
God Craft Online:Worlds Collided

Imagine becoming a god in a world creating you’re on phantheon,A world were you could either become good or evil or rather leave peacefully A world were you have the capabilities to destroy very planets if you reach a certain level A world were you would be able to create anything and everything with the righ materials a A world were you could be any race you want, either a worm or an angel because no matter what race, you can become something greater WELCOME MORTALS AND STEP INTO THE PATH OF GODS THIS IS GOD CRAFT WHERE YOU ARE YOUR OWN GOD PS:The pictures mine

Ender_Child · Games
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14 Chs

The story of Keaira Part 1

Kira laughed looking at marks childlike attitude, elys ignored his useless play and decided to talk.

"looks like you have already reached the limit of your power, to become a stage 1 god you need to enter the divine matrix to make your core matrix" elys said tapping his staff on the ground. The hologram of a green triangular sequence of runes appeared.

"this is my first matrix, it's more of a runic diagram of nature,life and light runes it's meant to heal me if i'm hurt,basically it's a fast recovery one" elys explained as he made it disappear.

"oh yeah core matrix,basically everytime you reach a bottleneck you make a new matrix and once that happens you break into the next stage the matrix are basically foundations to form your core matrix or divine core, i am already done with it but i'm more of a healing and nature hod"elys finished explaining.

"hmmm well that sounds interesting but one problem…how do i use runes" mark asked while tilting his head, he was currently sitting on the floor.

"it's easy you have affinities, they will show you what the runes stand for you just have to meditate and enter your inner world, it is relatively very easy". Kira answered and mark went into a lotus position, he closed his eyes as he felt his mana rising inside of him.

[The dawn of power has arrived, the matrix has been activated.

Welcom Player mark to your inner world, this system was created so the players can create their custom matrix, though be warned it cannot be changed] the game's ai said as it warned.

[The runes depends on your affinities.

Destruction: Rune of Collapse,Rune of destruction, Rune of erasure,Rune of damage, Rune of havoc,Rune of extinction, Rune of extermination, Rune of fallen down, Rune of the end,Rune of shattering,Rune of disaster.

Fire:Rune of cremation, Rune of blaze,Rune of heat,Rune of explosion, Rune of flame rebirth, Rune of spark,Rune of glow,Rune of passion,Rune of fire

Creation:Rune of creation,Rune of reformation,Rune of union.

Fear:Rune of nightmares,Rune of mental decay,.Rune of horror.

Soul:Rune of spirits,Rune of soul infusion,Rune of Soul destruction,Rune of true soul.

You have 10 slots, make your permanent first rune matrix]

Mark looked at the unique shapes of each rune, he pondered a bit and decided to choose the ones that would seem more ideal and he would balance it out.

he chose these runes, The rune of destruction which increases his destructive capabilities.

the rune of flame rebirth allowing him to heal from his own flames or any other flames that are weaker than him.

the rune of reformation allowing him to fix and recreate landscapes or other materials.

the rune of mental decay,this allows him to always imbue his attacks with mental damage.

the rune of spirits which makes his senses ten times more powerful to attacks it can allow him to see spirits and control spirit energy.

Then for the next five, he chose the rune of extinction which allows him to use true damage on his opponents.

then he used the rune of creation which allows him to create more stronger items.

the rune of true soul, which infuses his soul into a weapon making it reveal its true form.

the rune of horror, which gives him the aura of a pure demonic dragon.

and for the last one, the rune of damage which basically increases his damage output.

with that he was done, now in front of him was a circular rune matrix.

[Are you sure this is the arrangement of your first matrix? do know it cannot be changed.


mark chose yes, he saw the runes fly up and condensed into a small orb , the orb then went into marks left eye and then it appeared in his eyes…but it disappeared the next second.

in the real world.

Mark who was in his pod was oblivious as tiny multicolored particles greedily rushed into his body and then he glowed an ominous red.

after that everything went quiet.

back to the virtual world.

mark awoke from his meditation.

[Congratulations!! you have achieved stage 1 of being a god, Your weapon has prestiged!!]

mark felt differently he could now see small lights in the air, and his senses increased much more.

"well this doesn't feel bad" mark said as he stood up from the ground.

"good now,leave my realm and go explore" elys said blankly.

"ok see you later" mark said as he started walking away.

"before you go, here is the map of the world so you can go to your destinations easier also you can buy some supplies at the Alchemy or magic shops" elys said snapping a finger, a small map appeared in front of mark, he touched.

[Congratulations!!! World map has been unlocked, You can now look at forbidden areas or higher level beasts in the world]

he saw the prompt and ignored it, he studied the map and realized that the size of one kingdom in this world is the size of countrys….so if he calculates by his speed as of now, it would take him about three weeks to go to another kingdom.that isn't the most shocking parts.

turns out there are areas in the world that days no stage 1 being or god can survive im any of them even if they tried.

mark just blankly looke at the map then back at elys, How strong is the corrupted king? no how strong is the void general even.

mark and kira went towards the portal and left elys realm.

