Note : I am only Translator, but if you wanna support me, please vote or rate this novel with 5 star. thank you! lets share your happiness with litllesnake: https://ko-fi.com/litllesnake If you want to read advance chapter go to my patreon page, its free!!! Link : patreon.com/Litllesnake

litlleSnake · Fantasy
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397 Chs

Tianshui City Shaking!

This scene was also broadcasted, allowing the audience in Tianshui City to see it clearly. Even the descendants of the various great clans were shocked, all of them stupefied.

"Oh my god, this kid is crazy." He actually dares to let the Nangong princess dance for him?!"

"How daring! If he were to become emperor, he would probably be at the end of the dynasty. "He would definitely be an incapable ruler, causing trouble for his beauty."

"I found out that this guy is a student from Tianshui City's 95th High School. His family has been commoners for the past 18 generations. "His father is a small city administrator while his mother is a street vendor."

"Awesome, this kid is awesome." Isn't he a toad that has climbed onto a swan? and he's not paying."

"Sigh, the lower half of his body is a mistake." In order to feel good, he offended the Nangong family. "His future is ruined."

Many spectators discussed this animatedly, and they were shocked by this scene to the point of being unable to speak. Xia Ping's actions were truly shocking, and it was simply unprecedented.

However, to the ordinary audience, it was merely a shock. However, to Nangong Wu's suitors, it was like a bolt from the blue. It was like a thunderbolt had struck their hearts.

"That bastard's name is Xia Ping, right?" "I'll hack him to death after the competition."

"What right does he have to ask my goddess to dance for him?!"

"Damn Xia Ping, everyone has the right to punish him for brazenly flirting with my goddess, shameless to the extreme." "I have gathered over a hundred brothers; everyone is determined to die."

"If I don't tear this bastard into pieces, I will not be able to calm my anger."

A group of people clamored on the Internet. Some of them even planned to pay their salaries and bribe the killer to kill this bastard, Xia Ping. They wouldn't stop until he was dead.

There were even hundreds of posts on some forums, that wanted to kill Xia Ping. There were at least tens of thousands of replies, and the click rate exceeded a million. The crowd was in a frenzy.

It couldn't be helped. Nangong Wu's popularity on the Internet was really too high. Her appearance was absolutely beautiful, and her figure was first-rate. She even came from the Nangong family and was a natural princess, the most perfect goddess.

She was extremely popular on the Internet and had been chosen as the number one woman in the past three years who wanted to marry her.

For such a goddess-level figure to be profaned by a toad, who could bear it?

When the young master of some family found out about this, they went crazy as well. They immediately logged into their communicators and started discussing fervently in the group chat.

"Damn it, this f*cking Xia Ping actually dares to blaspheme my goddess."

"When I went to the Nangong Imperial Clan to propose marriage, I even entered through the gate." However, this Xia Ping actually dared to have Nangong Wu dance for him. "I am going to dismember that bastard into ten thousand pieces."

"This is a slap in the face, absolutely a slap in the face." We have so many descendants from great families, yet we couldn't even woo Nangong Wu, and now we've been wooed by a commoner. "I can't take this lying down."

"When this bastard comes out, I'll call someone over to beat him up." I promise I'll be half-crippled."

Many disciples of the clans discussed this animatedly and were extremely furious. They didn't even have the qualifications to possess a top-grade woman like Nangong Wu, and it was even to the extent that they hadn't even met her, yet they were blasphemed by this shameless Xia Ping.

Whether it was the dignity of a family member or the dignity of a man, they could not accept such a thing.

In a VIP room in Tianshui City's government center, a group of big shots also saw this scene.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The eyes of many big shots were focused on a middle-aged man in a white suit. Their gazes were extremely strange because this middle-aged man was the head of the Nangong family, Nangong Hai.

Nangong Wu was his daughter.

Many big shots were people with self-restraint. Even if they wanted to laugh, they would not say it out loud. However, this strange gaze and this strange atmosphere proved everything.

Nangong Hai didn't show it on his face, not even saying a single word. However, half of his face darkened, and at the same time, he clenched his fists. It was clear just how angry he was right now.

Even so, he endured it.

The white-robed old man in the conference center remained silent and watched quietly.

At this moment, in the main bedroom of the villa, there were no HD cameras around. No one could see the situation in the bedroom. Only Xia Ping and Nangong Wu were in this place. A man and a woman were alone in the room.

"Come, there are only the two of us left now." You can show off your figure to your heart's content. "Don't be shy." Xia Ping stroked his chin and looked at Nangong Wu.

She was indeed worthy of being called the pearl of Xiulan High School. Her legs, waist, and figure were indeed not for show. If she was a model, she would definitely be a first-rate model.

Nangong Wu felt uncomfortable all over at this man's gaze. It was as if this bastard's eyes were able to see through her entire body. It was extremely hateful.

"If you want to see me dance, then we'll have to see if you're capable enough." Nangong Wu snorted coldly. Her beautiful eyes revealed a trace of coldness as she suddenly struck out with her palm.

The Nangong family's ultimate technique, Fire Cloud Palm!

Instantly, the entire room seemed to be heating up as if the air were burning. Her white jade-like palm contained terrifying power.

If it was struck by a palm, the entire rock would shatter into pieces.

Although Nangong Wu was a woman, she was also a genius. With her family's nurturing, she had long reached the peak of the Ninth Heavenly Layer of Martial Apprentice. It was unknown how powerful she was. Only a few high school students in Tianshui City could compete with her.

Xia Ping was already prepared. His spirit energy was constantly sensing his surroundings. The moment Nangong Wu made her move, he also made his move. He slapped out with his palm and circulated the Dark North Protection Body Technique.


Immediately, the two palms collided. However, Nangong Wu's incomparably fierce palm strike seemed to have sunk into a ball of cotton. The incomparably ferocious force was completely dispelled, and the entire room was thrown into a gale.

"What?!" Nangong Wu was shocked. Although this palm of hers wasn't at full strength, it still had seventy to eighty percent of its power. However, this brat could actually block it so easily.

"Miss Nangong, so that's the case." "You do not wish to dance by yourself and wish to invite me to dance with you?" Xia Ping looked at Nangong Wu with a beaming smile. He extended his hand and grabbed onto her slender waist.

With one hand holding his hand and the other around his waist, this posture was like a social dance.


Nangong Wu's pretty face flushed red as a strange feeling surged in her heart. This bastard's shameless and despicable man actually dared to touch her body and take advantage of her.

She could feel her heart burning with rage.


His left palm struck out again. The second form of the Fire Cloud Palm, Fire Snake Spit!

Its angle was extremely tricky and ruthless. It was unpredictable, and its speed was abnormally fast. It was like a viper striking out, containing extremely feminine power, completely different from the previous palm strike.

If he were hit, even an external martial artist who was proficient in horizontal cultivation would not be able to withstand it, and his lungs would be severely injured.

She probably saw that Xia Ping might have cultivated a tyrannical martial art, which is why she used this feminine palm that possessed terrifying penetrative power and destructive power.