After they left.

"Quite an interesting duo aren't they" a green haired woman said as she wrapped her arms around elys neck.

"Gaia i do not know your reason of telling me to help them,buy i am sure it has something to do with inducing war and entertainment" Elys said as he pushed her arms off.

"hmph i am deeply hurt, me the most gentle primordial out there dares trying that….heh of course i would, i am deeply bored and Kronos was just annoying to deal with and nyx was 'Catching up' with her children or whatever." gaia answered .

"You are stone hearted" elys blankly answered.

"of course i am,who did you think gave zues that curse to torment medusa" she said with a grin.

"sigh…leave my world please ho disturb another one of your seeds that so happens to fall on the grounds of a planet" elys said.

"hahahahha goodbye and do remember you will always be my favorite child" gaia answer as she disappeared like she was never there.

she was using an astral projection to talk to him, elys sighed in defeat gaya nudged him. and then he scratched his head.

Back to the two.

"Hey master~" kira said as she moved closer to mark.

"What is it" mark asked as he looked back at her.

"Do you want to hear a story" kira said her eyes shining.

"yeah sure" mark stopped and sar on the floor waiting, kira smiled and sat next to him.

she crossed her legs and then started narrating.

Far away in a land of equal darkness and light, there stood an ancient tower and in that tower the voice of a small girl could be heard.

"another day alone…i hope someone comes sees me atleast" the girl said, her voice small and depressing but it haf a cheerful tome to it.

Ever since she was born the girl has been stuck in that tower for ad long as she has remembered, everyday somebody would bring her either food,blood or sometimes they would give her small blue orbs for her blood.

ah yes the girl was always cheerful despite her own circumstances, everyday she waited hoping to see someone instead the dark and gloomy interior of the tower.

it had no windows,it had no doors, the girl didn't have anything to wear but she was able to survive without needing those.

Then one day, no one came. then the next day and then it continued for an entire year, the girl was starving and her mind was clouded by dark and oppressive thoughts.

three hundred years passed by quickly , the girl now was a little taller, and now all around her were tiny glowing runes. she made them up when she got bored ten years ago, she didn't have anything to draw the runes so she used her own blood. but it drained her everytime she drew the blood.

the lack of blood and souls made her body weak and frail, she was quite and didn't talk for the last years. But then one day she heard a voice.

"Hello…is anyone there" the voice of a young man was heard between the walls of the tower. the girl ignored it and thought it was just one of her many voices.

"uhm if you were i would really need some help, if you do agree i will break you out of here, if you don't i will still break you out " the voice was heard again the girls eared twitched,she realized it wasn't her voices.

the girl opened her mouth for the first time in three hundred years.

"are…you…real" the girl asked, her voice husky from the loss of blood and years spent without sustenance, she was weak but she has enough strength to last another hundred years like that…but now it is different,the girl was hopeful, she wanted to be free from this place, to see whats beyond the darkness she has always been incased within.

"Yes i am,let me get you out of there" the young voice said.

{Chains that bound all shall be shattered as both the will of creation and destruction says.

Turn to Zero}

the young voice said in an ancient an unknown language,but the girl could understand him, but why?.

the voice stopped as the sounds of metal falling to the ground and shattered could be heard. the dark interior of the tower fir the first time light shined into it, the girl felt the air brushing past her cheeks.

her skin felt energized the moment she made contact with it, the runes she drew in the walls glowed as her blood returned back to her body.

at the now made entrance, the figure of a young man with red hair and brown eyes could be seen, the girl looked at him for a moment and then she lunged at him as if her instincts told her to.

the man blocked with his hand to only feel two tiny needle like teeth to sink into his flesh.

"You must be hungry, don't worry take as much as you want i have enough blood in my body" the man said proudly as he puffed his chest, the girl ignored him as she enjoyed the sweet taste of blood after not feasting for a long time.

"ahem since your still hungry i will just wait till you are done" the man said slowly sitting on the floor.

for what seems like an hour, the girl finally stopped drinking and wiped her face with her arms.

"Sooo, what's your name, oh right i should introduce myself first, i am Lupin Dragfell" the man said with a smile, the girl just blinked and tilted her head to the side.

"looks like you can't understand" Lupin said while scratching his cheeks akwardly.

"…bird" the girl said pointing behind lupin, behind him was a a lizard that had a sattle on it, the girl didn't know what it was,but she just used the word she hears everytime somebody crosses by the tower.

Lupin laughed, the girl tilted her head in confusion, she looked at lupin and then at the lizard, she still didn't get it